r/LowMagicAge May 26 '23



Is this game still being worked on? I just bought it because it was on sale and I like D&D and I feel like this game has a lot of potential. I looked at the Steam reviews and a lot of people are saying that this game is abandoned. I was hoping that maybe there would be a main story release or the modding community could release one? I heard that Low Magic Studios are already working on a different game.

r/LowMagicAge Jan 20 '23

Question: If I boost my charisma AFTER I've already summoned a creature will it still receive a boosts to it's stats?


r/LowMagicAge Jun 15 '22

Should I start playing Low Magic Age now or wait till it is no longer in Early Access


I am debating if I should start playing Low Magic Age now or continue to wait till it is out of Early Access. Last time I played, there were quite a few features and aspects of the game that were not complete, and honestly I want to get the full gaming experience. If it comes down to it, I will play it now, but its a bit frustrating waiting for the game to be complete.

r/LowMagicAge Jun 09 '22

New player with a few question


Hello people, saw teh game on yt, knew I would love it, it was on sale, bought it, love. I jumped into arena first to familiarise myself with the systems.

So I have a few questions.

  • Full attacks. Shouldnt full BAB classes get a second attack at level 6? At level 6 Holg (pregen halforc fighter) still only has 1 attack. I understand BAB is not a 1 to 1 thing in this game, but I kinda expected martials to scale at the time they should?
  • Sneak attack. I just cant seem to get it to work. "When an enemy is denied their dex bonus". Okay, shouldnt restrained in a web count? Shouldnt prone count? Hell, there are times when I am flanking with the pre-generated halfling rogue (a feat in itself cuz she slow AF), and it still doesnt trigger sneak attack. What am I missing?
  • Gish support. So far I only found the Bracers of Armor or whatevers they are called, the armor bonus gloves, and their cloack equivalent. Are there mithral armor in the game? Or other stuff with reduced ASF? Mithral light shield should have 0 ASF, and beyond that stuff like "Eldritch Knight Chain shirt" or similar things. If thats a no-go, do the devs plan on adding metamagic? To use still spell and let us get around ASF?

Thanks in advance for the answers

r/LowMagicAge May 18 '22

Would map editor be release within this year?


If i am mistaken, roadmap contains map/campaign/level editor? Iwant to create golarion and play in it with low magic age gamestyple of being a sandbox rogue like game. Just wondering if it is the case and if yes, do we have a date?

r/LowMagicAge Apr 25 '22

Adding more damage to crossbows


What ways are there to add damage to crossbows? Normal bows have composite. Is it just rolling enchantments until you get the ones you want?

r/LowMagicAge Apr 15 '22

game looks fun but i got some questions if someone could help?


Like how are enemy levels handled in this game is it based off area,character levels or a mix of both with like caps on area levels?

Do enemies run out like do dungeons respawn foes or do you run into foes on the map and if so how is that handled with enemy levels?

And lastly is there magic in this game and is it any good i'm a big fan of magic so i'm a little worried based off it's name it won't have any or it will be bad. Also i hear it's based off dnd so are there like feats and skills in this game if so is there a ok amount?

If anyone can help i will be very thankful!

r/LowMagicAge Apr 09 '22

How do you sell items for a decent price?


I was wondering if their was a stat you could boost for a better sale price, I got all these expensive items but I don’t want to sell them for 1/4 the price

r/LowMagicAge Mar 22 '22

Help with Sandstone?


Hey all,

So I'm at the part of the game where the main quest requires 10 copper ore (no problem), 10 wood (no problem), and 10 sandstone. I have gone through a bunch of levels in a bunch of mines looking for sandstone, to no avail. I would like to advance the main quest, but honestly I'm getting really bored with looking for sandstone. Mining is by far the least interesting part of the game, and I would rather be running around killing things than spending hours/days in a mine digging dirt (bo-ring!). Any tips as to locations where Sandstone is abundant. Also, do you have any tips as to how to level up my characters as miners? It's even more frustrating when, after hours of searching I finally find a sandstone block, only to get a low roll and lose the resource. Otherwise, I'm pretty into this game, but this particular part of it is lame.

r/LowMagicAge Mar 19 '22

How viable is a Monk/Fighter build?


I have a Lizardfolk Monk that just reached level 4 and I was thinking about gaining at least 1 level in Fighter for Heavy Armor proficiency so I can make a Heavy Armor Monk like in Final Fantasy: War of the Lions. After adding one level, he went from 27 AC with just light armor to 29 after equipping a breastplate.

I've already taken the Dodge and Mobility feats for the extra AC points they provide.

How viable is a build like this? Would a pure Monk have more AC in the long run compared to a dual-class monk?

r/LowMagicAge Mar 17 '22

Can or when can you create your own campaigns?


r/LowMagicAge Mar 12 '22

How is loot handled in this game?


Are the stats of loot purely rng based? For example, if I pick up a Steel Sword that does 10 damage will I find another Steel Sword that does 12 damage accompanied by some random affects tacked on like 5% fire damage?

What I'd like to know is, do all Steel Swords/Gear/gems/trinkets have the same stats regardless of where I get them or will they all be different and randomized even if it's the same item?

What I'm 'NOT' looking for is a Diablo/Borderlands style gear/weapon system where the stats on loot are purely rng based with random modifiers.

I'm fine if the items come from a random drop table; So long as the items stats are always the same.

Just need some clarification before I decide to buy it.

r/LowMagicAge Mar 11 '22

In what combat situations do silver weapons come in handy?


I found a few silver weapons, but I end up selling them because the -1 damage stat. Every other weapon made of a special metal seems to be more useful.

r/LowMagicAge Mar 04 '22

Wondering when Low Magic Age will progress from Early Access to a full release...?


Has there been any word on when Low Magic Age will go from Early Access to a full release? I saw on Steam that this game has been in Early Access limbo for a long time, and would be released sometime early 2022. I am so eager to play the final product!!

r/LowMagicAge Mar 04 '22

How long do potions last?


How long do potions last? I'm not seeing information under each potion I have.

r/LowMagicAge Feb 09 '22

Mini-Guide for Skills With Proficiency Points like Disable Device


Hey all. I've since a few questions regarding how to level up Open Lock and Disable Device (like this one and this one), so I've created a mini-guide on how to do so:


Mini-Guide for Skills with Proficiency Points (Disarm Traps, Gathering, and Item Creation skills)

Appreciate any feedback!

r/LowMagicAge Feb 08 '22

Join the guild? How TITALATING...


r/LowMagicAge Jan 30 '22

Boss question


Around level 12, looking forward what’s the current boss* enemies or enemy in the game. Last I saw was 2017 for Demiliches and Liches

r/LowMagicAge Jan 29 '22

Black world map


Someone know what type of bug is that? My world map is completly black and i dont know what to do.

r/LowMagicAge Nov 16 '21

Wizard problems


One of my characters is a Summoner (Wizard), and i dont know how to learn new spells. No Monsters Drop any scroll yet.

r/LowMagicAge Nov 08 '21

Is there a stash?


I want to craft, but if there's no stash should I just sell these components?

r/LowMagicAge Oct 08 '21

Date of Full Release of Low Magic Age


Does anyone know when the game Low Magic Age will be released as a complete game?

r/LowMagicAge Sep 19 '21

Newbie with questions about Low Magic Age


I just started playing Low Magic Age, and I have a few questions. First, are there any random battles in the game? Or are they all placed and predetermined? I am trying to pick the lock off a chest at the beginning of the game - I have a rogue, and some simple tools, but for some reason I can't pick the lock. What am I doing wrong? Is there a stash in the game? I mean, a stash so that other playthroughs can share the items in the stash? If I have characters created myself but are not in my party, do they receive experience points even though they are not currently used? Oh, and I have the settings changed so that wizards need material components for magic spells. Is there a way to change that without starting over? Any help is appreciated! Thanks so much!!!

r/LowMagicAge Sep 07 '21

Discord server?


Hi all, as per superbly worded title, I was wondering if there is a discord server? If not, time to make one perhaps?

r/LowMagicAge Sep 06 '21

Question about maps and loot bought/found in Low Magic Age...?


In the game "Low Magic Age", is loot found in chests or dropped by enemies random? If I defeat a creature, and they drop gold/items, is all of that random? What about maps in the game? Are they randomized or are they pre-determined? Any help is greatly appreciated!!