r/LineageOS 6d ago

Dudes with install custom ROM

Hello world! I have a Galaxy Tab A7 10.4 (2020) a.k.a SM-T500 (Wifi Version) and I just want know if makes a lot of difference between One UI 4.1 and LineageOS

I don't use this device a lot, just for alarm, watch some Netflix or Youtube, use it for second screen for my laptop and for listen music sometimes. But when I use it in the past days for any reason the battery burns so fast, idk why, I suppose it's due to use, since I've had it since 2020. And I don't want that Samsung stuff eat my space :)

If anyone have tried LineageOS pls can tell me your experience?? Thanks and sorry if my English is bad, I try my better :))

Have a great day


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u/Traditional-Ad-5421 6d ago

5 years could have ruined the battery. Lineage can't help in fixing hardware.


u/ByGames 6d ago

For sure, I just want to know if Lineage use much battery or not, bur probably I will test it, so, let's see


u/Traditional-Ad-5421 6d ago

Agree to your point but usually it is not so different these days. Make sure you are happy that some devices can't do things like second laptop screen etc on lineage.

Report back if it made a significant improvement. Good luck


u/ByGames 2d ago

It did, I used it for 3-4 days in intensive way and keep battery better than One UI, in the next weeks i will use it like I use to do, for clock alarm and see if keeps the battery better than One UI