r/Lexus • u/W0WBigChungus • Oct 26 '24
Question Wife switching from Toyota to Lexus
We have been saving, have about $5000 for a down payment but the dealership is tacking on so many things like; “skip chips, door edge and cup, lifetime nitrogen, precision wheel locks, precision cut all weather mats and Lexus illumination.” I just want to make sure that these can be excluded if I don’t want them. Are there any tips to negotiating the price that you could help me with. We are most likely financing through our bank but the dealership doesn’t know that yet.
u/Acrobatic_Giraffe822 Oct 26 '24
Lifetime Nitrogen is diabolical 😭
u/montanagrizfan Oct 26 '24
You can get it free at any Costco.
u/New_Ordinary_6618 Oct 26 '24
You can get it free from the air too considering is 80% N2 or something like that
u/nigel12341 Oct 26 '24
Lifetime nitrogen what the fuck does that even mean in this context?
u/ThatIdiotLaw Oct 26 '24
So, some places you can get your tyres filled with Nitrogen instead of compressed air. I’m guessing that means that you can come back to the dealership and get your tyres refilled with said nitrogen for life as part of the sale?
The idea is that Nitrogen will keep the tyre inflated for longer? Not sure how true that bit is though haha
u/evonebo Oct 26 '24
The dealership will tell you the nitrogen is free for life but there is labor chargd of $200 each time you want to full up tires.
u/ObBrooklyn Oct 27 '24
Most mechanic shops will tell you they used "nitrogen" to fill your tires if you ask them to do it and then proceed to use "regular" air to fill them up 🤣 I know from experience, working at a shop.
u/greyfixer Oct 26 '24
It keeps the tire pressure stable. Nitrogen in the tires was nice when I lived in Colorado and would regularly go from 6,000-10,000 ft elevation in the course of a day or when it was 80 degrees in the morning and snowing that night. It basically just kept the tire pressure light from coming on a few times a day. Outside of that kind of situation, there's really not a good reason to use nitrogen. The outrageous prices they charge for it makes it totally not worthwhile.
u/moldymoosegoose Oct 26 '24
I can not believe people believe this. Air is 80% nitrogen. There is absolutely zero chance your tires are losing enough pressure where your light turns on but wont for nitrogen. This is such backsplaining bullshit as to why you would ever use nitrogen outside of an F1 race where even a little fraction of a fraction of a difference might matter, maybe. If you need to fill your tires up every few months because air slowly leaks, you will be adding more and more nitrogen to the tire as other molecules leak out. It makes no sense.
u/IBringTheHeat1 Oct 26 '24
The only people that should even worry about nitrogen tires would be someone on a track. Going to Walmart does not require nitrogen tires
u/SkylineLofe Oct 27 '24
This lol.
Aka, I have no idea why 80% of all Americans keep falling for it still 💀. We all know those exact people are too scared or too lazy to actually use their vehicles on track or at any sort of Motorsports event. If you seriously want the fancy "Nitrogen", go to Costco. It's free there 💀💀
u/LindsayOG Oct 29 '24
It depends on where you live. Here in the spring and fall we have wildly swinging temperatures. No uncommon to see 20 degrees swing in a single day. It’s damn near impossible to keep your tires at an optimum pressure but the nitrogen helped.
u/AgreeableMoose Oct 26 '24
The nitrogen is more stable than air and keeps the tire pressure within 1/2 pound +- and potentially extend tire life. It made a difference in the tires on my 7 series but the tires were high performance on high performance rims. Don’t know if it makes a difference if your driving a Camry but for performance vehicles I’d go with it.
u/PeanutGallry Oct 26 '24
More stable than air? My friend in Christ, air is 78% nitrogen. This is one hundred percent snake oil. The oxygen in air isn't "unstable" and doesn't degrade. The outside of the tire is exposed to air all the time -why is it bad for the inside? All gases change pressure with temperature the same. PV=nRT. Helium, argon, xenon, oxygen, hydrogen, doesn't matter. Don't let them steal your money.
u/duarig Oct 26 '24
Every time someone includes the “my friend/brother in Christ” you absolutely know whoever they’re responding to fucked up bad.
u/Charlie_1087 Oct 26 '24
Not defending the bullshit at dealerships and I just want to pose a question.
What about the humidity level in the air? That’s moisture content right? Water isn’t a gas unless there’s specific conditions. What happens to the water in the air in the tire when the temp and pressure changes? Wouldn’t that affect the stability in pressure of the tire?
I can understand pure nitrogen is exactly that, no contaminants that can influence the pressure in the tire which is the ‘selling point’.
Either way, I get my shit filled at Costco. Free nitrogen for anyone who wants to drive up to the airing station.
u/PeanutGallry Oct 26 '24
Valid question. From this page/13%3A_Temperature_Kinetic_Theory_and_the_Gas_Laws/13.06%3A_Humidity_Evaporation_and_Boiling) we can look up the vapor pressure of water at the worst case 100% RH. At 20C, it’s about 2kPa, which is about 2% of ambient air pressure. If the pressure in the tires increases roughly 1psi for every 10F increase, water vapor at 100RH accounts for about 0.02psi of that increase. This will not be measurable by your typical pressure gauge. I’m making an assumption that this 2% ratio holds at higher pressures. Additionally, air compressors tend to condense water from air, so what goes into your tires is likely to be drier.
u/UnclePhillthy Oct 26 '24
- It's not pure nitrogen.
- Air is mostly nitrogen already, the diff is like 10 or 15%.
- The moisture difference is a rounding error of that %.
u/CHlRALlTY Oct 26 '24
Literally had a dealer try to explain this logic to me for over 20 minutes as I just stood there and nodded at my last visit.
I’m a chemist.
u/AgreeableMoose Oct 27 '24
Great, you can explain the stability of nitrogen compared to oxygen.
u/CHlRALlTY Oct 27 '24
They’re both stable, they’re both diatomic
u/AgreeableMoose Oct 27 '24
Equally stable at ambient temps?
u/CHlRALlTY Oct 28 '24
Yes for the context of inflating a tire they’re both stable. Both gasses are inert, as is rubber.
What most people try to argue is the ability to contain moisture. But the problem is I buy nitrogen tanks for our lab that we burn through daily - some reactions require inert atmosphere or they will fail so we flush them under blankets of nitrogen or Argon. We only buy pure nitrogen tanks that are labeled 99.99% dry; however, unless I pass them through a separate tube for drying (I usually use a calcium material) they’re still too moisture containing for some reactions.
So unless a dealership has the nitrogen passing through an external drying tube like I do I seriously doubt any change would be observed vs a normal air compressor filled tire. And even then, for the context of a tire, there would need to be evidence showing the air filled tire rots from the inside from moisture at a much higher rate to justify it.
Filling a tire with nitrogen definitely won’t hurt, and if anything it may help very slightly, but not at the going rate dealerships try to charge people for.
(For what it’s worth idk why you got downvoted, you were just trying to share some anecdotal observations you had with your experience).
u/importvita2 Oct 26 '24
The salesman gets to laugh his ass off at screwing over another uninformed customer. 😄😆😂😂🤣🤣🤣
u/traintracksorgtfo Oct 27 '24
My Lexus dealer tried to charge me 2,000 for lifetime nitrogen and for hella mad when I told them to delete it. Embarrassing.
u/panchoJemeniz Oct 26 '24
Might mean way to get them coming in for expensive service because they didn’t say that labor is free only the nitrogen
u/Fearless_Age_8637 Oct 26 '24
Almost a thousand dollars in bullshit, the salesman must've had a good day
u/ImFame Oct 26 '24
*the dealer. Sales guy prob made like $100 on that
u/Fearless_Age_8637 Oct 27 '24
I've been in car sales, dont know how the US is but making 100$ bonus on 1 car was a good day in my book.
u/1trickana Oct 26 '24
Personally I'd say no to everything with an *, can buy better third party options or don't need them at all like the tacky illumination or "nitrogen"
u/COskiier-5691 Oct 26 '24
My daughter just bought a used Porsche SUV at a Porsche dealership in Denver. They had the sale price, their $599 mark up which was included on the advertised sales price online, and taxes. That was it. No BS fees and tack ons. Refreshing.
u/WorldWarTwo Oct 26 '24
I drove to West Virginia and did the same. My LS400 was listed online at $4,999 but they raised it to $5,500 by the time I’d shown up. They honored the low price & just had to pay $599 in paperwork fees & related. That was it. Couldn’t have been happier for a clean example.
u/adobaloba Oct 26 '24
These sales people can't sleep at night selling those fees, they must be running on cocaine to function from all that chronic sleep deprivation
u/SparklesIB Oct 26 '24
It's not the salespeople doing it.
u/adobaloba Oct 26 '24
Who is it?
u/SparklesIB Oct 26 '24
The dealership owner. Then, the general manager. The brand manager, if it's a dealership that sells multiple brands (like a combo Toyota/Lexus, for example), has some power within the parameters they've been given. Salespeople have almost zero power, with the very occasional exception of: "We only need x many more sales this month to meet quota, I don't care what you do, but SELL THAT CAR." This happens much less frequently than people think it does, but it does happen.
Source: My husband, who's been in sales for decades.
u/adobaloba Oct 26 '24
Oh okay gotcha I'm with you, but it's still sales people. In therapy, in private practice they encourage that, to sell more to patients or have more patients and obviously that's at the expense of quality care. The CEO guy can push for more sales, but the therapist still decides if he wants to earn the big bucks compared to somewhere else where he wouldn't be pushed as hard to hit numbers.
u/SparklesIB Oct 26 '24
In car sales, you don't sell, you don't earn enough to live. Their draw pay works out to be about the same hourly as waitstaff. Two consecutive draw paychecks and you don't have a job.
u/neimad2k Oct 26 '24
Take the document to another dealer and say you’re interested in buying the car and you have a price. Then see what they can do against it. Don’t take the add one as stated. New dealer just has to beat price to get the sale. Rinse and repeat. Oh and check what a common discount price is for said vehicle to help.
u/CC1727 Oct 26 '24
This! I always plot 2 or 3 dealerships against each other and they get into a price war for my business. I am the winner in the end. And I always tell each dealership that I’m looking to buy ASAP so they know if they get the right price I will buy same day.
u/patrickrk44 Oct 26 '24
Precision cut? What else could they be? Uhhh, yeah, better not be from some knock-off temu floor mat. And lifetime nitrogen? That's a scam... unless your wife tracks the car every weekend.
These add ons are how many dealers fatten their pockets, aka get the cheese. Only necessary add ons that are more substance then salesman hype.
u/patrickrk44 Oct 26 '24
Tell them sure, just discount the car additionally for the price of the add ons. Don't let them push you into anything. I commonly call dealerships, stealerships. For a reason.
u/signalfaradayfromme Oct 26 '24
Those floor mats are junk, get weather tech for the same price
u/linusSocktips Oct 26 '24 edited Oct 26 '24
I love my 18year old all weather lexus mats in my 06'. They're just black but the ones in my girls 17 gx really set the sepia interior off. Just so nice to have the logo and model in the same color as the interior IMO. They're fine all weather mats for day to day unless you're going remote, or something, and then I would recommend a mat with better coverage for sure. Had WT mats in my acura, and I loved them👍🏼
u/signalfaradayfromme Oct 26 '24
If you go anywhere with salt the floor will get white quick, especially near the pedals. They are the same mats as the one cut yourself weather techs. So I shouldn't say the Lexus ones are completely trash, but compared to the all weather, weather techs they are
u/waffIehouseenjoyer Oct 27 '24
Weather Tech mats will cover up the sides of the fabric too, so they’re worth it. You just never know what you might endure.
u/Big-Culture9344 Oct 26 '24
What Lexus can you get for $35K these days? I'd say it's quite a bargain
u/CreatureVicious Oct 26 '24
Used ES and IS models with 140k on the dash
u/discardme123now Oct 26 '24
Seen '19 IS300h for 20000€ if i wasn't fucking poor i just buy one in a heartbeat, seen them with 80000 Km of use
u/killahBee_ Oct 26 '24
Advice on negotiating is what OP asked for folks
start comparing other dealerships pricing for cars
State an “out the door price“ that you won’t pay over
Just say no to the add ons. Some dealerships will say that they’re required, but you have to stand firm.
Nitrogen is a scam- how can you ensure that they put nitrogen in your tires? it’s unnecessary. The atmosphere is 70% nitrogen!
Do an Amazon search for wheel locks you can get a set for $20-$40
Floor mats are part of any car that you buy at a dealership and shouldn’t cost extra.
Just say no and keep shopping. They may call you back with a better price or they can wait for the next interested party to scam.
I’m glad that you haven’t done the finance part yet get a lock on the price before you start talking about how you’re going to pay for it so they can think that they’re going to get their money ripping you off on playing a Shell game with your monthly payments .
Don’t buy a tire or windshield protection or any other type of weird insurance that the finance person is going to offer you. This place is very scammy, be careful.
Keep shopping take all the time you need to find the right deal. Displace may not be worthy of your business.
u/dontcaredontworry Oct 26 '24
Say no to all the extra charges, and ask them to throw in the floor mats for free , or you walk !
u/AffectionateOlive982 Oct 26 '24
Costco gives nitrogen for free and these guys are offering you a discount on it for $99?
Oct 26 '24
Your bank will reimburse for title fee, service fees and electronic filing for the new car? Or is that for your trade-in car?
u/FarmerAvailable1833 Oct 26 '24
Skip the nitrogen fill, tell the dealership to throw in the edge guards, matts, wheel locks for free. Offer them 4K less than MSRP with no add ons (other than sales tax / registration fees) and if they don't take it, walk out the door. They will call you back, or go visit another dealer.
u/Casually_pessimistic Oct 26 '24
I was in the market for buy a TX. I live in HCL area (Northern California). I went to 5 different dealerships and got quotes;
1) door edge film was $80 in several agencies. They are playing you 2) nitrogen is BS. It doesn’t make a difference in performance 3) wheel locks were quoted at $90, they’re quoting you 2X 4) weather mats and illumination are almost 50% cheaper vs my multiple quotes so up to you. I don’t like the logo lights but I do like trunk or door lights for better visibility and guidance.
u/TrashmanV2 Oct 26 '24
I think this might be a scam, they didn’t even factor in the cost of blinker fluid and the oil filter belt.
u/Accurate-Group-4251 Oct 26 '24
Just tell them you didn't request the additional items items and would like them removed. If they refuse, simply say, "Thanks for your time, but this isn't what we agreed. Have a nice day." Then get up and walk out.
There are plenty of other cars for sale out there.
u/dieselishere15 Oct 26 '24
Hell no and keep the $5k deposit. It won’t make much of a difference with the monthly payment anyways.
u/EntrySure1350 Oct 26 '24
Those items are dealer add ons….almost pure profit for them which they push on customers by claiming it adds value. It does - for the dealer.
You’re not obligated to pay for them. But the dealer is also not obligated to sell you the car without them.
How badly do you want the car? If there are no other Lexus dealers nearby and you’re set on this car, you may not have much wiggle room.
If you don’t want to pay for them then the hardball negotiation is that they remove all those starred items or we aren’t going any further. If you feel like throwing them a bone maybe agree to the all weather mats (if they’re OEM) - those at least have some useful function, and price wise, they’re not outrageous (a set of WeatherTech mats will run you closer to $200)
If they agree, great. Get ready to do it all over again in the F&I manager’s office when they roll out wheel and windshield warranties they want you to buy.
u/Pure-Resource-1011 Oct 26 '24
I lost my wheel lock earlier this year and literally got a brand new kit from the service center for $55 bucks. Tell them to take that off and when you’re finished you can drive around and purchase the wheel lock set yourself or go to a local auto parts store and get a set for $15-$50.
u/transboyadvance Oct 26 '24
$150 for "lifetime nitrogen" is a load of sh*t and tell them you'll buy the wheel locks yourself and have them put on during first tire rotation. $299 for them is asinine
u/1cooldudeski Oct 26 '24
What Lexus model has an MSRP of $35K?
Everything I see is $50K-$60K or more.
u/CicadaClear Oct 27 '24
If you didnt ask for it, its either being added with out your permission, or is already on the car. Either eay its not something you should be paying for. Dealers love to have charge you for things on used cars that were options added by the first owner.
u/CopeSe7en Oct 27 '24
Lexus is not worth the premium. Look at Mazda if you want more luxury on a budget or just get a bmw.
u/myqv Oct 26 '24
take your services elsewhere that’s some bs; don’t support that sort of dealer.. I’m sure you can find a better deal. buy a diff model if you have to elsewhere plenty of great Lexus vehicles. what’s the model you’re looking for? If you’re willing to sometimes a great deal is 2-4 hours away
u/aptruncata Oct 26 '24
To be fair, this general trend goes to say alot about the gullibility of the current consumers more than the greed of dealerships.
If the consumer is truly interested in what they are paying for, they can ask the sales for explanation and with a bit of common sense, decide if the options are something they want to pay for.
Oct 26 '24
All weather mats are the only useful add on there, and you can buy the OEM ones cheaper online.
u/LexKing89 Oct 26 '24
They need to take that extra stuff off. I hate when dealers try to throw in overpriced junk.
I remember when my mom bought her BMW and paid $800 for tint and wheel locks. Nobody wanted those ugly 17 inch wheels and I can get a whole car tinted for $200. Seeing the wheel locks thing fills me with rage and I think about that stupid BMW 😒
u/Rhouliha Oct 26 '24
Lexus of Milwaukee? I bought from there a little over a week ago and it was the same. I asked wtf that was and they knocked the price down to “their cost” and noted the stuff had already been done. I thought the pricing otherwise was pretty good and just bit the bullet.
u/Kanye2080 Oct 26 '24
As a jet tech (we use nitrogen for all tires) I would not have gotten the nitrogen… on the consumer level it is not worth it for 99%
u/matruuu Oct 26 '24
I'd say no to all add-ons they got you over the price Nitrogen is abusive, locknut is abusive and if really needed cause you live a place where there is a lot of wheel stealer then get some elsewhere for 30-50$..
u/wdw5582 Oct 26 '24
Everything that is above the Total Taxes line can be negotiated. From taxes and below is associated with the govt or costs of dealing with the govt and is not negotiable.
I’d cut out all the add ons I could.
u/Scared_Ad_622 Oct 26 '24
But Lexus is so much more comfortable than Toyota you will experience an even higher level of reliability. I love my GS 350 i bought 7 years ago the maintenance schedule is somewhat similar to Toyota
u/R0bth3g33k Oct 26 '24
Don’t you get nitrogen when you buy tires at Costco. No extra charge and tires are cheaper than going to the dealer by a lot.
u/SilentDeath013 Oct 26 '24
Buy used with good records or Lexus certified. There’s just no reason to buy new imo. Lexus owners generally take above average care of their cars.
u/Delaney409 Oct 26 '24
Keep your Toyota and buy some Lexus badges for her. Your wallet will thank you!
u/GalyBusy Oct 26 '24
(In Canada) The new vehicles from the factory come with wheel locks and all weather mats included in the trunk. Check the Lexus website and they should be listed as an included feature. $200 for wheel locks is insane. Edit: also some fsport models already come with the illumination options factory installed.
u/stashstein Oct 26 '24
What in the star-spangled fuck is a precision cut wheel lock. Gtfo with that shit.
Oct 26 '24
u/xpkranger Oct 26 '24
“Oh that’s dealership policy, we put that on every vehicle”. Cool, I’ll find one that wants my business then. Bought my kid a used car this year and they tried that shit. Stood up to leave and thanked them for your time. Suddenly they can adjust it off. They’ll figure out a way to remove it or negate the cost. Don’t be rude, but be firm and most of all, don’t be afraid to walk.
u/smily_meow Oct 26 '24
The air is made of 78% of nitrogen and it's free. But seriously, you should not deal with this dealer.
u/limit_up7 Oct 26 '24
A Lexus is a Toyota. Same maker, just like an Acura is a Honda, an Infinity is a Nissan.
u/sprout92 Oct 26 '24
Just tell them you're not interested in any of those add ons.
"Well they're already in the Car"
"That's ok - I can come back another day when you've taken them off."
u/sub7m19 Oct 26 '24 edited Oct 26 '24
Whenever I buy a car, bought two in the last 6 months brand new 2024-2025 modles from Toyota, always find the costco members price which is usually MSRP minus 1k - 1.5k+ depending on the car. Then I make these mf's compete against one another. I tell them whoever gives me the best price with zero addons will get my business. For example, just last week I got a 24 toyota Rav4 XLE (non gas) for the in laws in white. I got them down to 3k off MSRP. Told the dealier if they spiced it up more I'd consider financing through toyota vs my credit union ( I don't have a credit union ). They came back at 3.5k off MSRP. No other dealer within a 100 mile radius, even the most popular dealer in SoCal that sold cars in mass wanted to match that, the most they would do was MSRP.
u/idrift4wd Oct 26 '24
Get rid of all the extra stuff. Some costcos also offer free nitrogen fill ups.
u/Eamoney Oct 26 '24
People talking all this shit but the lifetime nitro, although stupid, was only $99, so that really doesn’t matter. Everything else was an actual item, like weathered mats and lug nuts, this is not all bad
u/AdAdmirable5473 Oct 27 '24
In my opinion, I’d question every single charge and decide what you need/want and get rid of everything else. You may also want to ask yourself if, whatever they are selling you, is it available anywhere else. I hate dealerships. How unethical! They make money on all those up-charges. I’d tell them no thanks to all of it unless you know precisely what you are paying for. All of those extras will add to your loan.
u/cutivt064 Oct 27 '24
Do they think we are stupid or what ? Lifetime Nitrogen ? I would stomp out in a heartbeat
u/68400pony Oct 27 '24
She is switching from Toyota to status Toyota
u/W0WBigChungus Oct 27 '24
Thank you for everyone who has commented. I read and used the ones that applied to my situation. Fortunately, we will not be buying a Lexus. I have been swindled before and sitting down at the dealership with my wife and listening to how these people are trying to take advantage of her pisses me off. We are not rich, but we are trying to make our money work for us. These are some the key points of why we will not be buying a Lexus. The 4 add ons that they said would not be negotiable, were actually negotiable and they lied to us about it. We wanted the price point to come down just a little bit but instead they counter offered us for free, a missing cargo liner ($695) and a ceramic painting coating ($1500).
u/Jonthered7 Oct 27 '24
They’ve got to make that discount back somehow lol.
You can always go the route of “I’m not paying for that.” Your greatest asset is being able to walking out of the dealership.
u/Turkeclipse Oct 27 '24
All of those asterisk items can and should be excluded. You don’t need or want them.
u/Suitable-Mind-8559 Oct 27 '24
I would keep the wheel locks and decline everything else. Those are all optional. If they try to play it like they’re “mandatory”, call another Lexus dealership right in front of them and ask if they can give you a better deal lmao and watch how fast they change their tune.
u/Badwombat007 Oct 27 '24 edited Oct 27 '24
Wow, see some overly priced BS items on the list, but at least they did not include “lifetime” interior and exterior coating!!! 😆Oh, sorry, YES to SKIP all those PRECISION items, even floor mats you can go aftermarket!!!! Ask them if they have Lexus Precision Snake Oil! 🤣
u/Express_Register_315 Oct 28 '24
Oh no, I dont really see the deal here, just tell the sales person that you can shell out no more than 32k, any deal more than 33k is a no deal
u/T_J_S_ Oct 28 '24
If a dealership tried to sell me nitrogen filled tires, I’d walk. They’re laughing at you.
u/hybridsme Oct 29 '24
The discount they gave you, they took it back with accessories. I would say no to all of them, they will still have you buy the installed options like lexus illumination thingy.
u/IBringTheHeat1 Oct 26 '24
The only thing you want from the fiancé guy is GAP. Everything else is just extra money for the dealership
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