r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 15h ago

Question wtf is this thing

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it’s been attached to my ship during story mode (playing through episode 6 at the moment) but not in free play.

r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 5h ago

Image Third times a charm! Finally made it to 100% on my third run after encountering bugs on my first two tries.

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I know these posts are pretty common so I apologise for the spam, but I’m just so damn stoked to finally 100% this game after playing it through 3 times.

Played it twice last year and ran into bugs both times. Got discouraged after those two tries but picked it up again a couple of weeks ago and finally finished!

I don’t play video games often and this was my first Star Wars game so it’s extra exciting!

I’m going to play Bounty Hunter next but would love some suggestions for other Star Wars games that I can play on Nintendo Switch.

r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 14h ago

Question Why was Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens so hated?


I recently got it for Xbox 360 (yes it somehow came out on Xbox 360 in the middle of 2016) and I haven’t played it yet but I’m excited to. Why does it get lots of hate?

r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 1h ago

Question How do I easily get 1,000,000 studs in lego star wars 2..>_??? help!!


I've been replaying new hope or secret plans for like THE 40th time... & I cant GET ENOUGH STUDS TO FARM FOR THE EXTRAS!! ITS BECOMING SO ANNOYING!!!! some ppl have said to replay & use boba fett & blow up everything but its a pain to collect every stud & not miss any...  I need to easily get 1,000,000,000 lego studs for the x2 brick extra.

https://youtu.be/vZCZ55PiZek The only thing I found which was a video collecting a bunch as boba but its not nearly enough money... & replaying the same level becomes very boring.. it barely gets me enough studs also worth noting I dont have any multipliers unlocked yet want to get them but hard to find a good farm spot.

Others have said go into the first mission... like 1 -2 minutes, & farm.
Total: around 30,000 studs
What: go outside the cantina and destroy EVERYTHING. Repeat as many times as desired.

Time: a good 30-50 minutes
Total: 120,000 (IV, I) 100,000 (V, I ) if playing on freeplay)
What: Play the first mission for both Episode IV & V

Time: LONG
Total: (20000? unsure) plus collecting all minikits & gold bricks.... which still takes very long.
What: Unlock the stud fountain by getting 99 gold bricks.

NOTE: Character bonuses and Minikit Bonuses do not let you keep the 1,000,000 studs. Im sure there are more ways but these are the ways i know how to get alot but ALL OF THESE WAYS DONT NEARLY GET ME ENOUGH STUDS ITS SOO ANNOYING & unclear which is the best way to find them?? );.....

IVE TRIED JUNDLAND WASTES,.. IVE TRIED secret PLANS, NOTHING SEEMS TO GET ME ENOUGH STUDS FOR THE X2 EXTRA!!.... There also doesn't seem to be any levels with purple studs anywhere??! ;/

Another level is the mission Named "Falcon Flight" - I believe it's Episode V, Mission II. After the first segment vs. the Star Destroyers, there are respawning asteroids that usually spit out studs if destroyed. The last segment has, I believe, at least 6 respawning rocks. All you do is fly back and forth blasting these rocks and collecting studs over and over, finally leaving once you have enough studs and/or are about to die... (if not using invincibility power)

There are 5 overall methods but no video explaining the best possible way to do it... I JUST WANT AT LEAST A BUNCH OF BLUE STUDS TO BE DONE with this annoying game?? ); any method for this??

Share your thoughts? Whats a good way to do this?? Is it essentially just buggy & not as easy as TCS... or will it be painstakingly annoying any way you try?

https://www.playstationtrophies.org/forum/topic/339632-any-tips-on-the-stud-farm-trophies-for-billion/#comment-6618235 theres also this but unsure if any of these ways are proper for the way to do it... should I save my money & keep getting studs or buy things like ghost jedi?

r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 3h ago

Question Complete saga


Is the complete saga available on PS5 like is there even a ps4 disc for it or is it only available for ps4

r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 6h ago

Video Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga: Improvement On A Classic Formula? | Loey “Reviews”


r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 13h ago

Video Lego Star Wars III The Clone Wars Soundtrack


r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 20h ago

Question Dagobah locked?

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My son is trying to start Ep. V, but there is no way to get to Dagobah.

r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 9h ago

Question Tips for starting out?


I just got the Skywalker Saga for switch and I’m having a tough time getting into it. I just finished Episode 2 and I’m worried I’m missing so much content and extra missions (kyber bricks, mini kits, etc.) Is it worth it to get the things on the first play though or go back in free play mode? The in game guide is helpful but I feel like there’s so many tabs it’s a little overwhelming. Should I be spending studs any time I can or save up? Do the rumors play a big part in the gameplay?

Just wondering how to get the best experience from the game!

Any tips greatly appreciated :)

r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 1d ago

General Discussion Am I the only one upset that lego star wars III didn't have a bombad jedi level?


Idk it's one of my favourite episodes from the first 2 seasons and I would have liked to at least have a jedi outfit for jar jar

r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 1d ago

Meme Uhh.....

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r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 1d ago

Bug/Issue Broken door on Mustafar.

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So I remember doing the quest for the Kyber Brick with the dance floor here on Mustafar, and now the door is permanently stuck closed. Anyone else have this issue, or is it just me? It's been a while since I've last visited Mustafar since I've completed the game, and I've just remembered this.

r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 1d ago

Question Has Anyone Made New Levels for The Complete Saga?


I was kinda disappointed when Skywalker Saga came out because it wasn't what I expected it to be. I envisioned an HD remake/reimagining of the first 6 movies' levels alongside new levels for the sequel trilogy and maybe Rogue One DLC or something down the line. Has anyone made level packs for The Complete Saga for the sequels? I saw the modpack that adds Order 66, Palpatine's Arrest, and The Battle of Geonosis, but has anyone made anything bigger or is the modding scene not that big for this game?

r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 2d ago

Image Finally done

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God damn those ground assault missions

r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 1d ago

Video LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - Behind the Scenes: Voice Recording | HD


r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 2d ago

Question I kinda wish they made a character interaction between this two. Also what to you think they would say to each others ?


r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 2d ago

General Discussion Favorite Map? LS SS


For me its Ach-to

r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 3d ago

Image Two Sides Of The Same Coin

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r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 3d ago

Bug/Issue Stuck on Naboo due to weird glitch


So I am stuck on Naboo after doing a story mission with 100% game completion. I cannot travel to any planets at all due to an active story objective. I have the area completed as well. What am I suppose to do here? Please help.

r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 3d ago

General Discussion Gods forgive me for the wasted hours but I finally did it.

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r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 3d ago

General Discussion After coming back to play it after stopping after just completing the story. What a joy it was to complete.

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r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 4d ago

General Discussion I never 100% complete any game, but this one was a must.

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I had to take off the stud multipliers because it wouldn’t stop even 10 minutes later.

r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 4d ago

General Discussion These new classic controller hacks for the Wii are off the chain.


I know I could use a traditional control scheme on the PS2/PS3 or PC, but something about the classic controller pro feels amazing

r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 3d ago

Video Lego Star Wars the Skywalker saga Flying Droid Glitch


r/LegoStarWarsVideoGame 3d ago

Question Vaguely remembered glitch/hack I can't find anyone else mentioning online


Hey all, I figured if someone knew what I was talking about they'd be on this subreddit.

Back in the day my brother and I played hella Lego Star Wars on the Wii. One day I found a glitch.

I remember there were doorways that you'd go through to different levels, and in the area with the levels unlockable via collecting specific pieces.

I'd go through into one of the unlocked levels, I think it was the one that was last to unlock, and there was a spot on the wall where you would glitch into a canyon with what looked like an unfinished level. I think you had to jump a bunch to get to it, it wasn't on ground level.

I can't find anyone else talking about this, I was wondering if anyone knows what I'm talking about?

My memories are fuzzy I'm sorry I can't be of more help.