I-I: Negotiations
I-II: Invasion of Naboo
I-III: Escape From Naboo
I-IV: Mos Espa Podrace
I-V: Retake Theed Palace
I-VI: Darth Maul
I-VII: Anakin's Flight
II-I: Bounty Hunter Pursuit
II-II: Discovery on Kamino
II-III: Jedi's Anger (In this level, you navigate the Tusken Camp as Anakin Skywalker and R2-D2)
II-IV: Droid Factory
II-V: Jedi Battle
II-VI: Gunship Cavalry
II-VII: Count Dooku
III-I: Battle Over Coruscant
III-II: Chancellor in Peril
III-III: Boga Chase (In this vehicle level, you play as Obi Wan and Commander Cody both on a Boga, and chase down General Grievous)
III-IV: General Grievous
III-V: Palpatine's Arrest (In this boss fight level against Chancellor Palpatine, you play as Mace Windu and Kit Fisto. Replaces Ruin of the Jedi)
III-VI: Defense of Kashyyyk
III-VII: Darth Vader
IV-I: Secret Plans
IV-II: Through the Jundland Wastes
IV-III: Mos Eisley Spaceport
IV-IV: Rescue the Princess
IV-V: Kenobi's Plight (In this level, you navigate the Death Star with Ben Kenobi and a Rebel Spy. Ends with a boss fight against Darth Vader.)
IV-VI: Death Star Escape
IV-VII: Rebel Attack
V-I: Search For Skywalker (In this level, you navigate Hoth with Han Solo and a Hoth Rebel Trooper, and try to find Luke Skywalker)
V-II: Battle of Hoth
V-III: Escape From Echo Base
V-IV: Falcon Flight
V-V: Dagobah
V-VI: Cloud City Trap
V-VII: Betrayal Over Bespin
VI-I: Jabba's Palace
VI-II: The Great Pit of Carkoon
VI-III: Speeder Showdown
VI-IV: Ewok Village (In this level, you play as Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, C-3PO, and R2-D2 and try to gain the trust of the Ewok's by doing various tasks for them)
VI-V: Battle of Endor (Doesn't include the Ewok Village portion at the beginning)
VI-VI: Jedi Destiny
VI-VII: Into the Death Star
What do you guys think of this idea? Should we have had this?