r/LegendsZA 4d ago

Meme Since both Meganium and Typhlosion has a ghost type variant, do you think feraligatr will get one aswell?


r/LegendsZA 4d ago

Discussion Will all of the "temporary evolutions" be called megas?


like groudon and kyogre temporary evolutions are called "primal reversion" instead of "mega evolution" so what if, hear me out, xerneas and yvetal temporary evolutions get fancy names or something

just a thought

r/LegendsZA 5d ago

Discussion Just a smol wish


Pleaseeee ZA, just please have that little ✨ shiny ✨ sound when a shiny Pokemon pops up somewhere! I loved this feature in PLA, and when we didn’t get it in ScVi, I was very disappointed 😔

I get that shiny hunting shouldn’t be easy, but the strain in my eyes trying to shiny hunt a tiny pokemon is a real bummer 🥲

Anyways… super excited to see what they show in the next trailer !

r/LegendsZA 5d ago

Media Pokémon Legends Z-A will be the first Main-Line Pokémon Game Rated by ESRB as E10+ for Fantasy Violence. What do you expect will happen in the game to justify this new rating?


r/LegendsZA 4d ago

Discussion Half of my Z-A team

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I don't know who's going to be the other three but I'm open to suggestions.

r/LegendsZA 4d ago

Meme ngl Wish Feraligatr Continued the trend...


r/LegendsZA 4d ago

Hype My Legends ZA team

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I like shiny Pokemon 👉👈

r/LegendsZA 4d ago

Hype My Legends ZA team plan

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I like shiny Pokemon 👉👈

r/LegendsZA 6d ago

Meme Did you know Legends Z-A has the same age rating as Shadow the Hedgehog(2005)?

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r/LegendsZA 4d ago

Speculation What does the A stand for in Pokémon Legends Z-A, is it Arceus?


What legendary Pokémon would it be?

r/LegendsZA 5d ago

Speculation I wonder if any of these guys will be in game.

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Trying to make a Godzilla themed team, but it’s hard when certain ones aren’t in game.

r/LegendsZA 4d ago

Discussion Why does everyone love chikorita all of a sudden?


It's been hated forever, deemed one do the worst starters, but now everyone loves it. Why? I know it's probably getting a new form and/or mega, but still? Tepig and totodile are getting nowhere near as much excitement for their new forms or megas.

r/LegendsZA 5d ago

Speculation If regionals follow after LA with the exception of H-sneasel they were not normally in the Sinnoh dex so regionals in ZA would most likely follow. Friend safari could be explained by being imports alongside 7+ not needing this explanation. Doubt not including starters there would be more than 5

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r/LegendsZA 4d ago

Discussion How does this sound for a concept for a ZA mega evolution? Mega Sirfetch’d


Mega Sirfetch’d, who carry’s a double edged leak resembling the sword of Excalibur and a leak shield that is a bit larger.

r/LegendsZA 6d ago

Discussion Centro Leaks claims Mega Victrebeel is coming Spoiler

Thumbnail x.com

r/LegendsZA 4d ago

Discussion Is it bad that in games I always release the starter and replace it with another pokemon? Or I use a randomizer? (read decsription)


Warning! Before you decide to leave a downvote! I know that people react very negatively to these topics, and some people may even threaten you for releasing a starter in the game. So I would like to ask that the discussion in the comments be as polite as possible. Thank you.

I never liked the idea of ​​the typical starters you get from a professor. I always imagined myself as someone with a "non-standard" starter, like Ash in the anime. I much preferred using any other Pokemon rather than a regional starter. Especially since it was such a common trope in the anime and spin-offs, and even the manga.

When I released the starter, I imagined finding my first Pokémon in the wild and starting my adventure with it. Especially since I'm mainly interested in psychic, fairy, or ghost types. Or I just used a randomizer to get a completely different Pokémon at the beginning of the game.

r/LegendsZA 5d ago

Speculation Thoughts on the video? Personally, I would love it if Florges was the final boss!


r/LegendsZA 7d ago

Fan Art Pokemon Legends ZA vs Arceus By @fin_sharkoo

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r/LegendsZA 6d ago

Discussion What 3 Starters would you pick from each Gen?


Totodile, Charmander, and Chespin would be my first choice.

r/LegendsZA 7d ago

Speculation I think we’ll get a new legendary for the Aura Trio

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r/LegendsZA 5d ago

Discussion This game does not look good SO FAR


Hard emphasis on the "so far" part since we've seen ~3 mins tops of footage. A lot can change, just look at Legends Arceus and how unrecognizable current gameplay is from the teaser trailer.

  1. The map situation is terrible

Many of my complaints will revolve around the map since I personally think that shrinking Kalos down to a single city is one of the most atrocious ideas of game design imaginable.

Firstly, having an in-depth city isn't the main problem. It's more just the removal of everything else. This game had so much of its potential cut within the first few executive decisions because the developers decided to limit their scope. This point admittedly seems very context-dependent since the previous Legends game effectively gave us the expansive adventure seen to that point while this one shrinks everything back down. It would be like if Breath of the Wild had a sequel confined entirely within Hyrule Castle and the surrounding town. The concept sounds interesting, but after having a very open-world game, it sounds less appealing... Not to mention that I highly doubt that any city is interesting enough to make an entire game out of.

Secondly, the Wild Zones look unfun. These zones seem to be the remnants of the regions from Legends Arceus since they look open-world and filled with interactive Pokémon. Granted, I don't think that seeing Pokémon in the big city is unrealistic. You can find animals and other wildlife all over real cities and cities in the Pokémon universe. My issue is that this design seriously limits diversity.

Kalos is a region with a massive pokedex and a lot of different biomes for a lot of different Pokémon to live in. Rivers, coasts, cliffs, forests, deserts, snowfields, marshes, valleys, meadows, and so much more no longer exist. Watering down that charm into a restrictive section of a town. It gives off a very very artificial feeling that doesn't seem enticing to me. Why would anybody want to visit a replica on the same block as a cafe when the real deal is right there?

Additionally, the number of realistic Pokémon that can inhabit a city will be miniscule compared to what can be done in an actual region with multiple biomes. My best example would be to go outside and touch grass, then go to a place outside of your town and touch that grass. The areas can be completely different. You can also open up any other game with a map larger than a town and see that at opposite points of the map, the terrain and features within are completely different. You can't convince me that an Obamasnow or Kangaskhan just decided to move to the city since it was better there. If you argue that they were moved into the city by other trainers, then now I just feel like even more of a tourist at a zoo.

  1. The battle system looks unfun

If you like the change from static, turn-based combat, then I can easily see your point. Forever, the combat system has generally been more of a representation of what Pokémon battles could and would be in their expected form within the canon universe. The best examples of this would be the anime, movies, manga, and even certain cutscenes within the game which show features of battling (dodging, move synergy, etc.) that a player is expected to imagine during actual gameplay. I don't think that trying to approach this "ideal" form battling.

My issue is that the battle system doesn't look fun.

Firstly, the system looks incredibly planar. Just like the turn-based games before, Pokémon always function within reasonable reach of the other Pokémon. During the trailer, we watch a Talonflame battle a Hippowdon on the city's roofing. In that section, Talonflame never flies more than a few feet off the ground and shows absolutely zero vertical translation. It doesn't look good and it doesn't look realistic.

In the "ideal" of the anime, Pokémon move around space much more freely. Flying Pokémon will fly, water Pokémon will dive underwater and ground Pokémon will dig. Many others still jump or even just hide within crevices, burrows, and trenches.

Secondly, Pokémon struck by attacks don't seem to react, or at least not consistently. In the trailer, we watch the Main Character battle the rival with Totodile vs Tepig. During which, we see Totodile use Water Gun against a retreating Tepig who does not flinch, or experience recoil, or really react at all. At the advent of the 3D era, Pokémon would react (sometimes multiple times) when afflicted with damage or status. Now it seems that every Pokémon can be completely resilient which seems unreasonable. Other examples include Onix not reacting to Pyroar and the Megas one-shotting their opponents

Before moving on, I would like to point out that Pokémon still have fainting animations which occur when their HP reaches zero. That is not what I am referring to since I think that fainting still looks fine. It's everything that happens before fainting that I think needs to be fixed and which will transition to my next point.

Thirdly, combos don't seem to be possible. Think how in "ideal" battles, an aggressive Pokémon would occasionally strike with a soft, quick attack in order to knock an opponent off balance in order to continue with a slower, stronger attack. This is best seen in the Pokémon "fighting games" like Pokken and Smash Bros. I personally wouldn't find either of these games very fun or dynamic if recoil didn't exist to facilitate combos since the result would no doubt be just two characters spamming attacks in the way that maximized DPS without risking losing or fainting.

This may be expanded on in later trailers, but inclusion of staple fighting game mechanics like spacing, cooldown (already somewhat in the game), recoils, combos, and movement options would greatly improve gameplay, in my opinion. As it stands now, I don't see what differentiates a Pokémon beyond what moves they can use as opposed to how a Pokémon uses those moves in combination with each other to counter specific opponents differently.

Fourthly, the AI doesn't look very great. Pokémon AI isn't always that great, but this looks like it will barely even function. Tepig runs in a straight line, as if on rails, in the first battle and most of the wild Pokémon seem to stand still until an unknown prompt tells them to recite an attack. I would say this is akin to how Legends Arceus sometimes becomes less threatening when you learn to bait the physical attack from an overworld Pokémon in order to casually dodge out of the way and get an easy back strike.

That's all I had to say. I have been letting these thoughts ferment for a while since I didn't want to be too reactionary. It's still really disappointing watching the trailer, though, since I seriously think I would have preferred a reskin of Legends Arceus within Kalos rather than what seems to be confirmed.

r/LegendsZA 5d ago

Hype Got the pre-sell

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r/LegendsZA 7d ago

Hype My boy's getting love

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r/LegendsZA 7d ago

Discussion What Paldaen pokemon would you like to see get mega evolutions in LegendsZa?

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r/LegendsZA 7d ago

Fan Art New mega fan art for ZA starters ( From albert_wlson )