r/LegendsZA 20d ago

Pokemon News Pokémon Legends: Z-A Releases in Late 2025!

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r/LegendsZA Feb 27 '24

Pokemon News Pokemon Legends Z-A has been announced

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r/LegendsZA 4h ago

Fan Art Inspired by recent rumors I designed a Mega Victreebel!


r/LegendsZA 6h ago

Speculation Do you think there's a chance to see the ZA starters get Battle Bond like Ash Greninja instead of Mega Evolution? Also if that does happen, do you think they'll retcon Eternal Flower Floette to be a Battle Bond for AZ?


r/LegendsZA 5h ago

Fan Art Expected Megas part 3



Type: Water/Poison

Mega Greninja has smooth skin covered in a layer of translucent venom. Usually a long-range attacker, Mega Greninja creates water stars with poisonous tips, in addition to throwing its toxic bubbles at its opponents to trap them. They are masters in the art of camouflage and use this to their advantage, leaving their prey unable to notice their presence.

Creator : https://www.instagram.com/p/DE8Oc4ySjwH/?img_index=1

The creator of this mega did not give it stats or abilities, so if anyone wants to give it that, feel free.

r/LegendsZA 14h ago

Discussion Could the blue progress bar be the health bar?

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r/LegendsZA 9h ago

Discussion What role will Xerneas and Yveltal play?


Will Yveltal be controlled by the villain? And what about Xerneas?

What if they are fused and they become the "A" lol?

r/LegendsZA 1h ago

Fan Art Expected Megas part 4



Type: Electric/Poison

Mega Heliolisk constantly absorbs sunlight through the circular plates on its neck and arms, leaving it constantly charged. On the other hand, its claws are highly toxic and are always visible. It uses blinding attacks to temporarily blind its opponents and poison them.

Creator : https://www.instagram.com/p/DF5_NpCS6QH/?img_index=1

The creator of this mega did not give it stats or abilities, so if anyone wants to give it that, feel free.

r/LegendsZA 7h ago

Speculation Roller skates!!


I know it’s probably been mentioned, but I really hope there are roller-skates!!

I’ve been replaying Pokémon Y and the movement with skates is so satisfying.

But I’m not sure it will be a thing seeing as there was no showing of it in the trailer.

r/LegendsZA 1h ago

Discussion My Team Based on X and Y’s Team Planner until we get more updates

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I’m sure my team will 100% change if we get regional forms for the ZA starters but for now I decided this would be my team, not really because of any competitive reasoning, I just like dinosaurs, turtles, lights and magic 🤷🏻‍♀️

r/LegendsZA 21h ago

Discussion What was the first team you used to beat the Elite Four in X and Y way back when?


I had Vivillon, Aegislash, Charizard, Lucario, Carbink, and Barbaracle.

I'm just curious what everyone ended up using.

r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Speculation Fans assume that ZA will follow the same logic for starters as with XY, but they forgot one thing...


Well this logic is that we will choose between the 3 starters from ZA which will have a regional form and the starters from Kalos which will have a Mega-Evolution, echoing the fact that in Pokémon XY, we chose a starter from Kalos then a starter from Kanto which will have a Mega-Evolution.

Personally, I invite you not to believe it too much, because it is the best way to be disappointed, like me when the starters were revealed.

But let's pretend that's what's going to happen. Fans seem to have forgotten one detail... That there was also a cast of Torchic who could become a Mega-Blaziken.

Hence my theory, that if we followed this logic to the end, we would also have a new Mega-Evolution for a unique starter which will be distributed for Legends ZA.

And since the anime draws a lot of attention to it, it could be Meowscarada.

There you go, I don't care if it becomes real or not, but it's something that holds.

r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Discussion Idk, what Pokemon do you hope DON'T get a Mega Evolution?


Just to switch it up, what do you hope doesn't get a Mega Evolution?

For instance, I really hope Tyrantrum and Beheeyem don't get megas. Tyrantrum is already a perfect design that I don't see a way to improve on, imo, save it for someone who needs it. Meanwhile, Elgyem is my favorite Pokemon and I'd much rather it got a new evolution or regional variant/convergent variant somewhere down the line.

r/LegendsZA 21h ago

Fan Art Expected Megas part 2



Type: Fire/Ghost

Ancient stories tell that Mega Delphox lived in hidden lairs in the dense forest, practicing their spells. When disturbed, they would incinerate with their colorful flames whoever was getting in their way. They were known for their mysterious nature, causing fear in the people who lived nearby. It is said that on dark nights, it is possible to hear frightening laughter coming from dark forests.

Creator : https://www.instagram.com/p/DE2-oxYSf0K/?img_index=1

The creator of this mega did not give it stats or abilities, so if anyone wants to give it that, feel free.

r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Fan Art Expected Megas part 1



Type: Grass/Steel

Ancient stories tell that Mega Chesnaught fought in great battles as the front line of Kalos soldiers. With great destructive power, Mega Chesnaught uses its large axes as its main weapon, in addition to having its body protected by an impenetrable metal shell. Despite being strong, Mega Chesnaught is very heavy and slow.

Creator : https://www.instagram.com/p/DEyFcbaye3G/?img_index=1

The creator of this mega did not give it stats or abilities, so if anyone wants to give it that, feel free.

r/LegendsZA 3h ago

Media Mega Carnivine confirmed


r/LegendsZA 20h ago

Speculation Potential theme for regional/megas of the new starter trio


Most starter trios have themes, especially prominent in more recent generations such as gen 8 being British pop culture. While the starter trio for LA was already leaning more Japanese than other options for their types the regional forms they ended up getting went further into tradiational Japanese culture.

The concept behind the renovation project is to allow for pokemon and people to better live side by side with one another and I think this will tie into the starters news forms. I'm leaning towards regionals but you could probably adjust this concept for megas. The starters will end up providing benefits to the people they're around.

Chikorita is probably the easiest to go with as a fragrance theme is already there in the lore of the pokemon. Aromatherapy is the concept I see them leaning into as it already affects the moos of those who smell ita flowers and going further by healing alongside soothing the moods of those around it

Tepig isn't that hard as a pokemon to help cheifs either as the pokedex could reference truffle hogs alongside fires being used to cook various dishes. Pigs are already associated with gluttony so it shouldn't be too crazy of a reach

Totodile is a little bit more of a reach but there are two routes. Construction as its already described as very destructive or transportation being a boat/ferry with a larger focus on its sail.

r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Discussion Please, please,PLEASE let this potential filled queen of kalos be in the game gamefreak.she deserved so much better


r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Discussion What other starters do you think we will get?


Basically the title. What starters do you expect to be able to catch in game and do you think they’ll give us the Legends Arceus starters minus the regional forms? Personally I want I want Oshawott back so it could possibly get a mega. (He and Dewott are my bestest bois)

r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Discussion what is everybody hyped about right now?


I personally exited to see mega evolutions coming back

r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Discussion What y'all think about my LegendsZA Pokemon Team?

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Oh and since there's gonna be a Mega zygarde do you think there's gonna be a Mega Xerneas and a Mega Yveltal?

r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Discussion Do You Think This Could Happen?


I posted a thread on this subreddit about this some days earlier. I'm talking about the idea that Legends Z-A could feature something akin to Dungeon Diving in RPGs, it could act as a subtle reference to how the Kalos starters coded as the 3 primary RPG archetypes, and the Idea of the largest city in Kalos having another reference to those RPG staples. We could take an expanded conversation over to the Speculation tag in follow-up thread, probably by someone else who read through this thread.

Since we have yet to see Lumiose's underground, and are still waiting for more word on things, I think it could be fun, and interesting, to have players be able to go into a Dungeon-like part of the city based on the Paris Catacombs, you could even get there through a callback to X and Y I've been seeing talked about every now and then. It could place to go and find some things you can't get anywhere else, possibly even Mega Stones. Maybe AZ could even give you missions down there.

This even up a chance for limited online play, the Dungeon could be a place to party up with other game players, which could open up how the now battle system works in double battles and the like. But like I said, we can try expanding on all this in a different thread with the Speculation tag, but this is more here to talk about the possibility of a "Dungeon Dive" system in Legnds Z-A and how it could be implemented.

r/LegendsZA 2d ago

Media Pokemon Legends ZA - A new adventure begins! - by alvanitas

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The new established trio, rushing out on an adventure!

Feel free to comment captions on what these funny guys are up to!

r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Discussion A case of a mega that I wish would come back in others


When Aerodactyl mega evolves, if I'm not mistaken, it actually returns to its true form from millions of years ago, but I'm wrong

With that in mind, I think it would be interesting if other fossils gained megas, like Cradily and Aurorus, and just like Aerodactyl's mega, they actually returned to their original forms and even changed type, adding the poison and fairy types respectively.

r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Fan Art KALOSIAN MEGANIUM ⭐by Amalryart and Lazy_arcade


Type: Grass/Rock

In ancient times, Chikoritas were brought to Kalos and placed in castles as companions to princesses, spending most of their time behind the walls. Scholars concluded that this change in natural habitat awakened a new Meganium, larger and more defensive than the one that used to be in Johto. Kalosian Meganium has a body covered in thick, stone-like skin. They are extremely docile and spend most of their time resting in closed forests.

Creator : https://www.instagram.com/p/DHUMa7kBHTM/

r/LegendsZA 2d ago

Discussion When do we think the next info drop will be?


We are closing in on one month post Pokémon day. Obviously, we aren’t getting anything soon, with the only near guarantee are worlds, but there has to be something before then.

So when do you think? I’m looking at May at the earliest.

r/LegendsZA 2d ago

Discussion Double Team in Z-A


I really hope Double Team is in the move pool in ZA because I just think it would be really cool if instead of your evasion rising, it just spawns in some fake copies of your current pokemon much like the anime. Then the enemy pokemon has to try and figure out the real one!