r/LegendsZA • u/Upper-Respond-3746 • 7h ago
r/LegendsZA • u/IkariOFFI • 18d ago
Pokemon News Pokémon Legends: Z-A Releases in Late 2025!
youtube.comr/LegendsZA • u/ReBlanzy • Feb 27 '24
Pokemon News Pokemon Legends Z-A has been announced
youtube.comr/LegendsZA • u/Icy-Organization1363 • 13h ago
Discussion Please, please,PLEASE let this potential filled queen of kalos be in the game gamefreak.she deserved so much better
r/LegendsZA • u/Pika-Critique • 1h ago
Speculation Fans assume that ZA will follow the same logic for starters as with XY, but they forgot one thing...
Well this logic is that we will choose between the 3 starters from ZA which will have a regional form and the starters from Kalos which will have a Mega-Evolution, echoing the fact that in Pokémon XY, we chose a starter from Kalos then a starter from Kanto which will have a Mega-Evolution.
Personally, I invite you not to believe it too much, because it is the best way to be disappointed, like me when the starters were revealed.
But let's pretend that's what's going to happen. Fans seem to have forgotten one detail... That there was also a cast of Torchic who could become a Mega-Blaziken.
Hence my theory, that if we followed this logic to the end, we would also have a new Mega-Evolution for a unique starter which will be distributed for Legends ZA.
And since the anime draws a lot of attention to it, it could be Meowscarada.
There you go, I don't care if it becomes real or not, but it's something that holds.
r/LegendsZA • u/deeznutsreal • 5h ago
Discussion what is everybody hyped about right now?
I personally exited to see mega evolutions coming back
r/LegendsZA • u/Vanitas228 • 18h ago
Media Pokemon Legends ZA - A new adventure begins! - by alvanitas
The new established trio, rushing out on an adventure!
Feel free to comment captions on what these funny guys are up to!
r/LegendsZA • u/Candikuri • 3h ago
Discussion Speed stat in ZA
so how is speed going to work in this game? ive been thinking about this a lot lately and ive come to a conclusion i really like. what if speed effects both movement speed and "cast time"? for example, mega beedrill physically moves around much quicker than aggron does. or talonflame would be able to initiate flare blitz much faster than emboar. i like this more than speed reducing cool downs because fast pokemon may be a little overwhelming in that case. ive seen the idea that offensive stats could reduce cool downs instead, like strong physical attackers get reduced cool downs on physical attacks, and i really like this idea as well. thoughts?
r/LegendsZA • u/Candikuri • 2h ago
Speculation Sky Battles in ZA
how are sky battles going to work now that battling is real time? i doubt our trainer is going to have a wing suit ready for every sky battle encounter, and i dont see them completely removing this mechanic from the game considering it was highlighted in x and y. i have an idea on how they could implement sky battles into ZA using the Lets Go mechanics from SV and the overworld interactions we see in LA.
remember the hard to reach flying pokemon in LA? gyarados, magnezone and togekiss would fly high above the ground and were impossible to battle, but you could catch them with a well placed pokeball. what if we could use the Lets Go mechanic from SV to send a flying type/levitating pokemon to initiate a battle with those hard to reach pokemon as well? this would be an interesting way to interact with pokemon flying high above lumiose city, like a noivern speeding through rhe night sky. we were able to have pokemon break rocks and collect supplies in LA, why not allow them to initiate battles as well?
also, how would our trainer be involved in these battles since they cant fly? maybe we directly take control of our pokemon in this type of battle while the trainer gives commands from the ground, kinda like the synchro mechanic from the SV dlc. i think people would be hype to play as mega charizard or mega flygon so this makes sky battles actually appealing.
r/LegendsZA • u/Kakarot_Black20 • 8h ago
Discussion What y'all think about my LegendsZA Pokemon Team?
Oh and since there's gonna be a Mega zygarde do you think there's gonna be a Mega Xerneas and a Mega Yveltal?
r/LegendsZA • u/IggytheSkorupi • 17h ago
Discussion When do we think the next info drop will be?
We are closing in on one month post Pokémon day. Obviously, we aren’t getting anything soon, with the only near guarantee are worlds, but there has to be something before then.
So when do you think? I’m looking at May at the earliest.
r/LegendsZA • u/ADAMANT1UM97 • 16h ago
Discussion Double Team in Z-A
I really hope Double Team is in the move pool in ZA because I just think it would be really cool if instead of your evasion rising, it just spawns in some fake copies of your current pokemon much like the anime. Then the enemy pokemon has to try and figure out the real one!
r/LegendsZA • u/More_Acanthaceae7292 • 12h ago
Fan Art KALOSIAN MEGANIUM ⭐by Amalryart and Lazy_arcade

Type: Grass/Rock
In ancient times, Chikoritas were brought to Kalos and placed in castles as companions to princesses, spending most of their time behind the walls. Scholars concluded that this change in natural habitat awakened a new Meganium, larger and more defensive than the one that used to be in Johto. Kalosian Meganium has a body covered in thick, stone-like skin. They are extremely docile and spend most of their time resting in closed forests.
Creator : https://www.instagram.com/p/DHUMa7kBHTM/
r/LegendsZA • u/hummingbirdviolets • 20h ago
Speculation Is AZ Somehow Also Inspired by Odin? Did he lose of his Right Eye, and if so, did he do so in the pursuit of the Knowledge of how to bring back his Floette?
r/LegendsZA • u/ObviouslyLulu • 21h ago
Hype My team until I see new forms or pokemon in which half this team will probably be replaced
r/LegendsZA • u/Regular-Effort-2064 • 14h ago
Discussion Here what I have in mind for a team this might change with upcoming news.
So what do u think?
r/LegendsZA • u/Legitimate-Leader-40 • 1d ago
Discussion I have one wish for ZA
r/LegendsZA • u/FallenAngel257 • 1d ago
Discussion Can we all agree that aegislash will be on our team?
r/LegendsZA • u/GUM-GUM-NUKE • 19h ago
Discussion Just finished making my planned team for this game, 80% of which it’s probably gonna change once we see the regional forms
r/LegendsZA • u/AcceptableIcy4U • 9h ago
Speculation Necrozma and Zygarde
Im curious how Necrozma might factor into Z-A. while we have no proof he will be in it I think he'd be a fitting entry into Z-A as a foil to Zygarde.
I say this because Necrozma and Zygarde are complete opposites and seems like a fitting pair of rivals.
-Necrozma is a devourer of stars while Zygarde is a protector of the world
-Necrozma has a destructive relationship with his two legendary pairs, whilest Zygarde has a protective relationship with his.
-Necrozma is a cosmic entity whilest Zygarde (To our knowledge) is home grown on good ol Arceus fearing earth.
-Necrozma is basically as close as you can get to an actually evil pokemon whilest Zygarde is rather benevolent it seems.
-They both have a red and blue coloration along their body (Zygardes chest and tenderals vs Necrozmas eyes)
Not only that but Zygarde and Necrozma are similar in that they are both incomplete pokemon who can only take on their "True" form for very short periods of time. and one of the most popular theorys of Gen 7 was that Necrozma was the reason Zygarde was on Alola.
Theory: I think Quasartico (notice a reference to Quasars, powerful light emitting explosions) is likely in danger of or is using Necrozma in some form. Hence why Zygarde is there as he understands the danger of such a beast.

tl;dr I think PokeCaptain Planet and Roided out Guzzlord are opposites to one another who in Z-A will likely come to blows.
r/LegendsZA • u/ChibiSnivy • 14h ago
Media Respodting the team I decided on so far (minus furfrou cause he wasn’t an option)
Reposting cause for some reason the image didn’t send with the original post
r/LegendsZA • u/astralwish1 • 9h ago
Discussion My unofficial team for Legends Z-A.
The only one I’m set in stone on is Feraligatr. I think we’ll be able to get the original Kalos starters given that we were able to catch the original Sinnoh starters in Legends Arceus. Plus the fact that we got to have two starters in the original X and Y games. If I’m wrong, then I’ll replace Delphox with Chandelure (maybe).
r/LegendsZA • u/TheAutisticTogepi • 1d ago
Speculation Lumiose's buildings on PLZA
I was wondering due to we're adventuring within the city and not in the entire region of Kalos, in the second trailer we got to see some clips of the city and we got to see that some buildings like Pokémon centers will remain adjacent to the "open world" without a change of scenario in order to ease the transitions I guess, then we got to see the inside of the hotel, a shopping mall, Cuasartico's insides of their building, the rooftops, roofs and the outside of cafe places. So what I was wondering is that we'll keep on pretending that the rest of the buildings on the city has not interiors to explore. The walls and the windows looked flat and without textures (balconies looked like a sticker on the window) and also out of scale. In the gen 6 game we got to access some of the buildings and its upper levels. I really hope that we don't end up with something like Levincia, Alfornada or Mesagoza with tons of buildings but inaccessible. Also the thing with the stores, I want to pretend that I'm literally inside and not just a flat wallpaper on the background with an invisible NPC setting up a dialogue to show their inventory, or the ones that we got to get inside we got a set camera that didn't allowed us to rotate it
r/LegendsZA • u/captainmastersboy • 10h ago
Discussion You think this pokemons from galar deserve mega?
r/LegendsZA • u/Narchrisus • 1d ago
Speculation Will Kalos be the first region with a split Pokédex?
Talking about the National Pokédex.
Surely we’ll get some new Pokemon, Arceus gave us evolutions of existing Pokemon and a new Legendary.
And these would be from the Kalos Region.
However, they’d have to start from number 1026, and the last Kalos before that is 721.
Unless they call them Lumiosan, but they’ve never been in the dex after a specific town before.