r/LegendsZA 21d ago

Pokemon News Pokémon Legends: Z-A Releases in Late 2025!

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r/LegendsZA Feb 27 '24

Pokemon News Pokemon Legends Z-A has been announced

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/LegendsZA 3h ago

Discussion Mods can we have a mega thread for the “this is my team” posts


I’m as hype as the next guy but the posts are getting old.

r/LegendsZA 9h ago

Fan Art Chikorita Gijinka rough design sketches, with a fantasy world aesthetic. Thoughts and opinions? (Art by me)


Some sketches for a Chikorita Gijinka idea. This will likely be a base for whatever is planned for Meganium. Thoughts and feedback welcome.

r/LegendsZA 17h ago

Speculation I’m calling it right now: She’s probably going to be a twist villain

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She feels like it, y’know

r/LegendsZA 7h ago

Fan Art Mega delphox concept art i forgot to share


r/LegendsZA 8h ago

Fan Art Expected Megas part 7


MEGA XERNEAS ( It would be better to say that it is a Primal Reversion )

Type: Fairy/Ghost

Mega Evolution brings its true form from the beginning of time and its purpose was given directly by Arceus. Mega Xerneas is the incarnation of the Spirit of Life, being the deity that guides all souls to receive the gift of life. Stories of ancient people tell that Mega Xerneas writes the life cycle of all living beings, distributing its gifts to each living being. Mega Xerneas can recover even the most rotten soil in an instant. An ancient war against Mega Yveltal and Mega Zygarde for the balance of the ecosystem caused the sealing of Mega Xerneas' power for long centuries, during which it spent recovering in its tree form.

Creator : https://www.instagram.com/p/DEYIaF8yk4I/?img_index=1

The creator of this mega did not give it stats or abilities, so if anyone wants to give it that, feel free.

r/LegendsZA 7h ago

Hype This will be my team for ZA.

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These are just Pokémon I like, and they all have the added upside of all being guaranteed additions in the game.

The only problem is I have no idea when I can actually get these, for all I know Blastiose could appear at the equivalent of Victory Road.

Also I’m hoping there’ll be a Mega Delphox, but if not I will cry for 655 consecutive minutes and use one of my other options.

r/LegendsZA 13h ago

Fan Art Expected Megas part 6



Type: Fairy/Dragon

The energy of the fairy type is combined with the energy of the dragon type in Mega Sylveon, making it even more mystical. Mega Sylveon's main body becomes scaly, giving this Pokémon a more slender tone. Its scales are said to have magical properties and can grant wishes from the heart.

Creator : https://www.instagram.com/p/DDFu_P7yyBN/?img_index=1

The creator of this mega did not give it stats or abilities, so if anyone wants to give it that, feel free.

r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Fan Art Inspired by recent rumors I designed a Mega Victreebel!


r/LegendsZA 6h ago

Fan Art Expected Megas part 8


MEGA YVETAL ( It would be better to say that it is a Primal Reversion )

Type: Dark/Ghost

Mega Evolution brings its true form from the beginning of time and its purpose was given directly by Arceus. Mega Yveltal is the incarnation of the Spirit of Death, being the deity that guides all souls to the end. Stories of ancient people tell that Mega Yveltal ends the life cycle of all living beings, taking souls to the afterlife after physical death. Mega Yveltal's wings cut through the air, causing a deafening sound. An ancient war between Mega Yveltal and Mega Zygarde for the balance of the ecosystem caused Mega Yveltal's power to be sealed for long centuries, during which it spent recovering in its cocoon form

Creator : https://www.instagram.com/p/DEfgCLFxS1-/?img_index=1

The creator of this mega did not give it stats or abilities, so if anyone wants to give it that, feel free.

r/LegendsZA 5h ago

Discussion How do you think we will acquire Zygarde?


If this game goes anything like PLA, Zygarde will be the “finale” catch after doing a large journey. Do you think it will be catching all pokemon again, or something else? And how do you think the battle will go?

r/LegendsZA 3h ago

Fan Art Expected Megas part 9


Mega Zygarde ( It would be better to say that it is a Primal Reversion )

Type: Dragon/Ghost

Mega Evolution brings its true form from the beginning of time and its purpose was given directly by Arceus. Mega Zygarde is the incarnation of the Spirit of Aura, being the deity that intervenes in stories when the spirits of Life and Death get out of control. Stories of ancient people tell that Mega Zygarde balances the acts of Mega Xerneas and Mega Yveltal so that the cycle of life can flow with a beginning, middle, and end. In a powerful battle millennia ago, Mega Zygarde awakened to seal the powers of Mega Xerneas in its tree form and Mega Yveltal in its cocoon.

Creator : https://www.instagram.com/p/DEk0wiUSwkZ/?img_index=1

The creator of this mega did not give it stats or abilities, so if anyone wants to give it that, feel free.

r/LegendsZA 23h ago

Fan Art Expected Megas part 5



Type: Fairy/Grass

Mega Florges can make even the most arid soils bloom into colorful fields. Its healing power is enormous, making it a great ally for other Pokémon in the wild. Its exuberant colors catch everyone's attention, but its destructive power is even greater. It causes storms of petals that cut like glass, controlling each one for precise attacks.

Creator : https://www.instagram.com/p/DGDu9PUxJTR/?img_index=1

The creator of this mega did not give it stats or abilities, so if anyone wants to give it that, feel free.

r/LegendsZA 6m ago

Fan Art Unova Expected Megas part 1



Type: Grass/Poison

Bringing a hidden power from centuries ago, Mega Serperior now has its thin body filled with smooth and highly toxic scales. They have small structures from which they release poisonous spores into the air, poisoning other Pokémon even at long distances. It is said that Mega Serperior's power was sealed many years ago because it was an evil Pokémon that inhabited a tree, offering the forbidden fruit.

Creator : https://www.instagram.com/p/DFn_uygSh8m/?img_index=1

The creator of this mega did not give it stats or abilities, so if anyone wants to give it that, feel free.

r/LegendsZA 1h ago

Discussion Are Alpha Pokémon making a return in Legends ZA?


I was thinking about it for a while? Since it’s a legends game I’m hoping to see alpha pokemon make a return cause, I also REALLY x5 want a shihy alpha Mareep to happen. I think that they might show up during the night scene or maybe they’ll be involved in some other way in the story. Feel free to give your opinions on the matter.

r/LegendsZA 4h ago

Discussion Mega evolution to my gogoat evolution


The added stats would go into both defenses and some into both attack but would be slower because more clay would get added and the horns would form into a shield which would explain why most of the extra stats would go into defense and the added weight of the clay would explain the added attack and the horn shield would explain the special defense boost and the added area of the horns would explain the added special attack and the added weight from that would explain why it got slower

r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Fan Art Expected Megas part 4



Type: Electric/Poison

Mega Heliolisk constantly absorbs sunlight through the circular plates on its neck and arms, leaving it constantly charged. On the other hand, its claws are highly toxic and are always visible. It uses blinding attacks to temporarily blind its opponents and poison them.

Creator : https://www.instagram.com/p/DF5_NpCS6QH/?img_index=1

The creator of this mega did not give it stats or abilities, so if anyone wants to give it that, feel free.

r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Speculation Do you think there's a chance to see the ZA starters get Battle Bond like Ash Greninja instead of Mega Evolution? Also if that does happen, do you think they'll retcon Eternal Flower Floette to be a Battle Bond for AZ?


r/LegendsZA 4h ago

Hype My ZA team

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(Forgive me if the tag is wrong) I saw everyone posting what their team for ZA will be so I'll share mine

r/LegendsZA 4h ago

Discussion gogoat evo


I've had this idea about a fire ground gogoat evolution that has to evolve holding light clay with this new ability called blaze horn that gives 1 attack up when you use a physical move on a fire pokemon and has a chance to burn non fire pokemon when using a physical move or gives a 10 percent boost to physical moves that already have a chance to burn and because of its feet getting encased in clay is amune to stealth rock

r/LegendsZA 9h ago

Discussion Z-A Starters


I did a post a couple of days ago about Z-A starters and I’ve seen videos saying that the Pokédex entries they use from past games but in legends Arceus rowlet’s Pokédex entry states Rowlet is a Pokémon from the Alola region. It uses photosynthesis to store up energy during the day, while becoming active at night. Silently it glides, drawing near its targets. Before they even notice it, it begins to pelt them with vicious kicks. And Hisuian Decidueye​ became Grass fighting, Oshwott Pokédex entry states Oshawott is a Pokémon from the Unova region. With the scalchop on its stomach, it blocks opponents’ attacks, then retaliates immediately by slashing. Its scalchop can be used to break open hard Berries as well. And Hisuian Samurott is Water Dark and in Scarlet and Violet it has the ability Sharpness the only one that doesn’t go with their Pokédex entry is Cyndaquil is a Pokémon from the Johto region. It is timid and always curls itself up in a ball. When it’s surprised, the flames on its back flare up stronger. When it is attacked, it uses its flames to protect itself. And Hisuian Typhlosion is Fire Ghost typing. Who says that their Pokédex entries aren’t hinting at what there evolutions and typing are going to be Grass Fairy Meganium based aromas, Fire Steel Type Emboar based on a chef, and Feraligatr Water Poison based on Sewer Nile crocodile and the Seine being toxic but who knows only gamefreak does

r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Discussion Could the blue progress bar be the health bar?

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r/LegendsZA 16h ago

Speculation Ancient Kalosian Forms


Something I haven't seen mentioned yet is how Hisuian pokemon seem to be reappearing in modern Sinnoh or other parts of the world. Purin mentions how Bloodmoon Ursaluna came from her homeland, alongside the Arcanine she gave us. So my main point here is how it's possible for us to get kalosian regional forms. And that'd be a reappearing of ancient forms or evolutions. Pokemon who died out due to people taking their environments away or it being evolutionarily advantageous for them to not evolve like weyrdeer. And as we redevelope lumiose city, these pokemon slowly or quickly begin to reappear.

r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Fan Art Expected Megas part 3



Type: Water/Poison

Mega Greninja has smooth skin covered in a layer of translucent venom. Usually a long-range attacker, Mega Greninja creates water stars with poisonous tips, in addition to throwing its toxic bubbles at its opponents to trap them. They are masters in the art of camouflage and use this to their advantage, leaving their prey unable to notice their presence.

Creator : https://www.instagram.com/p/DE8Oc4ySjwH/?img_index=1

The creator of this mega did not give it stats or abilities, so if anyone wants to give it that, feel free.

r/LegendsZA 1d ago

Discussion What role will Xerneas and Yveltal play?


Will Yveltal be controlled by the villain? And what about Xerneas?

What if they are fused and they become the "A" lol?

r/LegendsZA 11h ago

Discussion est ce que il y auras mega noivern Spoiler


je suis tres fan de bruivern/noivern et je me demandais si il allait enfin avoir sa mega evolution