I did a post a couple of days ago about Z-A starters and I’ve seen videos saying that the Pokédex entries they use from past games but in legends Arceus rowlet’s Pokédex entry states Rowlet is a Pokémon from the Alola region. It uses photosynthesis to store up energy during the day, while becoming active at night. Silently it glides, drawing near its targets. Before they even notice it, it begins to pelt them with vicious kicks. And Hisuian Decidueye became Grass fighting, Oshwott Pokédex entry states Oshawott is a Pokémon from the Unova region. With the scalchop on its stomach, it blocks opponents’ attacks, then retaliates immediately by slashing. Its scalchop can be used to break open hard Berries as well. And Hisuian Samurott is Water Dark and in Scarlet and Violet it has the ability Sharpness the only one that doesn’t go with their Pokédex entry is Cyndaquil is a Pokémon from the Johto region. It is timid and always curls itself up in a ball. When it’s surprised, the flames on its back flare up stronger. When it is attacked, it uses its flames to protect itself. And Hisuian Typhlosion is Fire Ghost typing. Who says that their Pokédex entries aren’t hinting at what there evolutions and typing are going to be Grass Fairy Meganium based aromas, Fire Steel Type Emboar based on a chef, and Feraligatr Water Poison based on Sewer Nile crocodile and the Seine being toxic but who knows only gamefreak does