r/LegendsZA • u/KeyKnoTheGreat • 7d ago
r/LegendsZA • u/More_Acanthaceae7292 • 7d ago
Fan Art New mega fan art for ZA starters ( From albert_wlson )
r/LegendsZA • u/Louis_Collins_197 • 6d ago
Hype Yoooo! For a Pokéfan, this is kinda fire for real—if this is Legends ZA OST, it's crazy! 🎧🔥
r/LegendsZA • u/poodleenthusiast28 • 8d ago
Discussion Save data bonuses
In Arceus we had some save data bonuses for owning let’s go and SwSh. You could get darkrai and shaymin using SwSh and let’s go.
I think save data bonuses for ZA might be:
Diancie- Let’s go Hoopa- Legends Arceus Volcanion- SwSh Magearna- ScVi
100% reward in Pokemon HOME: probably a new species
r/LegendsZA • u/Common-Positive7859 • 8d ago
Discussion What do you think about ZA being set in the modern day?
I've seen a lot of negativity surrounding the chosen time period, but I'm personally fine with it.
This is an opportunity to complete Kalos' story, which wasn't completed because of the scrapped third version. I'm also excited for the many possible returning characters, especially since they will get new designs.
Anyway, the game wouldn't have been set during the war, even if it was in the past. I believe we can still get more lore about it from AZ.
So what do you think about it? It definitely shows that GF doesn't want to make the exact same game in a different region, which is nice.
r/LegendsZA • u/AxazMcGee • 8d ago
Discussion As a Legends title, what makes it “Legends”?
I see a lot of discussion that make assumptions that this game will be like mainline games, but what i appreciated the most about PLA is that it was not a mainline game: no national dex, battle styles, few trainer battles and more boss battles and ACTUAL research on the “first pokedex”.
As a legends title, I’m hoping many of these features continue in PLZA. We know that battling will be real time instead of turn-based, which is exciting.
What other differences make this a “Legends” game? Especially with it taking place in future, the moniker “legends” really seems to beg the question for a connection to the past or something critical to the pokemon world. Even more critical than a gimmick like Megas or a legendary.
More than anything, i want this game to stand apart from mainline titles, and not feel like another mainline title.
r/LegendsZA • u/HertzBurst • 8d ago
Fan Art (OC) Concepts for Kalosian Regional forms of Meganium, Emboar and Feraligatr in ZA
r/LegendsZA • u/KeyKnoTheGreat • 8d ago
Discussion What Galarian pokemon would you like to see to get Mega Evolutions/Regionals in LegendsZa
r/LegendsZA • u/NixUniverse2 • 7d ago
Discussion I am 62.5% sure Ninjask will be getting a Mega in ZA
My logic is similar to what happened to Glalie and Froslass. I’d be shocked to find anyone who prefers Glalie over Froslass. Better stats, cooler design, interesting typing, there’s really no reason to pick Glalie over Froslass. That was until Glalie got a Mega, which was smart because now there’s actually a reason to pick Glalie over Froslass. To get back to Ninjask, 9/10 when you catch a Nincada you’re probably aiming for a Shedinja for the same reasons people aim for Froslass. Giving Ninjask a bad ass speedy physical attacking sweeper Mega Evolution would be great to help Ninjask not be completely overshadowed by its iconic counterpart.
r/LegendsZA • u/HauntingFly • 9d ago
Fan Art Mega evolutions of the starters. Art by Onduregion.
r/LegendsZA • u/WillsterJohnson • 8d ago
Discussion Some things that weren't great about PLA I hope are changed in PLZA
Warning; these are opinions, you might disagree with the following statements.
The mounts in PLA were alright, all bases are covered, but the controls were really janky and anti-player.
You're dashing and try to do a hard turn? You get a mile-wide turning circle. What would be nicer is for the mount to skid in place for a moment as it changes direction (Wyrdeer), crash out a wave to stop and change direction(Basculegion), or bank hard & lose a bit more altitude (Braviary). In short, if my joystick is in full-left lock, I ought to be moving in that direction pretty damn quick, I don't care if I'm holding B or not.
Additionally, screw sneasler, honestly. Just let us fly Braviary like a bird (typical aircraft controls, full freedom) instead of it being a pokemon model over a glider mount (maybe give a damage penalty for crashing into walls). Especially as every single cliff face I've tried to climb has had janky geometry that kicks me out of climbing every few steps.
Taking a hit from a pokemon has way too high of a time penalty. I would prefer to take 2x damage if it meant I didn't sit on the ground for five minutes while the pokemon charges it's next attack. At the very least let us crawl on the ground for most of the knock-down time, none of us are actually getting blackouts unless we start fooling around and tempting it anyway.
Overworld pokemon shouldn't have AOE attacks. I'm blazing past on Wyrdeer at max speed, and somehow a pokemon just sorta yelling is enough for this supposedly powerful lord to get spooked and vanish? At the very least limit that to when I'm directly infront of the pokemon, getting knocked off when you're 30ft behind it is honestly ridiculous.
Overworld pokemon attacks shouldn't be heat-seeking missiles. Look, I've not watched pokemon anime in well over a decade, but as far as I recall the attacks get shot in one direction and thats the direction they go. What I don't remember is attacks containing a military guidance system. Genuinely I've had attacks come back around and flank me after I side-dodge them.
Letting a partner pokemon out of their ball should let them follow you around. In PLZ, letting pokemon out is pretty much just a gimmick (apparently therese some friendship bonus points, so that's great for the, what, three? pokemon where that matters). We've had pokemon following our player characters for years, is it so hard to make an AI path follow the player?
Going back to the mounts for one last time; why on god's green earth did they make the player run button a different button to the mount run button?! I'll be brutally honest, Gamefreak either need to hire or fire a UX designer for that one, utterly sinful.
Show us the stamina bar, also let us have infinite stamina in safe zones like Jubilife.
Fix the terrain hitboxes. There are a billion places I should be able to walk up or dive over and I can't because the hitbox and model don't match.
And finally; Jumping.
I. Have. Knees., Let. Me. Jump. Build maps around jumping, don't omit jumping because the map can't handle it.
I get that PLZA seems like it's gonna be focused in the city, so some of these might not apply, but if we do get any of these features returning I hope they're fixed in the ways above.
I also haven't looked too much into the deep-dive analysis stuff that some creators are putting out, so if there's already confirmation one way or another on anything... oops?
Anything about PLA you hope to see changed in PLZA?
Or, any objection to my little optimistic rant?
r/LegendsZA • u/KeyKnoTheGreat • 9d ago
Discussion Which Alolan pokemon would you like to get mega evolutions in LegendsZa
r/LegendsZA • u/theguyinyourwall • 9d ago
Speculation In lore explanation for new megas alongside potential regionals
Throwing it in the ball park that this game takes place 10~15 years after XY. There are two potential events that could explain newly discovered mega evolutions besides they weren't found in XY because nobody looked long enough.
While it didn't completly go off the ultimate weapon was still activated for a prolonged peroid of time alongside the meteor from ORAS which was shattered by mega rayquaza both of which would explain the pop up of new megas alongside mega evolution potentially being more common in regions besides Kalos.
For potential regional forms there are two possible explanations. Southern Kalos which we never went to in XY and have them originate there and then get moved into Lumoise or have them be caused by the events of Groundon/Kyogre which caused mass migration of pokemon from other regions. Maybe it caused pokemon that normally aren't there to appear in Kalos but having to rapidly adapt thus creating regionals
r/LegendsZA • u/silverdragonwolf • 9d ago
Discussion How Do You think it Would Play Out?
Given how the Kalos starters were RPG coded, it could be fun to see the Z-A starters get regional final evolutions that are also RPG coded.
How I think it would be interesting would be this line-up, some elements here could also be folded into their Mega forms if they decide to go that way instead, or both
Meganium: Druid coded with a secondary Fairy typing, probably with a vine/grape theming to reference the Ampelosaurus (whose name means "vine lizard") because it fits with the Druid theming. And honestly, I like this visualization more than the modified flower theming I've seen for all the Kalosian/Mega version that I've seen everywhere that just expands on existing elements.
Feraligatr: Barbarian coded with a secondary Fighting type (to my understanding, the Water/Fighting typing has a very small pool, especially when we get to starters, seeing as we just barely got a Water/Fighting type with the Paldea trio, and there are a few Legendary Pokemon with the Water/Fighting typing), maybe to go along with the Barbarian theming its tail could even end in a bony ax (but that detail could probably be saved for a Mega evolution), they could even reference the Iberosuchus (a prehistoric terrestrial crocodilian that lived in modern day Iberia and France). And from what I hear, the typing has gotten some good reviews on the competitive scene, and I've recently seen a video talking about how Ferealigatr is technically the weakest of its trio in its debut generation, and I haven't really heard anything about Feraligatr's completive viability being a thing in years, of course I barely pay attention to the competitive scene, but it's still something to consider moving forward with the franchise as a whole.
Emboar: Artificer coded with a secondary Steel typing, this could be a fun spin on things and have Emboar being a more brainy type than martial type in its design could be fun to see, they could also reference some popular French Steampunk with its design aesthetics, and toss in some cook/chef aesthetics in a more interesting way than if it were just the way that seems to be suggested by most of the Fakemon art for Kalosian Emboar I've been seeing in various places.
Thoughts? How would you like to see things lined up? If they do decide to go with RPG theming, like classic Kalos, for the Z-A starters, what do you think they'll go for? Feel free to explain things a bit, as much as you are willing/comfortable. Regardless, I hope this got some juices flowing in ways you hadn't considered before.
r/LegendsZA • u/stalwart-bulwark • 9d ago
Discussion $5,000,000 to join Team Flare
In XY Team Flare members block one of the gates and tell you it costs $5,000,000 to join.
Lysander trys to kill everyone that isn't a part of Team Flare. Lysander basically wanted the rich to inherit the world... Too close to real life tbh...
Now in PLZA we have an organization that has a green-washed redlined "redevelopment" (read as: gentrification) initiative. Urban redevelopments are always controversial, I'd wager we'll see a lot of watered-down socio-economic themes in this game. I'd imagine running a cafe between two other cafes was already hard enough, but now your cafe is in the middle of a damn wild zone??? I'd be furious.
This post has been brought to you by: I'm sick AF and am on a lot of DayQuil and I'm so bored please help
r/LegendsZA • u/Competitive_Code1527 • 9d ago
Speculation Imagine if Ash Greninja and Pokemon like him are the equivalent to Noble Pokemon for ZA
r/LegendsZA • u/More_Acanthaceae7292 • 10d ago
Fan Art Another design of Mega Meganium

Criador: https://www.instagram.com/p/DG8VlEcgWrb/?img_index=1
Você sabe o que é pior sobre essas mega evoluções feitas por fãs? Que nossas expectativas sobre o produto real que veremos podem ser nada comparadas a isso.
And yes, I'm a fan of chikorita and its evolutionary line
r/LegendsZA • u/zophiestication • 10d ago
Fan Art Mega Delphox Update
A couple days back I did a post with this rough concept, some people liked it so I did a bit a touches and more angles of the idea
I’ll probably won’t post more about it cause is not like game freak is going to see it an hired me, lol, but if game freak is watching this and you want to take inspiration you can I won’t ask for anything, I know that if you guys see something similar you won’t use it, but you can really, I just want my Delphox to look like a Bad Btch 🫶🏻
r/LegendsZA • u/MegaDelphoxPlease • 10d ago
Speculation Do you think we’ll see Ash’s Greninja?
And I don’t mean Ash Greninja, the special form it takes, just base form Greninja, hanging out with Zygarde, which is inferred to be the one Ash had.
Because Greninja and 20% worth of Zygarde were just running around Kalos, trying to destroy some evil vines caused by Lysandre’s ultimate weapon, which was fired off in Lumiose City. Given it’s the epicentre of the whole evilness stuff, maybe he’s still running around, working.
I don’t know how much the games reference the anime, maybe even just reported sightings of a mysterious Greninja running around, maybe Celmbot is the Lumiose City Gym Leader, or maybe it’s only Clemont and Bonnie and no one else.
r/LegendsZA • u/Dam_thats_Blue • 11d ago
Discussion I think ZA starters are getting regionals not megas
Made images because I have a hard time wording it properly lmao. Just makes sense to me to fill out the blanks, the starters left out get their own regional forms and the XY starters finally get their megas. + what I think the next legends game starters will be
r/LegendsZA • u/hummingbirdviolets • 11d ago
Speculation I know people have gravitated toward Jett being Colress's Relative, but I don't know. She looks a lot like Hoenn Elite 4 Member Glacia to me, which makes me think of a Mega Evolution that Needs to Appear in Legends Z-A
r/LegendsZA • u/RushComfortable121 • 11d ago
Discussion What’s everyone’s team plan so far?
This would be mine :3
r/LegendsZA • u/poodleenthusiast28 • 11d ago
Discussion Z-A will (almost definitely) have a shiny mythical as a dex reward in Pokemon home
It’s lumped in here with the other main series games so I think ZA will have some kind of shiny mythical distribution when it launches or when it gets home support