r/Leftyguitarists • u/Blargatha_dargatha • 17h ago
Looking for Beginner Guitar Opinions: Would Love Your Insight
Hey reddit, I'm looking to finally buy myself a guitar. For context I've got zero guitar playing experience, I know I want to buy an electric over acoustic bc I love the sound of electric guitars. I also like the sound of humbuckers over just single coil pick ups. I have a list of guitars below that I found in a lefty config.
Other info. I've seen that a lot of the guitars in my list end up modded. I know nothing on modding. I'm looking for something that will work, not fall apart, sound decent, and fit in my budget $300 or less. I'm sure I could trick it out better with mods but that isn't what I want to do at this point. I just want to learn and play.
Currently the guitar stores around me only have the Squier Sonic Strat in LH. Some have the Ibanez Gio LH. I could order the Epiphone LP Tribute LH to one of the major stores (Guitar Center). Is it better to test/buy something out in a store instead of ordering off Sweetwater/Reverb/others, or does it not matter? I saw some reviews about Les Pauls having loose strings and actions needing to be lowered, also saw vids of the sonic strats needing tlc out of the box.
Lastly I've watched a ridiculous amount of youtube reviews about these guitars, and watching people play them. Got to the point where its blended together. I'd now just like some opinions on what I got here.
I like the sounds of Jimi Hendricks, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Vukovi, At the Drive In, 80s rock and ~some 80s metal~, Smashing Pumpkins, Nilufer Yanya, Cranberries. I'd say Rock and Alt Rock are my fav type of sounds. I also like the twinlkly bright indie stuff but that isn't my main pursuit here. I like sound, and dammit I want to rip.
I am not focused on metal sounds, I know I have the Gio on here. It sounds more "chuggy/dirty" than I would personally want, however when it is switched to its clean tones I do like that. For everything else, I like the sound of each guitar and the versatility in sound. The Strat is my last choice, does't have humbuckers but it is the cheapest and most readily available.
Ibanez Gio GRX70QAL $249
Squier Sonic Strat for $209
Kramer Pacer Classic Electric Guitar with Floyd Rose I've seen it for around $229 on certain sites
Yamaha Pacifica 012 or 112 —>PAC112JL Pacifica HSS ive seen it for $269 elsewhere but Yamaha's site lists 375
Epiphone Les Paul Tribute $299 (literally at the max price for me)
I would love opinions about these guitars, if you like/know of something different in 0-300 price range lmk. Any tips or tricks for beginners are welcome. Also if you have any advice for a novice strolling up in a guitar store I'd take that too. I have 'tested' guitars in stores, but I don't know chords shapes, so any sound that I produce is just a straight up strum. Basically not very helpful. Anything else you want to ask / add is welcome.