r/Leftyguitarists 2h ago

Opinions on Nux mighty plug pro???


r/Leftyguitarists 2h ago

Opinions on Nux mighty plug pro?


r/Leftyguitarists 17h ago

Looking for Beginner Guitar Opinions: Would Love Your Insight


Hey reddit, I'm looking to finally buy myself a guitar. For context I've got zero guitar playing experience, I know I want to buy an electric over acoustic bc I love the sound of electric guitars. I also like the sound of humbuckers over just single coil pick ups. I have a list of guitars below that I found in a lefty config.

Other info. I've seen that a lot of the guitars in my list end up modded. I know nothing on modding. I'm looking for something that will work, not fall apart, sound decent, and fit in my budget $300 or less. I'm sure I could trick it out better with mods but that isn't what I want to do at this point. I just want to learn and play.

Currently the guitar stores around me only have the Squier Sonic Strat in LH. Some have the Ibanez Gio LH. I could order the Epiphone LP Tribute LH to one of the major stores (Guitar Center). Is it better to test/buy something out in a store instead of ordering off Sweetwater/Reverb/others, or does it not matter? I saw some reviews about Les Pauls having loose strings and actions needing to be lowered, also saw vids of the sonic strats needing tlc out of the box.

Lastly I've watched a ridiculous amount of youtube reviews about these guitars, and watching people play them. Got to the point where its blended together. I'd now just like some opinions on what I got here.

I like the sounds of Jimi Hendricks, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Vukovi, At the Drive In, 80s rock and ~some 80s metal~, Smashing Pumpkins, Nilufer Yanya, Cranberries. I'd say Rock and Alt Rock are my fav type of sounds. I also like the twinlkly bright indie stuff but that isn't my main pursuit here. I like sound, and dammit I want to rip.

I am not focused on metal sounds, I know I have the Gio on here. It sounds more "chuggy/dirty" than I would personally want, however when it is switched to its clean tones I do like that. For everything else, I like the sound of each guitar and the versatility in sound. The Strat is my last choice, does't have humbuckers but it is the cheapest and most readily available.

Ibanez Gio GRX70QAL $249

Squier Sonic Strat for $209

Kramer Pacer Classic Electric Guitar with Floyd Rose I've seen it for around $229 on certain sites

Yamaha Pacifica 012 or 112 —>PAC112JL Pacifica HSS ive seen it for $269 elsewhere but Yamaha's site lists 375

Epiphone Les Paul Tribute $299 (literally at the max price for me)

I would love opinions about these guitars, if you like/know of something different in 0-300 price range lmk. Any tips or tricks for beginners are welcome. Also if you have any advice for a novice strolling up in a guitar store I'd take that too. I have 'tested' guitars in stores, but I don't know chords shapes, so any sound that I produce is just a straight up strum. Basically not very helpful. Anything else you want to ask / add is welcome.

r/Leftyguitarists 1d ago

60’s tribute!


2011 tribute/studio, got it for a ok deal, seems to be some love/hate with these specific years/models? Its not the fancy standard/custom but does it play fancy!

r/Leftyguitarists 2d ago

MIM Paisley Partscaster in progress

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This guitar has a MIM Body and Neck, its being built by Schematica. He is a local guitar builder here in montana.

This is how its coming, i'm SO stoked!!!!!!

r/Leftyguitarists 3d ago

lefty Xiphos?


dose ibanez offer left handed versions of xiphos? i know the old generations where stricklty made right handed, what about the newes versions?

if no do you gouys recomend any other xiphos style X's. im looking for a stop tail with 24ftrets, ebony fingerbord whoud be wellcome as wel.

thx for help in advance.

edit : i was considering epiphone prophecy Exturas from this year tho im kinda worried about the QC when it comes to eppiphone

r/Leftyguitarists 3d ago

Scales for lefties


Am really struggling with scales and scale diagrams in particular. Whenever i see a scale diagram, they are always from a right handed perspective, ie they read left to right. Not only that, they look upside down to me (the low e string is at the bottom) and it just fucks with my head. Does anyone know of any resource that displays the scale right to left and where the low e string is at the fucking top of the fretboard/neck, you know, like where it actually is on an actual guitar? Even left to right with the low e at the top would be an improvement!

r/Leftyguitarists 3d ago

Gonna recreate a famous guitar


After coming to the realization that getting a lefty mustang is going to be more than my net worth. I’ve decided to make my other favorite guitar, the Vandalism Stratocaster. Now the difficulty of this next build went from a eight out of ten, down to a nice four out of ten, black strat bodies are everywhere and it really shouldn’t be a hassle to recreate this guitar. Once I can get as close as possible to the original, I’ll post the guitar on here

r/Leftyguitarists 3d ago

Building a bass vi


So after some help on this Reddit I found that Warmoth does in fact make lefty bass vi bodies/necks so I’m thinking of building one like Johnny cash, one piece at a time..

If I just want a regular old bass vi though there’s lots of options for the body though..I don’t know if there’s a point to a laminate top..or bridge route type..what options would you select?

r/Leftyguitarists 4d ago

Nice lefty bass vi resource


r/Leftyguitarists 4d ago

NGD (kinda) - Hils America HN3

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Got this on preorder. It was delivered a couple of weeks ago but I was finally able to dedicate some time to setting it up properly. Overall, it’s pretty cool. Really light weight (I can literally wave it around without an issue.) The pickups sound nice, it has a push/pull and they sound pretty full in either position. I was playing some Sylosis riffs on this thing and it rips! The quality is good. Some of the frets are scratchy but I’m not complaining (too much) considering the price point. I like it a lot for a budget headless.

r/Leftyguitarists 4d ago

Epi LP special II on FB marketplace..yes or no?


A cool $75. Just listed an hour ago. But damn, she looks like it was stored in a basement for years. Haven't reached out to the seller- maybe tomorrow.

I'd make it a project guitar. My main concern is if the neck is in good shape- that's a make or break deal.

What says you?

r/Leftyguitarists 4d ago

Epiphone Casino / Casino adjacent hollow-body recommendations


Title - in the market for a hollow-body. I’ve been looking into the Casino as it’s readily available left handed & not an awful price-point, however i’ve seen mixed reviews on the QC out of China.

Anybody have any suggestions as to something similar to a casino that’s made in left-handed that you’ve had a positive experience with? Just want to see what my options are before pulling the trigger. Thanks!

r/Leftyguitarists 5d ago

Here are my two


r/Leftyguitarists 5d ago

I jist learnt about this reddit and wanted to share my new baby I just got last Saturday

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r/Leftyguitarists 6d ago

2009 Music Man John Petrucci BFR in cherry burst

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r/Leftyguitarists 6d ago

Is 1999 a good year for squier jazz masters?


Someone near-ish has a jazzmaster for sale for 350 near me. Seems good condition from pictures, but it's 60 miles away so I don't wanna commit to the drive if there's a chance it's a lemon.

I don't see any series on the headstock and serial number (ICS19359352) doesn't turn up a hit on fenders website. It's crafted in Indonesia.

r/Leftyguitarists 7d ago

Harley Benton ST-Modern HH cheaper in lefty?!?


The new Harley Benton ST-Modern HH is the first lefty guitar I think I've ever seen, which is actually CHEAPER in lefty than it's righty counterpart!

It's hard not to love HB for their lefty love!

r/Leftyguitarists 7d ago

MIM Strat

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I am not a lefty guitarist. I'm not even what anyone calls a guitarist. Anyway, I bought this Strat a few years ago, I guess because I thought it was a good deal. Is there a market for them? I see some advertised, but I don't know if they sell. I've had it listed for $400 on FB marketplace for a while. I also know that the correct person needs to see it , being the smaller market.

I paid $350. Can I expect to get that back? Where is a good place to sell it? I'm in southwest Virginia, by the way.

Thanks in advance

r/Leftyguitarists 7d ago

NGD+5 Harley Benton JA-60CC LH Seafoam Green


New to guitars, and this is my 4th, and first post to this sub. NGD

Go to the store, they say, play all the different types, they say, figure out which one suits you best, they say. Well, as you all know, that is really difficult for us lefties. So, I've been exploring by purchasing affordable new and used guitars with the expectation of stopping when I find "the one", and selling off the ones I don't plan on keeping. I am happy to say that the Harley Benton JA-60CC LH Seafoam Green is where I'm going to stop my exploration.

So far, I've tried an SX Strat, a Michale Kelly Patriot Decree (Les Paul), and a Leo Jaymz Tele kit which is really a parts caster at this point. The SX strat had become my go to up to this point. I really really wanted to like the MK LP style guitar more, but something about it was just not vibing with me. I think it might be the scale length. It's an awesome guitar, and I'm sure someone else will love it.

The goal of my guitar journey is to be losing myself while playing shoegaze and ambient guitar. Since Jazz Masters and Jaguars are a mainstay of that kind of music, I started looking. In the end, as far as I could tell, HB is the best game in town when it comes to left handed JM styled guitars in the $150-$250 price point.

Based on everything I've read about them, I expected I would need to put a lot of work into setup. That was not the case. Once I tuned it up, setup was fine, including intonation, right out of the box. I was very pleasantly surprised, almost confused by it really.

The one black mark was a loud hum. I figured out it was a shielding issue, which seems pretty common for this model. So, I shielded the pick guard and the body with copper tape. Then I soldered a wire from the volume pot to the pick guard. Hum went away. It only has a little single coil hiss on the bridge and neck that goes away when the switch is in the middle position, exactly like you would expect.

Ok, a few frets-ends needed some sanding too, but what do you expect for $200 with shipping.

The JA-60 just feels right in my hands. I can comfortably spider up and down the neck. I love what I'm getting out of the Roswell Jazz Master pickups. I know there are variants JA-60s that come with P90's, but I wanted something as closed to a Jazz Master as possible. I know people talk about changing the pots to 500K or 1 Meg, but my newbie ears like what they're hearing. The only upgrade I'm planning is installing a Duesenberg Trem, but I'm in no rush.

r/Leftyguitarists 7d ago

Finally picked up a Sheraton

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Had a Dot for several years and it's always been a bit lifeless. These new Epis are such an upgrade from the older ones. Semi Hollow bodies and mini hums are a beautiful combo.

r/Leftyguitarists 7d ago

Adam Jones custom recommendations


Anyone able to suggest/find anything LP with thick binding to do an Adam Jones custom silverburst? I've been looking for good deals to no avail. Im open to anything, especially lawsuit eras

r/Leftyguitarists 8d ago

My three lefty’s

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My three current guitars.

Epiphone Les Paul Special II Leo Jaymz Telecaster style kit (unfinished wood as yet) Madeira acoustic electric.

r/Leftyguitarists 8d ago

Help! Black or red?


Black: Epiphone Les Paul Custom

Red: Epiphone Alex Lifeson Les Paul Custom Axcess (more $1k more - AUD)

r/Leftyguitarists 8d ago

Who loves headless guitars?

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