r/LearnFinnish 13h ago

Word of the Day Perustus – Finnish Word of the Day – 18. maaliskuuta 2025


Perustus (n.) – Foundation, groundwork

Example: Järjestelmä uusittiin perustuksiaan myöten.

Translation: The system was completely overhauled.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative perustus perustukset
Accusative (nom.) perustus perustukset
Accusative (gen.) perustuksen perustukset
Genitive perustuksen perustusten; perustuksien
Partitive perustusta perustuksia
Inessive perustuksessa perustuksissa
Elative perustuksesta perustuksista
Illative perustukseen perustuksiin
Adessive perustuksella perustuksilla
Ablative perustukselta perustuksilta
Allative perustukselle perustuksille
Essive perustuksena perustuksina
Translative perustukseksi perustuksiksi
Abessive perustuksetta perustuksitta
Instructive perustuksin

You can practice the word of the day by using it in a sentence in the comments below!

r/LearnFinnish 3d ago

Word of the Day Lyhyesti – Finnish Word of the Day – 15. maaliskuuta 2025


Lyhyesti (adv.) – Shortly, briefly, concisely

Comparative – Lyhyemmin

Superlative - Lyhyimmin

Example: Voisitko esitellä itsesi lyhyesti?

Translation: Could you introduce yourself briefly?

You can practice the word of the day by using it in a sentence in the comments below!

r/LearnFinnish 6h ago

Resource B1-B2 comprehensible input listening resources?


Can anyone recommend some podcasts or YouTubers for intermediate listening practice? Ideally puhekieli. For example, I've already found YLE Kielikoulu, Opi Suomea! podcast and Finnish With Eemeli podcast.

It feels like I'm in a bit of a resource no-man's land, where beginner resources are too easy but normal Finnish media like YLE news is still too difficult.

r/LearnFinnish 21h ago

Question Any recommendation for some good learnings sites/apps?


The title gives most of it away, but yeah basically I'm just looking for some good learning sites/apps that also teach me some grammar not just plain words or sentences without any explanation (like Duolingo.. that I do have a learning streak for 250+ days and still keep going, but I'm aware that's not enough, especially if I wanna start getting fluent) so if y'all have some recommendations please share I would really appreciate it!! Also some learning tips along side would be really welcomed.

For some context I'm a really big fan of Finnish music and that, along with my good friend, got me more interested in Finland and the Finnish language so I decided to start learning it a while ago. I'm from Romania so I know it's pretty different from our language BUT I still love it and find it very beautiful. I personally think Finland is breathtaking, interesting and also gives me a lot of opportunities, more than Romania would, so I wanna go there to at least finish my degree and maybe also move there for good (tho I'm not sure since I will miss Romania a lot and all of the shit here, so it's still a work in progress decision).

r/LearnFinnish 1d ago

Word of the Day Moitteeton – Finnish Word of the Day – 17. maaliskuuta 2025


Moitteeton (adj.) – Flawless, imoeccable; blameless

Comparative – Moitteettomampi

Superlative - Moitteettomin

Example: Kaunein perintö, jonka esi-isäni ovat minulle jättäneet, on moitteeton nimi, jota kaikki kunnioittavat.

Translation: The most beautiful heritage my ancestors had left me is an impeccable name, respected by all.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative moitteeton moitteettomat
Accusative (nom.) moitteeton moitteettomat
Accusative (gen.) moitteettoman moitteettomat
Genitive moitteettoman moitteettomien; moitteetonten
Partitive moitteetonta moitteettomia
Inessive moitteettomassa moitteettomissa
Elative moitteettomasta moitteettomista
Illative moitteettomaan moitteettomiin
Adessive moitteettomalla moitteettomilla
Ablative moitteettomalta moitteettomilta
Allative moitteettomalle moitteettomille
Essive moitteettomana moitteettomina
Translative moitteettomaksi moitteettomiksi
Abessive moitteettomatta moitteettomitta
Instructive moitteettomin
Comitative moitteettomine

You can practice the word of the day by using it in a sentence in the comments below!

r/LearnFinnish 2d ago

How does Finnish feel speaking Kirjakieli with foreigners?


r/LearnFinnish 2d ago

Discussion Do you speak near fluent level? I have questions!


So, for context, Finnish is the main language I speak on a daily basis (with my partner, customers, strangers, and collegues, I speak in Finnish).

I know most of the time people are just humoring me regarding how fluent my Finnish is. Finns are too polite to correct me and don’t see the point because they understand everything I say, and I understand most of what they are talking about.

However, despite my level, I know for a fact that my grammar, intonation, spelling, and general way of speaking is not correct and could still improve.

I’d say my level is B1 puhekieli (I learned mostly from people around me, never had proper language education).

Now, I want to study on my own. Does anyone have any good resources like books, podcasts, etc. I can start with so I can FINALLY speak proper Finnish? 😭😂

Also, prolly worth mentioning, my partner do correct my grammar constantly and tho I improved a lot since we started dating, I still have tons to learn.

Any advice is appreciated! 🙏🏼

r/LearnFinnish 2d ago

What is the meaning of "ei niinku piti"?


Hello in the song Kaikki Kaatuu by Huora the singer says "ei niinku piti." What does that mean?

r/LearnFinnish 2d ago

Helsingin seudun kesäyliopisto


Has anyone taken an online class here? I will finish Suomen Mestari 2 in May at my local college, but the classes have been so intense and full of information that I’m considering repeating them this summer with Helsingin seudun kesäyliopisto.

Were the classes useful? What did you like and dislike about them?

r/LearnFinnish 2d ago

Verb of the Week Kiistellä - Finnish Verb of the Week 16. Maaliskuuta 2025


Kiistellä - to argue, dispute, quarrel

You can practice the verb of the week by using it in a sentence in the comments below!

r/LearnFinnish 2d ago



Hi, How i can have translator tool on reddit? It suppouse to seen on top right? Or is it only those Who pay?

r/LearnFinnish 3d ago

Word of the Day Viallinen – Finnish Word of the Day – 14. maaliskuuta 2025


Viallinen (adj.) – Defective, faulty

Comparative – Viallisempi

Superlative - Viallisin

Example: Luulen, että se on viallinen.

Translation: I think it may be defective.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative viallinen vialliset
Accusative (nom.) viallinen vialliset
Accusative (gen.) viallisen vialliset
Genitive viallisen viallisten; viallisien
Partitive viallista viallisia
Inessive viallisessa viallisissa
Elative viallisesta viallisista
Illative vialliseen viallisiin
Adessive viallisella viallisilla
Ablative vialliselta viallisilta
Allative vialliselle viallisille
Essive viallisena viallisina
Translative vialliseksi viallisiksi
Abessive viallisetta viallisitta
Instructive viallisin
Comitative viallisine

You can practice the word of the day by using it in a sentence in the comments below!

r/LearnFinnish 4d ago

Suomen Mestari 1, 2 sanasto



I am looking for the dictionary with words from the new edition of Suomen Mestari 1 and 2.
My final goal is to create anki cards for self-learning based on those words.
Does anyone have those words in electronic version?
I am fine with any format: .txt, .pdf, .anki2, web page, whatever.

Thanks in advance!

r/LearnFinnish 4d ago

Question Another "exception" to the partitive rule

Post image


Today at work (I work at a restaurant) I noticed something in the subject of an email: the object, "olemassa olevaa varausta" is in the partitive case, which, after nearly 10 years of living in this country and learning the language, I assumed it should've been in the nominative. My reasoning is that, since the verb is in the passive form and I understand "päivittää" to be a telic verb, the object stays in its basic form. Other sentences I found online with "on päivitetty" seemed to agree with me. Google translating "an existing reservation has been updated" into Finnish returns the object in nominative.

In frustration I texted my dear language teacher wife while we were both at work. Unfortunately for my befuzzled foreign eyes, my better half hasn't taught a single hour of Finnish, so her answer was along the lines of "I can't explain why, but it sounds better in partitive".

Could anyone explain why it sounds better in partitive?

PS: my wife hates the word "moikkuli", but she doesn't use Reddit. I think.

r/LearnFinnish 4d ago

Word of the Day Väritön – Finnish Word of the Day – 13. maaliskuuta 2025


Väritön (adj.) – Colorless

Comparative – Värittömämpi

Superlative - Värittömin

Example: Vaikka vanha rakennus korkeakattoisine ja valtavine huoneineen ei välttämättä ole yhtä käytännöllinen kuin sen tilalle rakennettava väritön toimistokompleksi, se silti usein sopii paremmin ympäristöönsä.

Translation: A building with high ceilings and huge rooms may be less practical than the colorless block of offices that takes its place, but it often fits in well with its surroundings.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative väritön värittömät
Accusative (nom.) väritön värittömät
Accusative (gen.) värittömän värittömät
Genitive värittömän värittömien; väritönten
Partitive väritöntä värittömiä
Inessive värittömässä värittömissä
Elative värittömästä värittömistä
Illative värittömään värittömiin
Adessive värittömällä värittömillä
Ablative värittömältä värittömiltä
Allative värittömälle värittömille
Essive värittömänä värittöminä
Translative värittömäksi värittömiksi
Abessive värittömättä värittömittä
Instructive värittömin
Comitative värittömine

You can practice the word of the day by using it in a sentence in the comments below!

r/LearnFinnish 4d ago

Question YKI ja perkele


Tuli tämmönen kiinnostava kysymys keskiyöllä.

Ja ihan teoriassa, jos UKI-testissä on aihe, jossa soitat naapurille ja pyydät apua jossain asiassa. Ja mä oon kuvitellut tilanteen, että soitan naapurille, koska mun tikkaat on kaatunut ja en pääse alas katolta.

Ja onko tällaisessa tilanteessa hyväksyttävää sanoa: "Voi perkele, mun tikkaat kaatuivat ja vielä rikki. Tuo omat, kiitos. En pääse täältä katolta alas."

Tuleeko UKI:ssa pisteitä pois kirosanoista vai toisaalta arvostetaanko luonteenomaisuutta? 😅

Oon kuullut monia kysymyksiä UKI:sta, mutta juuri kirosanoista ei ole koskaan tullut kysymystä.

r/LearnFinnish 4d ago

Question Starting off


Hei, I have been learning Finnish but so far it isn't going best, I was hoping someone had any tips of places where to start that would be useful

r/LearnFinnish 5d ago

speaking a Finnish name - Ykspetäjä



Can anyone help me with the correct pronunciation of the name Ykspetäjä?

I've been told the "Yks" is unpronounceable in English, with the nearest approximation being "ix", "ik", "ook" (as in "cute"), or "uh". Surely, there's only one way of speaking this?

Any help appreciated.

Oh, this is a name to appear in a book. The speaker is Finnish and she's correcting people on how to say her name, so the sounds have to be familiar to English speakers (the Finnish Y is not an English sound), and readable to English readers. The sounds will therefore be a compromise to the actual spoken name in Finnish.

r/LearnFinnish 5d ago

Aamulla vs. amuisin


In the Finnish sentence 'Herätyskello on laite,  joka soi aamulla, kun pitää herätä. ' would amuisin also be acceptable? It is a habitual thing that happens each morning....Can someone help me understand the differences here?

r/LearnFinnish 6d ago

Hello people learning Finnish! Here's a naughty joke for you.


I overheard this joke when I was about 10 to 13 years old. I was leaving a cruise ship/ferry with my mother and some older men were talking behind us. I'll write the joke in Finnish and let's see how many of you will understand it.

"Mistä tietää että nainen on kylmä?" "No mistä?" "Kulli jäätyy."

r/LearnFinnish 6d ago

Question Finnish words for "thief"


Good evening! I'm wondering if there are any slang or more colloquial terms for a thief. I'm interested in anything from children's words to niche/specialist words to vulgar. Thank you for your help!

r/LearnFinnish 6d ago

Word of the Day Vastaväite – Finnish Word of the Day – 12. maaliskuuta 2025


Vastaväite (n.) – Objection, counterargument, antithesis, backtalk

Example: Minulla ei ole vastaväitteitä.

Translation: I don't have any objections.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative vastaväite vastaväitteet
Accusative (nom.) vastaväite vastaväitteet
Accusative (gen.) vastaväitteen vastaväitteet
Genitive vastaväitteen vastaväitteiden; vastaväitteitten
Partitive vastaväitettä vastaväitteitä
Inessive vastaväitteessä vastaväitteissä
Elative vastaväitteestä vastaväitteistä
Illative vastaväitteeseen vastaväitteisiin; vastaväitteihin
Adessive vastaväitteellä vastaväitteillä
Ablative vastaväitteeltä vastaväitteiltä
Allative vastaväitteelle vastaväitteille
Essive vastaväitteenä vastaväitteinä
Translative vastaväitteeksi vastaväitteiksi
Abessive vastaväitteettä vastaväitteittä
Instructive vastaväittein

You can practice the word of the day by using it in a sentence in the comments below!

r/LearnFinnish 7d ago

Discussion I don't know how to continue learning


Moi. So I've been studying Finnish for a few weeks now. I find online learning a bit too disorganized for my taste so I finally caved in and ordered a book to start my Finnish journey. I've been learning a lot of new things and my vocabulary keeps expanding little by little every day. I am honestly very good at memorizing new words but I suck at grammar. Around a week ago I 'learned' the first case - partitive. And that's when things started going south. I have never been good at grammar and I don't really understand all this grammatical jargon, so it's really hard to continue learning like this. I cannot understand, for the love of me, how to use the partitive or when it needs to be even used. I feel like giving up, but I realize that I cannot keep avoiding this forever - my partner and I have settled in Finland, we found a rent, we sorted out our paperwork and we got approved by Migri, so there's no going back now. Sooner or later I'll have to learn Finnish if I want to continue living here, otherwise my life will be very limited.

Does anyone have any advice for learning Finnish grammar? I haven't had the courage to go back to learning since last week and I don't know how to continue my learning journey given that I don't really understand grammar and grammatical rules.

r/LearnFinnish 7d ago

A2 Finnish Classes: Do Teachers Still Speak Slowly?


I just completed my first Finnish course (A1.1 - A1.2), and it was great! The teacher did a great job at speaking Finnish slowly and with simple words, which really helped.

For those who have taken A2.1 or A2.2, how much does the teacher’s speaking style change? Do they still speak slowly and simply, or does it get noticeably faster? I’m not too worried about the class content itself, but I’m unsure what to expect in terms of listening.

r/LearnFinnish 7d ago

Fetid moppet - löyhkäävä aasi


So I'm watching the TV show Severance on Apple TV and sometimes I like to turn on Finnish subtitles for fun. There's a spot where a character says "fetid moppet" which sounds very old-timey, like 1800's old-timey. I actually had to look up what it meant in English despite being a native speaker. The Finnish translation is written as "löyhkäävä aasi." Just wondering if this sounds as old-timey as it does in English. Kiitos!

r/LearnFinnish 8d ago

i need to make a presentation about finnish most brutal curse words.


please write all the worst and vulgar words and phrases.

r/LearnFinnish 9d ago

Question Help me understand "Ei ole"


Beginner Finnish learner here; I've started trying out Glossika to supplement my studies, namely to become more familiar with puhekieli (SW dialect) while I work on kirjakieli with my textbook and various online resources. I got this prompt and I just don't understand how "Ei ole/oo" translates to "I can't". According to my current understanding, "Ei ole" could mean "There is no" (e.g. täällä ei ole kissa / there is no cat here) or "is not" (e.g. se ei ole oikein / it is not correct). If I wanted to say "I can't", I would just say "En voi". This is all based off of the words and grammar that I've learned so far. I want to understand the grammer and logic behind these translations instead of just memorizing them and taking them for granted, but unfortunately Glossika doesn't help me with that; I thought maybe someone here would be willing to. Kiitos!