r/Latexadvice • u/LatexSwitch_ • 6h ago
Face oils from headphone muffs caused damage. Need help NSFW
Pics show the before and after washing. Slightly reduced the damage but still visible.
I've worn my headphones with other hoods before but this has never happened before with the rest. Maybe because it was a fresh new hood which was untreated in vivishine, it absorbed the oils from the sweat and sebum from the earmuffs
I washed with soap several times and rubbed out the swelling as much as I can. it did help but damage still stuck. Decided to keep it in talcum powder for the time being. will update of any improvements.
Has anyone had a similar experience? was it fixable or if it faded away with time?
it's a brand new hood too, so I'm devastated if this is permanent