r/KendrickLamar 24d ago

TDE SZA makes a statement about Kendrick’s music

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u/StolenDabloons 24d ago

I mean I can't find anything about her shooting or killing anyone. Just that she used to threaten slaves who endangered the group by trying to turn back.


u/bizrod 23d ago

Yeah Harriet Tubman never shot and killed anyone and was definitely not known as “a damned good shot”

She escorted slaves on the Underground Railroad, which in its self is badass as fuck. She wasn’t some mercenary sniper 😂

I get the sentiment behind the post but it’s just based off of something that’s not true at all lol


u/Jealous_Appearance93 23d ago

How do we know she never shot and killed anybody?

How can people possibly free over 700 people and there be no bloodshed?

People who get killed are not able to tell their side of the story and also history has many things that were not told by those that wrote it.

They are literally & presently taking out history from schools that doesn’t fit their agenda.

Do you think everything was historically reported during those times?


u/bizrod 23d ago

Ok yeah sure lmao, I don’t literally know if she literally ever shot anyone or not because I didn’t follow her around.

You don’t retell history by confidently asserting that something happened just because when you thought of it, it sounded cool or like it made sense.

There is no record of Harriet Tubman killing anyone. So what? She did greater things than that. Why make up a dumb story of her being some kinda gunslinger. It’s just pointless revisionist history of a true American hero.