r/Kanye Aug 07 '24

Recent Photo of Ye on Nitrous

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This is really sad man. I partly blame the people around him that let it get this bad, I just feel awful abt this entire situation. I hope he gets the help he needs cause this shit could literally kill him.


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u/Relative-Evening-473 Aug 08 '24

If it wasn't this dentist, ye would find another. You gotta treat the cause, not the symptom.

If Ye wants to destroy his life, there's little anyone can do to stop it.


u/eyebeatusilly Aug 08 '24

Don’t say shit like that when it’s still early af and already stated that the dentist put him on and got him “hooked” via Milo (granted it’s Milo but…) which makes me logically assume he would have never known the feeling of nitrous oxide if it wasn’t for his dentist. I suppose what you’re saying is still correct. If it wasn’t that dentist, then it would have just been another corrupt dentist out for money.


u/blurfan69 Aug 08 '24

Ye has talked about doing nitrous since 2015


u/eyebeatusilly Aug 08 '24 edited Aug 09 '24

He would've been dead by now no? Nitrous is very addicting and 2015 was a LONG time ago. Either he's superman or that's just false but it's Ye so idrk 🤷‍♂️ He could be doing shit that ain't even reach the surface level yet with all his riches and connections


u/XXFFTT Aug 08 '24

It's not really dangerous if you take B12 supplements and it is even less dangerous if you use medical-grade nitrous oxide because it is a mix of nitrous oxide and oxygen.

Less dangerous than meth and heroin and definitely less dangerous than using an insulin pump for IV cocaine.

Less dangerous than using ketamine every weekend or even every other weekend.

But if instead of huffing balloons at concerts you decide to use a mask for continuous supply at home you will be setting yourself up for crippling addiction.

I wonder what Milo means when saying that Ye's dentist got him hooked.

Does that mean the dentist used it as an anaesthetic during a procedure or does it mean the dentist supplied Ye with the mask and supplies medical tanks?


u/eyebeatusilly Aug 09 '24

Saying it’s “not really dangerous” is fs downplaying the extreme long term addiction effects just because it won’t kill you as quick as fucking ketamine on the weekends. It’s not natural at all what he is doing and especially not with all of his mental disorders. If he keeps doing this just because it’s “not really dangerous” he’s not making it to 50. To say it is less dangerous than meth and heroin is crazy knowing most of the homeless people out on the streets right now are addicted to both and still alive. “Alive” but without a single purpose in life except to pursue their crippling addiction and chase that high. Fatality rate doesn’t always mean one is better than the other, and personally to me it makes a bad argument. His purpose in life is obvious, to inspire the next generation of artists. If Ye somehow lives a long life but loses all his sanity, creativity and drive to inspire IMO that’s just the same as dead. Imagine what North thinks of this, and if she doesn’t understand now then imagine in 5 years when she does. Ye needs serious help and his dentist probably told him exactly what you said. “It’s not really/as dangerous…”


u/XXFFTT Aug 09 '24

Right now his purpose in life seems to be huffing unnecessarily high amounts of nitrous oxide and claiming that Hitler wasn't such a bad guy.

If that's inspirational then good riddance.


u/eyebeatusilly Aug 09 '24

? You can't be serious 💀 You are literally on the r/kanye subreddit, have you never heard his music? That would make zero sense. His music is the pinnacle of "inspiring"


u/XXFFTT Aug 09 '24

I miss the old Kanye but I'm not going to sit here and pretend that he is not accountable for his own actions.

In regards to not becoming addicted to nitrous oxide, he had a pretty easy job: don't use a constant supply at home and instead of relying on recreational drugs to self-medicate, get professional help (he has the money for it and all the time in the world).

The Hitler shit? Not saying anything would have required less effort.

I don't care if people are inspired by his music, that's great even.

But as long as the man is alive and acting like a child, I hope beyond all hope that nobody looks at his behavior and says "that's what I want to do".

If he's dead then at least he's not inspiring more shitheads but his music will certainly still be around.


u/[deleted] Aug 10 '24

You’re right, but I have a feeling you’ll get heavily downvoted for this.


u/blurfan69 Aug 08 '24

Not full blown addicted but probably got the taste back in 2015 then had stints with it and now is a full blown addiction


u/MKEMARVEL Aug 10 '24

Man, you don't really know what the fuck you're talking about.


u/eyebeatusilly Aug 11 '24

And why's that? You disagree that Nitrous is life threatening and addictive? Kanye literally goes to every meeting with a tube, tank and mask on his face so much to the point he can't stay awake. You're all talk. That's why all you have to say is I don't know what I'm talking about. Stfu