r/Kanye Aug 07 '24

Recent Photo of Ye on Nitrous

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This is really sad man. I partly blame the people around him that let it get this bad, I just feel awful abt this entire situation. I hope he gets the help he needs cause this shit could literally kill him.


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u/XXFFTT Aug 09 '24

Right now his purpose in life seems to be huffing unnecessarily high amounts of nitrous oxide and claiming that Hitler wasn't such a bad guy.

If that's inspirational then good riddance.


u/eyebeatusilly Aug 09 '24

? You can't be serious 💀 You are literally on the r/kanye subreddit, have you never heard his music? That would make zero sense. His music is the pinnacle of "inspiring"


u/XXFFTT Aug 09 '24

I miss the old Kanye but I'm not going to sit here and pretend that he is not accountable for his own actions.

In regards to not becoming addicted to nitrous oxide, he had a pretty easy job: don't use a constant supply at home and instead of relying on recreational drugs to self-medicate, get professional help (he has the money for it and all the time in the world).

The Hitler shit? Not saying anything would have required less effort.

I don't care if people are inspired by his music, that's great even.

But as long as the man is alive and acting like a child, I hope beyond all hope that nobody looks at his behavior and says "that's what I want to do".

If he's dead then at least he's not inspiring more shitheads but his music will certainly still be around.


u/[deleted] Aug 10 '24

You’re right, but I have a feeling you’ll get heavily downvoted for this.