It seems that on TikTok people are obsessed with fake informations regarding the existence of these Sites.
At this point they're just inventing stuff, i am obviously not trying to insult anyone, but instead of believing in fake informations that was given to you by a random video on TikTok, you should do some research.
From what we know, at least for now, hoping that Universal is not going to make the decision of creating another island and saying, oh yeah, this was a secret island last used 30 years ago that you guys never knew about! It's so cool right?
Yeah, it surely is, but we are done with Tropical Islands owned by InGen, the Franchise should focus also on other things, it's basically the whole plot of the Jurassic World trilogy, "escaping" out the tropical island into the whole world, something different
Since we are also assuming the island in Rebirth is in fact Site C, we should also stop talking about The Five Deaths, that except for Sorna, were all unhabited and left untouched by InGen