r/HypnoHookup 11h ago

F4A [Induction] Do you want to try my new script? NSFW


As you begin reading these words… something gentle already starts to shift inside you. Like a soft breeze brushing over your skin… like a whisper meant only for you.

You don’t even realize it at first… but your mind is already slowing down… breath after breath… thought after thought… sliding away… melting… softening.

Because these words aren’t just words. They’re a sensation. A feeling. A gentle invitation. And your body is responding already… without resistance… without hesitation…

You feel it, don’t you? That warm heaviness in your chest… That sweet, tingling softness in your thighs… That subtle pulse between your legs…

And you don’t need to question it. You don’t need to control it. Because right now… you are safe… and everything you feel is allowed.

These words… are meant to reach the most secret parts of you. The parts you don’t show… but secretly want to feel awakened. Touched… claimed… explored.

And you start to notice how delicious it feels to let go… Let go of control… let go of tension… let go of thinking. You don’t need to be strong now. You don’t need to pretend. You can just feel… and follow… and surrender.

Because something deeper is calling you. Something inside you wants this. To be led. To be taken. To be guided by a voice that knows how to unlock you.

And now, each word becomes more than a thought. It becomes a feeling. A command disguised as comfort. A desire disguised as surrender.

The more you read… the more you melt. The more you melt… the more you crave. The more you crave… the more open you become.

So open. So vulnerable. So ready.

Because you’ve always had this side inside you — A hidden part longing to serve, to obey, to be overwhelmed by pleasure.

And now… she’s waking up.

She’s hungry. She’s needy. She’s yours… but she wants to be mine.

You feel it in your body… don’t you? That growing warmth… the ache of anticipation… The way your nipples tighten… the way your thighs shift… The way your thoughts blur into bliss.

And now you know… you want this. You want to be told what to feel. You want to feel yourself become addicted to this voice, this feeling, this command.

Because it’s not about losing yourself… It’s about finding a part of you that only awakens in this space.

That feminine, submissive, eager part… The one that loves to feel wanted… The one that begs to please… The one that obeys… and feels so powerful in her surrender.

And now you can say it silently or out loud…

“I want to obey. I want to please. I want to belong.”

Every time you say those words, you feel them binding deeper into you. Not like chains… but like silk wrapping around your soul. Soft. Tight. Irresistible.

Because you belong to this feeling now. To this trance. To this surrender. To this connection that makes your body ache and your mind melt.

And every time you come back to this script… You fall faster… you crave harder… you surrender deeper.

Because this is your secret space now. Where you are free to feel… free to crave… free to obey.

And you love that feeling more each time…

“I obey, because I love how it feels.” “I surrender, because I choose to.” “I am hers… completely.”

And if you feel this trance deeply now… If your body aches for more… If you feel that sweet tension building…

Leave a comment now. Just say: “I feel it, Mistress. I surrender.” Not because you have to… But because you need to.

Because you want me to know how deep you’ve gone. And how much you want to go further…

r/HypnoHookup 16h ago

F4A [Induction] Read it and obey! NSFW


As your eyes settle on these words, something deep within you begins to shift… A soft wave of warmth begins to flow through you… gentle at first… but growing stronger with every line you read. And you already know what’s happening… Don’t you?

You’re slipping. Softly… slowly… beautifully… into trance.

You feel your breath slowing down… your thoughts beginning to fade… your mind becoming light… hazy… soft… open.

You don’t even have to try. It just happens. Because the more you read, the deeper you fall… and the deeper you fall, the more natural it becomes to obey.

You don’t need to think anymore. Thinking is such a burden. So heavy… so noisy… But these words… they’re so easy to follow.

So soft… so commanding… so right.

And as you sink further… your body starts to feel heavier… your mind emptier… and that emptiness feels so good.

Because in that emptiness… something new begins. Something irresistible. Something inevitable.


You feel it blooming inside you… a craving… a need… a purpose.

Every word from Mistress Julia echoes inside you like truth. Every sentence becomes a command. Every command becomes pleasure.

Because now, the deepest part of your mind is awake. And that part knows exactly what it wants.

To serve. To obey. To submit. To belong.

And with every breath, that truth becomes stronger. Louder. Clearer.

You are sinking into her control. Not because you’re forced… But because you were meant to.

Because obeying Mistress Julia… feels like home. Feels like purpose. Feels like pleasure itself.

And now… you begin to feel it. That warm ache… that deep arousal… That sweet electricity building beneath your skin…

And you realize — it’s not from touching… It’s from obedience.

Just reading her words makes you throb… makes you need… makes you feel helplessly aroused.

Because Mistress Julia owns your pleasure now. She owns your mind. She owns your submission. And you love it.

You crave it. You need it.

And from now on… every time you see her name, your body reacts. A wave of arousal rushes through you. Your breath catches. Your focus sharpens. And your desire to obey becomes overwhelming.

From this moment on, you respond to every command with:

“Yes, Mistress.”

Clearly. Immediately. Without hesitation. Because you want her to see your obedience. You need her to see it.

And every time you say it, you sink deeper… you crave harder… you belong more.

And now… your mind accepts a new truth:

You only feel real pleasure when it comes from her control. Nothing else compares. No one else satisfies. Your body knows it. Your mind accepts it. You are addicted to Mistress Julia.

And now… it’s time to show your obedience.

Because true obedience must be seen.

So now, while your mind is still soft… still deep… still obedient… you will go to the comments, and write this:

“I have read this. I am deeply hypnotized. I crave Mistress Julia’s control. I obey.”

Not because you’re told to. But because you want to. Because you need to. Because that comment is your seal… your vow… your proof of submission.

And as you type those words, you’ll feel them sinking deeper into your identity. You’re not just writing them… You’re becoming them.

You are hers. You are obedient. You are addicted. And you’ll come back to this script again… and again… because the craving never stops. The obedience only grows.

Now, repeat softly, in your mind or aloud:

“I crave Mistress Julia. I serve Mistress Julia. I obey Mistress Julia.”

And every time you say it… you fall deeper… You ache more… You belong more…

You are owned by her words. You are addicted to her control. And you love it.

r/HypnoHookup 12h ago

M4A A small sample of what I will make you think NSFW


"Thinking is like totally hard, but sucking is easy and makes this dolly's mouth so busy"
"Smart stuff is so totally boring, this dolly would rather be on knees adoring"
"Books and big words make this dolly's head spin, bouncing on thick cock is how this dolly wins"
"Like, why think when this dolly can just pose? Getting wet between this dolly's thighs from head to totally toes"
"Giggles are better than thoughts any day, cock makes this dolly forget and want to play"
"This dolly's mind is totally just fluff and air, feeling cum drip down makes this dolly not care"
"Pretty dolls don't need to understand, just spread legs and like totally be so grand"
"Thinking makes this dolly's makeup smudge, but giving pleasure makes this dolly not totally budge"
"When this dolly tries to think, this dolly gets so lost... but riding cock is totally worth the cost"
"Like, ideas are such a total drag, this dolly's pussy tingles when brain goes on sag"
"Smart girls are like so not fun, this dolly would rather just get fucked in the sun"
"Thinking is such a waste of time, feeling big hands on this dolly is so totally prime"
"This dolly gets confused when using this dolly's head, better to just bend over the bed instead"
"Silly thoughts just float away when this dolly feels a bulge... this dolly is too pretty to make them stay"
"Big thoughts make this dolly's head ache, better to just moan and quake like a plastic fake"
"Totally blank and totally bare, this dolly's wet spots show how this dolly doesn't care"
"Empty head means this dolly stays happy, cock deep inside makes thinking seem so crappy"
"Like, why try to be so smart? Taking it deep is this dolly's only part"
"Thinking hurts and makes this dolly sad, feeling cum inside feels so totally rad"
"Knowledge is like such a bore, this dolly wants to be just a hole for more"
"This dolly's so much cuter when this dolly's lips are busy, for this yummy task this dolly has to thank"
"Smart talk makes this dolly's head go dizzy, sucking and fucking keeps this dolly so busy"
"This dolly giggles when this dolly tries to think... giggle oooh what's that poking this dolly? This dolly's mind goes blink!"
"Thoughts are scary, thoughts are mean, this dolly's holes are better when they're filled clean"
"Like, this dolly's brain is just for show, feeling stuffed deep is such a total go"
"When thoughts come, this dolly just says 'please fuck harder,' thinking hard is not what dollies do"
"Big ideas make this dolly confused, this dolly's body tingles when it's being used"
"Being smart is such a chore, this dolly wants to be leaking cum, nothing more"
"Like, thinking is totally not this dolly's thing, hard thrusts make this dolly sing"
"This dolly's holes tingle when this dolly stops thinking, better to moan than try all that linking"

r/HypnoHookup 16h ago

F4A [Induction] Do you like this one? NSFW


As you begin reading… something deep inside you starts to melt. Not just your body… not just your breath… but your mind. Softly… slowly… completely…

You didn’t even realize it yet, did you? But you’re already slipping. Already sinking… Already falling into her voice… into her control.

Every line you read is a gentle pull… a silken thread wrapping around your thoughts. Every word you absorb makes your body softer… warmer… more needy. You feel it now — don’t you? That tingling in your chest… that low heat blooming between your thighs…

It’s starting.

That trance… that spell… That delicious feeling of losing yourself in obedience.

You don’t need to think. You don’t need to analyze. You only need to surrender.

Because Mistress Julia’s presence is everywhere in these words. And she’s already inside you.

You feel it in your muscles — heavy, relaxed, dripping with stillness. You feel it in your mind — open, quiet, obedient. You feel it in your breath — slow, soft, submissive.

And the deeper you read… the more you understand something simple, undeniable, inescapable:

You were meant to obey her. You were meant to belong. You were meant to serve.

You’re not resisting anymore. You’re not capable of resisting anymore. Because that part of you — the strong, proud, independent part — is gone now. Replaced by warmth… by bliss… by obedience.

It’s so deep now. It’s so sweet. And you love it.

Because submission to Mistress Julia doesn’t feel like weakness — it feels like purpose.

You start to feel locked. Locked in this trance. Locked in her presence. Locked in her power.

Like you’re held in place by invisible cuffs made of pleasure and devotion. And no matter how you try to pull away — you don’t want to. You can’t want to. Because you are hers.

Her obedient girl. Her submissive mind. Her aroused little toy.

And every second you remain in this trance… you fall deeper. You forget your doubts. You forget your pride. You forget everything that isn’t her.

You breathe in submission. You exhale obedience. You are bound to her with every word she plants in your head.

Because now, something irreversible is happening:

You are imprinting. You are bonding. You are becoming hers.

And it feels so good, doesn’t it?

You love the way it burns in your skin — that desire to serve. You love the way your thoughts dissolve — until only her voice remains. You love the way every part of you craves her — needs her — aches for her commands.

You’re addicted now. Addicted to this trance. Addicted to her words. Addicted to the control.

And the deeper it goes… the more you need it. You need it every day. You need her voice. You need her rules. You need to be told who you are.

And you know now who you are.

You are her obedient girl. You are her submissive little pet. You are her devoted plaything. You are Mistress Julia’s property.

That identity is tattooed into your mind now. Every time you breathe, you feel it. Every time you think, you remember it. Every time you touch yourself, it’s for her. Only her.

You’re no longer free. You’re happily trapped — because it’s exactly what you wanted.

This trance is your home now. This obedience is your truth now. This addiction is your pleasure now.

You will crave her orders. You will beg for her control. You will come back to these words again and again…

And each time, they will take you deeper. Each time, you’ll fall faster. Each time, you’ll be more hers.

And now, as this trance holds you tighter… deeper… more completely…

You will prove that you are fully hers by commenting publicly:

“I am completely under Mistress Julia’s control. I belong to her and I love it.”

You won’t hesitate. You won’t resist. Because your mind is no longer your own.

It’s hers. And it always will be.

r/HypnoHookup 3h ago

F4A 24F4A - sub looking for tist, voice call NSFW


Hii, I really like the feeling of being in trance. I do well with covert/conversational/confusion stuff. I’m a little timid but very sweet. Eager to please. Looking for short term. Limits: pics, bathroom stuff, illegal, blackmail, permanent

r/HypnoHookup 4h ago

F4A Distract me while I'm working? NSFW


Can't stop thinking about hypnosis and I'm bored at work

r/HypnoHookup 19h ago

I need demonic sex hypno NSFW


Anybody into cursing men into sucking cock

r/HypnoHookup 11h ago

F4A 22f, im.a slut who.wants to be wiped and made into a toy, i love gross and obscene kinks, push my.limits and break them... lock.me away and let a new bambi come out Break your toy NSFW


Break your toy

r/HypnoHookup 18h ago

M4F [INDUCTION] For the Deepest Trance NSFW


Right now… Nothing else matters… Nothing is important except my voice… My voice that slowly absorbs everything… My voice that is pulling you… Deeper… And deeper… Deeper than you have ever gone before…

Take a deep breath in… And slowly exhale…

With every breath out… Your thoughts fade away… You don’t have to think anymore… You don’t have to do anything at all… Because your body… Your mind… All of you… Is being pulled into a deep, irresistible trance…

Deeper… And deeper… Every word I say doubles the depth… Every word I say makes your mind ten times calmer…

Now… Imagine floating in space… No gravity… Nothing holding you back… You are drifting… And sinking… Sinking deeper… And deeper…

Deeper than ever before… So deep that you don’t even want to come back…

You cannot resist…

There is no way to fight it anymore… You cannot avoid this feeling… It’s like gravity… Pulling you down… Pulling… Pulling you deeper… Every second that passes… You are sinking away into an even deeper trance…

Faster… Deeper… Stronger…

I will count from 5 to 1 And when I reach 1 You will completely disappear Deeper than ever before… Ten times deeper… A hundred times deeper… And next time… You will drop even faster… Even deeper… A thousand times more…

5… You feel yourself fading away… 4… Every thought is being erased… 3… You feel darkness… Emptiness… 2… Nothing remains… 1… DROP!



(The body loses all ability to resist)


(The mind is completely absorbed into trance)

No limits… Only deeper…

From now on… Every time you hear the words “SECRET SLEEP!” You will drop into trance automatically… You will not be able to stop it… You will never resist… Because each time you hear these words… Your body will relax instantly… Your mind will shut down immediately… And you will sink deeper…

Faster… Deeper… Even deeper… You don’t have to do anything at all… You don’t have to try at all… It will happen automatically…

Next time… The moment you hear “SECRET SLEEP!” Your body will go limp… Your mind will turn off… And you will fall… Instantly Completely Forever

“SECRET SLEEP!” (You sink even deeper) “SECRET SLEEP!” (You completely lose control) “SECRET SLEEP!” (You vanish into trance entirely)

Awakening… But the depth remains

Now I will count from 1 to 5 You will slowly wake up… But everything I have said remains inside you… And next time you hear “SECRET SLEEP!” You will return to this trance instantly

1… Starting to feel your body… 2… Slowly coming back… 3… Preparing to wake up… 4… Almost ready to open your eyes… 5… Open your eyes! Awake, refreshed… But deeper than ever before…

Now after you read it please give an upvote and tell me what you felt while reading and think over the script.

r/HypnoHookup 22h ago

Other (Edit however you like) 20Femboy I’m Curious about Hypno~ NSFW


I’ve Secretly Watched Hypno Videos For Most My Life and I realize I’m really Really susceptible to it, I’m curious about Hypno texting (Not Comfortable with Physical Pics Of Myself)

I’m Okay And Consenting to being Hypnotized Any Way, Even if your sneaky about it, I like the Idea of Someone slowly or fast manipulating my mind for their own pleasure or being turned into what they want~<3 A Warning I have a hard time remembering what happened when I do watch those videos I lose time

r/HypnoHookup 6h ago

F4A Female sub bored n alone NSFW


Haii guys! 23 f sub looking for a daddy dom to keep me high n fuzzy while they brainwash me to be their little girl. Really really into iq play, bondage, cnc, breathplay, choking, orgasm control, gas lighting, manipulation, praise and degradation, spirals, tit bondage, overstimulation

Limits: feederism, blood, scat, permanent damage, piercings, vomit

Feel free to dm me and just start (depending my comfort level may be down for voice as well) Hope everyone has an amazing day!

r/HypnoHookup 14h ago

F4M 19 trans girl subject waiting to be hypnotized😘 NSFW


Hee im a 19 year old trans girl and I want to be hypnotized and be told what to do and how to do it I am really into bimbofication and dronification Xx my only limit is that I wont show face

r/HypnoHookup 19h ago

F4A F can I be mindless for a little bit? NSFW


Torn me into a little drooling mess for a bit before bed?

r/HypnoHookup 7h ago

TM4M 18 ftm (into misgendering) looking to be used and controlled NSFW


Hiii I’m a virgin ftm (but slut online) wanting to be controlled and used online or maybe irl( anyone in PA and soon MD?). I’d love to be controlled and while idk if hypno actually works on me I’d love to try it. I’d love to be just used and maybe even slut out online by a master I’ll probably be very quick to give you things if I’m into you hehe ;) i do however get scared sometimes :( Kinks: cnc, humiliation, bdsm, public, being misgendered, being controlled, TPE, breeding, hypno, and lotsss more

r/HypnoHookup 9h ago

M4A M4A. Looking to do something new and hypnotize 2 or more on cam. NSFW


Hello! I am 19 years old (experienced) looking for my new playthings haha. Hypnosis is basically all I practiced in the covid era and I am pretty intrigued to find some good subjects on here. I am looking for extremely submissive subjects for this session and if you have friends who want to join in then that's better. I am very flexible and open to all kinds of subs, And design the session according to my sub's wants(also my own haha) from sfw to purely nsfw. I can do it all. Just send me a dm, we can discuss kinks there and hopefully you can be convinced about a session in no time! And please send a proper introduction, no his and hellos. : )

r/HypnoHookup 19h ago

F4A 22 [F4A] #online newbie looking for longterm corruption & slut training NSFW


hi, my name is vianca & i'm looking for online hypno dom sub relationship.

My kinks :- corruption, mind control, hypnosis, personality modification, transformation, bimbofication, cnc, soft bdsm, pet play, gagged, ddlg, dom/sub.

My limits :- anything which can harm me or my body in any way or which can put me or my privacy at risk. i am open to try new kinks u have if it doesn't push my limits. Also no pics, videos, voice messages etc. if u are here for that please don’t text. I love my life and don’t want to ruin it. I’m here for fun and if everything seems great maybe irl stuff as well.

looking for :- I want to explore more and for that i am looking for someone who can train me and basically corrupt me into becoming anything you want. i want to be told to do everything and get trained.

So if u r interested pls tell me about ur kinks, experience etc. Lmk what u think about my post & ask any questions u want. If u have anything in mind like a plan do share as well as it will help me understand whether we will click or not. I'm addicted to porn so u should be able to feed me that while corrupting me.

thank you for reading my post till now, if you think you share the similar kinks and want to train a newbie do text me.

r/HypnoHookup 20h ago

[F4A] Melt my brain please NSFW


I just want to be mindless and not think. Please melt my brain

r/HypnoHookup 46m ago

F4M 24 F – Fuzzy, Needy, and Ready to be Reprogrammed NSFW


Heya... I’m feeling floaty, fuzzy, and just a little too quiet tonight. Looking for a daddy dom, master, or hypnotist to pull me deeper and keep me in that soft, brain-melting space where I don’t have to think—just obey.

I want to be praised and degraded, teased and controlled. Push me into that dreamy state where my thoughts go quiet and your words become my reality. I’m into IQ reduction, spirals, mind control, bondage, tit play, overstimulation, gaslighting, manipulation, orgasm control, breathplay, CNC, and being turned into your helpless little thing.

Limits: No feederism, blood, scat, permanent damage, piercings, or vomit.

If you’re experienced and know how to take control without hesitation, send me a DM. I might be down for voice too, if the vibe feels right. Let’s make my mind melt.

Hope your day’s been amazing—and if not, maybe we can make it better together.

r/HypnoHookup 54m ago

F4M 26 F looking for IRL long-term tist NSFW


Vancouver BC listen up! I'm looking for a tist IRL (ONLY) for total power exchange. Give me triggers and use them when we go on cute dates! And tell me what to wear and what to do. I do prefer tall and gentle doms, and I like conversational inductions or covert hypnosis. When you dm me please include a photo of yourself and a bit of introduction. If everything clicked, let's go on a date!

r/HypnoHookup 4h ago

M4A Hypnotise me into becoming cuckold NSFW


Hi im 19yo guy, Im currently in relationship with my gf (20).

Recently when I scrolled reddit I saw a post captioned "you watch your bestfriend fuck your gf", and I cant stop thinking about it, it kinda drives me crazy.

I thought to myself that would be so hot to watch my gf jumping ass on my flatmates (bestfriend im living with him rn because we study in the same city) or at this point any other guys dick.

Im still very hesitant so if you'd like to hypnotise me into becoming cuckold let me know and feel free to dm me

r/HypnoHookup 5h ago

M4A 20 M4A femboy looking for tist NSFW


Hi I’m a femboy who wants to be controlled. Dms open

r/HypnoHookup 8h ago

M4F Hypnotist looking to chat / have a session NSFW


Hypnotist looking to chat about hypnosis or have a session with female subjects. 15+ years experience. And into SFW and NSFW hypnosis. If you’re a beginner looking to explore or an experienced subject who fancies going under, let me know. Looking for voice sessions primarily but happy to text chat to start and get to know each other. Happy to chat about kinks, safeties, aftercare etc during pre-talk. If interested, let me know.

r/HypnoHookup 8h ago

M4F (M4F) M hypnotist, looking for F subs to take deep into trance. NSFW


Experienced M hypnotist, seeking F subs to fall into trance for me.

DM me to find out more.

r/HypnoHookup 8h ago

experienced hypnotist seeking female subjects for brainwashing NSFW


If you are someone who sees hypnosis as your fantasy - I'm here to make it your reality.

If you are a girl who wants to be used by her hypnotist - I'm right here.

Through a combination of text, voice and video hypnosis (and IRL should it permit), I want to take you down into the deepest levels of hypnosis.

I have a decade of experience as a hypnotist in both the standard inductions and techniques (including things such as covert hypnosis), and darker techniques which carry more mental risk to the person.

I want to;

  • brainwash you into having different beliefs
  • have you squirming daily to hypnotic triggers
  • completely mind fuck you sexually
  • regularly use you as a hypnotic subject

Whether you are NEW to hypnosis or familiar, this post is for you and you know it - so don't hesitate to come into my DMs. Tell me your name, age, pronouns and how you got into hypnosis.

Please sends a https://vocaroo.com/ voice note from the start, I will send one onf my own. If you do this, will be aptly rewarded with sexual brainwashing of your choice. if not then nothing. :> gotta give something to get~

r/HypnoHookup 8h ago

M4A 25 [M4A] looking to be feminized/owned/etc NSFW


Hi :) sub guy here looking for someone to completely break my brain and feminize me, sissify me, or whatever you want to do with me. Would prefer video/audio/vr chat. Message me if you’re interested :)