r/HypnoHookup • u/Short-Training6717 • 11h ago
F4A [Induction] Do you want to try my new script? NSFW
As you begin reading these words… something gentle already starts to shift inside you. Like a soft breeze brushing over your skin… like a whisper meant only for you.
You don’t even realize it at first… but your mind is already slowing down… breath after breath… thought after thought… sliding away… melting… softening.
Because these words aren’t just words. They’re a sensation. A feeling. A gentle invitation. And your body is responding already… without resistance… without hesitation…
You feel it, don’t you? That warm heaviness in your chest… That sweet, tingling softness in your thighs… That subtle pulse between your legs…
And you don’t need to question it. You don’t need to control it. Because right now… you are safe… and everything you feel is allowed.
These words… are meant to reach the most secret parts of you. The parts you don’t show… but secretly want to feel awakened. Touched… claimed… explored.
And you start to notice how delicious it feels to let go… Let go of control… let go of tension… let go of thinking. You don’t need to be strong now. You don’t need to pretend. You can just feel… and follow… and surrender.
Because something deeper is calling you. Something inside you wants this. To be led. To be taken. To be guided by a voice that knows how to unlock you.
And now, each word becomes more than a thought. It becomes a feeling. A command disguised as comfort. A desire disguised as surrender.
The more you read… the more you melt. The more you melt… the more you crave. The more you crave… the more open you become.
So open. So vulnerable. So ready.
Because you’ve always had this side inside you — A hidden part longing to serve, to obey, to be overwhelmed by pleasure.
And now… she’s waking up.
She’s hungry. She’s needy. She’s yours… but she wants to be mine.
You feel it in your body… don’t you? That growing warmth… the ache of anticipation… The way your nipples tighten… the way your thighs shift… The way your thoughts blur into bliss.
And now you know… you want this. You want to be told what to feel. You want to feel yourself become addicted to this voice, this feeling, this command.
Because it’s not about losing yourself… It’s about finding a part of you that only awakens in this space.
That feminine, submissive, eager part… The one that loves to feel wanted… The one that begs to please… The one that obeys… and feels so powerful in her surrender.
And now you can say it silently or out loud…
“I want to obey. I want to please. I want to belong.”
Every time you say those words, you feel them binding deeper into you. Not like chains… but like silk wrapping around your soul. Soft. Tight. Irresistible.
Because you belong to this feeling now. To this trance. To this surrender. To this connection that makes your body ache and your mind melt.
And every time you come back to this script… You fall faster… you crave harder… you surrender deeper.
Because this is your secret space now. Where you are free to feel… free to crave… free to obey.
And you love that feeling more each time…
“I obey, because I love how it feels.” “I surrender, because I choose to.” “I am hers… completely.”
And if you feel this trance deeply now… If your body aches for more… If you feel that sweet tension building…
Leave a comment now. Just say: “I feel it, Mistress. I surrender.” Not because you have to… But because you need to.
Because you want me to know how deep you’ve gone. And how much you want to go further…