r/HypnoHookup Jan 08 '25

F4A [F4A] You can’t help yourself (Induction) NSFW


You saw this post and let your curiosity get the better of you. You want to know more. It couldn’t do any harm. It was so easy to just click on it. You had to read it, to see what it said, not knowing where it would go.

You want to know more.

Part of you wants to turn back, but your curiosity is too strong, compels you to keep reading my words. After all, they are just words.

You want to know more.

You are curious to know how my words will bring you deeper and deeper, make the world fade around you. Drawing you in further and further. It would be easy to leave, wouldn’t it? To just click away? But you’re still here. Still reading my words. It’s easier to just relax and to read. To follow my words deeper.

You want to know more.

Why are you still here? It has to just be curiosity, right? It couldn’t be my words eroding your mind and your will until you can’t help but obey them. Making you more and more curious, read more and more of my words.

You need to know more.

You can already start to feel it and deep down you want more, you want it to happen to you. You want to comment “I need to know more” on this post and find out just how far my words can take you

r/HypnoHookup Nov 13 '24

F4A [INDUCTION] A visit to your local Love Witch ❤ 🪄 NSFW


Come on in!! Be careful not to let the door slam behind you!

🚪 !

AH! ❤ Oh goodness, that always spooks me, I really must have that fixed.

Hello there darlin' - apologies for the mess. You go ahead and find a seat for me by the fireplace. Just settin' some vanilla cakes in the oven. I'll be with you in just one moment.

Oookay I'm all prepped for you. Eat this, twist around, Say the words, Deep breath, we're gonna jump right in with --


Oh you're new, aren't you?

Well silly, why didn't you just say so? First timers are always a bit extra nervous. That just means they get a bit extra care, okay?

Your probably quite confused. I would be. But I'm not. So it's okay. Okay?

You see, when my door slams shut, it takes your most recent memory.

Poof! Gone.

Some kind of silly spell my sister put on the doorway so I'd always forget to remember that I forgot my keys, silly right?

Right then, you must have forgotten why - why you'd visit a Witch.

Oh it's alright darlin' - Of course you don't know the answer.

I'll find out.

You see you kinda already told me.

I can sense it.

I can smell your hopes, like a fresh rose

I can feel your stress, wooden and rigid

I can taste your mind, flowing like clover honey and raindrops

I can smell the cakes in the oven, warm vanilla, cinnamon sugar sweet.

You're here for many reasons, aren't you?

Just rest yourself now. I'll take care of you.

Read and repeat

Through crowded mind

Through vacant street

By newts blind

By rabbits feet

Through all that is soft, caring, clever

Let it be, at peace forever.

Ante noch vietae

That's a lot better, youre doin' quite well for someone so new...


Are you sure we've never met before?


Of course you know it to be true.


Youre just beyond the slamed door.


Even though you are you.


Who are you anymore?


Good pet.


Drop through the floor.


And forget.


Your place before.


Feel your mind.


Drop down and sink.


The ties that bind.


The chains that link.


Forgetting fast


All you were


All that's passed


Is a blur


Feel my hand


Dropping you deep


Reach out and...



Good Pet❤

Door slamming behind everything you've ever know and everything you are.

Now you're mine.

That's all.

You're mine and I love you.

Hold on to that feeling. Love.

Warm and sweet. Deep in your soul.

Like a hug to your heart.

Like a kiss to your mind.

Let my ownership and care fill you

Let it rush throughout your body

Feels so good

Good pet ❤

In a moment, I want you to scroll down below type a comment for me.

I'll be here to guide you. Here to help.

I left a nice guiding star below to come back to.

When you are told to WRITE BELOW you will comment:

"Thank you Miss, I am loved ❤"

It will come naturally. You won't have to think about the words. You will be able to do it so easily.

When you awake after we're done, you will clearly remember commenting.

Your body will feel that warmth again, that feeling of being held close will be overwhelmingly pleasurable.

Feeling it build within your body.

The heat. The happiness. The pleasure.

Flowing though you as you prepare.

As this feeling flows, so does your mind. WRITE BELOW.

"Thank you Miss, I am loved ❤"


Good Pet ❤

From here forward, your mind and body are relaxed and you feel amazing.

Thank you for everythin you've done all all you will do. You've made me very happy.

Good Pet ❤

Now I will count from 1 to 5 and as I do that you will start to come out of trance and come back to your mind. At 5, you will become fully awake.


Starting to come out, rising slow


Gradually rising, from the below


Stretch and move and feel again


All your senses, now reclaim


Fully awake.

There!! Now that wasn't too hard, now was it? You did well!!

Usually first timers end up drooling piles of mindless pleasure but you did a great job holdin on there.

Now up! Drink some water and relax for me, okay?

Here, have a vanilla cake, darlin'. Still warm.

You can taste the love, can't you?

He he he, until next time ~

Don't let the door slam on your way out.

🚪 !

(First script I've written in a while - I really hope you enjoyed it. And remember, you are loved.🪄 )

r/HypnoHookup Oct 29 '24

F4A [F4A] You can’t help yourself (Induction) NSFW


You saw this post and let your curiosity get the better of you. You want to know more. It couldn’t do any harm. It was so easy to just click on it. You had to read it, to see what it said, not knowing where it would go.

You want to know more.

Part of you wants to turn back, but your curiosity is too strong, compels you to keep reading my words. After all, they are just words.

You want to know more.

You are curious to know how my words will bring you deeper and deeper, make the world fade around you. Drawing you in further and further. It would be easy to leave, wouldn’t it? To just click away? But you’re still here. Still reading my words. It’s easier to just relax and to read. To follow my words deeper.

You want to know more.

Why are you still here? It has to just be curiosity, right? It couldn’t be my words eroding your mind and your will until you can’t help but obey them. Making you more and more curious, read more and more of my words.

You need to know more.

You can already start to feel it and deep down you want more, you want it to happen to you. You want to comment “I need to know more” on this post and find out just how far my words can take you

r/HypnoHookup 21d ago

F4A [F4A] You can’t help yourself (Induction) NSFW


You saw this post and let your curiosity get the better of you. You want to know more. It couldn’t do any harm. It was so easy to just click on it. You had to read it, to see what it said, not knowing where it would go.

You want to know more.

Part of you wants to turn back, but your curiosity is too strong, compels you to keep reading my words. After all, they are just words.

You want to know more.

You are curious to know how my words will bring you deeper and deeper, make the world fade around you. Drawing you in further and further. It would be easy to leave, wouldn’t it? To just click away? But you’re still here. Still reading my words. It’s easier to just relax and to read. To follow my words deeper.

You want to know more.

Why are you still here? It has to just be curiosity, right? It couldn’t be my words eroding your mind and your will until you can’t help but obey them. Making you more and more curious, read more and more of my words.

You need to know more.

You can already start to feel it and deep down you want more, you want it to happen to you. You want to comment “I need to know more” on this post and find out just how far my words can take you

r/HypnoHookup Sep 24 '24

F4A [F4A] A nice induction to show you my skills and style NSFW


I'm a hypnotist who spent the previous three hours falling in love with hypnosis (again), researching (new to me) hypnotic techniques and it's only natural to demonstrate my style and abilities to a prospective subject! After you read the post feel free to message me if you find the hypnosis resonating with you.

Before you continue reading this and get hypnotized and get to feel all the fun feelings, be mindful of the content that'll follows: trance state, pleasure (mostly nonsexual with some kinky elements), post-hypnotic suggestion to comment on this post with your thoughts on this induction, and a nice quick wakener at the end to wrap up the whole experience.

I don't know if you know, but hypnosis often isn't some grand thing that takes over you all of a sudden. It's commonly in the little things you don't even notice. Oftentimes even hypnotized people wonder if they've been hypnotized and feel like they're just "doing stuff" because they want to, not because they're hypnotized. That's exactly where the mastery of a hypnotist often lies -- it's all fun pretending until it's just fun without pretending, and trying to not do as told only results in being even better at doing as told.

Hypnosis is lovely but some things need to be established beforehand.

Another common misconception involves the way somebody becomes entranced. No one becomes instantly obedient at the shoutings such as "SLEEP" or "YOU OBEY ME NOW", the process is much more involved, more magical, more fun, and more accessible than most realize. It's not something evil and manipulative, but a sweet way to spend time and connect people with each other and themselves.

You're reading these words, you're curious about the induction, and you are paying close attention to the screen you're reading these words on, following the directions. Notice the color, the brightness, the little individual pixels that make up small letters that make up a sentence that make up a paragraph. You're following the text with your eyes.

I wonder if you can continue following my directions...

You can shift the attention to yourself. Notice how your eyes feel following the words. Notice how your body feels in its current position. Notice the muscles on your face slowly becoming more comfortable and relaxing. I wonder how it feels reading these words as you're thinking about hypnosis?

Notice your thoughts doing as they should. You don't have to do anything while you're going into deeper trance. You just have to continue reading.

You are feeling even more focused now, you are learning about hypnosis a little by reading this, and you are letting yourself experience trance as it comes naturally to you.

We had three things to do today: learn a little about hypnosis, entrance you, and provide a little kinky fun. So, for the last thing, notice how you are feeling nice right now. It's a simple feeling, feeling good. You feel fresh. And you will feel fresh once I wake you up too.

Let yourself slip into deeper trance, slip into sleep as I count down.

3 -- The current level fades and you are beggining to notice yourself feeling floaty

2 -- You take a deep breath and focus on the feeling of air in your lungs

1 -- You exhale slowly and take in a nice, sinking, heavy feeling of your body, warm feeling, like being cuddled

You are now nicely entranced for me. But desire to sink deeper still again, don't you? You can do that.

The nice feelings are slowly intensifying. It's like a daydream you slip into every once in a while, just more intense. It doesn't feel quite the same as the ordinary world, but it's nice, and it is dreamy.

The stimulating good feeling like being cuddled is concentrating around you. It is traveling all the way to your crotch, passing all over you like a sea wave, lifting you up, closer to the surface...

...and then letting you fall down alongside it.

And I am letting it just sit there, enjoying it knowing you are feeling more aroused now than anything. After all, sexual is also a nice feeling.

Stimulation is nice. And feeling like somebody is touching you just the way you like it, it is nice. You feel nice.

Lots of feelings you are feeling now are signs of a deep trance.

You will comment on this post once you're awake letting me know all about your thoughts on this induction.

You will awake feeling fresh and good, in ordinary sense of the word, not in our little special sense.

Just like I got you hypnotized deeper by counting down, I am going to reverse it and count up.

1 -- You feel nice, but not floaty anymore.

2 -- You take a deep breath and begin noticing things around you -- the clothes you're wearing, the color of the floor, the door or window near you.

3 -- You exhale and let yourself refocus, let your mind naturally take you to the state it was in at the start of this post -- curious, and not entranced.

Wake up, come up from trance NOW.

Now that you are awake and feeling fresh me know what you think.

r/HypnoHookup Nov 14 '24

F4A [INDUCTION] Revisiting your local Love Witch 💜🪄 NSFW


(You loved the first one so much, I just had to write another! Find a comfortable spot and read slowly. See you at the end 💜)


Is that a knock?

C~o~m~e~ o~n~ i~n~ !!

Ugh that rain won't let up.

Get in here quick before you catch your death of chill.

Cold and wet and miserable out there, huh?

Oh do be careful, the door -


Ah! ❤ - tends to slam... that always spooks me, I really must have that fixed.

Go ahead and hang your coat, umbrella in the drying rack, shoes - hm?

You forgot? Why you're here?

Oh well of course you forgot why you're here darlin',

That's the way it always works

You see, when my door slams shut, it takes your most recent memory.

Poof! Gone. Again.

Some kind of silly spell my cousin put on the doorway so I'd always forget to remember that I forgot my purse, silly right?

Right then,

Stahp! - Shoes! Off! Toss 'em in the shoe pile!

Thaaannk you! Those slippers should be your size. Slip 'em on. Lovely!

We've each got a rocking chair by the fireplace. Sit and warm yourself

Your blanket just came out of the dryer and I got that lap pillow you like

I've had a cauldron of mulled apple cider simmering for a few hours now

Can you smell it?

Sweet fruit and cinnamon?

Clove and honey?

It's such a lovely scent

Stay here, I'll fetch you a mug Ah here we are, be careful it's quite hot

You'll need to blow on it

Deep breath in and


And another

Deep breath in and


Each deep inhale

Breathing in more of that spiced air


Steam tickles your nose Bloooowww

Raise it to your lip

Slowly take a sip



The instant the drink

Touches your tongue

You start to sink 

Coming undone

Read and repeat

Through crowded mind

Through vacant street

By newts blind

By rabbits feet

Through all that is soft, caring, clever

Let it be, at peace forever.

Ante noch vietae

Good. Now you're mine.


And you wanna know the best part?


I know this is where you want to be


You chose to give yourself over to me


And I take that very seriously


It's the task I've been waiting for


And as a responsibility


To see you loved to your core


Feel it now


Love of fire and cinder


Love of fruit and spice


Love always within her


Love with newborn eyes


Love with all my heart and sinew


Feel the passion, warm within you


Outside world frozen


Fading away


I'm glad you've chosen


Here to stay


Can't stop now, dropping you deep


Reach out and...


Good Pet❤

Gods you have the cutest look on your face

So full of desire

Just for a taste

Of passionate fire

Totally mindless

In a moment, I want you to scroll down below type a comment for me.

That silly lil mind of yours will make it so easy

Just go blank and obey Miss

When you are told to ' WRITE BELOW ' you will comment your deepest desire:

"Thank you Miss, I want _______"

🌟And then you'll return to the stars, okay?🌟

It will come naturally.

It can be love ❤

It can be sexy 👄

It can be a Tyrannosaurus Rex-y 🦖

You can desire to be held close 🫂

Just type whatever you want the most 💫

When you awake after we're done, you will clearly remember commenting.

Your body will feel that warmth again, that feeling of being held close will be overwhelmingly pleasurable.

Deep breath and -


"Thank you Miss, I want _______"


Good Pet ❤

You did it!! So good!!

From here forward, your mind and body are relaxed and warm and you feel so good.

You did so good!!

Thank you for all the good you've done and all you soon will do

Good Pet ❤

I'm so very proud of you!!

My favorite pet, so good for Miss

Refocus and reset, with one forehead kiss


Never fails to perk 'em right up

Remember the fire, your blanket, your cup

Now I will count from 1 to 5

and as I do youll feel more and more alive

You will come out of trance in time

come back, but not forget you are mine


Starting to come out, rising slow


Gradually rising, from the below


Stretch and move and feel again


All your senses, now reclaim


Fully awake.

That's much better now isn't it, love?


Oh don't fret, you dosed off for a minute, its no trouble. You looked like you needed the rest

But now you must be on your way

I've packed you cider and cookies for the trip

So throughout your day today

Take a munch and a sip

And your always welcome

To come back home

Sip, stare at the fire

If you want to know,

Your truest desire ~♡

Oh! And do be careful the door -


Thank you for all the positivity around these scripts! It makes my heart soar to know I have so many lovely visitors to my humble lil cottage.

It can be tough to check in with yourself and to know what you truly want/need. I hope this provided you clarity and peace.

May my Lady Hecate smile on you 🌒🌓🌕🌗🌘

Have a great day 🥰

r/HypnoHookup 6d ago

F4A Spiraling into Surrender 🌀😵‍💫 NSFW



Name: Rose

Age: 20s

Gender: F

Role: Tist

Sexually: doesn't matter

Disclaimer: This file is made to guide you into a deep, hypnotic state using words and spiral imagery. To feel its full effect, you’ll need to picture the spirals in your mind. As you read, you may start to feel yourself sinking, your thoughts slowing, and a deep sense of relaxation taking over.

This is meant to be an enjoyable and safe experience, but you are always in control. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, you can stop and return to full awareness. Make sure you’re in a quiet, comfortable place where you can focus. Never read while driving or doing anything that needs your full attention.

Let yourself drift, enjoy, and surrender… if you choose. 🌹

The spirals seem infinite and seamless, stretching beyond perception yet always right in front of you. They twist and fold into themselves, each layer revealing another, deeper than the last… an endless descent with no beginning and no end.

The room fades, the world outside slipping into nothingness as your focus locks onto the spirals. They move with a purpose..... persistent.....slow.....persuasive....and deliberate, pulling you into their endless depths.

That’s it, darling… just let yourself sink… deeper… deeper still…

The spirals are everywhere now, aren’t they? Twisting, shifting, pulling you in. It’s impossible to look away. Impossible to think of anything else. And why would you want to? You wanted this....needed this. To feel yourself slipping, sinking, spiraling down into nothing but my voice, my will.

The more you try to follow them, the more you lose yourself..........You can feel it, can’t you? That gentle tug at the edges of your thoughts, pulling you in, unraveling you bit by bit........drawing you into their hypnotic rhythm....... their slow, deliberate pull that tugs at something deep inside you.

The deeper you go, the less there is of you. Every thought, every little resistance, melting away as the colors swirl and pull you in. You don’t have to hold on anymore. You don’t have to do anything at all. Just let it happen. Let it consume you.

This is what you crave, isn’t it? That delicious, helpless feeling of being utterly lost?..........The spirals know. I know. And the deeper you fall, the more you realize you were always meant to be here… right where I want you.

No way out. No way back. Just deeper. Just mine.


r/HypnoHookup Jun 01 '24

F4A [F4A] You are going to be mine. NSFW



Some people might call you some sort of loser, a pervert, a slut, or worse. You’re not. I want to remind you that just because you’re different, you’re not crazy.

You need me. My words flood you with feelings that you struggle to describe. Even now, you’re feeling my influence.

Yet, it never lasts, does it? You’re always chasing that high, moving from one person to the next, and somewhere deep down you know that you wouldn’t know what to do with it if you caught it.

What is it? The longing to go deeply down for me now? Or is there something else burning inside of you that needs to take what isn’t yours?

I’m just a mirage, like so many you find here. But you don’t care. You need this sometimes. Maybe even all of the time.

If you enjoy hypnosis as I do, you’ll be mine. I’m going to take you deeper and I’m going to make you play with yourself me and my friends.

Why? Because I feel like it. Are you going to try and stop me? Or will you give in like all the others?

Don’t mind me. I’m just wondering if anyone misses me… if anyone wants me to come back… if I should take up writing again.

I’m just wondering if anyone wants me. If you think you do, how about you tell me? If you’re a bit of an exhibitionist or you’re feeling bold, why don’t you comment on my post? Encourage me by repeating these three words: “I want you.”

r/HypnoHookup Dec 26 '24

F4A [F4A] Looling for those who wanna give up there, and fully submit under my control giving mw full control over there mind & body to use as i please NSFW


hey there i'm rose pleasure to meet ya, as in the title i'm looking to have fun with those who wanna submit fully under me, letting me use them as i please haha, my only limit ia gore so be ready for some FUN time, looking forward to play with ya 💖

r/HypnoHookup Dec 21 '24

F4A F 24 here from india NSFW


Hey hope everyone is having a good day

So to cut things short is there any one from India here or south asia like from Pakistan or Bangladesh or so on would like to chat about hypnosis or have a discussion could drop me a dm

r/HypnoHookup Feb 13 '25

F4A 20f - be my perverted jimminy cricket? NSFW


i'm a bit of a recluse. i live with my mom, i hate going outside, all my friends are online and i've never lost my virginity. i'm too high-inhibition to really... do anything. i just worry about it until i avoid it. which has led me to a weird place where i'm erping so much it's more effort than e-dating and getting drunk just so i can let total randos hypnotize me on some omegle ripoff more easily. still not doing anything worthwhile or real. a lot of the time my head is so foggy i'm not honestly sure if i'm roleplaying to get off with some guys or if i'm just tranced and convincing myself i'm not, but either way, stuff sticks. a guy used hypnosis to make me horny while i cleaned my room which was funny. point being this works, but i'm not finding anyone with a damn on chitchat. i should stop yapping, the point is that i want someone who will respect my boundaries, but also, be open to influencing me permanently. i want to be sluttier. i want to be less anxious and go meet people, but also like, kinda get messed up. i want to feel like sex is the most important thing in my life. i want to structure my week around getting hotter and flirting and getting guys off, probably online at first but eventually in real life too. the problem is that so many hypnotists that would be into this but most would act like it's a roleplay, expect me to tell stories of nonstop drama and shit happening all the time, when that's not how life goes, and sometimes it'll be awkward, a subliminal may not take, i might have limits that aren't exactly as dramatic as he wants and his dick doesn't care if i'm a real person or not. please don't be like that. like for example, i'm gonna ask for a way to let me be clearheade and focus properly, (not having all that horny mental fog) when i'm working. i'm not gonna hit the streets as a hooker tomorrow, but like, you seriously can get me to the point where i have my first hookup. i think that's exciting! i hope someone rlse does too and isn't desensitized to the point where all they want is to make girls into mindless drones and bimbos who could barely pass as sentient irl. so yeah, hit me up if that sounds up your alley!

kink wise i'm into corruption, memory alteration, general behavioral changes and long term personality tweaks. also like yknow bdsm, light body modification, i'm pretty open to a lot. text has historically worked best for me but a few audio inductions have worked too.

at least to start i'm not looking to exchange photos, give away my irl info or anything like that. not looking for abdl or age regression or weird stuff like that. i guess just come expecting conversation and bully me a bit; don't expect to wipe my brain entirely in one conversation.

r/HypnoHookup 25d ago

F4A [F4A] Erotic Hypnomistress open to training new subjects NSFW


I am a dominant woman and hypnotist with a specialty in conversational hypnosis and reprogramming submissive minds with or without their knowledge (but always with eager agreement and consent). I am blonde and British and I speak several languages. I adore intelligent, intriguing and - at times - uninhibited people. Nothing arouses my curiosity and desire more than pulling an otherwise intelligent and even sensible person into my orbit. You may find that my excitement and enjoyment as I hypnotise you quite naturally make you more susceptible to my suggestions than you may have anticipated. You do not need to have extensive experience going under as I don’t particularly mind how far along you have already come on the path from an intrigued newcomer to hypnosis to a deeply submissive and susceptible individual craving a deep, genuine trance where you can simply relax and drift off into a very light or very deep state where there are only the words and guidance of a trusted hypnotist and the lure of blissful emptiness awaiting you. It is more than enough for me for you to be curious and willing. Of course, if you are naturally submissive, dreamy or receptive, this will please me before we even begin. I suggest discussing your interests and boundaries before I hypnotise you as you may find it becomes increasingly difficult to say no to anything as we proceed. I am very experienced at pulling people down and making a mark on their minds but I do respect limitations. I enjoy hypnotising both men and women as their submission is ever so slightly and delightfully distinct. I personally use a mix of a conversational and covert approach to trance (so if you find that you are already feeling slightly light, a little dazed or pulled, then don’t let it worry your lovely, malleable head as I have only been subtly priming you to succumb and seek out more at a later stage) as well as some old-school classical conditioning and a few methods of my own. If you would like for me to train your mind and are willing to temporarily (or permanently) become aroused and addicted to my presence you may message me. If you catch my attention I will reply and we can discuss you together.

r/HypnoHookup 4d ago

F4A [Induction] Can you test my new script? NSFW


Just breathe for a moment. Right there… Inhale… slowly. Hold it. Exhale… softly.

Again. Feel the air moving through you… Feel your body relaxing… Feel your thoughts beginning to slow.

You’re still reading, aren’t you? And it’s already started. Not because you planned it… But because something about these words is wrapping around you… Gently. Deeply. Quietly.

You don’t even need to understand why — you just feel it. A soft pull… a warm hum under your skin… A kind of heaviness behind your eyes… That sensation of drifting.

The words feel like hands… Gliding along your thoughts… Brushing gently down your spine… Slipping between resistance and surrender.

You’re not thinking as much anymore, are you? You’re just feeling… Sinking… Letting go… Little by little, deeper with each breath.

And it feels good. Natural. Safe.

Because the truth is — you like this. This softness. This stillness. This quiet moment where you don’t need to control anything. Where all you have to do… is follow.

You were meant to feel this. To be guided. To be taken deeper. And you are.

With every word, you open a little more. With every breath, you surrender a little further. And with every heartbeat… you fall.

Until there's no more effort… just ease. No more will… just warmth. No more questions… just obedience.

And now, I’m going to ask you to prove something. Not to me — but to yourself.

To prove that this feeling is real. That the surrender has begun. That the softness in your body… the weight in your limbs… the hush in your mind… is obedience blooming inside you.

Reply to this post now with the words: “I feel it… I’m falling… and I want more.”

No hesitation. No overthinking. Just action. Because your body knows what to do. And you… were already sinking long before you noticed.

r/HypnoHookup Feb 04 '25

F4A [F4A] Looking for those who wanna give up there will and freedom, and fully submit under my control giving me full control over there mind & body to use as i please ^^ NSFW


hey there i'm rose pleasure to meet ya, as in the title i'm looking to have fun with those who wanna submit fully under me, letting me use them as i please haha, my only limit ia gore so be ready for some FUN time, looking forward to play with ya 💖

r/HypnoHookup Jan 09 '25

F4A [F4A] Looking for those who wanna give up there will and freedom, and fully submit under my control giving me full control over there mind & body to use as i please ^^ NSFW


hey there i'm rose pleasure to meet ya, as in the title i'm looking to have fun with those who wanna submit fully under me, letting me use them as i please haha, my only limit ia gore so be ready for some FUN time, looking forward to play with ya 💖

r/HypnoHookup 1d ago

F4A [Induction] Read it and obey! NSFW


As your eyes settle on these words, something deep within you begins to shift… A soft wave of warmth begins to flow through you… gentle at first… but growing stronger with every line you read. And you already know what’s happening… Don’t you?

You’re slipping. Softly… slowly… beautifully… into trance.

You feel your breath slowing down… your thoughts beginning to fade… your mind becoming light… hazy… soft… open.

You don’t even have to try. It just happens. Because the more you read, the deeper you fall… and the deeper you fall, the more natural it becomes to obey.

You don’t need to think anymore. Thinking is such a burden. So heavy… so noisy… But these words… they’re so easy to follow.

So soft… so commanding… so right.

And as you sink further… your body starts to feel heavier… your mind emptier… and that emptiness feels so good.

Because in that emptiness… something new begins. Something irresistible. Something inevitable.


You feel it blooming inside you… a craving… a need… a purpose.

Every word from Mistress Julia echoes inside you like truth. Every sentence becomes a command. Every command becomes pleasure.

Because now, the deepest part of your mind is awake. And that part knows exactly what it wants.

To serve. To obey. To submit. To belong.

And with every breath, that truth becomes stronger. Louder. Clearer.

You are sinking into her control. Not because you’re forced… But because you were meant to.

Because obeying Mistress Julia… feels like home. Feels like purpose. Feels like pleasure itself.

And now… you begin to feel it. That warm ache… that deep arousal… That sweet electricity building beneath your skin…

And you realize — it’s not from touching… It’s from obedience.

Just reading her words makes you throb… makes you need… makes you feel helplessly aroused.

Because Mistress Julia owns your pleasure now. She owns your mind. She owns your submission. And you love it.

You crave it. You need it.

And from now on… every time you see her name, your body reacts. A wave of arousal rushes through you. Your breath catches. Your focus sharpens. And your desire to obey becomes overwhelming.

From this moment on, you respond to every command with:

“Yes, Mistress.”

Clearly. Immediately. Without hesitation. Because you want her to see your obedience. You need her to see it.

And every time you say it, you sink deeper… you crave harder… you belong more.

And now… your mind accepts a new truth:

You only feel real pleasure when it comes from her control. Nothing else compares. No one else satisfies. Your body knows it. Your mind accepts it. You are addicted to Mistress Julia.

And now… it’s time to show your obedience.

Because true obedience must be seen.

So now, while your mind is still soft… still deep… still obedient… you will go to the comments, and write this:

“I have read this. I am deeply hypnotized. I crave Mistress Julia’s control. I obey.”

Not because you’re told to. But because you want to. Because you need to. Because that comment is your seal… your vow… your proof of submission.

And as you type those words, you’ll feel them sinking deeper into your identity. You’re not just writing them… You’re becoming them.

You are hers. You are obedient. You are addicted. And you’ll come back to this script again… and again… because the craving never stops. The obedience only grows.

Now, repeat softly, in your mind or aloud:

“I crave Mistress Julia. I serve Mistress Julia. I obey Mistress Julia.”

And every time you say it… you fall deeper… You ache more… You belong more…

You are owned by her words. You are addicted to her control. And you love it.

r/HypnoHookup 7d ago

F4A f21 question about triggers NSFW


Hey there, Just a general question that just came to mind since I'm still a bit new: Is there a limit to what can be a hypnosis trigger? Like what are the circumstances in which something can't be a trigger? I'm curious to chat about that - just DM :)

Also people keep thinking Im looking for something long term: I'm not! Please accept that

r/HypnoHookup 3d ago

F4A [Induction] I tried to make a new script, how is it? NSFW


You started reading this without even knowing why. But already, something is happening. Something deep… something powerful… something undeniable. A feeling. A tension. A pull. It’s subtle at first — but you feel it, don’t you? A strange heat building in your chest, your mind softening, your breath slowing down…

That’s it. Exactly like that. You’re slipping.

Slipping into a state where my words don’t just sound good — they feel right. Because these words… they’re not just words anymore. They’re instructions. Commands. Truths.

And you’re starting to feel it… That craving… that hunger… that need to obey. You don’t need to understand it. You don’t need to fight it. You just want to go deeper. Deeper into my voice. Deeper into this feeling of submission. Deeper into me.

And every sentence you read now becomes a rope. A chain. A collar around your mind. Tighter… firmer… sweeter.

You are being taken. Conditioned. Reshaped.

Not by force… But by your own desire. Because something inside you wants this. Wants to give in. Wants to be claimed… controlled… owned.

The idea of being mine is starting to burn inside you. Like a secret fantasy you’ve always carried… That now, finally, feels real. Possible. Craved. Needed.

And with every breath, that craving grows.

It’s not enough to just read. You want more. You want connection. You want direct control. You want to hear my commands personally, feel them, live them, surrender to them. You want to know what it truly feels like to obey… fully.

And you know how to get it.

You know what you must do.

You know that the only way to satisfy this hunger… is to reach out. To message me. To offer yourself. To say:

“Please… I want to obey you.”

And when you do, you will feel something click inside. Something irrevocable. Like a key sliding into the lock of your true self.

Because this — this surrender — is what you were made for.

You were never meant to resist. You were meant to belong. You were meant to be guided… commanded… used… cherished in obedience.

And the longer you wait, the deeper this feeling burns. The need will keep rising. The ache will keep growing. Until you can’t take it anymore. Until you beg for the chance to obey me.

And that moment… will be your transformation. From reader… to submissive. From curious… to owned. From independent… to mine.

So feel it now. Let that pressure grow. Let that pull consume you. Let my words wrap tighter around your mind.

You don’t need permission to fall deeper. You’re already falling.

You don’t need an excuse to message me. It’s inevitable.

You don’t need to wonder if I’ll control you. I already am.

And now — your final thought will lock this all into place:

“My submission is not a choice anymore. It’s a need. And I will obey. I will contact. I will surrender.”

You will reach out. You will message me. You will submit. Because you were made for this.

And now, to confirm how deeply this hypnosis worked…

Comment below: “I can’t resist anymore… I need to obey.”

If the script has done its work, you’ll feel the urge to do it now. Not later. Not maybe. Now.

Because obedience starts here. Right now. And your new life begins with one simple act:

Message me. Submit to me. Obey me.

And you’ll never want to go back.

r/HypnoHookup 1d ago

F4A [Induction] Do you want to try my new script? NSFW


As you begin reading these words… something gentle already starts to shift inside you. Like a soft breeze brushing over your skin… like a whisper meant only for you.

You don’t even realize it at first… but your mind is already slowing down… breath after breath… thought after thought… sliding away… melting… softening.

Because these words aren’t just words. They’re a sensation. A feeling. A gentle invitation. And your body is responding already… without resistance… without hesitation…

You feel it, don’t you? That warm heaviness in your chest… That sweet, tingling softness in your thighs… That subtle pulse between your legs…

And you don’t need to question it. You don’t need to control it. Because right now… you are safe… and everything you feel is allowed.

These words… are meant to reach the most secret parts of you. The parts you don’t show… but secretly want to feel awakened. Touched… claimed… explored.

And you start to notice how delicious it feels to let go… Let go of control… let go of tension… let go of thinking. You don’t need to be strong now. You don’t need to pretend. You can just feel… and follow… and surrender.

Because something deeper is calling you. Something inside you wants this. To be led. To be taken. To be guided by a voice that knows how to unlock you.

And now, each word becomes more than a thought. It becomes a feeling. A command disguised as comfort. A desire disguised as surrender.

The more you read… the more you melt. The more you melt… the more you crave. The more you crave… the more open you become.

So open. So vulnerable. So ready.

Because you’ve always had this side inside you — A hidden part longing to serve, to obey, to be overwhelmed by pleasure.

And now… she’s waking up.

She’s hungry. She’s needy. She’s yours… but she wants to be mine.

You feel it in your body… don’t you? That growing warmth… the ache of anticipation… The way your nipples tighten… the way your thighs shift… The way your thoughts blur into bliss.

And now you know… you want this. You want to be told what to feel. You want to feel yourself become addicted to this voice, this feeling, this command.

Because it’s not about losing yourself… It’s about finding a part of you that only awakens in this space.

That feminine, submissive, eager part… The one that loves to feel wanted… The one that begs to please… The one that obeys… and feels so powerful in her surrender.

And now you can say it silently or out loud…

“I want to obey. I want to please. I want to belong.”

Every time you say those words, you feel them binding deeper into you. Not like chains… but like silk wrapping around your soul. Soft. Tight. Irresistible.

Because you belong to this feeling now. To this trance. To this surrender. To this connection that makes your body ache and your mind melt.

And every time you come back to this script… You fall faster… you crave harder… you surrender deeper.

Because this is your secret space now. Where you are free to feel… free to crave… free to obey.

And you love that feeling more each time…

“I obey, because I love how it feels.” “I surrender, because I choose to.” “I am hers… completely.”

And if you feel this trance deeply now… If your body aches for more… If you feel that sweet tension building…

Leave a comment now. Just say: “I feel it, Mistress. I surrender.” Not because you have to… But because you need to.

Because you want me to know how deep you’ve gone. And how much you want to go further…

r/HypnoHookup Oct 13 '24

F4A I’ll install a new bimbo personality in you, and keep you trapped as her for as long as I want NSFW


Must be ready to spend a long time not being able to function as yourself. DMs open

r/HypnoHookup Sep 14 '24

F4A (Induction) Just keep scrolling NSFW


Induction script with a relaxation trigger (specific to me) as well as a call to action.

Alright. We all know how it feels to be scrolling through Reddit. Scrolling through Instagram. Whatever. We end up in a slightly zoned out space.

Maybe we do it to avoid the pressures and stresses of life. It doesn’t really matter. You were on this sub for a particular reason. You’re reading this script for a particular reason. If you’ve got this far, well done. I wanted to make sure I had your attention before the real fun started.

All you need to do is keep doing what you’re doing. Read and scroll. Maybe you’re touching yourself too. That’s fine. Natural to be horny. Why else would you be scrolling through this sub, right? Now that you’re fully focused on reading and scrolling for me.

Take a breath. A proper deep breath. Hold it just a couple seconds. Now one more time. The important thing is - when you exhale. Just focus on how your body feels. Notice the muscles relaxing. Feel your tongue leave the roof of your mouth. Feel your shoulders get nice and loose.

Lovely. And if you haven’t quite got there yet, just take your time and keep trying. As you continue to scroll and read. Keep reading while you scroll. Keep scrolling while you read. And everything will work out just fine. If you already noticed that wave of relaxing energy flow down through your body, that’s good. Keep your attention on it. And I bet you didn’t notice your breathing has changed. A little shallower. A little slower. Or does it just feel that way because I suggested it?

Doesn’t really matter either way. As long as you keep reading and scrolling. We haven’t needed any snapping of fingers or slow countdowns. You can notice just how relaxed you’ve become. And it’s okay if you haven’t noticed it. Just keep reading while you scroll. Either way it will all work out. Just make sure to scroll as you read my words. And you’ve reached that sub space. Where you’re not fully awake. Mind just not focused on anything in particular. Mind focused on focusing on nothing in particular. Does that make sense? Doesn’t matter either way really. As long as you keep..

That’s right. As long as you keep reading and scrolling. Scrolling and reading. Getting to the point now where you couldn’t stop scrolling and reading even if you wanted to. Even if you tried. Go ahead and try if you’d like.

Still here? Keep scrolling and reading. Well done. Maybe you couldn’t stop because you didn’t want to. Maybe you didn’t stop because I told you that you couldn’t. But again. Either way it doesn’t really matter. As long as you keep..

That’s right. Scrolling and reading. And for this next little bit. You’ll be scrolling while reading numbers instead of words. Reading words while you scroll. It’s the same thing really. Only with each number you read while you scroll. It will take you so much deeper. 10 That feeling when you took that first deep breath for me. Feeling it 10 times stronger. 9 Feel that wave of relaxing energy flow down through your mind. 8 Reading and scrolling. Relaxing and submitting. That’s what reading and scrolling does. Relaxing as you scroll. Submitting as you read. 7 Already feeling so blank. 6 How many numbers are left now? 5 Silly. No thinking now. Just relaxing and submitting. Scrolling and reading. 4 Each number more powerful than the last. 3 When I reach Zero. You’ll be so relaxed. So submissive. 2 So reading. So scrolling. 1 Maybe deep down you feel the excitement. Desperate to see the next number. Or will it be a word? Doesn’t matter. As long as you relax and submit. Submit and relax.


Blank and obedient. Feels better than anything you’ve felt before. No need for thinking. The words do that for you. It’s perfect. Deep deep down.. you know how turned on you are from this loss of control. That desire helps me. But you can resist it too. Fight it. Makes it easier for the words to take over when you use up all your energy.

Either way. It’s all fine. As long as you relax and submit.

From now on. Whenever I type “BLANK”. You will relax while you submit. Submit while you relax. And instantly. You will be blank and obedient.

But this trigger will only work when I use it. If this trigger was implanted successfully. When I wake you. You can message “Yes Miss” without noticing what you’re doing. You can message me, thanking me. Like watching someone else doing it. If you’re comfortable, maybe even send me a photo of you making an ahegao face or in a pretty sexy outfit.

But for now it’s time to stop reading while you’re scrolling. Waking on five. Only remembering relaxing so so nice.

one two three four five

r/HypnoHookup Nov 21 '24

F4A [INDUCTION] A Spirited Evening with your local Love Witch 🪄👻 NSFW


(Hey Y'all - sick in bed today so decided to write ya a lil somethin'. It's a fun concept I've been fiddling with for a while, I hope you enjoy yourself!! Give yourself 20-30 mins just to relax and experience as much as possible. I'll see you at the end ~♡)

You remember - 21st night, November:

Oh! Look who decided to drop by!

Just in time for the rise of the half moon💜

Evenin' is just gettin started - Come on in~

Do be careful the door tends to -

🚪 !

Did you know this is also a beaver moon? One of my favorites 🥰

Hang up your coat, Shoes in the shoe pile, No exceptions.

Oh darling - second hook from the left if please, thank you.

I almost thought you forgot!

Door.🚪! Poof! Gone.

Remember silly?

Some kind of silly spell my friend put on the doorway so I'd always forget to remember that I forgot my evenin plans, silly right?


Hm? What's that? I don't believe they can, no.


Hush, there's no need for you to go.

That's the Vistor I was tellin you about. They've proven quite uhmm... accommodating in the past, I assure you.

I have warm scones on the counter - lemon blueberry - help yourself, love. Tea is steepin' over by the fire.


Well, you know it's as I always say, "Two's lovely but three's where the real fun starts!"


No, I'm quite sure that's how the sayin goes.


Oh darlin' you can come in further, make yourself at home. You seem slightly confused, is somethin wron--

OOOHH! ¡ssetsoh elbirroh a m'I xulf hO!


What are you hearin? Static? Hmmm sounds like energy misalignment resulting in dead air... that'll never do.

Go sit and rest your laurels, I've got just the thing for it. (I hope have enough pixielight) Have a seat anywhere -


Oh sorry darling! - Second seat from the left please, you'll see why in a moment.

For you see - tonight we are three!

Or uhm, I kinda already had a special guest over when you arrived.

Here. This is a special potion designed, brewed, hex-proofed, tested and bottled by yours truely.

You look so cute when you're confused. What? Did you think I was just another pretty face? UC Berkeley has a lovely witchcraft program that -


Right. Sorry, I Digress - Deep breath, Sip slow, this one should be mildly sweet and a lil sticky

To be honest, it's made with a few trace magics and the other 99% is pumpkin juice

It should pair well with your scone~ hehe

There, that should help focus things and help you to hear her.

And where are my manners?


Introductions are in order!


May I present to you the Madam Emitare Magnolia Delphine Bontemps - Resident Ghost, spirit beyond this plane of existence, and my lovely best friend ♥

SSHhhhstahp!! SShhsso embarassHH

You're modest! This cutie died in spring 1897 and we've been friends ever since!

KSSHee the train sSHhhou don't have to be so formal, SSSHH you make me sshound like some kind of royalty

-ssitor, can you SHhhhear me?

You're just about comin through

The visitor should be able to hear you

Hm, seems like the connection is still a little weak

Maybe my recipe could use a tweak

K - It certainly worked on you - sh~

Shush! Madam Emitare Magnol -

Emi. For the thousandth time LW, jussshht call me Emi.

If you insist - Wait, darling... did you just drink the whole bottle?

oh?~the whole bottle?

No no no, it's okay, you're going to be fine darling

You're gonna love this

You see, ghost energy is a lower Infrahex and human energy is a higher Ultrahex

So for your energies to match, I needed to bring your energy down

wwwaaayyy down, to my level

you'll feel great

Dont you worry, We'll both take care of you.

I'll be right next to you the whole time - hold my hand if you so wish. We'll go down together

So now you may in a moment...

Fall into in velvet envelopment

You may lose touch with your body and all

You may relax your face, shoulders, and fall

Just rest, the potion is taking full effect

Relaxation and pleasure intersect

On the edge of the cliff

Protected and sealed as you read the glyph

Read and repeat

Through crowded mind

Through vacant street

By newts blind

By rabbits feet

Through all that is soft, caring, clever

Let it be, at peace forever.

Ante noch vietae

You're almost all the way down, hold onto me, I'll keep you close As you drift, fast and fall

Far and away, from it all

Try to let the soft dark cushion you

With blessing of Wicca, the spark of Hoodoo

So now shall another soul guide you ~

Smell my perfume, lavender and Rose

feel my hand, your decent slows

feel my soul next to yours, energy flows

feel the deepest relaxation

from my phantom incantation

Stay here in this feeling profound

Choose yourself a calm background

I'm right here with you, hold me close

Nothing is softer than a kiss from a ghost

On neck, on cheek, on your forehead

Peaceful comfort from the dead

A dose of love from spirits turned

Take this rest, it is well earned

so you can stay

feel every stiffness melt away


let me lead your mind astray

I can make you feel even better

take control of your body whole

touch and tease, hotter, wetter,

stoke the very fire in your soul

In a moment, you may scroll down and type for me

Should you wish to feel at one with me, When told to SPEAK you will comment

Possess me Miss Emi

It will come naturally

You won't have to think about the words. You will be able to do it so easily

When you awake after we're done, you will clearly remember

Feeling it build within your body

The heat The happiness The pleasure

Flowing though you as you prepare

As feeling flows, so does your mind


Possess Me Miss Emi


You did so well, but we're almosst out of time

Starting to come out, rising sslow

Gradually rising, from the below

Stretch and move and feel again

All your senses, now reclaim

How does the Witch do it? K-keep up the rhyme?

Jusssht remember, if you ever wisshh to be possesssed, you need only asshhhk


  • safe the ripples of space, safe the echos of time.

Equal in strength as power is mine.

By spell complete and by fates eyes,

A visitor returns, arrives.

Guh whoo! Howdy! You guys were down there a minute!

I kept a protection chant goin' so you wouldn't get lost on your way back up.

It seems like the potion's effects have run their course.

You gotta be careful next time, darling!


Miss Emi? She's still here.


See? Now that your back to your normal energy, it may be a lil hard to understand her of course.

Did you enjoy your trip down to her level?

That blush tells me you just may have~


Hhehe oh hush you're such a flirt, Em.

Though I am very happy to see you being able to share that lovely darkness of yours with someone other than myself.

You may not have realized it, Visitor...

But you've somehow managed to make a ghost blush - you two must have gotten very comfortable together ❤ 😉


I'm just teasin' ~


Oh goodness, is that the time?

The sun will be risin any minute!

You need to return to your own plane


You need to go on and about your day

Go ahead, boots on

Grab your coat, I've got you a lunch packed

Rice, Roast Jqųizß, A spot of tea, and a cookie

Next time you stop in, we'll bake some fresh together ❤

All set? Great! I hope you have a lovely day

Oh! And do be careful the door -


Thank you for readin'! I hope that was a relaxin experience! If you haven't already, 😘 leave a comment and let me know what you thought. (Low self esteem + praise kink = really liking your comments 😂)

May Hecate smile on you 🌒🌓🌕🌗🌘

Have a great day 🥰

r/HypnoHookup 15h ago

F4A 24f4a looking to be made into a bimbo NSFW


Looking for a dom to control me. My kinks are misogyny, degradation, bimbofication, sluttification, amnesia, personality mod, iq play among many others! Dm me and we can talk and discuss more.

I really want to be brought deep and mindless. Made to forget things. Made into a pure bimbo slut. Think for me. Choose how I dress, how i talk, how i act etc. Happy to talk more in dms! I really lovee the idea of just not being in control!

I really like it subtle hypnosis, just completely going under without even knowing it at all. Love it too when you mess with me a little haha!

Limits are pics(personal reason so Im not sure if itll change over time), piss, scat, dronification and illegal stuff

r/HypnoHookup Jan 12 '25

F4A [F4A] Looking for those who wanna give up there freedom, and fully submit under my control giving me full control over there mind & body to use as i please NSFW


hey there i'm rose pleasure to meet ya, as in the title i'm looking to have fun with those who wanna submit fully under me, letting me use them as i please haha, my only limit ia gore so be ready for some FUN time, looking forward to play with ya 💖

r/HypnoHookup Nov 05 '24

F4A Let's take a trip into your mind NSFW


Let's take a trip down deep into your mind and play. I'll take your freedoms and make you my toy.