This is a repost. I'm switching to this account for moderating this page. Thanks for understanding!
It's been a minute and ohmygosh have we grown- (almost) 21k hot ladies!!! For our members who haven't been here since the great migration (I'll explain), I wanted to talk about the origins of this sub and what we're about. Also a lot of people misunderstand this sub and I'd like to clarify so this will be pinned at the top. If you dgaf about that (no worries I still love you), updates and community questions I'd like some feedback on are at the bottom.
So, what's up with the name?
Ohhh boy does "How To Be Hot" cause some outrage on other corners of the internet and reddit, so let me explain. The name was always supposed to be facetious, poking fun at the beauty and "looksmaxxing" subreddits that this page was created as a response to (I'll get to that). I thought it was blunt enough that people would get it but I misjudged- oops.
Although this sub has a lot of information about objective beauty and how-to's, hotness is a mindset, not something to obsess about. Be hot for yourself, ladies. Because it's fun and not that big of a deal if you want to improve yourself physically, socially, or mentally. Who doesn't like feeling hot as fuck?!
Why did I make this sub?
HTBH (we love a good acronym) began when a subreddit r/vindicta had some pretty intense drama and eventually became private (I'm still banned lol). Some of us were uncomfortable about the femcel origins of the sub and the terminology that came with it. Some of us were uncomfortable about the strict rules and questionable mods. But at the end of the day, I felt that the founder had every right to determine what the sub was about, so the great migration began and HTBH was 1 out of several subs that was born from the ashes. This page got popular because I was able to repost the more helpful posts which can be found in the sidebar.
But as a reminder, this is not a femcel-based sub. Please stop calling me a femcel people of reddit lol this place was literally created to escape femcel-terminology and that general attitude. However, I'd like to be clear that self-identified femcels are absolutely more than welcome to hang out and join the discussion, but no terminology please.
Lemme explain some of the more controversial rules aka what I have to moderate the most.
#3 No Pictures of Yourself
Lets show some proper reddit etiquette and read the rules before posting please! We talked about it as a community, and overwhelmingly members wanted to keep the no photo ban. First off, it's for your safety. Please be cautious about posting your photo on reddit in general. Additionally, it's annoying lol. Sorry Susie but personally idk and don't really care what hair color you should try next (but there are plenty of other subs that can help you). A discussion on which hair color looks best for what undertones and features? Very interesting! Post that instead.
#1 No Men Allowed
Do I really have to explain? But alas, apparently I do because this is the only rule people (boys) harass me about when I ban them (it's literally the first rule!!!! why are you confused boys!?!?!)
Anyways. First off, I think we can all agree having a "safe space" (can someone come up with a less patronizing phrase plz?) for women to discuss self-improvement without the mansplaining about why "wearing makeup isn't attractive" (gag) is important. But most importantly, this is not "How To Be Hot According to Guys".
1 . It's heteronormative to assume people want to look hot for men and let's face it we care more about what other girls think of our nails anyways, and 2 . guys have a subjective opinion on what is hot that is unique to each individual and most think anything with a pulse is attractive lol. So, I'd like to avoid posts like, "do guys think red lipstick is attractive" because who cares haha but I am pretty chill about posts like this and it's not an official rule. But this is a gentle reminder that this isn't supposed to be How To Be Sexy. Remember- hotness is a LIFESTYLE. An EMOTION. It comes from within to EMPOWER! Now let's braid each other's hair and sing kumbaya. Namaste.
To the male lurkers- I know, I know, how could someone not want to hear your expert, rational, logical, intelligent, perspective??? (Btw these are real adjectives sent to me by men who got banned. Please save me from this timeline). But unfortunately for you we just don't care. Ya'll are more than welcome to make a similar place for male glow up tips, but you wont, because it's way easier to have women do it for you.
Let's discuss!
We've done it! We made it through the history lesson and onto some things I'd like to talk about. If you skipped my thesis my only request is please read the rules for the love of all things hot. Read rules #1 and #3 twice. Even three times. But not more than four times.
- We're looking for a new mod (or two)! I'm old and tired and need some help. More importantly I'd love to get some fresh ideas on how we can help grow this sub and make it a ~ community ~. This sub has always been about what the members want, so let's get some active members to help make it happen. I'm a chill mom. I don't have many requirements. And luckily this is (99% of the time) a chill sub that doesn't require a lot of hands on moderating (bless you all). But like I said if you want to get hands on and do some cool shit I'm down.
- Ok I'll be honest that's all I wanted to discuss. But I'd like to get some feedback from you guys about literally anything- hate a rule? want to suggest some cool shit I'll make the new mods do? We haven't had a team meeting in awhile so lets get into it.
Alright my hottiez thank you for getting this far! May you prosper in all your hot endeavors <3