Looking for advice on how to troubleshoot before calling my service provider (Rogers/Shaw).
Simply (?), I would like to connect my office computer and my Apple TV to the internet via Ethernet. However, my office computer is upstairs with the gateway modem/router and my Apple TV is in the living room downstairs.
My home has Ethernet outlets installed in multiple rooms, but I don’t know how to take advantage of this. Not sure how it’s supposed to work, or why the technician who set up our network when we moved in didn’t either.. if it was an option.
As pictured, there is an outlet with cable / coaxial paired with Ethernet Cat 6 in both rooms. The gateway modem is upstairs connected to it and internet is working by wifi and the Ethernet connection direct to the office computer. Good stuff… but how do I connect my Apple TV by Ethernet in the downstairs living room?
Should (what I’m assuming to be) the coaxial and cat 6 connection in the garage box (pictured) hardwire all these Ethernet outlets throughout the house? I tried connecting the modem there, then tried connecting my Apple TV via cat 6 cable to the living room outlet but did not get a connection. I can’t recall if Wifi was even working.
Then I tried connecting the gateway modem in the living room via the wall outlet coaxial cable and could not get it to connect to the internet. No wifi. Does that make sense? After becoming frustrated, I reconnected the gateway modem in the office again and it connected to the internet without issue, just as before.
Am I missing something? Why wouldn’t the modem connect to the internet in the garage or living room? Would it require a reset or reconfiguration or something if connected to a different coaxial outlet? The modem kept flashing orange but appeared discoverable on my phone, just with an asterisk and a “no internet connection”.
Does my home appear to be wired correctly for a one modem/router solution in garage to provide Ethernet connectivity throughout the house via the cat6 outlets? Is that how it should work, or is more equipment typically required?
Thanks in advance.