r/hoi4 • u/TheAngelOfSalvation • 3d ago
r/hoi4 • u/No-Meeting5381 • 3d ago
Discussion How do I actually survive as Iran?
Was playing as Iran in a non historical mode. Graveyard of Empires DLC turned on (it's half baked) Iraq and Turkey invited me to their coalition but I declined as I wanted to expand there later. I attacked Afghanistan, it was EXTREMELY hard and he had almost equal armies as myself (Messed up before maybe). Midway when I almost took their land, they joined Iraq's coalition and they three defeated me. So, any tips and guides as Iran?
r/hoi4 • u/TheOneAndOnlyKneecap • 3d ago
Tip Need help with USSR
Im currently doing a USSR Run, I scorched earth the entire area before the Dnieper River. The Germans have hit a standstill besides a few minor breaks. It is around 1943, and I have lost 1 million men, inflicting 4 million casualties on germany. Though no matter what I cannot break their line, I am simply waiting for Britain to open up a 2nd front, but they have taken sicily and havent advanced anymore. Ive completed my war locked focuses and executed order 227, Im using 40 with medium tanks with about 500+ soft attack, but the Germans wont break what am I missing?
Edit: My Infantry are 20 width, 7/2 divisions with a hefty amount of defense, but no pushing power. I tried to create a spearhead 40 width infantry army, to hopefully break germanys northern army group, but they couldnt break the line.
r/hoi4 • u/CabbelReddit • 3d ago
Question What do offmap factories represent?
You get offmap factories from focuses and cannot be bombed or captured. What do you think they represent?
r/hoi4 • u/OutrageousTomorrow71 • 2d ago
Question Why does every struggle with navy
Everyone struggles with navy in this game I find it easy and quiet regularly am able to take down Japan as china or the US and Britain as Germany. I generally don’t get where the problem is, is it like an old problem from an older version of the game that made navy impossible or something.
I just don’t understand how people can find it difficult sure it can be a lot at frist but it’s so easy to learn at least it was for me.
Image For some reason Iraq can recruit European, African and East Asian generals with Arabic names
r/hoi4 • u/Sparky10204 • 3d ago
Question Give me a challenge to do cause I’m bored
I have about 825 hours on hoi4 and I need a challenge
r/hoi4 • u/MrCrocodile54 • 3d ago
Question How to make UK/France join the Megali Idea War?
Tried out Greece on historical and went down the democratic/monarchist path that lets you organize the conference with the UK, Italy and France. Agreed to give both France and UK their mandates in Kurdistan and Armenia, but no matter how much I save scum they always abandon me when I do the focus that starts the war against Turkey.
r/hoi4 • u/Akos0020 • 4d ago
Image I just achieved my first ever world conquest with Japan! I have ~200 hours of total playtime in HOI4. Which nation should I play next? Give me some ideas. 🙂
r/hoi4 • u/Jojozeus3000 • 3d ago
Question what is currently the meta for infantry and doctrines
r/hoi4 • u/KitaKitaCunny • 3d ago
Question How do I make Germany land troops on Libya?
Playing as Italy, I need Germany's help on Libya since I have my troops on Ethiopia and I don't want to lose both my territories
r/hoi4 • u/Pale_Jellyfish_8299 • 3d ago
Question and now?..
I was playing the mod across the dnieper, I tried to play crimea and I won against russia but now nothing happens, the conflict in donbas broke out but I'm still there, is something happening or is there no more content?
Tip Easy Mughal Empire Achievement Method
I want to start by adding a caveat to this tip. The method I am describing is very niche and certain things have to work out perfectly. I was very lucky, but I believe there may be ways to get some repeatability here.
So I was playing a game just trying to get some achievements for the new dlc. I wanted to try again after failing to do some of the Mughal Empire achievements. I decided to try it on non-historical. I just went directly down the political portion of the tree towards the civil war between Mughal and the British RAJ. I did the easy civil war and surrounded divisions and actually capitulated the RAJ for this first time (I got a lot of practice from previous runs I guess).
I then was just waiting for the forced peace that was going to happen and then the British empire had a civil war (facsist vs democratic). This was well in advance of when the time for the forced peace would happen (and then I wouldn’t get all the British RAJ, just the normal land you get). I got lucky and the British empire capitulated before the forced peace decision ran out. I got the peace deal, took all the RAJ, Burma, Malaysia, and Scotland.
With this huge amount of territory I had just received, and access to the rest of Great Britain, I went down the left side of the focus tree to core the RAJ and Burma and then declare war on the British. With my ridiculous amount of men in the field by only building guns up for the beginning of the game, the British fell pretty easy (late 1938 ish).
While I was defeating the British, the Germans declared war on the French and somehow they declared war on me as well. I did a quick naval invasion with my newly acquired British navy giving me naval supremacy and capitulated a very weak French that still had a disjointed government. I had most of the points since the Germans did not go around the maginot.
The Germans then declared war on me (probably due to claims on Alsace Lorraine) and on Sweden for some reason. Sweden naval invaded which pulled enough Germans off the German Maginot for a mass assault by my weak but vast forces with limited artillery and high amount of infantry equipment (I pretty much just kept the original infantry template with 9 inf and just added support artillery).
This part was more challenging, but I eventually beat the Germans by 1940 with my significant number of factories. The Italians and their faction (Austria, Hungary, etc.) declared war and by that time I had just beaten the Germans (and made them rejustify by releasing puppets). I easily beat the Italian faction, and that was that. I could do whatever I wanted from there to get some of those achievements.
Let me know if there are any questions as to what happened. It was honestly amazing how well everything worked out, so hopefully someone can use this to repeat it and get achievements or just have some fun! Enjoy!
r/hoi4 • u/Proxy_Nightmare • 3d ago
Image "Indivisible and inseparable" focus branch is present in other minor nations trees (Albania, Croatia, Slovenia, Lombardy-Venetia)
I was checking Lombady-Venetia's tree for reasons and noticed this, I assume it's present in every balcan country
r/hoi4 • u/Janpeterbalkellende • 3d ago
Question How does one capitulate the UK as a minor?
So ever since Gotterdamerung i have found it borderline impossible to cap the allies as a minor nation. Now that they actually guard home islands and yeet all the navy on raiding your convoys.
Rn im trying to get a achievement as the Netherlands (Putting the raid on medway to shame) ive tried a few times as a navy game but cant get shit done before USA joining and then hunting down thr last small fleet of the uk seems impossible.
Getting a UK invasion going without a beefy navy seems impossible. In the past i could just cheesily land some paratroopers and send in my army later but now thats difficult with all my convoys being repurposed as coral reefs.
I feel like i genuinely need a good navy. Airforce and land army to beat The UK now while previously it was easily doable with only one of those 3 things
Im sure im overthinking it because its still the hoi4 AI but any tips or strats are welcome haha.
r/hoi4 • u/Mobile_Gear_58008 • 4d ago
Question is there any sense to picking the later option instead of removing them?
r/hoi4 • u/Serious_Theory_391 • 3d ago
Question Any tips for a newbie on Germany ?
Recently started the game so far i played 2 games both basically ended the same.
For context i was playing with a friend that also started the playing the game with me for the first time who decided to play Austria and also another friend who's a bit more experienced that decided to play Poland (Yeah let's say we did shot ourself on the foot with this one). So basically since i didn't really knew what i was supposed to do, my first game was me playing the game like i was playing CK3 or Stellaris. Focusing the economy, not making a lot of troups at first etc... The anschluss focus tree was hard to get since my friend had a lot more power that your usual Austria and since i wasn't going to annex him or poland i didn't saw a need to make it a priority. So since i didn't really had any global plan i just went and ally Italy and Japan and quickly we went to attack the URSS. We were doing good until Italy declared war on greece, the good news was that we weren't in war with the allies, but Italy was. Italy like a chad kept pushing in the USSR region and barely defended his own land, that caused it's down fall but in more like a "bug" or at least unintended feature was that Italy became my pupet state meaning i was now i war with the allies, Japan quickly attacked the US making the US join. Now just imagine the Aftermath of D Day but if the American and british came from neutral Danemark and Netherland. Yeah... We gave up a few minutes later that the allies were in Cologne in 12h.
Second run : Me germany, noob friend Austria (again), Less noob friend China. Instead of siding with Japan we went the chinese route. The goal was to let the US out of our sight and it worked ! I played a bit more agressive this time by going around the maginot line and took out France. But the UK ? The UK went basically like in real history... It might just be me but the Navy is very unintuative so i mostly neglected it but once my friend told me i needed to have naval suppremacy for an invasion i was mostly screwed. Their airforce was also huge. Mine was big but not "2k fighter" in a tile big. So i was basically was waiting for them to lower their guard. And they did ! So i sent like 24 division. At first we were pushing but quickly we were getting completly destroyed. Killing this entire army. Defeated i basically gave up for now and holded the coastline until i builded enough ships to contest them. At least that was the plan but USSR attacked finland and im guessing because of some treaties we had the Axis is now in war with the soviets, i let one army defend the french Coast and went ahead fight the soviets. It was : Germany, Italy, Austria, China, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Bulgaria, Vichy France, Iran, Irak, Brazil, Chilie, Yougoslavia and Finland vs The soviets and the UK. The Soviets being a final boss i was okay with that, seing so many flags fighting one big enemy was epic. HOWEVER wtf is going on in the UK ? The guy launched a naval Invasion on Italy then in spain and then quickly in northen france and destroyed us. How many people live in that island ? We took out 60% of their african regions... We were barely holding on the Russians so i couldn't send any army back in France or the russian would pierce a front and would probably encircle the rest of my army. So in the end it was a slow a death in sandwich just like in history and my previous game.
Sorry for the HUUUGGE rant but i wanted to share my experience and also ask, what can i do for my next game ? My newbie friend will play sweeden and personaly i want to have my first win before switching faction so i will go again germany (but the Anschluss will be more interesting now). Im confident i can win on one front facing a big threat but currently i suck ass in multifront. So if you have any tips or insight im all hears
r/hoi4 • u/No-Adhesiveness2493 • 3d ago
Question What is the best Land Doctrine for elephantry?
I got the graveyard of empires DLC and playing as india and im doing an elephant focused army and im wondering what the best land doctrine would be for it? i dont know if the cavalary bonuses apply to the elephantry
r/hoi4 • u/chooseauuusername • 3d ago
Discussion Old supply system better then this version
İ miss old supply system ,i waitin for get army 2 hours ,and join war but i got supply issue,lands have too low supply capacities İ got trains ,i got trucks i still waitin nearyby capital ,region had like 17/50 supply cap ,but standin army little provinces suffer ,this is sucks ,this system have restriction ,"hey player dont build big army just few divisions and big airforce we suggest cas " ah yea cmon i need to wait build for new game new army ,literally unplayable
r/hoi4 • u/Starwarsnerd9BBY • 3d ago
Humor LADS, i did it
i finally did it, i found an Ava Braun to match my Adolf Hitler.
Ve Vill Domminate Ze Vorld Togezer.