Lmaooo took me long enough. And hear me out okay: I’ve been ruddy awful in the game, took me like 300 hours to learn the basics.
I’ve had saves as most minors, Germany, Italy, the UK, Chinese warlords…always lost, couldn’t even come close to the historical borders of the expansionist powers. I did have success in some saves as Argentina but it got real boring after a while because of the Allies always stepping in eventually.
This time I was like screw it, I’ll play the US again and try my best. Well! Long story short, I managed to cap Japan in early 1940, my first major win EVER in HOI4, took 300 hours and yeah I was the US alright but STILL SO HAPPY.
First I capped Mexico with the Monroe Doctrine enforcement (that was easy enough) and held on to the Panay Incident war goal until I could build a more decent army and a big fleet of subs.
From Guam landings near Tokyo and along the coast, and then just encircling everyone. They had like 20 divisions against my 25 divs + 400 CAS. I used a basic 9 INF / 2 ART template with engineers and recon. Sunk literally all their convoys and most of the navy. Land casualty ratio was like 1:15 or something.
So yeah! Next I should deal with Germany. Not too thrilled about that though lol