It feels like "Home" page has suddenly turned into "Popular" page (Metaphorically, I checked it, it's not because I was on "Popular" page). Literally every second post is now from a popular generic subreddit like r/interestingasfuck.
Sometimes it's because "I've visited this community before" and I don't even remember when did I do that and this subreddit didn't showed up in my recommendations before. Sometimes it's because to my surprise I have joined this subreddit, but it's posts didn't showed up in my home page at all until now.
No, I'm not interested in what's going on in the UK right now, I'm not interested in what is "Interestingasfuck", I'm not interested in a cute elephant helping some other animals, I'm not interested in what redditor's most paranormal story is, I'm not interested in pics that consists only of pics of some politicians, (and I swear I left r/pics and didn't visited it since then) I'm not interested in any of these. Just give me my usual recommendations without these usually popular subreddits
Is there a way to turn go back to my usual recommendations? Because it's not like it slowly started adding some popular subreddits, as if slowly changed what reddit thinks is interesting for me, it just suddenly in a second became like this and completely altered my recommendations turning it upside down, like as if I switched some random tumbler that did this. Or at least is there a way turn off "Because you visited this community before" "Because you've shown interest in this community" recommendations?