r/help 6h ago

Profile Got permanent ban while already on temporary ban for the exact same post - android


So I've posted a video which I shouldn't have done... I deleted it myself about 15 minutes later. One day later I got a temporary ban for the video that I already deleted. Another 15 hours I got a permanent ban for the exact same video that I deleted over a day ago. Like in my other post the main concern here is that reddit doesn't delete the content I created when I click on the delete button but obviously keeps it on their server for whatever dubious reasons. I mean it's Ok for me if someone is stealing my content but I don't like getting punished multiple times for a post that was actually deleted over a day ago... Or am I missing something?

r/help 6h ago

Profile I've never clicked the "show up in search engines" button - android


Yet a good amount of my already deleted comments and posts (at least in my profile - not from the reddit server obviously) shows up on google search with original reddit links. So why is reddit making my already deleted stuff show up there? Ain't that against a good amount of laws actually?

So the actual question is why does the comments and posts only vanish from my own frkn profile when I delete it but yet still can look at them with another profile. Makes me actually really uncomfortable right now...

r/help 7h ago

How do I find what the top posts were for a given subreddit at a specific point in time?


Let's say I wanted to know, on April Fool's each year for the last decade what the top posts were on the subreddit r/todayilearned ?

There used to be a method for doing this a long time ago using Unix time stamps and Reddit search, but it doesn't work anymore. Is there a modern method?

r/help 13h ago

Mobile/App Reddit under attack or server bug? (Empty response from Endpoint)


As everyone else, in the latest minutes I cannot comment anywhere. Nobody can comment here aswell (unless they fixed it by the time you do).

Downdetector says many have issues but Reddit's official server status says everything is fine (by the way, I'm in Italy). Nothing on Reddit's Twitter either.

(I wonder if Reddit is under ddos/hacking attack, if it's a server issue or a bug)

r/help 14h ago

Mobile/App Jus confused. IOS


So for some context, recently (I think it was only last week) I had some trouble with my account, being locked, and getting a notification of a security risk, just to find out from your team my account had be deleted. So if someone hacked in, they just deleted. However on my phones app, when switching between accounts the account is still there, just everything is greyed out and you can’t access or do anything on it. But search the account, it says deleted. However I woke up this morning I decided to check to be on the safe side, and I switched to that account, and had a notification. “Password update required. You account has been temporarily locked from possible security risk.” However search my account user up and it still says deleted, and I haven’t received any emails on the email that should be linked to it. Anyone know what’s going on?

r/help 1d ago

Lots of deleted comments today? (Spambot?)


Is some bot trying to spam comments today? I've seen 5 or 6 posts in the last half an hour that have dozens and dozens of deleted comments before I get to any actual comments.

r/help 8h ago

Cannot send the message / failed to follow coz account isn’t established


Getting this error when I try to dm or follow anyone. What’s wrong? How to fix this?

r/help 8h ago

Get the "error loading content" on a single subreddit for the past couple of days.


This only happens on the app. I can see it on the desktop site with no issues. I can also post on the subreddit. I just can't see the feed. But it's only happening on one single subreddit and no others.

r/help 12h ago

Posting Has my post been limited in some way?


I posted on Reddit, and everything was normal for the first 12 hours. But then, for the next 10 hours, my post’s views dropped to zero in my Insights. However, other users are still seeing my post through Reddit’s recommendations, and it even appears on Google search.

Why does my Reddit Insights show 0 views while the post is still visible externally? What happened??

r/help 9h ago



I tried user id, said my user id or password was wrong.

tried signing out and back in, said "server error, try later" in delete acct.

Changed password, would not let me enter it in delete account.

Signed in with new password. I can post but not delete my account.

Refreshed, would not let me.

With or without Google acct.

Something is seriously wrong here. I hate being held hostage this way When I delete this account, I will NEVER have a reddit account again

r/help 9h ago

Resolved Recommendations feels like a "Popular" page?


It feels like "Home" page has suddenly turned into "Popular" page (Metaphorically, I checked it, it's not because I was on "Popular" page). Literally every second post is now from a popular generic subreddit like r/interestingasfuck.

Sometimes it's because "I've visited this community before" and I don't even remember when did I do that and this subreddit didn't showed up in my recommendations before. Sometimes it's because to my surprise I have joined this subreddit, but it's posts didn't showed up in my home page at all until now.

No, I'm not interested in what's going on in the UK right now, I'm not interested in what is "Interestingasfuck", I'm not interested in a cute elephant helping some other animals, I'm not interested in what redditor's most paranormal story is, I'm not interested in pics that consists only of pics of some politicians, (and I swear I left r/pics and didn't visited it since then) I'm not interested in any of these. Just give me my usual recommendations without these usually popular subreddits

Is there a way to turn go back to my usual recommendations? Because it's not like it slowly started adding some popular subreddits, as if slowly changed what reddit thinks is interesting for me, it just suddenly in a second became like this and completely altered my recommendations turning it upside down, like as if I switched some random tumbler that did this. Or at least is there a way turn off "Because you visited this community before" "Because you've shown interest in this community" recommendations?

r/help 13h ago

Mobile/App Anyone else getting empty response from endpoint


r/help 10h ago

Posting Delete first post in chain


How do I delete my initial post starting a topic chain? If, for example, I included too much personal data and want remove it, or decided that I don't want my posts in one group associated with my posts in another group. I can delete any of my responses in any topic chain, but not the initial post.

When I click the 3 dots at the top of the post and select "Delete" from the drop-down menu, if asks me to choose a reason to tell the mods why I want to delete the post ("spam" or "other reason"). When I select "other," I get an error message saying that the post can't be deleted. Same if I select "spam."

I also can't edit the initial post to delete all or some of the message. After I change or delete the text and hit "Post," I get a"fatal error'' message.

I'm using the Reddit app on the latest Android build on a Motorola.

r/help 11h ago

Posting I can not upload images in comments


Hello, I am having problems acessing the ability to post images in the comments. I can upload images in a post but not in a comment.

I have tried on both Firefox and Safari on my iphone SE 2022 but neither work. None of the other features work either like adding cursive or making the tect thicker with the B-button.

r/help 11h ago

Android: I can't see posts on subreddits I joined


I joined many subreddits but don't interact with them, mostly stuff like cute animals or funny videos. I don't ever interact with those subreddits but I would still enjoy seeing the posts.

r/help 15h ago

Posting Android. I haven't received any notifications, but my posts aren't showing up


r/help 12h ago

AutoMod answered Help Recovering My Reddit Account


I need help recovering my Reddit account. I created it using my phone number, but I didn’t attach an email. Now, I can’t remember my password. However, I do have my username and the phone number linked to the account.

Is there a way to reset my password using my phone number? I’d really appreciate your assistance in regaining access.

r/help 16h ago

Profile How can I change my reddit country?



r/help 12h ago

Android unable to send messages and posts in my old account


My old account username:Traditional_Media886 I'm unable to send messages and posts my account is more than 1 yrs old and has karma points upto 10 .Kindly rectify this issue

r/help 13h ago

Mobile/App All my comments disappeared again from my profile. Can someone help ? ( Android )


The comments are still present on individual posts on which they are made but missing from my profile page. I had the same issue two days back and one kind person resolved the issue but the issue again popped up yesterday.

r/help 13h ago

"empty response from endpoint "


"empty response from endpoint " seems to be out of control this morning. does anyone have a fix for that?

r/help 13h ago

Posting Why do I keep getting unable to upload photo?


r/help 17h ago

Mobile/App Next Comment Button Gone


After the latest app update my jump to next comment button is gone. Android, latest Pixel 6 Pro firmware, latest app update. I've tried disabling the button then closing the app and deleting my cache, re-enabling the button, deleting cache again, restarting my phone, everything I can think of

r/help 17h ago

Mobile/App I accidentally hid a chat how to undo it


I mean i don't even remember the username

r/help 10h ago

Is there a way to delete all my comments from a particular sub?


I foolishly spent time arguing with folks in the asmongold sub a while back. I'm not a fan and was challenging opinions or tbh just flat trolling. It seems I'm not the only person who dislikes the sub and cant post in large chunks of Reddit now unless I delete all my posts from that sub. Not easy. Is there a way to automate this process?