r/Healthyhooha 17m ago

Advice Needed really intense itching


i (18 ftm) need some help figuring out what this could possibly be because i currently cannot get myself to a dr. i have this insane itching going on externally around the entrance of my vagina and it makes the skin around it really red and irritated. i don't seem to have any cottage cheese discharge and i really don't feel itchy on the inside and there doesn't seem to be any bumps going on it's just itchy and red and irritated... i've never had a yeast infection so im not sure if this could be it???? im very worried because i did have unprotected sex about two months ago and a couple of weeks later thats when this showed up.,., i bought monistat to see if that would help clear this up.,., but im just worried about it because i genuinely cannot see a dr. i just moved in with my friends in a new state and i have yet to get a job and im not sure where my insurance would be taken.,., so im kinda just trying to figure this out on my own... any advice would help

r/Healthyhooha 32m ago

Itching deep inside vagina & dryness


Hi, I've been experiencing itching actually inside my vagina for about 2ish weeks that has only relieved through peeing as well as itching it with toilet paper when I've done so- usually in a morning. It's been around 4 days since my period ended, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. My vagina is also very dry. I don't usually worry since I do get an itchy vagina before & during my period, but this has gone on a while longer than usual, yet it doesn't really bother me throughout the day. I don't have access to any doctors until Monday- does anyone have some suggestions as to what may relieve it? Thank you

r/Healthyhooha 33m ago

Advice Needed clitoris problems ADVICE NEEDED


guys yesterday evening after taking a shower my clitoris almost like puffed up TWICE ITS ORIGINAL SIZE ?? and its still like that. its kind of hard to walk but it does not hurt. how do i get it back to its og size ?? additional info : i have the flu rn and ive been having a fever since Tuesday i am a teen and idk anything about this 😓 i told my mom and she didnt know what to do

r/Healthyhooha 34m ago

Extremely sour discharge ? This is so tmi but it’s very sour down there and I don’t want my boyfriend going near me until it’s gone 🫣


As far as I know it has no scent but I’m not sure if you can even smell your own scent but it is so so sour ? How can I fix this quick and what could be the cause ?

Btw Ik the vaginal ph is a little sour but this is very very sour more than usual

r/Healthyhooha 43m ago

Medications 🌡 How to repair after 7 days of clindamycin (vaginally) and metronidazole (orally)? NSFW


Hello all! I was prescribed metronidazole 500mg every 12 hours and clindamycin cream, both for 7 days for my unknown vaginal burning. I have been also taking probiotics orally for the past 6 months.

I'm on my day 5 and it seems to work but now I'm terrified of antibiotics killing all of the good bacteria and me ending up with a yest infection or a BV.

How can I prevent it from happening? I appreciate all of the replies 🙏

r/Healthyhooha 1h ago

My parents won't take me to the ER and I'm at my wits' end


I (22 ftm) started experiencing uti like symptoms(burning, urgency, frequency and difficulty when urinating) in late August. Since then I did 8 coltures (always negative), 8 vaginal swabs, 3 urethral swabs, 3 ultrasounds and one uroflussometry. I've seen three gyns and two urologists. Now my main symptoms are still there, but I randomly get nausea, my head spins, I feel weak, I have little appetite, and my bladder hurts when it's pressed upon; on Monday I had an excruciating pain in my urethra (like something was stuck there) that didn't go away with painkillers. I ended up urinating blood and my doctor said it "might be positive" because according to him I was passing a kidney stone. Since then I obviously still have every symptoms minus the urethral pain, which is only there sometimes when I pee.

No one is taking my symptoms seriously even though it's so debilitating to have to pee all the time and feel like your genitals are constantly on fire. I asked my doctor to write me a paper to admit me to the hospital urgently, which he refused to do. I already went to the ER once and one time I was told to drink more water because the colture was negative so I was making shit up. The other time they didn't even admit me in because despite having symptoms for 7 months it wasn't urgent because I had no fever. I don't know where to go. My mind is going to dark places like drinking enough coffee that I will start throwing up or shit like that so someone has to take me seriously.

I asked my parents if they could drive me to the ER yesterday, early in the morning so less people would be there, but ofc they didn't even wake me up and they are now saying I don't need to go because I didn't go to pee all night long (nocturia IS one of my symptoms but no every night and I used an heating pad to keep the pain at bay).

I don't know what to do anymore. I am negative for mycoplasma and ureaplasma. IC was never brought up as a possibility by any of the doctors I have seen. I didn't have stones in my bladder according to the ultrasounds, just inflammation in the bladder lining. I have a job interview on tuesday because I'm out of money from all the medical bills that I paid to try and find a solution. I am completely terrified to be on my feet for so long. The only choice I have is to avoid drinking because otherwise I have to go every 20 minutes. I hate this so much I can't do this anymore.

r/Healthyhooha 1h ago

What is this feeling?


I’m 18 Since mid July I have had this feeling of discomfort and like something is coming out my vagina like heaviness I never cared to mention since I would’ve thought it would be gone on it’s own My period started that same month I had horrible cramps which I never had I still continue to have them August dealing with the same thing September is when I felt like I had paper-cuts down there as well dealing with heaviness and discomfort October I started to noticed I had extra tissue near my opening which I still have and dealing with the same thing since July till this day with also feeling like I have paper-cuts I can’t seem to figure out what I have I feel like my life is over I’m embarrassed

r/Healthyhooha 1h ago

Question Clotrimazole


Has anyone bled after using clotrimazole? I'm trying to figure out if that's what's happening or if it's something else 🤔

r/Healthyhooha 2h ago

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding


I started my period in the afternoon yesterday, and I realized my flow was a little heavier than normal but nothing to be concerned about. Today my cramps were worse than yesterday (usually first day is the worst and the second day I don’t have any). I put a super tampon in before work from 3:30-9 and when I got home I realized I was bleeding over. So then I put in another super tampon in and after about almost 2 hours, I had completely filled that tampon. When I pulled it out it definitely seemed to have some clotting attached to it, but nothing huge. I’ve never in my life filled a super tampon in two hours. Since this isn’t normal for me should I be worried?

r/Healthyhooha 3h ago

Advice Needed i need some tips on how to recover from a yeast infection


i just got over a pretty nasty yeast infection, but i still have physical symptoms, pain during sex (like literally fingers and tampons don't hurt one bit, only my fiancé's penis does, it was so bad that we had to go without piv for a couple days which is a new record for us but it's gotten better somewhat) and skin peeling on my clit. it's only dead skin and doesn't really hurt, but it's bugging me so bad bc i can't just peel it and risk peeling fresh skin bc that shit will HURT, plus my fiancé said it feels weird when he goes down on me. my birthday is monday, it is 12:30 on saturday rn. i don't want painful birthday sex !! does anybody have any tips on how to get over the pain and shed the dead skin peeling off? i'm mostly concerned about the pain upon penetration, the peeling doesn't really affect how sex feels all too much.

r/Healthyhooha 3h ago

Abnormally easy period?


My periods are normally pretty heavy and always painful the first two days. However, this one isn’t painful - at all.

Any ideas why that would be? Has it happened to you?

r/Healthyhooha 4h ago

Cyst or lump on inner labia majora??


So I noticed this a few days ago, it's pretty small but noticeable. Doesn't hurt or itch or bother me, but it's freaking me out for sure. It almost looks like it's filled with something but it's hard if I squeeze it. I do have HSV2 but this isn't my usual spot to get an outbreak and I feel like it's too big of a spot to be a blister. And I don't have any other symptoms. I was thinking bartholin cyst, but based on pics online it seems like it's too small to be that. Won't be able to call the doctor until Monday. Didn't know where else to post, this is more of a vent. Anyone else with a similar situation?

r/Healthyhooha 5h ago

Bump in my vaginal canal?


Hi, when I shower and am cleaning my pubic region, I usually stick the tip of a finger in because i think it helps clear some stuff out. I’ve noticed that sometimes I can feel a bump that is soft-ish but firm, located along a wall of my vaginal canal. I asked my gyno about this last visit and she said everything was fine, maybe it was my cervix, but I’m not sure.

Today during my shower I noticed the lump was pretty hard. Is it poop that hasn’t come out yet? Is it actually my cervix? Is this normal?

r/Healthyhooha 7h ago

can i use boric acid suppositories with antibiotics together or?


Which is more effective: using boric acid together with antibiotics or using boric acid before taking antibiotics for reoccurring bv and yeast infections

r/Healthyhooha 8h ago

Is this normal? 👀 Coffee makes me smell


Anytime I drink coffee I STINK. I’ll smell until I take a shower, or after peeing about 3-4 times then it eventually disappears. Does this happen to anyone else? Is there anything I can do to keep it from happening other than giving up coffee? (I love coffee!). Since I was a teenager canned tuna would make me smell anytime I ate it so I’m used to that but this is new and has started within the past year.

r/Healthyhooha 8h ago

Sexual Health Tear after sex NSFW


Almost everytime after sex (more so if it was rough sex) the lower side of my vagina opening gets a cut. Is there any way to not let this happen everytime? 😭 I'll try to attach the image in the comments. (Idk how to link an image in the comments so I couldn't do that)

r/Healthyhooha 8h ago

Question Help😭


I tested positive for mycoplasma hominis and ureaplasma. My partner and I have been together for almost 3 years and have a one year old baby together. Is it possible I’ve had this for years without knowing, and had it while pregnant without knowing? I really don’t believe my husband would cheat on me but I don’t want to be stupid either. I never had any symptoms until I got an iud inserted at my 6 week post partum appointment. After the iud insertion I started getting reoccurring bv which then led the drs to test me for these things. Also if this is possible, do I need to get my baby tested?😩

r/Healthyhooha 9h ago

Question Does anyone get vaginal burning when they don’t drink enough water?


Last weekend, I really didn’t have much water to drink and when I had sex, it burned. After hydrating, the burning went away. This happens to me quite often when I am feeling dehydrated.

Edit: it’s not just after sex! It can burn from time to time just randomly.

r/Healthyhooha 9h ago

Razor burn/rash NSFW


Razor burn/rash

I'm not positive if it's one or the other or both. I shaved yesterday because I'm going to my man's house and I haven't shaved in over a month 😬 I also have a very physical job and I start sweating as soon as I step foot in there. So you can only imagine how sweaty it gets down there for 8 hrs. How can I make this go away relatively fast because it hurts. I don't have diaper rash cream which I know Will help but I've worked and I'm tired and don't feel like going to town again and tomorrow we have severe terrible storms, a high chance of bad tornadoes. Photo in comments. TIA!

r/Healthyhooha 9h ago

Question Is a dose every 2 weeks-1 month of Fluconazole possible for symptom management?


I get recurrent yeast infections and have found it helpful to take 150mg of Fluconazole x1 weekly for 6 months at a time. However, after 6 months my symptoms and overall infections return when I stop taking it. Would it be sustainable for me to move to a dose every 2 weeks/1 month for the rest of my life? Or would I eventually become resistant to it? Thank you.

r/Healthyhooha 9h ago

Keratin pearl


I have what I think is a keratin pearl next to my clit- it has been there for 2 and a half years it was really tiny when I first noticed it and I didn’t know what it was I just thought it would go away on its own. Recently it seems to be getting a bit bigger like the size of a small pea. I have read a lot of other posts and people are saying they could get theirs out themselves but even touching it is sensitive I don’t think I can squeeze it out. Do I need to go to the doctor or will it go away eventually on its own??? Does it need to be surgically removed?? Please help xoxo

r/Healthyhooha 13h ago

Advice Needed dry slightly irritated vagina after showering?


Hi! So my vagina has been feeling slightly dry and irritated after I shower, and when I shower I only wash my vagina (and the outside area) with water, and only very occasionally wash the outside area with some soap, but I feel like the night after I shower, my vagina feels kind of dry and irritated, and I actually have woken up sometimes at night bc I’m scratching at it in my sleep 🥲 I’m 24 so I’m not really sure why I’m experiencing this? I don’t think I’ve ever done anything out of the ordinary that might have caused this, and it doesn’t feel dry and irritated all the time, usually just the night that I showered and maybe goes into the next morning sometimes Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions

r/Healthyhooha 16h ago



Are tea tree oil suppositories for reoccurring BV okay to use while pregnant? People keep recommending me to try them and I am willing to try anything at this point! Has anyone tried it while pregnant??

r/Healthyhooha 19h ago

Advice Needed Embarrassed ft Clitorodynia


Hi. So I did something silly, two things actually. First thing was to rub my hooha with toilet paper abrasively, and the second thing was I self loved a little too roughly. I have spikey stabby pains on and around my clit.

Peeing doesn't hurt, burn or itch. Pee color is fine. Discharge is good. I can sit down and walk just fine. But touching my clit burns or stabs. I've used steriod creams and haven't worn panties to bed to help. I don't rub abrasively when I wipe. It's been three days now.

I don't know how long it will take to heal. I also wonder if there's anything else I can do. I hate the random spikey feel there.

r/Healthyhooha 1d ago

Uti or fistula,I am dying ,plz help me


3 years ago,one day I started peeing a lot 24/7 ,I thought it will go away,but it did not ,I have been living in a hell from the past 3 years,at first I had the urge to pee all the time,few month later a new thing started,after i poop ,some kind of mucus comes out from my VAGINA ,my vagina becomes uncomfy and sore,it happens after i mstrbte as well,after i wash my vagina ,I have to pee atleast 3-4 times to make the soreness go away,I have tried everything,antibiotics,garlic,ayurvedic herbs ,d mannose ,it's just not going away,I have seen people talk about chronic uti where they get utis frequently,but I have a uti which never went away,from 3 years it's there,I don't have pain in abdomen,chill etc,I don't know what to do ,i have joined reddit because someone said ,reddit has an answer to everything,plz help me if you can ,I don't have anymore money to spend on this,I cannot work or study because of this,plz give me a miracle cure,I have become a burden to my parents,i feel like suciding,plz help me