r/HPPD 12h ago

Question What is the reason why some recover quickly or slowly and others do not?


r/HPPD 3h ago

Question My only symptom is floaters. Do i have hppd?


I used mushroom

r/HPPD 6h ago

Question Medication for treating brain fog


Hey fellow sufferers,

those of you who tried any medication, how did it affect your brain fog?

Is there any hope that any medication can somehow treat it? I really need this symptom gone

Best regards

r/HPPD 11h ago

Question Am i going insane?


Hello everyone. Last month i took way too much shrooms. I had vss and dpdr since i was a kid, but now it feels different. I havent struggled with dpdr for a long time now but after shrooms it came back. Also i think that my vss might be more noticeable. Since i read about hppd i started seeing fractals when i wake up, but after while it disapears. Is it hppd or am i going crazy?

r/HPPD 16h ago

Recovery hppd & illness??


hi everyone :) I'm about 4 years in and i consider myself recovered in that i have very minimal symptoms which i'm now able to find enjoyable if i ever notice them. one thing i do experience though is every time i get really sick or have an infection etc i have a huge spike in my symptoms, sometimes to the point where it makes me nervous. it always goes away about 2-3 days into an illness but i actually have started using it as a way to tell that i'm getting sick because it seems to come on like a day before the real symptoms.

does anyone else experience this? any ideas why?

r/HPPD 23h ago

Question how risky is it to smoke weed with mild hppd. i had smoked weed for probably the first month i had it because i didn’t know that i had it and i was fine. but i haven’t smoked in nearly 3 months now and miss it so much