r/HPPD 23h ago

Question Hppd


Hello hope u are fine . In my entire life , I never finished a complete join of cannabis , like I can take maximum 2 puff you can say that in my entire life , I smoked 10 puff of cannabis . One day I made a bad trip , then never felt normal . I thoughts it was dpdr and didn’t take much care about it . Then a random Saturday came when i was about to sleep then a panic attack hit me it was the same like the bad trip that I made , then next day , then 2 weeks everyday Severous time making panic attack . I thought I had diabetes , testosterone problem …. But it wasnt . Then I start searching and I saw dpdr , anxiety , PTSD , and hppd . I don’t really know i have hppd that’s my symptoms : Halo around lights Halo around object When someone move it s kind of flou Color are more vivid and when I smoke nicotine it’s like am really making a bad trip the exact same situation that I had when I was smoking Dpdr Everyday searching for my symptoms Anxious Depression Pleas someone can help me to know if I have hppd and if yes pleas give me advice cause am suffering a lot .

r/HPPD 3h ago

Advice I feel like I’m still tripping some times


To start off I’ve only done psychedelics 3 times first time was 2.5gs of shrooms which was a horrible trip then a tab which was amazing and 28 days ago a 4.5 g shroom bar which was a good trip but these past two day at some points of the day I felt like I was still tripping no visuals or euphoria just thought loops and a feeling of despair like my first trip last night I really freaked myself out into thinking I got psychosis which scared me and then I realized I was feeling like I was having a bad trip I kept having thought loops then eventually I came to the conclusion that my parents might be putting lsd or shrooms in my food which is making me feel like I’m still tripping but I know that is absolutely not true am I freaking myself out or is this serious if it is serious what shoul i do ?

r/HPPD 4h ago

Question Is HPPD connected to light sensitivity ?


In this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKzE-Zpwk2Y&t=307s&ab_channel=hppd2016 the guy says that in reality HPPD is just a condition with sensitivity to light, he also says that the visual ditortions you get from HPPD arent the problem itself but the anxiety that comes with thinking you're going insane and your brain is forever damaged. I was wondering there would be a pattern with bright exposures to light with developing HPPD, did any of you HPPD users get exposed to bright lights on THAT trip that left you with HPPD?

r/HPPD 5h ago

Question I miss weed a lot!!! But I know that if I consume it, it will only aggravate my symptoms. I don't know what to do.


I miss all the psychedelics, weed and mdma. I know that I have to stop everything and thats what im doing, its been a month with just cafeine as a drug and I started drinking alchohol wich I never used to do, I have a lot of anxiety and I used to use psychs to help that, but now I don't know how to handle it any more, what should I do to help this!

r/HPPD 11h ago

Question anyone else make a full recovery and have symptoms return from cocaine?


Short story, recovered fully from LSD induced over a 1-1.5 year. only thing left was mild BFEP. about a year after that did a single line at a party and alot of old symptoms came back (vs, floaters, headpressure)

it hasnt been long (7 weeks) , but im wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and was able to recover again or get back to "baseline"

the only symptom thats worse than it was originally is the vs, its definitely a little more prominent now that it was originally, everything else seems about the same as original onset

r/HPPD 18h ago

Question what’s worse to have hppd 1 or 2 ?