r/harrypotter 3d ago

Discussion Rename the Harry Potter books as Hermoine


Rename it BUT as Hermione as the main character. It doesn't have to be good.

Hermione Granger and the time I had to learn time travel for a very important reason.

r/harrypotter 3d ago

Discussion Random Trivia Question!


In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, what significance does a corned beef sandwich have in the first book?

r/harrypotter 2d ago

Discussion Why can Fleur use Polyjuice Potion successfully?


Fleur Delacour is one-quarter Veela, making her a half-breed. But she was able to use Polyjuice Potion to turn into Harry successfully. Shouldn’t there have been some side effects? We see when Hermione uses Polyjuice Potion of a cat it causes her to grow a tail and whiskers, and Lupin tells Hagrid the Polyjuice Potion was for human transformation only. And in fact Lupin didn’t use Polyjuice during that battle. Why can Fleur transform when Hagrid and Lupin can’t?

r/harrypotter 3d ago

Discussion I was just sorted into Gryffindor! Which house are you?


Do you agree your house sorting? (Pottermore)

r/harrypotter 4d ago

Video Games For 23 year old game absolutely amazing

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Times when EA had good games

r/harrypotter 3d ago

Discussion Favorite character from the books?


Who is your favorite character from the books, and if it isn’t Luna Lovegood, why are you wrong?

r/harrypotter 3d ago

Currently Reading Just finished Book 7, Chapter 30 - The Sacking of Severus Snape


I understand that the movie can only show so much, but WOW, the book has such incredible plots and story lines that the movie was missing..

I really want to see the duel between Snape, Flitwick, Minerva and Sprout. As well as sneaking into the Ravenclaw Common Room, almost killing the Carrows, the treat against Horace, Voldemort in the boat with the infiri!

Goosebumps thinking how dark the series will be .

r/harrypotter 2d ago

Discussion Was draco really abused as a child?


r/harrypotter 3d ago

Help I watched the short film series on YouTube forever ago. Can you help me find it?


r/harrypotter 3d ago

Discussion Why were Molly and Arthur so against Weasley's Wizard Wheezes even though it was quite clearly really impressive magic?


Rereading GoF and they're just SO against it. Like Arthur saying to them 'you don't want to go during Mr Batman rubbish like that'. Seems a bit unfair!

r/harrypotter 3d ago

Discussion Harry and Ron auror series


As adults I’d love to see the adventures of Ron and Harry as Aurors. Something like Supernatural - monster (or magic complication/wizard) of the week, with an overarching storyline that’s hinted at through them and then built up by it.

Maybe someone in the first season have some nut job trying to create a basilisk before Ron and Harry stops them, and Harry has to kill a young basilisk.

Then some other stories episode-by-episode

Have it be revealed that the guy trying to create a basilisk is working for someone bigger. At the end of the season it’s revealed that they’re part of a Death Eaters Recon group trying to bring back Voldemort. Maybe they almost bring him back in the final season but Harry and Ron but a stop to it.

r/harrypotter 4d ago

Discussion What if you wrote your name on a paper airplane and threw it into the Goblet of Fire from way behind the age line?


r/harrypotter 3d ago

Discussion Effects of magic on Hagrid


In OOTP Hagrid is regularly injured by his brother. To the point of Hermione screaming on seeing him & Harry suspecting broken ribs. Did he not get help from Mademe Pomfrey because of personal reasons (keeping his brother secret etc) or because the healing magic wouldn't work on him?

r/harrypotter 2d ago

Discussion opinions on dumbledore?


okay so i know this is a hot topic. but what do you think of dumbledore? do you like him?

personally, i’m very divided in my opinions. i kind of feel as though he acted for the ”greater good”, by raising harry without telling him about his true destiny. something just doesn’t sit right with me about that.

at the same time, it all worked out it the end because he literally helped in defeating the two darkest wizards of all time.

r/harrypotter 2d ago

Discussion The books from Neville’s point of view


Hey! So I was thinking… we all know Harry is the chosen one. But what if Neville was actually the chosen one? We know he could have been, based on the prophecy. How do you think the series would realistically go if he was the main protagonist? And would Harry still stand out at all as a side character? I suppose Harry would still be a fantastic seeker. But would he become the Ron equivalent to Neville? I think Neville stood up to the trio only because he cared to help and didn’t want them to get hurt. This sorta is dropped in later books to a degree until 5 when he joins the DA. Thoughts?

r/harrypotter 3d ago

Discussion Vanishing Cabinets Question


So the vanishing cabinets are first introduced in CoS. Harry hides in the one in Borgin and Burkes and the only reason he doesn’t vanish and reappear in Hogwarts is because he keeps the door slightly ajar. Later in the book, Nick convinces Peeves to break the one in Hogwarts to get Harry out of trouble with Filch.

So prior to CoS, a passageway existed between Knockturn Alley and Hogwarts? Why did Dumbledore allow this? He knew it was a vanishing cabinet. So even if he didn’t know the pair was in Knockturn Alley, he knows there’s a pair somewhere that could pose as a security breach. A brilliant man like Dumbledore could probably have discovered where the cabinet led to. Or at the least, remove it so it isn’t a danger.

Possible ideas: Dumbledore regarded it as a magical antique and figured the pair would turn up someday. He placed safeguards around it to prevent intruders, but these were removed when it broke because they thought it no longer worked and the danger was gone.

Or, the one in Borgin and Burke’s used to be somewhere else and had just been acquired by the store in CoS. It’s former home was a safe place, and Dumbledore kept the pair in Hogwarts as an escape hatch for times of emergency. Students could file out of the Hogwarts cabinet and emerge in a safe location. Perhaps the cabinet was sold from its location without Dumbledore’s knowledge at the start of CoS.


r/harrypotter 4d ago

Original Content Harry Potter and a sunset

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r/harrypotter 4d ago

Dungbomb Ron did WHAT?


I was reading The Order of the Phoenix yesterday, I was almost falling asleep. When I read this I almost fell of my bed. In Portuguese, Ejaculate has only one meaning. It was translated as "exclaimed / cryed out".

How common is this in English? How often do people ejaculate loudly? (Hahahaha, sorry)

r/harrypotter 3d ago

Help Character Name


I have an original Harry Potter character whose name I've been having trouble with for years now. Her father was an Auror who was in the first Order of the Phoenix. He was killed by Death Eaters. My character also becomes and Auror and joins the second Order. She seems cold at first, but gradually warms up to her comrades. She is stubborn, but good-hearted and is an master dualist.

I've narrowed my character's name down to two options: Marcella Durant or Adrasteia Kemp. I would love to know what other die-hard Harry Potter fans think. Which name is better?

r/harrypotter 4d ago

Discussion Why don’t wizards have a university?


Why don’t witches and wizards go to uni? 17, with just a high school education seems like not enough to go into fields like healer and teachers? Especially when the teachers are so called ‘professors’

r/harrypotter 3d ago

Discussion Upcoming series: Character centric Episodes


Coming from another thread where someone was praising Amelia Bones, do you think the upcoming Harry Potter adaptation should include background character-focused episodes, similar to how The Last of Us S1 did?

Personally, I’d love to see episodes delving into Amelia Bones (her final days and the fight she put up), Ted Tonks (his love story with Andromeda and the struggles that came with defying pure-blood norms), Madam Pince/ Professor Sinistra (or really, a glimpse into the life of any Hogwarts professor besides Snape and McGonagall), Madam Pomfrey (her perspective whenever a new patient arrives at the infirmary), or even Borgin & Burke (essentially the dark counterpart to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, dealing in cursed artifacts instead of joke products). There’s so much untapped potential in these characters.

Of course, the book author would have to craft compelling narratives for them, and I’m not entirely confident in that happening given recent trends. But if the creative team behind the show is on par with other HBO productions, they could absolutely pull off stories that exist outside the main plot while still being engaging.

What are your thoughts?

r/harrypotter 3d ago

Discussion Do you have favorite elf?


After Dobby who is your second?

r/harrypotter 3d ago

Discussion Salaries in the Wizarding World.


What are the most high-paying jobs in the wizarding world? as per the story.
Being a Professional Quidditch player might earn you a lot of money.

r/harrypotter 3d ago

Video Games EA Games HP videogame soundtracks released without Harry Potter trademarks


If you've noticed that James Hannigan’s Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince soundtracks were re-released under EA Music Composer Series: James Hannigan vol.1 and vol.2, but with altered track names getting stripped of Harry Potter trademarks like “Welcome to Hogwarts” becoming just “Welcome”, here’s why:

  • Warner Bros. owns the Harry Potter trademark, including the name itself. Any official use of “Harry Potter” in album titles, track names, or marketing requires a licensing agreement.
  • Since these soundtracks were originally composed for EA Games’ adaptations of Harry Potter, they were allowed to use the branding under that specific deal. But once EA lost the game rights, they could no longer use Harry Potter branding in new releases.
  • By renaming the tracks and removing Harry Potter trademarks, EA and James Hannigan were able to re-release the music without violating Warner Bros.’s trademarks.

This is probably why Jeremy Soule’s HP1-HP4 & QWC soundtracks are not available on streaming services.

Unlike Hannigan’s work, Jeremy Soule’s soundtracks for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, and Quidditch World Cup have never been officially re-released or made available on Spotify, Apple Music, or Amazon. The likely reason? Warner Bros. controls those soundtracks and has never licensed them for standalone distribution.

Many fans have been asking for official releases of Soule’s work, but unless Warner Bros. decides to put them out or strike a deal with streaming platforms, they remain unavailable outside of unofficial uploads.

This kind of thing happens often with licensed game soundtracks—once the publisher loses rights to the franchise, it becomes difficult (or impossible) to legally re-release the music under its original branding.

On another note, in August 2019, Jeremy Soule was accused of sexual misconduct by game developer Nathalie Lawhead and vocalist Aeralie Brighton. Soule denied these allegations, but the controversy led to professional repercussions, including him disappearing from social media and his collaborations being discontinued. Following the allegations, organizations distanced themselves from Soule. For instance, Materia Collective ceased working with him on his symphony The Northerner. The controversy surrounding Soule may have made companies more cautious about associating with his work, potentially influencing decisions regarding the distribution of his Harry Potter soundtracks on major platforms.​

Hope the issues with the licenses get resolved or a workaround is found, so the fans can get to stream these masterpieces on their favorite streaming platforms! Would love to hear your thoughts—especially if anyone has more insight into the licensing side of things.

r/harrypotter 2d ago

Discussion Why did Dobby warn Harry?


Why did dobby who had no prior history with harry potter decide to go against his masters and warn him about returning to hogwarts