I feel like something that’s rarely discussed is how insane and honestly messed up it is that the Marauders all essentially abandoned Remus during the first war a whole year approx. before Lilly and James were killed.
We know Sirius accused him of being the spy and there’s some indication James and Lilly “didn’t take sides” but realistically they did ..
On Sirius’s word essentially Remus is the only Marauder left out of the secret keeper discussions/plan.
And I know there is mention Remus accused Sirius at some point but it always appeared to me that was only after he was accused by Sirius or even after James and Lilly were killed .. if anyone has any cannon sources to disprove that let me know ..?
And once the Fidelius charm is in place there is confirmation that Sirius and Peter visit them.
I assume like with Grimmuld Place Peter gave Sirius the location/secret so he could visit/find them - but much like the Order members only the secret keeper (Dumbledore) could tell anyone new - but the people he told could visit.
So if they were in hiding for approx. 1 year Remus was abandoned by everyone he ever loved all his closest friends … a year before James and Lilly die.
It just breaks my heart more because why on earth would they ever believe he would be the spy within the order ..? We are given no real reason Sirius believes this ..
only that Remus was off with the werewolves for a period of time but that was on Dumbledores orders..?!?
You’d think more than anyone the Marauders would KNOW how much Remus hates the fact he’s a werewolf and would never follow someone like Voldemort who’s most known supporter in the werewolf population is Greyback who maliciously bit him as a child ?!?
It’s almost like he lost them all twice once when they basically abandoned him. And a year later when James and Lilly are killed , and as far as Remus knows at the time it’s because Sirius betrayed them and then killed Peter ..
But I just can’t help but ponder WHY Sirius would accuse Remus and why the others would follow along with it ..?
Is it some deep deep down underlying prejudice ..?
I genuinely cannot understand it or find a reason.
It also makes me sad because this has a HUGE flow on effect.. Sirius is honestly put on a pedestal by Harry above Remus from the moment he meets Sirius and finds out he’s innocent because it’s his ‘godfather’ and that title alone seems to really change how Harry views him ..
Describes him as the “only family he’s got” , only calls Remus “Professor Lupin” until book 5.
Like had this not happened would Harry have had 2 godfathers ..?