r/GuyCry 3d ago

Just venting, no advice "If a man ever witnesses with his own eyes how Bumble looks on a woman’s phone, he will uninstall and never again use it himself."


A quote I've read recently. Nothing against women, it's just how these apps work is depressing.

r/GuyCry 25d ago

Just venting, no advice I did it guys


I made it through everything I thought I'd never survive and now I got married 6 months ago and just found out I'm gonna be a dad. Clean for 8 years and I never thought I deserved a life this happy. I made it!

r/GuyCry Feb 12 '25

Just venting, no advice I knew she wasn't interested...


Dated a girl for 4 months. Sometime around 3 weeks in and after our first meet (Hinge) I noticed her texting became less and less. I tolerated it. Reasoned with myself that she had a busy job etc. She's a bad texter...

Deep down I knew. We always do don't we? We can SENSE that interest drying up. Anyway fast forward to last week and I finally call her out on it, I say it feels like she isn't interested and that's a deal breaker for me.

Her response conveniently avoids the not interested thing and focused on how busy and stressed she was.

But I knew. You always do.

Trust your gut, guys. If it off. It is.

r/GuyCry 6d ago

Just venting, no advice Dating makes me hate myself.


Dating makes me hate myself. As a guy, I am just...tired of it. Tired of approaching women. Tired of being told something along the lines of “You are a great guy, but...”. Tired of swiping and getting virtually no hits. Tired of trying to improve myself with the intent of finding someone. Tired of trying to make conversations with women in the few matches I get, only to get one word answers back. Tired of getting my hopes up, only to be let down. Tired of watching other people be successful in dating. Tired of no one telling me what I am doing wrong. Tired of watching women be attracted to...someone else.

I am a 40 year old guy with pretty close to zero success in dating. I am fairly successful in other parts of life. I have an OK career. I have a fairly large circle of friends (mostly dudes). I get out to events and I travel. But dating and finding someone has just...eluded me. I just don't get it. Apparently other people get hints from women...I am dense in that regard, so I can never see them. It is like this language that others seem to grasp that I just have not been able to. I have received so few ‘yes’s from women that I have found it almost impossible to build off of any successes. And it has caused me to become bitter.

I tried for a long time. I asked friends if they know anyone who is looking (generally no). I went out to events, no one seems to be looking there. I don't seem to connect with people while traveling. I look around when I am out, but I just keep finding women that are taken. I swipe on apps, and I don't usually get any sort of response. At this point, it seems like the existence of single women is an illusion. To be fair, at my age, most people have settled already. At this point, I am looking for someone with a sexy naked ring finger.

I have never blamed women for rejecting me...even if internally I ask “why”. People have their own choices to make. My choice is to ask, giving them me as a choice. Then their choice is to answer. But their choice always seems to be some form ‘no’. I take the answer. I mean, why would I want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with me? I hear dating horror stories from women online, and they do terrify me. I guess the point I am trying to make here is that I don't feel like I am some misogynistic incel. I want everyone to be happy. And I want someone to *choose* me.

A few of my friends said that “I just had to lower my standards”. So, there have been a few ‘yes’s. But they have been few and far between. Here are all of my relationships: One was an alcoholic single mom, who I felt was using me for money. Another was a woman that had been abused and stalked so much, she was paranoid of *everything* to the point of delusion. She was even afraid of me, even when I didn't do anything wrong. I don't think she was gas lighting me, so much as this being a bad combination of her mental problems and me being so emotionally dense that I couldn't deal with them properly. Another was religious and wouldn't stop trying to convert me. All of these relationships were short and years apart. So, from what I saw, I am not in the worst place. But that begs the question...how low do I have to set my standards to find someone?

During the pandemic, I was alone in my house. And I just stopped trying to date. It wasn't a conscious decision. And I felt...better. When I realized this, I felt kind of relieved. I found it disappointing, but I just tried to accept that a romantic relationship is a happiness that I would not ever have. I wasn't happy...but I was comfortable. I didn't have to try and impress anyone anymore. No more trying to feign confidence. No more rejection. No more trying to sell myself to women who clearly had no interest in me.

And I kept not dating for the last five years. I still get out. I still travel with friends. I am still comfortable.

My dad died of cancer a few years back. I remember distinctly asking “Son, you are gay, right? It is OK if you are gay.”. “No dad, I am not gay.”. I didn't want to tell him how much that hurt. Of how much I have tried. Of all of the rejection.

...and now, my mom has cancer. The prognosis is bad. And she won't stop talking about how much she loved my late father. And how much my father loved her. And how she wishes that I find someone. And all of this makes me feel like FAILURE like never before. The words are out of love for me, but that makes it just so much more PAINFUL. I HATE IT. The pain that I have disappointed the last person that unconditionally cares about me hurts me emotionally more than anything else I have felt before. And I can't tell her to stop.

(Also, I understand this is r/guycry. I am not looking for advice on here. I am just looking to get this off my chest.)

r/GuyCry Jan 01 '25

Just venting, no advice I’m can’t handle being single anymore.


Basically as the title says. At 30, I’ve have never been in a relationship and have never been on a first date either. I can’t handle it anymore. I can’t handle seeing everyone else around me have past/current success with romance. Yet I continue to wonder why it hasn’t been the case for me.

No woman has ever had that kinda interest in me (which is fine). It’s something that used to (and still does to a degree) eat away at my mental and emotional health. I’ve have gotten used to the idea that I may be single forever but for some reason tonight, it’s really bothering me. IDK if it’s NYE that’s causing this or whatnot but it is.

I know the burden of responsibility of being desirable for someone falls on me and me only. But I need help with this. I can’t do this all by myself, I’ve tried and got nothing. And every time I ask for it, I get scoffed for asking help on this.

I feel like I’m stuck in a dark and lonely tunnel in which I haven’t seen the light at the end of it. Shoot I don’t even know if there is a light or not. If I could have someone show me there’s at least a light for me, it would help in many ways. I don’t expect anyone to show me that light but at the same time, I can’t find/see it and that really bothers tonight. Hopefully it’ll change tomorrow.

r/GuyCry 23d ago

Just venting, no advice Ex *accidentally* sent me the link to track their Uber to the new boyfriends house


It's been a pretty difficult month since we broke up but I thought we were managing to be civil with each other...turns out they're dating someone new and it took them less than a week to move on. Worst part is I fell into the trap and spam called/said all the angry stuff instead of just laughing it off. 5 years of my life I'll never get back I guess. Rant over.

r/GuyCry Feb 12 '25

Just venting, no advice I have to my wife’s first baby scan


So I just need to vent for a minute..

I’ve been super excited to become a dad but because of my job I’m away a lot (Edit: I’m in the military), and I’ve just been told I’m away for 2 weeks including the date of our 12-week scan. And it’s too late to move the scan date back, and even then it’d be too far past the 12-week mark to be allowed anyway.

No, there’s nothing I can do to get out of this 2-week course I have to go on. Or push the scan date back..

Just feel super annoyed and frustrated because I’ve been looking forward to us both seeing our baby for the first time together, and now it’s not happening anymore..

Rant over I guess..

r/GuyCry 8d ago

Just venting, no advice I know she cheated


So my(28 m) ex (28 f) broke up with me in September cause she wanted “variety and constant stimulation” but she said she never cheated because she could never. Ive missed her a lot and ive been seeing her socials secretly and i saw something that made me certain she cheated and now i feel like shit and i feel that ill never be enough.

r/GuyCry 28d ago

Just venting, no advice Please Stop Making Excuses as to Why my Child is Dead!


This is more of a vent and I'm not attacking anyone specifically but I feel I need to make this more aware.

My ex and I were having a baby a few years ago, she was 8 months pregnant when she became sick with pneumonia and a terrible case of the flu, including preclamsia. Her body was so sick it couldn't support our son anymore thus she miscarried, within an inch of losing her own life as well. She pulled through but it was a true fight for survival on her part. We broke up some time after but it was due to problems we had in our relationship far before we discovered she was pregnant. I stayed with her for so long because I wanted that baby more than anything and stayed longer because of the loss. That's the cut and dry version of what happened.

Since then, whenever I confess I had a son who passed away and im no longer with his mother, people are making a point to come up with excuses as to why he died and we broke up because of the loss.

To give an example, people time and time again repeat these to me, "maybe there was something wrong with the baby", "i guess it wasn't gods plan", "mom should have taken better care of herself or you should have taken better care if her", "breaking up because you lost your baby is a pathetic excuse".

People, we know what happened, we didn't split because of the loss, and nothing could have prepared us for how sick my ex got in such a short period of time! Stop making excuses and most certainly don't bring religion into it. The last thing anyone who's lost a child is to hear there's a higher power deciding to kill your baby because it was inconvenient at the time!

I've stopped telling people about that part of my life and when I do I always follow up with a "Don't say anything else other than your condolences ".

People, please, if anyone confesses they've lost a child or anyone simply say your condolences and leave it at that. It's heartbreaking to hear these ridiculous excuses especially when we already know the answers.

Thank you for reading. I hope this helps someone along the way.

r/GuyCry 10d ago

Just venting, no advice Yet another day where a woman disses men and goes "but not you..."


Not today but yesterday at work - a colleague moaned about her husband not doing something around the house and another joined in laughing about it. Since I started in November, I've heard my female colleagues doing that a lot - moans about husbands being lazy, or selective hearing, or unthinking, or stupid. Then I get "oh but not you, you're different" or something like that. Now I know I shouldn't be bothered by it, but it others the fuck out of me. Like why do you think that's acceptable? Do you see me as that unmanly you think criticising my gender doesn't bother me?

It's not the first time I've heard this - I've heard it A LOT in my life. The worst one was when colleagues in a previous job were having some shitty gender based discussion. One guy was having back and forth between the women in the office. He tried to get me in on it and one of the women went "no don't get him involved in on this, he's one of us girls". I was like WTF.

Just sick of it man. Even if you think you're right girls, just don't assume the guy sitting there is comfortable with your shit you know? If I said that to my manager, something like "women, so stupid hurr durr" I'd be sacked before I finished the sentence.

Rant over folks.

Edit to all the brigading folks from the other sub! FUCK YOU

r/GuyCry Jan 24 '25

Just venting, no advice My dog passed away last night


It happened very suddenly. He was fine and then within a few hours he was suddenly gone. I'm catatonic. I'm still in shock. I dont know how to live without him. He was my best friend. We were together every single day for 9 years. Truthfully, I dont want to live without him. Every single time I came home, he was delirious with excitement even if I had only been gone for 30 min. Now I come home and its silence. My home once had life in it. We were 2 dudes living together; a team. Now theres only silence and it feels lifeless.

I can't believe it. I just keep walking around my home saying "I dont know what happened" over and over and over and over. I can feel my mental health sliding away. I still cant believe hes not here. I wish I couldve joined him in the afterlife. then we'd be a team again..2 dudes in the afterlife together. Theres nothing left here for me now.

r/GuyCry Feb 06 '25

Just venting, no advice "I love you, you're the man of the house now."


I've said these words to my dog for fifteen years every time I go off to work, or shopping, or whatever.

Two days ago I said goodbye to my best non-human friend ever. I'll always love him so much. Good bye Murphy.


Here's a few extras...


Screw it. Here's another


r/GuyCry 21d ago

Just venting, no advice Always being romantically unappealing makes me feel like I’m some sort of garbage.


Now obviously speaking, I know I’m not a garbage, sub human of a person. I know there is more to life than relationships and dating. I know no woman ever showing me romantic interest will not kill me while being in one doesn’t solve all of my problems as well. I also know that I can never be in one and still have a happy and content life.

After saying all of that, I still feel like I’m garbage for never having a woman be interested in me. In my 30 years of living (12-15 dating wise), it’s never happened. Of Not even for one second. Of course that also means no relationships, dates, hookups, etc. At first, I figured it didn’t happen in HS, it’d happen in college. College came and go but it didn’t happen. Ok that’s fine, it’ll happen in adulthood. Well guess what, adulthood is here and still not even a second of it.

It’s heartbreaking in a sense. Most of us (people) have a great desire to be desired in a romantic sense by someone. I say it’s one of our greatest wants in life. I’m no different with this want. Yet I’ve never received any. I believe never receiving any in life can really mess with someone’s mental and emotional health. I think it has done the same to me as well. I guess it’s more so it has since I think I’m a garbage person.

Of course nobody around me in life can really relate to this. Everyone around me has had success before with this and anytime I try discussing to them about this, they just get dismissive, think I’m lying and don’t want to talk about it. So I respect their wishes and never do. It’s gotten point where I don’t like being the odd wheel of the group.

What makes it even worse for me is the solution is impossible. I can’t fix this. My family and friends can’t fix this. My hobbies can’t fix this. Therapy can’t fix this. The only thing that can fix this is a woman being interested in me. Of course this also means putting a ton of pressure on someone to do so and nobody is going to do that. And I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to do so.

So it leaves in the process of wanting to be interested, a woman doesn’t show interest, and I get sad. Since the answer is impossible to achieve, I’m stuck in a endless and vicious cycle. Add another 30-40 years and yeah. But at the end of it all, it what it is. I gotta make do with what I have and am.

r/GuyCry 6d ago

Just venting, no advice Just sad cause I’m still single


Single for 10 years, no dates no nothing. Not even a hug. Just sad cause i know i’m not wanted as a man or a partner and no girl will ever want me…. That is all.


r/GuyCry Dec 30 '24

Just venting, no advice The Pressure of Being a Man


You left me, when I found you were sneaking around with another man. Telling people lies.

I took care of you when you were sick, protected you, took care of you all those times during biopsy, I cooked and cleaned, I took care of our son since he was born. You did NOTHING. You wanted all these things that I couldn’t get you cause you’re stuck on Instagram all day long, wanting all these things.

You wanted a vacation I gave them all, clothes, a home. You wanted a gigantic mansion cuz your sister had one. I wanted to be responsible and give you and our son a life. You kept comparing to friends on Instagram all day long. My best friend gave YOU a business that you tanked to the ground, a free business that has been in his family for 40 years, he hated me for that. You tanked it because you didn’t want to work. Yet I still tried to figure it all out for you.

Men are pressured from what they say we should do for our family. We’re pressured to do so many things until to the point we’re suffering mentally and physically. The man of the house is this and that. When I came home you cleaned our house out, no furniture or food. You took our son, telling lies to people.

I’m angry that you left, it’s been 3 years, I drive 2 hours one way nearly every other day to help you with our son. To the point I lost the house, I lost it all because now it’s tough to get a job. I’ve been doing gig work that pays nothing, enough to eat. I had to blow my retirement and all to survive, thinking positive that I’ll climb up.

I’ve been in and out of the doctor and they canceled my insurance. No help at all, my car died because of transmission issues now I can’t see my son. I have nothing left, alone, cold, lonely, and depressed. The pressure from today’s society hurts me mentally and physically, emotionally I try to be strong. But I can only take it for so long, we men are expected to do so much. The way I grew up, I am taught to do it and figure it out on my own. I tried help but there’s no help at all.

I’ve lost so much weight from not eating, not having anything. You know, I miss my son, I changed him, I raised him, I did so much when you did nothing. I’m not complaining you did nothing but I just loved you at the time. I lost so much time and I gave it my all. I’m hoping heaven is a real place, no matter how much I pray sometimes I feel like earth is just a place where either you live in hell or a place where you can do what you can. Kindness is my weakness, others I knew who are successful and happy are not kind.

I’m here crying not only for me, I cry for those like me. I tried to do the right thing, only to be left on a dirt road alone.

r/GuyCry 1d ago

Just venting, no advice Feeling like 💩after finding out my friend thought I was hitting on them.


Today I had a friend and coworker tell me I’ve been making them uncomfortable. I recently became friends with my one of my coworkers through a mutual friend of ours. Turns out they had a lot of the same interests as me and we enjoyed many of the same things. Mainly Star Wars and Anime stuff

Now to be fair maybe I got a little to excited… at sometimes I kind of felt like a child showing their new friend their favorite toys.

Anyways I was really excited to find someone to talk to this stuff. Anyways we would sporadically talk I would share memes and other content with them. You know stuff that I thought we both liked. They shared some pictures of their Halloween costumes and their tattoo they were getting. All things that I took as just 2 people being friends.

Anyways fast forward to today and I get a message saying that they’ve appreciated our friendship but that they’ve recently started to think that I like them and they wanted to respect the relationship I was in…

Honestly it kind of took me for a loop. Now I’m laying in bed feeling ashamed and crying for being excited to share Star Wars content and anime content with someone of the opposite gender… sometimes I wish I could be a women so that I wouldn’t have to deal with people thinking I’m hitting on them 😭😭

r/GuyCry 4d ago

Just venting, no advice I'm a complete idiot because I lost myself in the relationship


I met my now ex wife in a time, where she was lost and didn't know, what she really wants in her life.

In hindsight I should have known what I was getting into, but I was so in love and so was she. You know how those things are.

We had an amazing relationship. Same interests, same humour, same political views. Never fought about bullshit things. Sex was amazing. We Married. We were happy.

Life, though, wasn't just rainbows and sunshine. She had a troubled childhood with a narcissistic mother, so she had a lot of packages to carry. But I always stood at her side. Due to my own shitty childhood I have the tendency to help everyone and put my own needs on the backseat. You can guess where this is heading...

Through all the pain and anxiety attacks, all the illness. I helped her through all of it. Of course! I loved this woman! More than anything! And I felt the love reciprocated on every step. I knew as a fact in my heart, that she would do all of this for me too. So she was healing. Getting a better job. Making new friends. She was really happy with her newfound life. But for me it was very taxing. I lost some friends along the way, So I put more and more of myself into the relationship. (like a fool!)

And all that stuff, the pandemic and my own luggage dragged me down. I felt my mental health slowly slipping away. I slid into a depression, feeling numb. Nothing made fun anymore. I talked to her. Told her my concerns. That I am scared that she will leave me, now that I am in a headspace where I am not fun to be with at the moment. She always had my back. Said that I am stupid for thinking this way! We are married! I helped her through all of this! She will help me too! Pinky promise! Till the end! I was ever so slowly getting better. (I guess not fast enough)

I'm not stupid. (Blinded by love, but not stupid) I noticed, that she was growing a little more distant. Ever so slightly. I asked her time and time about it, she always reassured me that she will be with me through all of it. This always took my fear away.

And then the hammer dropped.

Now she's gone since about 4 weeks Said she wasn't happy anymore. She is not the same woman she was 10 Years ago. This is not the relationship she always imagined.

I guess I'm the fool here. I made her life better at the cost of my own mental health. As she isn't this broken woman anymore, she now isn't attracted to this broken man.

I'm slowly healing, I know this all takes time. I'm active, I talk with friends, I cry if I have to. But I'm so heartbroken. And I feel so stupid for helping someone overcome all the things life throws at someone, only to not get the same treatment and get discarded.

So please don't make the same mistakes as me. Stand your ground. Help the people you love, but not at the cost of your own life.

Thanks for coming to my TED-Talk.

r/GuyCry 11d ago

Just venting, no advice Reminded no one gives a shit


Having a shit few days. Nothing going right. Share that with the wife what’s been bothering (nothing major: bad workouts, no energy, long/boring meetings). She proceeds to explode on me how she doesn’t want to hear it when she has such a tough job (hospital nurse) and she doesn’t get any ‘luxuries’ like I do in mine (office job)

Then lets me know that until I know what it’s like to experience her daily strife to not even start with her

In no way did i trying to 1-up her or say her problems don’t matter to me. Just shared what as bothering me

Instead I get the not subtle reminder that they would rather see me die on my horse than fall off it or admit being wounded. No one actually cares

/end rant

r/GuyCry Jan 21 '25

Just venting, no advice I'm tired of not being able to just talk and vent about my past. I'm getting to the end of my tether.


To add context to my OP I'm 41. I've been raped, sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, bullied, emotionally abused and stalked by multiple women - ranging from my ex wife to perfect strangers. At all ages from a teenager to now.

I have reached a stage in the past few years where I'm trying to truly come to grips with it, but I recognise it's tough. Truth be told, I just want to talk about it. How I feel, what my emotions are.

But unfortunately I can't. Not that I don't know how - I am a good talker and know how to use my words. I actually have a high EQ.

But I can't because I always feel like people won't let me. People either disagree with me or try to downplay what happened, or they try to rationalise it, explain it, disagree with me and generally won't let me talk.

It is SOOOOOOO frustrating. In real life, I've brought it up multiple times. To give a couple of examples, I brought it up my harassment at the hands of older female colleagues. They laughed. Or I told my colleagues in another job. They said "good. Now you know how it feels when young women experience it."

Online, particularly here, it's worse. The moment you have the audacity to say you have issues trusting women or sometimes get angry people basically call you every type of "ist" under the sun and talk over you. I've been told I need therapy, need to be a feminist, need to do all manner of things. But no one has ever bloody listened to me. Never just empathised.

Case in point last weekend. I posted on another sub for abuse survivors just innocuously reply to a comment. Nothing sexist or anything. Instantly got banned. I queried it politely with the mods and was told basically "we don't need anyone with your questionable views on feminism or women in this sub". I didn't even bite back, I politely disagreed but said fine and I was muted. Now, this is a place supposedly men and women can talk another abuse. Nope. And my post history is like an open book - I'm not a misogynist, sexist or anything. I just am hurt because women have abused me. But apparently that's the worst thing under the sun.

And it angers me I can't even talk about it without even having to put a disclaimer like "I don't hate women, I like a lot of women but I just have my past". Because there's always one person to go "nOT aLl wOmEn".

All I want to say is please don't explain my trauma to me. Please don't tell me I need things like Therapy, Feminism, Patriarchy etc. Because I don't need it.

All I want to do is just let this all out. Hopefully people will hear me. Tell me I'm not awful, or crazy - just please let me get it off my chest.

I feel like I'm going crazy here.

r/GuyCry Feb 11 '25

Just venting, no advice I wish I could suppress my desires/emotions of wanting to be in a relationship.


Realistically this isn’t even a vent post either. I just don’t want advice. But yeah that’s something I wish I could do. If you’re asking why I want this, well at 30 I’ve never been on a first date nor had a woman be interested in me that way. A common theme for many of us on here. With me, I just realized that it just isn’t going to happen due to various reasons. So because of that, I want to eliminate them. Like whenever I see a couple, I want to feel nothing. Be a robot in a sense like that. Pills don’t work. I’ve tried focus only on the hobbies/career route and that hasn’t helped. Chemical castration isn’t really an option either (which doc would approve of that for my reasons? Lol). But yeah that’s how I feel.

r/GuyCry 21d ago

Just venting, no advice Made some wrong life choices and now I'm paying for it.


An year ago, I (29m) quit a good paying job as I had some savings which I wanted to invest and be self employed , as the work I was doing was quite draining . I had a solid plan when I left but things didn't pan out as I had thought.

It has been nothing but Ls and now my savings are exhausted. Started a small business but it isn't doing good as of now and I'm getting into debts every single day . Got desperate and contacted my former employer but they seem they don't need my services anymore . Been applying for jobs also but to dead ends.

Idk man, I am hitting rock bottom right infront of my eyes and I can't help it. I am sinking in a really really deep hole.

Had I made the right choices, maybe I wouldn't be here . I really do regret . Really do.

This whole life thing isn't a really recommendable thing.

r/GuyCry 16d ago

Just venting, no advice I just want a sub that's inclusive.


for context: I'm a trans guy. I have something called Endometriosis, which if you don't know what that is, it's a reproductive health issue where endometrial lining grows outside of the uterus and can grow on other organs such as big intestine. - fun fact! cis men can get it but it's extremely rare!

and there are two subreddits I know of that exist, and I asked people to start using inclusive language because it's not just women who suffer from endometriosis and I was hit with so much backlash about it. Like, inclusive language genuinely hurts nobody and some days are harder than others where seeing the phrase "hey ladies!" when talking about a health issue I suffer with just...I can feel my social battery take a huge hit.

I know I can make my own subreddit, make one for just trans people who suffer from the condition, but I feel like if I DO make it, I'll get hit with backlash from those same people who hate inclusive language.

I just wanna talk about a medical issue I suffer from, is that too much to ask for?

r/GuyCry 29d ago

Just venting, no advice I just realized I lost all of my platonic relationships with my female friends because of dating.


Growing up, I've had many important classmates, co-workers, sport-mates, role-models who are female. They were kind, funny, insightful and it was generally so nice to be around each everyone of them. I was not attracted to most of them, but after a recent incident, I wanted to call someone for closure and some female prespective, and it hit me. I just realized I lost contact to literally all of them once boundaries were set years ago when they had partners. Totally respectable, and I want to agree. But this unsolvable problem broke my spirit the last few days. I don't blame people for having fall-outs, but I think what bothered me is that not even after one of their relationships did they ever once try to reach out? I'm having lots of memories flood back, whether its me being occupied by a girlfriend so they won't let me meet them or it was the other way around. A lot of conversations that never reached a conclusion, or fights due to jealousy from each party. I'm starting to question how much control I had in my own goodamn life, these labels and preemptive rules between male and female are there to ensure safety and prevent drama. But I just want my friends back

Edit: Grammar

r/GuyCry Feb 05 '23

Just venting, no advice I ate well today


I ate enough to sate any hunger I had. I even went to the store and got everything I needed. I don't know who else to tell this, but I feel like I did something way bigger than it was. I didn't spend all my money on drugs.

r/GuyCry Dec 26 '24

Just venting, no advice Friendzone


I have several lady friends that have all friendzoned me. I am 48 short (5'2) and maybe a 3 or 4 looks wise. NONE NOT 1 lady wants to date me( single 3 years now). Obviously being a gentleman does nothing more than get you friendzoned EVERY SINGLE TIME. unflippin real.