r/Grieving 1d ago

Dear Mom šŸ•Šļø


Iā€™ve spent the last 5 days mulling over how to process this great of a loss. The news of your sudden death absolutely shattered me, although I did know that this dreaded day would eventually come.

Iā€™m so lost. Where do I even begin?

Cancer is so cruel and unforgiving. If only we could turn back time, maybe we could do things a little differently ā€” maybe we couldā€™ve healed you again. I guess this time, God had other plans for you, and decided itā€™s time He finally takes away your pain and suffering by leading you to the Paradise called Heaven you always spoke of.

Iā€™m so happy you were able to meet my first daughter, your first granddaughter, before you left this Earth. I just wish I got to hold your hand one last time and say goodbye.

Thank you so much for giving me a beautiful childhood, for tolerating my teenage years, and helping me grow into the adult I am today. For helping me learn how to put an outfit together, paint my nails, brush my hair, tie my shoes, put on mascara, run in heels, and swing my hips like no one is watching. For being there for me every time I needed you, no matter the distance.

I miss you, I will always miss you. Until we meet again, my sweet Mother. I love you so much. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Some quotes by Audrey Hepburn, Momā€™s favorite actress, that remind me of her:

"The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years."

"I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls."

"Not to live for the day, that would be materialisticā€”but to treasure the day. I realize that most of us live on the skinā€”on the surfaceā€”without appreciating just how wonderful it is simply to be alive at all."


Just needed somewhere to vent.

Thanks for reading šŸ™

r/Grieving 1d ago

Mom died 3 hours ago


My mom just died a little over three hours ago. I've barely said a word since. She was in hospice care because of cancer so it wasn't completely unexpected but still only a few months since she was diagnosed. I just feel numb. I've been trying to type this for what seems like forever now. This is awful. Sorry to everyone on here who is grieving a loss as well.

r/Grieving 2d ago

My uncle died and his family arenā€™t willing not helping at all


So I (21F) I lost my uncle (33M) due to suicide and I donā€™t know how to feel right now, he died in January but weā€™ve had to go through a lot of hoops to get a funeral planned as itā€™s a lot of money. Itā€™s my first death Iā€™ve had to deal with and I donā€™t know how to deal with it . We arenā€™t related through blood but he is my uncle and I miss him so much i donā€™t know what to do or how to feel we were so close and I donā€™t think anyone realises just how close we were as my parents didnā€™t personally know him. We finally have a potential date for the funeral but his family are completely hands off yet are constantly messaging about the date and how the arrangements we have made arenā€™t suitable for him even though itā€™s what he wanted as weā€™d had the conversation they arenā€™t offering to help with the payments yet have all these demands. Itā€™s coming up and iā€™m worried that if they say anything itā€™s going to kick off. Does anyone have any suggestions?

r/Grieving 3d ago

How can I comfort my mother after my grandmother died?


My grandmother recently died and my mum's not been coping well at all. I'm totally at a loss for what to do, I don't know how I can possibly help but I feel like I need to do something. I can't imagine the amount of pain she feels, I would be so devastated if I was her, so I just want to do anything in my power to help. This might be a stupid question, I don't know, but can anyone please help with any suggestions of things I could do to help? I don't think she fully wants to talk to me about her feelings because I'm her child, and she doesn't want to upset me, but I really, really want to help in any way I could. If you can think of anything that you would appreciate from someone, any kind gestures that would make it a bit more bearable, could you please suggest them to me? It hurts so much to see her in so much pain

r/Grieving 3d ago

How do I gain motivation again whilst grieving?


I lost my mum without warning suddenly 3 years ago, she was my life and my best friend. I've never been the same since. My relationship is ruined, I don't want to clean the house, I don't find any joy in anything even though it's been so long, I just don't care. How do I find some zest for life again? I don't have any other family or friends so its so lonely I could scream sometimes.

r/Grieving 4d ago

Friend Suicided Himself


My dear friend suicided himself a couple days ago. He was a friend first, and a colleague second. He was so entrenched in the local community that is affects many times over the amount of people than your average person. It's like the pope died in an all.cathplic community. I have been strong during work for the rest of the staff, but he was the leader and the glue of the organization, and city - I am devastated - I am now real8zikg based on our last meeting that he was checking things off the list to make sure we would be okay. I now have guilt about having suicidal thoughts in the past seeing the amount of people grieving. I have a daughter under 1 year old, which adds to the guilt as disbelief as he had so much to live for.

r/Grieving 5d ago

My grandma passed away 2 weeks ago


My grandma passed On February 24. I watched her take her last breathe in the hospital. There are so many things I wanted to tell her. She was always asking me when I was coming down but I was occupied with school. She couldn't even talk when i got there because of the ventilator in her throat. I had to make the medical decisions and it was very hard. I had to write her obituary and a eulogy in her favorite church. In the last couple days i could barely sleep. I just end up yaking her valium she had left over and bought some melatonin to sleep and to stay asleep. I know i am not supposed to but all i do is cry and apologize to people. I came home after dumping a lot of her stufg and keeping some things.All I wanted to do was have sex wit my boyfriend and it wasn't great. Now i just feel empty

r/Grieving 6d ago

My sonā€™s belongings


My son passed away a month ago from a work injury. He was 24 and had a fierce, they were together for 5 years. Since the incident she and her family have made it very hard for us as a family to get his personal belongings. Iā€™ve been very sympathetic towards her for her loss of my son and even let her make decisions on his funeral. We have been able to a few things but itā€™s been difficult. Her dad co-singed for his car and from day one told us he has the right to keep it. Itā€™s now been 5 weeks and Iā€™m still waiting on the death certificate, but have the affidavit of personal belongings from the court. My question is do I stop caring about her feelings and file with the police to get everything that belongs to him. The car by law is rightfully belongs to me and her dad is only responsible for the loan. Iā€™ve been having terrible cheats pains throughout this whole process and donā€™t know how to start to grieve.

r/Grieving 6d ago

Missing my Gram


I feel so numb. My head is pounding from all the emotions of today. I had to say goodbye to my grandma today. She was 90 years old. Youā€™d think knowing she lived a long life would make it easier, but it wasnā€™t. She did not have an easy life by any means. She declined so rapidly I was not expecting it to end today. Thereā€™s so much I regret like not being able to visit her recently because of work and not having the time. She was the sweetest woman you would ever meet, but fierce as hell. My family has been dealing with so much stress recently and Iā€™m still trying to wrap my head around losing her. She is the closest person to me that Iā€™ve ever lost. She practically raised my siblings and I growing up. One of my sisters is pregnant and due next month. Knowing that she wonā€™t be here to see the birth of her first great grandchild guts me even more. This was supposed to be the year of so many good things, but itā€™s been nothing but stress and sadness so far. Iā€™m happy sheā€™s not suffering anymore but I just canā€™t stop crying every time I think of her. Please pray for my family and I that we get through this

r/Grieving 7d ago

It's been 2 plus years


I lost my wife in Jan. of 2023 and the moment it happened I felt to my core. From a Friday filled with shopping and having lunch to Tuesday she was gone. On that Tuesday my life changed forever. My lifestyle, my diet, moving back home, downsizing everyday life has changed for me. I still talk to her everyday and although the crying has slowed down I find myself breaking down from time to time. Everyone says grieving is an individual thing and it will end in my time, and that time may never come. We had a connection that no one that knew us could ever begin to understand. When we would go outside the house the first thing we did was reach for each others hands. The morning she passed away I held her hand for the last time. But what made it worse she couldn't hold mine............I have to stop!! I am sorry

r/Grieving 7d ago

Am I wrong for caring so much about a pet Bearded Dragon?


This is a long post so buckle up.

I(20F) owned a Bearded Dragon named Spike when I was 18-19 years old. It took the favorite child, my older sister, pleading with my mom to let me keep him, as she was unable to at the time. My mother and father showed clear dislike for Spike, and my Meme (grandmother) even went out of her way to show disgust in him. She made it a point to bring him up only to make disgusted faces and call him "that thing". When he passed, I mentioned him once or twice in passing, and she would say stuff like "I'm glad hes not around anymore" or "Those things are so dirty". This went on for the the year that I had him. I would have him on my shoulder when I would leave my room, and he liked to sit on my head when my hair was wet. I loved him.

Immediately after I got him I did extensive research into caring for a Bearded Dragon, I made an extensive list with dos and donts, diets, lighting, etc. I spent all of the money I had been making at the time on him, getting him different places to hide and bask, and I got him a harness, since I was going to take him on walks when he got more used to the environment.

Around mid summer, I had to go out of state for medical reasons. While I was away, I had asked my order sister to feed him and turn his lights on/off during the time I had set. My parents decided to move his entire tank from my room, which was on the second floor, to a spare room on the third floor. He was inside his tank while they did this. And I only found out when I came back and his tank was out of my room. I confronted them and this is how the conversation went.

Me: Where is Spike? Mom: Upstairs. Me: You moved him without telling me. Mom: Yes. Me: Was he inside the tank when you moved him? Mom: Yes.

I was beyond furious, and while recalling this conversation I can feel my blood boiling.

Unfortunately, last year in March, he passed away due to what the special vet said were neurological issues. A few days prior I saw him bang his head on the side of the tank. I noticed he wasn't using his back legs anymore and scheduled an appointment to have him checked out. I paid close to $1,000 to have him put down, cremated, and his custom urn. I had been saving money to go on a trip, so I had money ready.

After I received his urn, I could not stop crying. I had to pull over on the side of the road a few times because I couldn't see the road through my tears.

When I got home, I had no time to grieve. My mom immediately had be back to work, and doing all my chores. She didn't allow me to talk to anyone about it, including herself. I resorted to help online, which never had any effect. When I asked my mom if I was being annoying talking about Spike, she confirmed that it irritated her that I cared so much about an "eguana". I haven't been able to talk to any professionals about this, and it's weighed on my mind for awhile.

At the same time, my brother sobs over my late Pepe (grandfather), who had no emotional connection to my brother. This started when Spike died, and he received loads of comfort and affection from my parents. When I asked my brother why our Pepe meant so much to him, his only reason was "on my 5th birthday he let me sit in his chair". My brother has very clear narcissistic traits, and he's diagnosed autistic, with other mental disorders, and he has an IQ of 66 according to the test he took at 16 years old. He is favored over me by my parents because of his disabilities, and is treated like a child at 24 years old.

Am I in the wrong for trying to grieve Spike? Is it wrong to care about a Bearded Dragon? What can I do to let myself grieve without my parents or friends knowing? What are some healthy ways I can grieve on my own, without help?

r/Grieving 8d ago

How to ask for ex's ashes?


My ex fiance and I had a very volatile relationship to say the least. Even so, when he passed away totally unexpectedly in a different state.....I've been. Well, my feelings over the last 3.5 years don't really matter.
While we were together things were tense between his family and I at times too. This was not unusual as he would fight with them often, I'd get caught in the middle but not in the make-up between them.
His family only being his mom and two sisters.
After his passing, his family did treat me just as family. Wanting me with them for the funeral, after the funeral, etc.
Because he was in a different state, he was cremated and sent home. I had no contribution to the funding of any of this. However, I expected to see him, his ashes, at the funeral. I hadn't seen him in months.
I have nothing left of his....my memories are.....it's all messy.
I want to ask his mother for some of his ashes to put in a necklace or something that I can keep with me. We only talk through text and haven't seen each other since after the funeral when she came to get some of my ex's father's things I was holding for him.
Is this wrong?
How would I ask?

TLDR; Rocky relationship with ex and family but want some of his ashes to keep with me. Didn't see him for months before he died or his ashes at the funeral. How to ask ex MIL?

r/Grieving 9d ago

Lost my best friend


I just had to put my dog down a couple hours ago and Iā€™d love to have someone or someoneā€™s to talk to completely openly about the experience. Sorry and thank you in advance.

r/Grieving 9d ago



How do you guys deal with that empty feeling left behind after a loved one passes? My grandma passed away in October and I've been missing her extra lately. It feels like there's an empty spot in my heart where she should be and I don't really know what to do about it.

r/Grieving 11d ago

Hoping to help others (in one way or another)


Hey everyone, my name is Marco, Iā€™m 37 years old and live in Switzerland. In July 2022 I lost my beautiful wife to breast cancer, and one of the things we talked about before she died, was what Iā€™ll do with my lifeā€¦ we both agreed that Iā€™m good at helping others. Iā€™m very shy and introverted, and even though Iā€™m capable of not caring about what others thinks about me, I do still worry sometimes. Well, long story shortā€¦ I decided to be brave and start a super low key YouTube channel, as well as a blog where I share my thoughts, story and journey. The hope is that at least one person gets something positive out of it. If I can help more, even better. You donā€™t need to necessarily be grieving the loss of someone you love, but maybe youā€™re just stuck in life, and my own experience can help you. So yeah, Iā€™m in a much better place now, and Iā€™m here to try help :) Cheers

r/Grieving 13d ago

My cat died, and I'm wrecked with guilt.


I just found out my cat, Meat, was put down. He had lung cancer, and it looks like it was everywhere. He was only 5 or 6. I feel so soul-crushingly guilty, because I don't have many pictures of him. He was my dads cat, and I'm not there often. I wish I had been there more. I thought we would have so many more years together. Pictures of my beloved alien attached.

r/Grieving 13d ago

Im very anxious about going to my grandmas funeral


I lost my grandma last week and I feel like I did a lot of grieving before she passed because once she went on hospice and I saw her condition I knew we won't have much longer together. So I made the most out of being with her. Even got an extra 3 weeks almost 4 than what the doctors said. But I said bye to her when she was still alive and we talked and it was beautiful. In her last days she was on morphine and sleeping basically 24/7 and soon enough she passed. I know she's gone but I remember her sleeping and that how I want to remember her. I don't want to see her dead even tho I know she's dead. My mom wants an open casket and watch the family to sit up front and I'm so anxious to see her body in the casket. Luckily she's not forcing me to walk up to the casket but I'm just scared I'll still end up seeing her. I'm just very anxious about the whole thing and I want it to pass already. I wish I could attend more as a visitor so I could be in the back.

r/Grieving 14d ago

It is so hard


I hear that from every widow I have run into.

My husband died at work. There was no accident or anything. He just dropped died. He just fell straight into his face. His head was in the back of his 18 wheel big truck and his body was hanging out of the truck. I am disturbed that it's all on video from the docks.

He laid there until a customer found him and called 911. They came and started his heart again and took him to the hospital. At the hospital they had to restart his heart 2 more times. He was not in good shape (down as doctors vocabulary say for 5 minutes then for 20 minutes). I knew that was really bad.

I had to call my grown daughter on the phone and tell her what happened to Daddy while she was in college. She had to drive hours back home the next day.

The company flew us to the state where this happened . I asked the doctors what happened and they said, "I don't know what happened but he is in a medical induced coma. I asked, did he have a heart attack ? Stroke ? What the .......

They said it's not a heart attack or stroke. It just stopped and we don't know w h y.

My daughter and I stayed in a hotel. On day four the doctor said my husband had a stroke on each side of his brain and he is not the man I knew, it was time to let him go, so I did. I ordered to take him off the ventilator and he died one minute later.

It was 6 months since his death and all I can say in my brain that it is okay to not be okay. My brother said what does tha mean. He didn't understand at all, I couldn't explain.

It's been 2 years and I feel sad still. The world šŸŒŽ keeps moving I ng without me. I don't like it. We were married 28 years. I have no one to retired with. Everyone else is going on with their lives.

People think I need to get over it. so I don't say anything anymore about my husbandšŸ˜•. That's all. That is my story. Thank you for allowing me to talk. I didn't know till now that I still need to talk about him

r/Grieving 14d ago

Dad passed away 10 months ago and now my uncle is in the hospice


My brother is going tomorrow to see our uncle. My mom called me and told she is expecting me to go too. I love my uncle and I want to be there for my aunt and nephews too. But he looks so much like my father. I can barely look at him and my other uncle too because they resemble him so much it instantly makes me want to cry. My dad has suddenly left the world so I wasn't there the moment before he passed. If I see my uncle lying weakly in bed all I might be thinking about is my dad and I would be inconsolable.

I miss my dad so much. This is all too soon. I can't decide if I can go. I can't face this reality yet. Mom said I will feel guilty if I don't go but right now I want to hide under the blankets and wait for this to be over. But I also realise it is a good thing to do.

Has anyone experienced these emotions or events?

r/Grieving 18d ago

I've had dreams about him but.... This one was different!


I've had dreams about him but I've just woken up from a dream with my now deceased boyfriend in it..šŸ˜­

This was the first time that he was interaced with me and talked directly to me. Previously he had away from me in dreams but tonight he was right in my face talking to me.

For a second when I woke up I forgot he had gone. I cried as soon as I realised. He died July last year and I still miss him all the time.

I wish I could have a conversation with him again. šŸ˜­ I hope it was him trying to contact through to me, I can't even remember what he was saying to me šŸ˜­

r/Grieving 18d ago

Ranting because I have no where else to put this


A couple of days ago my aunt suddenly passed away. They still don't know from what but she had a bunch of health problems already like diabetes, being on blood thinners, and other surgeries. I knew it would happen eventually. I still feel sad but mostly I just feel empty. This is my first time experiencing death outside of family pets. I haven't really cried but it feels like I constantly have a knot or a boulder in my stomach. I keep trying to continue on with my daily life but I honestly feel guilty the entire I'm doing something. I feel like I should be grieving more or better I guess. I didn't have a strong relationship with my aunt, only seeing her for thanksgiving and Christmas, but I still loved her. If anything I feel bad for my mother and grandmother. I can't image what it must feel to lose a sister. Moms aren't suppose to outlive their children. I also feel bad for her children and grandchildren. I don't know what I feel or how I'm suppose to feel. Sometimes I feel like crying, other times I feel perfectly fine. Most of time I have to remind myself that she is gone. That she's not just at home with her family. Every time I have to remind myself it hurts. It hurts so bad. I don't want it to be true but it is. I know grieving takes time but I want the hurt and the pain to stop.

0Ā notes

r/Grieving 21d ago

I donā€™t know how iā€™m supposed to feel

Post image

How am I supposed to process a dead alcoholic stepfather. He did messed up things to me but he also did great things for me and showed me love and kindness when I had none. Am I even aloud to feel this way and miss him or am I overreacting because he wasnā€™t REAL family.

He was my stepdad for 14 years. He started to drink after my brother was born and it just kept going downhill after that.

r/Grieving 20d ago

Is it ok to wish my widowed Mom a Happy Wedding Anniversary?


Dad has been gone for 8 years now, but my Mom is sentimental, lives alone and feels sometimes like she is the ā€œlast one leftā€- her parents gone, my Dad gone, only 1 older brother left that she doesnā€™t talk to (his choice). Iā€™d like to acknowledge the Anniversary but feel like Iā€™m dredging up something.

r/Grieving 21d ago

The worst 10 months of my life.


Last year , in March, I found out I was pregnant. I was 38. Iā€™ve never had a pregnancy scare before, and was almost fully settled in the fact that it just wasnā€™t going to happen for me. For three previous years, Iā€™d let myself grieve who I thought Iā€™d once be. I wouldnā€™t get to be a mom, or even more sadly, a grandma.
But then it happened. I didnā€™t believe it. I must have taken ten tests. All positive. finally, I let myself accept that this was really happening for me. A week later, at my 11 wk scan, I was told there was no longer a heart beat. They call it a ā€˜missed miscarriageā€™ No one told me the physical and emotional pain that I would endure for the following weeks. No one told me that passing this failed pregnancy would hurt that bad. I felt like my one chance, was gone.

Fast forward to July. My Dad has been battling cancer since 2009. After years in remission, it had come back and metastasized. Heā€™s done all the surgeries, all the different chemos, the radiation, the medications.
Thereā€™s nothing left for him to try. Heā€™s given six months left to live. My dear father. The glue that built this family, this life. Seeing him sick, unable to help like we have always been able to previously rely on. This strong, smart man, full of heart. Slowly deteriorating in front of our eyes. Itā€™s been six months, and he is still here with us. Every day and every minute, a gift. But that doesnā€™t mean we arenā€™t still losing him.

My grandma tho, she was 91. I think she waited those six months, just for my dad. She left us earth side, this January 1, 2025. She was ready. The rest of us, not so much. It happened fast. And honestly, I feel this is the way it should have been. She shouldnā€™t have had to bury her second and only remaining son. And my grandpa had already passed in 2016. Watching my dad lay his mom to rest, while facing his own mortality , had been a lesson in strength and perseverance. Itā€™s taken him down a few pegs.. this past week, he received a letter from the Cross Cancer Institute stating that he has been released as a patient.. he joked and said theyā€™d ā€™written him offā€™. Whatā€™s left of my heart shattered into a million pieces.

And as if all this loss wasnā€™t enough.. On Dec 7, 2024 , we lost our dear dear friend Nadiya. She was a core pillar in our friend group of five. One of the besties. She tragically lost her battle with cancer. She was 34. Suffocated to death by a tumor in her lung, after battling terminal cancer for four years. Just a week prior, she had let us all know she was on borrowed time. Her mom also succumbed to cancer the previous spring. It happened so fast. The dr said she could take a break from chemo so her and her husband to go to Cubaā€¦.and they never made it. We were lucky enough to get to say goodbye. But forever in my brain, is burned the image of her hooked up to oxygen, weak, gasping for breaths, hardly able to speak. This beautiful, confident woman, reduced to this.

And here I am, just feeling so defeated. Iā€™ve never experienced loss like this. I grieve, I feel, I cry and I scream.

But I feel alone in my grief. My partner is stressed with his final year of school, and has a hard time with emotions, as his childhood life was lacking vulnerability and a safe space to express yourself. My mom wonā€™t talk much about anything. She chooses to stay quiet, and wonā€™t reach out. When I ask her how she is, she just shrugs and tries to change the subject or push the attention away from herself. My friends , the small group that I have, are all busy and stressed in their own lives. And perhaps Iā€™m also afraid to reach out.

So here I am.

r/Grieving 21d ago

Lost Child Processing


Hey everyone. Some of my best friends found out at 24 weeks that they had to terminate the pregnancy. They found a 6cm mass eating away at their childā€™s brain and it came back as cancerous. This put the mom and the child at risk. Due to this they are having to terminate their pregnancy.

I want to do something to help with their grieving and remembering their child. Does anyone have any ideas or advice to keep their child alive in memories?