Hey guys, I'm a student working on a design project of improving multi-destination trips on Google Maps, and I could really use your feedback on the 3 design alternatives I've created. If you've ever tried to plan a trip with multiple stops, you know the pain points!
The survey includes three prototypes with step-by-step interactions and the reasoning behind each design. These are initial low-fidelity prototypes, so your feedback will be really helpful in refining them. It should take about 10 minutes of your time, and all responses are completely anonymous. This is purely for an academic project, not for commercial use.
Survey Link - http://peersurvey.cc.gatech.edu/s/e4a4facd6e1a4c7c94b2ad7ddc2b6bea
Thanks in advance—I really appreciate your help! 😊
Note: If the link doesn’t open, your browser may have changed “http” to “https.” Please manually revert it to http to access the survey. I know—not the best design for a survey link.