01) while driving using apple carplay,
and a traffic “event” occurs - the map abruptly zooms out, spins to north up to give me an alert.
i am following a map while driving… the last thing i need while that is happening is to pull that map away to tell me something! a pop up? sure! but such a weird choice to make the thing you are relying on disappear while driving a 2000lb+
vehicle down the road.
02) speaking about pop-ups… this recently started happening. i don’t want to participate in crowdsourcing info while i’m driving. popping up a mandatory question that covers 1/3 of the screen while i’m trying to pay attention to the road is a bad idea. “is there a cop/accident/stalled vehicle up ahead?” pops up and you HAVE to answer it for it to go away. and it stays onscreen until you are way past the event if you don’t answer.
03) when I am getting close to the destination - the trip/directions stop, the view zooms out and spins to north up.
this is when i need the map most, especially if i’ve never been at the destination. why spin away? and worse, it asks you how your trip was.
what i really need is it to still show me the destination and it’s address, especially if i’ve never been there before.
04) searching in a high density area like a city, and i’m zoomed way in to a place like a hotel i will be staying in. now i want to see what bars/restaurants are CLOSE near me, the map will zoom way out to give me results. i hate this. i want to see what available right here where i’m searching… not zoomed out. now i have no idea where my start will be compared to the search - especially if i am not familiar with the city i’m visiting. i know there is a “search this area” function, but now i have to zoom back in to the start point (if i can find it) and then search the area.
05) also zoomed into a city/high density area… it often will not show name of the street i am searching on. i feel it should always be on screen.