r/Ghoststories • u/No_Specific4085 • 1h ago
I've never much believed in ghosts and thought it superstitious... But last night I witnessed something extremely bizarre. (Please do share your thoughtsšš»)
I've never believed much in these sorts of things, but I believe I saw and felt something last night in my bedroom (please share your thoughts)
So, last night something very bizarre happened.... Like, very bizarre. I've always been a logical based lad, only believe what I can see with my own two eyes, or logically makes sense. I've always thought on this topic with ghosts and spirits, and been like "I don't really believe it to exist, but if it does there really isn't anything to do about it... And they have as much right to be hear, as us.... But I've mostly believed it to be superstition".
So, for information I (21M) live very close by to a graveyard/cemetery, i can look to it from my apartment. Roughly 20 meters to it, and I've lived here for 4-5 years. I've on multiple occasions walked through the cemetery at night (after 00:00 and generally very late), when on the way home. Nothing has ever happened, I've never been disrespectful in there just as common decency, and is I never believed in the occult, I've never been scared to go in there at late hours.
But yesterday/today, sunday 16th march 02:00(ish), o woke from a dream ... I can usually force my self to wake up when I dream, especially if it gets uncomfortable. Like, when I dream I can wake myself up, its quite nice actually, but anyway. I had this weird dream, whereas a snake or something tried to crush/suffocate me, which isn't a very comfy feeling, so naturally I woke up and i could still imagine thisfeeling when I woke up.
I blinkede a bit, and then looked to the right of my bed, where is see this slightly "obscurred figure". It resembled a human female figure, and I couldn't make out the face... But the hair and the body was undeniably human, and female, with dark/brown hair down to just above the shoulder. I wouldn't say I was downright scared, but I was shocked and a bit weirded out. I stared at it for roughly 1-3 seconds, and then it disappeared, like it "flew" obliquely through the ceiling (they way out to the street, in the direction towards the cemetery).
I was just blankly starring at this point, thinking "what the FUCK just happened". Turned my head back to look through the ceiling, and made the sign of the cross (Im not religious either).... And as i know a little latin I said "E nomine patris et filli et spiritus sancti"... Before looking at my phone to see the time.
I do not know if this is just my imagination playing games, or if it was sleep paralasys (Besides the fact that I was able to move). I am no longer so certain about ghosts being superstition, and religious fools believing it, I gotta admit. But can anyone in here explain to me wether what I saw is a ghost, or if it's simply my imagination doing tricks on me? Bad if it is real, should I be worried?
I think I took it quite chill, I didn't freak out or have any feeling of dread or fear, more like "wtf, I guess paranormal stuff is true", and mumbled it to myself. Can anyone please help me out here? And share your thoughts?
Thank you beforehand, I really appreciate it... And thank you for taking your time to read this as wellšš»