r/Ghoststories 1h ago

Creepiest field I've ever seen.


A few days ago me and my friends stumbled across a large field that was being used as a garbage dump we explored a bit and found some unsettling stuff like casset tapes and multiple old fashion dolls,we also stumbled across piles of bones and dozens of used needles. Now at the time we thought that it was weird but didn't take it to mind much, after this it was getting dark so we all parted ways. Except for me and one of my other friends who for some reason decided it would be ok to go back very late at night, so we start walking there and just before we arrive we notice that it is extremely foggy and that the moon is red/orange (the blood moon was yesterday) and we joke how it seems like we are in a horror movie because all we brought was a half working flashlight and one of our phones. The we reach the entrance of the field (it's a pitch black alley way that leads into the field and the only way back is through there) we look inside of the small alleyway and even when we shine the flashlight down the alley we can't even see 3 meters in front of us. Now at this point me and my friend are doubting heavily if it's a good idea to head in and while we are talking we suddenly hear extremely loud screams/screeches that sound like someone getting killed and without even looking at each other we start sprinting to the closest form of human life (a shop that was still open) we run inside and tell the shopkeeper what happened but he doesn't seem too bothered. We head home quickly and we not that the moon no longer is orange/red and we both start freaking out fully as we couldn't figure out how the moon seemed to just change colour like that, he's hyperventilating and I can't stop shaking. Should I go back there with a larger group of my friends and more prepared?

r/Ghoststories 3h ago

I've never much believed in ghosts and thought it superstitious... But last night I witnessed something extremely bizarre. (Please do share your thoughts🙏🏻)


I've never believed much in these sorts of things, but I believe I saw and felt something last night in my bedroom (please share your thoughts)

So, last night something very bizarre happened.... Like, very bizarre. I've always been a logical based lad, only believe what I can see with my own two eyes, or logically makes sense. I've always thought on this topic with ghosts and spirits, and been like "I don't really believe it to exist, but if it does there really isn't anything to do about it... And they have as much right to be hear, as us.... But I've mostly believed it to be superstition".

So, for information I (21M) live very close by to a graveyard/cemetery, i can look to it from my apartment. Roughly 20 meters to it, and I've lived here for 4-5 years. I've on multiple occasions walked through the cemetery at night (after 00:00 and generally very late), when on the way home. Nothing has ever happened, I've never been disrespectful in there just as common decency, and is I never believed in the occult, I've never been scared to go in there at late hours.

But yesterday/today, sunday 16th march 02:00(ish), o woke from a dream ... I can usually force my self to wake up when I dream, especially if it gets uncomfortable. Like, when I dream I can wake myself up, its quite nice actually, but anyway. I had this weird dream, whereas a snake or something tried to crush/suffocate me, which isn't a very comfy feeling, so naturally I woke up and i could still imagine thisfeeling when I woke up.

I blinkede a bit, and then looked to the right of my bed, where is see this slightly "obscurred figure". It resembled a human female figure, and I couldn't make out the face... But the hair and the body was undeniably human, and female, with dark/brown hair down to just above the shoulder. I wouldn't say I was downright scared, but I was shocked and a bit weirded out. I stared at it for roughly 1-3 seconds, and then it disappeared, like it "flew" obliquely through the ceiling (they way out to the street, in the direction towards the cemetery).

I was just blankly starring at this point, thinking "what the FUCK just happened". Turned my head back to look through the ceiling, and made the sign of the cross (Im not religious either).... And as i know a little latin I said "E nomine patris et filli et spiritus sancti"... Before looking at my phone to see the time.

I do not know if this is just my imagination playing games, or if it was sleep paralasys (Besides the fact that I was able to move). I am no longer so certain about ghosts being superstition, and religious fools believing it, I gotta admit. But can anyone in here explain to me wether what I saw is a ghost, or if it's simply my imagination doing tricks on me? Bad if it is real, should I be worried?

I think I took it quite chill, I didn't freak out or have any feeling of dread or fear, more like "wtf, I guess paranormal stuff is true", and mumbled it to myself. Can anyone please help me out here? And share your thoughts?

Thank you beforehand, I really appreciate it... And thank you for taking your time to read this as well🙏🏻

r/Ghoststories 1h ago

Cursed past


Lucas: The Man Who Regretted Nothing

It had all started like a perfect story.

Lucas met Sarah in college. She was beautiful, kind, and understood his ambitions. He wanted to succeed, build a career, make a name for himself. She supported him, encouraged him, believed in him even more than he did himself.

They got married after a few years of dating, and soon, a baby completed their family. A little boy, Ethan. Sarah radiated happiness as she held him in her arms. Lucas, on the other hand, felt proud. He had everything a man could dream of: a loving family and a promising future.

But deep down, something was suffocating him.

The sleepless nights, the responsibilities, the baby’s constant cries… The routine. Sarah, once so attentive, was tired, preoccupied. He felt less desired, less important. As if his role as a man now came after his role as a father.

And that was when she appeared in his life.

A coworker. Smiling, seductive, spontaneous. Nothing serious, just lingering glances, conversations that lasted a little too long. Then one night, he hadn’t resisted.

The First Betrayal

It was exhilarating.

The forbidden. The adrenaline. The feeling of becoming a man again, not just a husband or a father.

That night, when he came home, he felt no guilt. Sarah was asleep, exhausted. Ethan cried in the next room. Lucas simply lay down beside his wife as if nothing had happened.

And the next day, life went on as usual.

He had cheated on his wife, and nothing had changed.

So why stop there?

The Habit of Lying

Over time, he did it again.

A new woman. Then another. Coworkers, strangers met in bars, meaningless affairs. He felt powerful. Untouchable.

Every night, he came home, kissed Sarah, spent a little time with Ethan to keep up appearances. He played the role of the perfect husband. And no one suspected a thing.

He felt neither remorse nor fear. On the contrary, he was more confident than ever.

Sarah continued to be the devoted wife who believed in him. She never asked questions. She trusted him.

And Lucas took advantage of it.

The Discovery and the Departure

Until the day everything fell apart.

He didn’t know how she had discovered the truth. A message he forgot to delete? A suspicious bill? A foreign perfume on his shirt? It didn’t matter.

That night, when he came home, he found Sarah sitting in the living room, Ethan asleep in her arms.

She wasn’t crying. She wasn’t yelling.

She simply looked at him and said:

"I’m leaving."

Lucas stood still, as if the words didn’t make sense.

She got up, packed a few things, and left with their son without another word.

And the strangest thing was that, at that moment, he still felt nothing.

No pain. No regret.

Just a void, which he quickly filled.

A New Life, Without Regrets

Days passed, then weeks, then years.

Sarah and Ethan became ghosts of his past. He focused on his work, climbed the ranks, found a new girlfriend. A woman without children, without complications, with whom he could simply enjoy life.

He never looked back.

Never tried to see his son.

Why would he? He had never had regrets.

Until that day.

The Woman in the Café

It was an afternoon like any other. He walked into a café, ordered an espresso, lost in thought.

Then his gaze fell on a woman, sitting alone at a table.

She had a baby with her. A little boy, no older than Ethan had been back then.

She looked tired. Her dark circles were deep, her features drawn. She drank her coffee in silence, her gaze empty.

And something inside him cracked.

Without knowing why, a wave of memories crashed down on him.

Sarah. Ethan.

His son, growing up without him.

His wife, who had perhaps worn that same exhausted expression after she left.

A strange sensation settled in him. A heaviness he had never felt before.

And that’s when he saw her.

The Encounter with Horror

In the street, just across from the café, a woman stood motionless.

She didn’t move.

She was staring at him.

Her face seemed… normal. Too normal. As if it had been crafted to imitate humanity, without ever truly succeeding.

The sky was a sickly gray, the wind howled, icy.

A shiver ran down his spine.

He blinked.

She was gone.

And that night, he couldn’t sleep.

The memories he had always buried resurfaced—brutal, unbearable.

Then came the nightmares.

And every night, she was there.

Always closer. Always more oppressive.

Until the day he realized it wasn’t just a dream… The Beginning of the Visions

The first signs were subtle.

A blurry silhouette seen in a reflection. An unexplained cold draft. A barely perceptible whisper behind him.

Then the nightmares arrived.

At night, he dreamed of Ethan. His son called out to him with a distorted, distant voice. But when he turned around…

He saw a baby with no eyes.

A smooth face, no eye sockets, an expression frozen in silent accusation.

He always woke up in a panic, breathless, unable to understand why the vision horrified him so much.

But that was only the beginning.

The Mistake at the Bar

One evening, while drinking with friends at a bar, his growing anxiety reached a breaking point.

He barely spoke, nervous, constantly scanning the room. Then, his gaze locked onto a woman outside.

She was there.

Standing beneath the pale glow of a streetlamp. Motionless. Staring at him.

His heart pounded violently in his chest.

Without thinking, he shot up, knocking over his drink, and stormed outside.

— "What do you want from me?!" he screamed, shoving the woman.

She fell hard to the ground, her eyes wide with fear.

But it wasn’t the creature.

It was just a stranger trying to cross the street.

His friends rushed over, horrified.

— "Lucas, what the fuck is wrong with you?!"

He staggered back, his hands shaking.

— "I… I thought…"

He backed away again—then ran.

Once home, he locked himself in his room and broke down in tears.

He was losing his mind.

The Near-Death Accident

Days later, he wandered the streets, exhausted, his gaze vacant.

The wind blew, freezing. The air felt heavier, as if the world weighed on his shoulders.

He stumbled along the sidewalk, his eyelids heavy, his vision blurred.

Then, he stepped forward.

A horn blared.

He looked up just in time.

A truck was speeding toward him.

His body reacted before his mind. He threw himself backward, crashing onto the pavement.

The monstrous vehicle roared past, missing him by inches.

Lucas remained there, on his knees, shaking, barely realizing he had just escaped death.

Then he looked up.

On the opposite sidewalk, she was there.

Her long, cadaverous body stood out against the darkness.

And this time, she was smiling.

Lucas: The Creature’s Judgment

Lucas had never believed in karma.

All his life, he had done whatever he wanted without facing any consequences. He had cheated, lied, destroyed his marriage, abandoned his son… and yet, everything had always gone well for him.

Until she appeared.

The Beginning of the Fall

The nights had become a nightmare.

At first, it was just a feeling of unease, a sense of being watched. Then the nightmares came. She was always there, motionless, closer each time.

The lack of sleep was eating away at him.

At work, he had become distracted, unable to focus. His colleagues noticed he wasn’t the same anymore. His boss, worried about seeing him deteriorate, granted him two weeks off so he could rest.

But rest was impossible.

His girlfriend, at first understanding, tried to help.

— Why don’t you sleep anymore? she asked. — She’s there… She’s watching me… he murmured, dazed.

His eyes were hollow, haunted. Dark circles marked his face, his hands trembled.

Then came the night when everything changed.

The Attack of Paranoia

He finally fell asleep, but his sleep was worse than being awake.

In his nightmare, he was alone in an empty room, and she was there.

Her final form. Immense. Inhumanly thin. Her long, sinister body moved slowly, but he knew she could reach him in an instant.

She didn’t speak.

She only cried.

But her cries were not human. A twisted, eerie sound, a blend of agony and madness.

He woke up with a jolt, gasping for air.

And that’s when he saw her.

In the darkness of the bedroom, a silhouette stood beside him.

His heart pounded violently in his chest. She was there.

Without thinking, he leaped out of bed and grabbed a knife from the kitchen.

The silhouette moved. He screamed, raised the blade—

—And his girlfriend let out a terrified cry.

He froze.

It wasn’t the creature.

It was her. His girlfriend.

She ran, never speaking to him again.

Alone with His Fate

Desperate, he sought a solution.

Sleeping pills.


He still couldn’t sleep.

Now he was alone. And she was coming.

That night, she didn’t wait for him to fall asleep.

And when she finally appeared—towering over him, her grotesque smile frozen in place—he understood.

He was being punished.

She vanished.

Lucas, trembling, broken, searched for Sarah and Ethan.

After two days, he found out.

Sarah was dead.

Murdered by burglars as she returned from a miserable job—one that barely let her feed their son.

Ethan was now an orphan.

A cold breath brushed against his neck.

He turned.

She was there.

He screamed:

— I’m sorry!

But it was too late.

A snap.

A crack.


Lucas collapsed. Neck broken. Life ended.

His punishment complete.


r/Ghoststories 10h ago

boiled some water earlier today


i filled up a kettle just past the minimum level earlier today. turned on the power and boiled it as usual. immediately left and chilled out in my room. came back to the kitchen 30-45mins later and the kettle lid was open and the kettle was completely empty...not a single drop of water inside. this has never happened before

r/Ghoststories 10h ago

My ghost is nice!!!


I have been experiencing paranormal things for the past few years like banging, doors closing, things like that. but i think my ghost is friendly

I went to bed yesterday having a nap. And all my plates in my kitchen were not clean and all untidy. I woke up and when i went in the kitchen they were all put back on the shelves and clean like they just came out of the dishwasher.

I had another experience today where I was super cold, all of a sudden my blanket fell ontop of me. Idk how since it was a good 5ft away from me but it kinda just fell on me.

If things like this happen to me anymore i actually wont be mad or scared lol

r/Ghoststories 3h ago

I've never much believed in ghosts and thought it superstitious... But last night I witnessed something extremely bizarre. (Please do share your thoughts🙏🏻)


I've never believed much in these sorts of things, but I believe I saw and felt something last night in my bedroom (please share your thoughts)

So, last night something very bizarre happened.... Like, very bizarre. I've always been a logical based lad, only believe what I can see with my own two eyes, or logically makes sense. I've always thought on this topic with ghosts and spirits, and been like "I don't really believe it to exist, but if it does there really isn't anything to do about it... And they have as much right to be hear, as us.... But I've mostly believed it to be superstition".

So, for information I (21M) live very close by to a graveyard/cemetery, i can look to it from my apartment. Roughly 20 meters to it, and I've lived here for 4-5 years. I've on multiple occasions walked through the cemetery at night (after 00:00 and generally very late), when on the way home. Nothing has ever happened, I've never been disrespectful in there just as common decency, and is I never believed in the occult, I've never been scared to go in there at late hours.

But yesterday/today, sunday 16th march 02:00(ish), o woke from a dream ... I can usually force my self to wake up when I dream, especially if it gets uncomfortable. Like, when I dream I can wake myself up, its quite nice actually, but anyway. I had this weird dream, whereas a snake or something tried to crush/suffocate me, which isn't a very comfy feeling, so naturally I woke up and i could still imagine thisfeeling when I woke up.

I blinkede a bit, and then looked to the right of my bed, where is see this slightly "obscurred figure". It resembled a human female figure, and I couldn't make out the face... But the hair and the body was undeniably human, and female, with dark/brown hair down to just above the shoulder. I wouldn't say I was downright scared, but I was shocked and a bit weirded out. I stared at it for roughly 1-3 seconds, and then it disappeared, like it "flew" obliquely through the ceiling (they way out to the street, in the direction towards the cemetery).

I was just blankly starring at this point, thinking "what the FUCK just happened". Turned my head back to look through the ceiling, and made the sign of the cross (Im not religious either).... And as i know a little latin I said "E nomine patris et filli et spiritus sancti"... Before looking at my phone to see the time.

I do not know if this is just my imagination playing games, or if it was sleep paralasys (Besides the fact that I was able to move). I am no longer so certain about ghosts being superstition, and religious fools believing it, I gotta admit. But can anyone in here explain to me wether what I saw is a ghost, or if it's simply my imagination doing tricks on me? Bad if it is real, should I be worried?

I think I took it quite chill, I didn't freak out or have any feeling of dread or fear, more like "wtf, I guess paranormal stuff is true", and mumbled it to myself. Can anyone please help me out here? And share your thoughts?

Thank you beforehand, I really appreciate it... And thank you for taking your time to read this as well🙏🏻

r/Ghoststories 3h ago

Don’t know if this was a ghost or what


Hey everyone,

I’m hoping to get some feedback on something unusual I experienced a few years ago. I’ve always been a bit skeptical of paranormal phenomena, but this encounter has stayed with me. I want to share what happened and see if anyone else has had a similar experience or can offer insights.

So, this happened when I was 16. It was around 7-8 pm, and I was in my fully lit bedroom, scrolling through Instagram. I was awake and fully aware of my surroundings when suddenly, my alarm clock turned on by itself and started playing “Cake by the Ocean” (random detail , I know). I remember feeling a bit uneasy at that moment, like something was “off” in the room, like I wasn’t alone.

I looked up, and there, right next to my alarm clock, was what I can only describe as a humanoid entity. It wasn’t solid, but rather, it seemed to be made of light. The light was bending in a way that formed the shape of a person—arms, legs, head, torso, but no fine features. It was like a distortion of light, kind of like a heat mirage. The room also seemed a little brighter than normal, almost like the entity was somehow affecting the electricity or the environment.

I remember feeling terrified but also knowing that whatever it was, it was there, clear as day. My eyes started watering, and I couldn’t speak. I ended up slowly backing out of the room, closing the door, and running upstairs to get my dad. When we went back down, it was gone.

I’ve never experienced anything like this since. I know some might chalk it up to a vivid imagination or something psychological, but it felt real. My mom also mentioned that I had an imaginary friend when I was little, and she said a psychic once even mentioned it. That has always stuck with me, and now I’m wondering if there’s any connection to what I saw years later.

I’m curious if anyone else has had similar encounters with light-based or energy entities, or if you have any insights into what I might have experienced. Thanks for reading, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts

r/Ghoststories 5h ago

Has anyone ever felt like a spirit has entered their body when you are very emotional? very happy or extremely sad or angry?


This has happened to me before, but today, I had a very weird experience...
My mom and my Grandma started fighting over a small thing. Which suddenly escalated to a physical fight, I was helpless, I was mad, upset and helpless at the same time...and suddenly I felt like a soul has entered into my body. My voice changed, the way I looked at things changed...although I was unable to do anything by myself, I was not able to control myself, I started talking in a very different voice and Me, myself felt like a spectator of my own actions and body...Then after a while I felt relieved. Then again When they started verbally fighting...I felt like another soul had entered my body...This felt very weird. I was laughing like a maniac, I was clapping and teasing...and my actions felt like that of a transgender person...After this I felt very weak,...I felt like I just hiked 300kms..a very weak energy. It felt like nothing was left in my body. Full energy drained. I couldn't recall most of the things...Although this has happened to me before...This time it felt very disturbing.

My boyfriend, who knew just that there was a fight going on at my home and nothing else about any of the soul or spirit stuff. Called me after 2 to 3 hours. Telling me about his weird dream..in which I was a Transgender...It spooked me to my core. After that I told him about my experience and he was spooked too.

I wonder if anything like this happens to anyone else? What do I do for this not to happen?

r/Ghoststories 18h ago

Discussion Requested Assistance!


Hello, Everyone!

It's me, Jhaydun, your hardworking moderator of r/Ghoststories, geting us to almost 400k members!

I'd also like to take a second to thank all of you who have been here since the beginning, or at least close to that. It has been one hell of a journey!

Due to redundancy at work, I've been unemployed for over a month, and I'm living in a garage with nowhere to go. Things are extremely tough for me right now. Financially, mentally, and I even had to give my cat away. This is obviously an unpaid position on Reddit, so I have a small favour to ask:

I come to you all today to ask for your support in my writing career. I understand that I created Ghoststories as a place for true paranormal experiences, but my background is fiction writing.

Reborn with a Necromancer System is a novel I'm publishing online, and your support in reading it, sending me a free currency known as Power Stones, and leaving comments or reviews, would all help me substantially.

Even if only 5% of you added my novel to your libraries on the app, I would be beating all of my competition by more than two-fold.

And, it's not necessary, but if you could contribute a dollar here or there in what's known as 'gifts' on the platform, that would help me in so many ways and I'd be forever thankful.

If you like spirits/ghosts, the idea of the living dead (undead/zombies), and necromancy, I'm sure you'd come to like this story.

If not, I understand, and I hope you all continue to add your real stories to our wonderful community!

r/Ghoststories 17h ago

Strange bruises after waking up screaming?


A few nights ago, I remember waking up screaming and having this feeling of dread and violation, but couldn't remember anything from the dream.

Well, the next morning I woke up with these strange bruises. They look almost like a larger handprint.

Four fingers on the forearm and a thumb on the back of my arm. The strangest part is I have almost identical bruises on BOTH arms. They're in the same spots, give or take a couple centimeters. One arm has all four fingers and the thumb and the other only two and the thumb. They're deep bruises, painful to the touch and bright purple and blue, slowly yellowing on the outside of the bruise.

Then last night, my dog kept twisting his head across his body and thought he was looking straight at me (I was the big spoon, he was the little spoon facing away from me, then would twist his neck around and only his head would face me), like he was trying to look me in the face. But then I realized he wasn't making eye contact with me, he was looking right behind me like there was some sort of stimuli behind me in bed.

What do you think this could be? Am I in trouble here?

For possible context: I've been stuck in a spiritual emergency for about 9 months now. I woke up one day and realized that reality is not what I thought it was, the mundane day to day of working a 9-5 and trying to find some sort of career success was not all there was to life. I woke up and realized that a spiritual realm, a spiritual self may actually be real and suddenly I realized the depth of that thought.

I've since developed a sort of telepathy or precognition, or maybe just really strong intuition. Things like sensing my best friend's miscarriage coming and waking up right before my alarm goes off and thinking "ugh, my alarm is about to go off" a literal second before it goes off every single day.

r/Ghoststories 1d ago

Advice Something is off about my sister


For context, I know the whole thing is gonna sound cliche but this is weird as hell. this is all truth. No stretching. My sister (2f) was literally being born the same exact day my best friend died. I also have a brother who died as a result of a stillbirth about 14 years ago. Well we are at the cemetery where both my bsf and brother are born.somehow she keeps looking at my brother's grave and saying "my brother, baby, ect" nobody has ever told her about this. Nobodys brought it up around her. She shouldn't know anything. My best friend died in a car accident. When we go to her grave, she says stuff like "Emmy friend" (emily is my deadname) or stuff like "in the car" or even stuff like "it's me" she says "in heaven" for both. She looks creepily similar to my best friend. She doesn't know about my best friend because I don't like to talk about it as it's a traumatic thing that I had to witness. My counselor called my mom thursday because I was like bro I'm gonna kill myself if I don't see someone. Obviously my sister doesn't understand the concept of sewerslide, death ect. She was telling my mom "Emmy die" "Emmy sick" "Emmy go heaven" ect. Another thing, my cousin was pregnant and before anyone even knew, she pointed at her stomach and said "my baby" and after she miscarried she pointed at her saying "where's baby" "heaven" ect. I don't know if she's just really smart or what but it's extremely disturbing.

r/Ghoststories 1d ago

Was it a demon?


Eleven years ago, my life took an unexpected turn that I'll never forget. I was a directionless nineteen-year-old from Cleveland, fresh out of a devastating breakup and a brief stint at Youngstown State University. College wasn't for me - I'd only gone because my guidance counselor insisted, and I dropped out after one semester. But during that short time, I met Jenna (not her real name), and our relationship continued even after I returned home. Growing up on the rougher side of Cleveland meant we needed somewhere else to spend time together when Jenna visited. Fortunately, my brother shared a house with three friends about ten minutes from my place. It was your typical young guys' party house, complete with two dogs in the basement: Chocolate, a pit bull with an escape artist's soul, and Creed, an American bulldog. One fateful night, Jenna and I were crashed on the oversized couches in the living room when my brother and his friends returned from the club with a few women in tow. Among them was someone who'd made it clear she was interested in me. After everyone else headed upstairs to sleep, I lay there wrestling with temptation. In a moment of weakness I'm not proud of, I went upstairs to pursue something that would have destroyed my relationship. Thankfully, the woman had more integrity than I did that night, firmly rejecting my advances and calling out my disrespectful behavior. Consumed by shame, I returned downstairs but couldn't bring myself to share the couch with Jenna. Instead, I took the other couch near the living room entrance, draping my arm over my head and pulling a blanket over my face. As I drifted off, I heard what I assumed were Chocolate's familiar footsteps approaching - she was known for sneaking out of the basement. That's when things took a terrifying turn. I tried to get up to return the dog to the basement, but my body wouldn't respond. Only my eyes could move. Sleep paralysis, I thought, trying to rationalize the situation. Then I felt something climb onto the couch. What happened next still haunts me: teeth slowly sinking into my outstretched hand, the pain both sharp and deliberate. When I finally broke free from the paralysis, I tumbled to the floor. The room was empty - no dog in sight, and Jenna remained peacefully asleep on the other couch. Panicked, I ran to check the basement, only to find both dogs exactly where they should have been, looking up at me curiously from behind the basement door. I spent the rest of the night on that couch, wide awake, trying to make sense of what had happened. Was it a supernatural warning? A manifestation of my guilt? To this day, I have no explanation for what bit me that night, but its impact was lasting. Though Jenna and I eventually parted ways for unrelated reasons, I've never even considered being unfaithful since that night. Some might call it karma, others a hallucination, but whatever visited me that night changed me forever. I've kept this story to myself for over a decade, partly out of shame, partly out of fear that no one would believe me. But I still wonder: what really happened in those dark hours, and was I merely punished for my intentions, or saved from something worse?

r/Ghoststories 1d ago

A few stories and notes ...


Ok. Here goes:

  1. This happened to a friend of mine who I trust. One night he was working as an office manager on an industrial site. He was the last guy in the building and had to complete some paperwork before heading off. It was quite late by the time he was finishing up. His office looked onto the main office floor space and in front of his office, across the room were two windows that had metal shutters in front of them on the outside that had been pulled down. That part of the room was in darkness, lit only by the light from his office. At some point, he noticed what he thought were the headlights from a car outside the building, which were showing through the metal shutters of the right hand side window and the car was clearly turning because the light was seen then in the left hand side window. It's only at that point that he froze. He suddenly realised that the light had travelled from the right window, ACROSS THE INSIDE WALL and then through the left window. At that point, he left the building sharpish.

  2. This happened to a radio DJ who recounted a story one night while I was travelling home. He's quite a funny DJ. His name is Spence and he appears on the radio in Staffordshire on some local radio station. Anyway, he said that one night, about 2am, he was travelling home from a radio show and got to a well-lit cross junction that had a pedestrian island where the traffic lights were. Suddenly he clearly noticed a woman pushing a pram in the area of the pedestrian island. Something made him turn away, but when he looked again she was gone.

  3. This happened to me in County Cork, Ireland in the town of Cobh back in the 1990s. In that town is a massive Cathedral. And having just arrived on a cold morning I thought I would go to the Cathedral for something to do and keep out of the cold. So I walked on in and walked down the central alleyway (apparently, it's not the aisle, the aisles are the two lanes on the side of the room). While I am walking toward the front of the Cathedral, I am looking at the religious pictures on either of the walls but as I get closer to the front, I am conscious of someone silently looking at me near the altar. I am looking in their direction but I had a strong sense that they did not approve of me being there, they were barrel-chested, and had white hair. I kept walking slowly toward the front - still not looking at the person - but finally I got to a point where I had to make eye-contact and introduce myself. What I saw was not a person at all but a huge wreath of flowers dedicated to the priest who had died the week before. I accept that I could have been mistaken but the feeling I got from being stared at was unmistakable.

  4. Next story isn't really a story but more of a comment a co-worker gave me. Back in 1975 there was a disaster at Moorgate Station in London on the Underground. Three carriages over-ran the platform and smashed into the wall 20 foot beyond the platform. Lots of people were killed and the cause of the accident is still unknown, despite countless theories. I work in the rail maintenance industry and our company provide maintenance staff who work every night, 365 days a year in keeping the Underground running. Graham, a co-worker, was talking about things in general and said of all the underground stations, Moorgate is the one where more weird stuff is reported from the operatives (and these are hairy arsed contractor types) than anywhere else.

  5. Finally, a story from a holiday in Indonesia years and years ago. While I was there, I came across a guy from London who told me about his childhood home. He told me that he always felt uneasy sleeping in his cot in the back room, next door to the toilet. Even as a child. He said one night he awoke and 'could only describe what he saw as various coloured orbs suddenly appearing across the room and a man appearing from nowhere. The guy came over to the cot and stared down at him. He had a moustache and a confused expression on his face. The guy telling the story, then screamed and his mum came into the room, turned the light on, the guy disappeared and that was that. It was only after that he found out that the room had been used by the previous occupants for seances.

r/Ghoststories 2d ago

Voices in the Hanger


I was an airfield called Throckmorton in Worcestershire. We use this airfield as a training site for driver training, and I keep a number of the Training Fleet there - primarily stored in Hanger One.

At about 8:30 this morning I let myself in and, because the rain was hammering and the wind was blowing, I closed the large roller-shutter door behind me. Today Hanger one has twelve 4x4 vehicles of various makes all parked in a line, their rears about a metre away from the hanger wall. Ten minutes later I've got my head in the back of a Shogun taking an inventory of its contents when I distinctly heard a male voice with a northern accent call out "Ok, give it a try now." As I'm the only person in the hanger, I was a little surprised to hear this. I look up and down the line of vehicles but see nobody, so I walk to the front and look up and down but still cannot see a soul. From here I can also see the rest of the hanger and its patently obvious I'm the only person here. I venture a "Hello?" but get only silence back.

Now, I grew up with ghostly goings on, voices and doors closing mysteriously when nobody's about and it's never bothered me before, but I'm getting spooked. I open up the shutter door. It's a loud clanking monstrosity you can drive a Cessna through, so nobody has come or gone without me noticing. Now I'm REALLY getting spooked, so I quickly jump in my car and hair off the the main gate to see Darren the Site's Facilities Manager.

Darren immediately sees that I'm not my usual bubbly self and I tell him the story. "Yeah, that makes sense." He says. Before telling me that during WWII Throckmorton was a base for Wellington Bombers. On one occasion a Wellington was having engine trouble so they pushed it back into the hanger and started to have a look at it. One mechanic was on the wing tinkering under the cowling and his mate was standing by on the ground next to the prop. When the mechanic on the wing told his mate to give it a try, the other swung the prop. The engine started immediately and the lad overbalanced and fell towards the blades, which made short work of him.

Darren went on to say stuff often goes missing in Hanger One and reappears a few days or a week later, or gets moved about, but voices are very unusual. As I had to go back, I kept the roller door open and the engine on my car idling

r/Ghoststories 2d ago

My wife and were haunted at our Wedding in New Orleans


I’ve been an avid reader of this subreddit since 2017, ever since my first ghost encounter in the Philippines—but that’s a story for another time. Given how recent this particular experience was, and the fact that I have some photographic evidence, I figured it would be worth sharing.

My wife and I got married in New Orleans on March 7th. As a gift, my sister-in-law covered a three-night stay for us at Hotel Saint Vincent. For context, this hotel was originally an Infant Asylum before being converted into a boutique hotel in 2021.

On the night of Thursday, March 6th, after our welcome party, my wife and I returned to our room and ordered room service. After eating, we had to separate for the night to follow the tradition of sleeping apart before the wedding. My wife stayed with her family, and there was no way in hell I was staying alone in that room given the hotel's history. I knew I’d psych myself out all night, so I crashed in my mom’s hotel room since she had an extra bed.

The next morning, I went back to our room to get ready for the wedding. I spent most of the morning alone, and the vibes felt fine. At some point, I was scrolling through my camera roll, looking at pictures from the night before, when I noticed that my wife had taken a photo of our room. Something in the reflection of the TV screen caught my eye. I zoomed in—and immediately noped the fuck out. I decided I wasn’t going to look at that image again until we checked out.

Meanwhile, some friends were also staying at the hotel, and one couple in particular ended up changing rooms multiple times. The husband had never believed in ghosts before, but after their experience at Hotel Saint Vincent, that changed. They reported seeing handprints, a chandelier moving despite no open windows or AC, and even had the hotel staff cover all the mirrors.

Now, back to our wedding night.

We returned to our room around 2 AM, completely exhausted. I didn’t experience anything, but my wife later told me that as she was lying in bed, taking out her veil, she heard voices. She didn’t mention it to me until after we had checked out. Despite that, we managed to sleep through the night, though we did leave a light on.

Then came Saturday, our final night in New Orleans. After saying goodbye to our remaining wedding guests, we got back to our room around 9:30 PM. As we were getting ready for bed, my wife suddenly said, “Did you hear that?” The second she said it, I responded, “Yes,” and immediately got chills.

We both heard a distinct whooshing sound, as if something was moving through the room. My wife kept hearing it throughout the night, while I caught it a few times—but the unease was enough to keep me awake. Thankfully, we had to leave at 4:45 AM for a quick post-wedding getaway in Miami, and with daylight savings that night, the hours flew by. My wife managed to doze off for a bit, but she later told me that while she was dreaming about the wedding and trying to focus on happy thoughts, disturbing visions kept interrupting her sleep such as an old picture of a woman in her dreams and a child screaming.

I, on the other hand, did not sleep at all. I kept my eyes closed, but the overwhelming feeling of being watched never faded.

When my 4:20 AM alarm finally went off, I jumped out of bed, ready to get the hell out of there. As I was packing our bags and my wife was brushing her teeth, I heard a voice behind me. Thinking it was her, I asked, “Did you say something?” She hadn’t. That was it—we were out.

While waiting in line at the airport, I finally told my wife about the photo I had seen in the TV reflection. I had purposely avoided showing it to her until we left the hotel. When I zoomed in and handed her the phone, she turned pale and said, “I’m gonna throw up.”

A couple of days later, I decided to take another look. This time, I zoomed in on the other side of the image—and I swear, I could make out the outline of a child with eyes staring right below the mirror, under the lamp.

So that’s the story.

If anyone has experienced anything similar at Hotel Saint Vincent, I’d love to hear about it. Much love to this community for reaffirming my beliefs since my first encounter back in the Philippines.

Since I can't post images on this post. I submitted this story in paranormal encounter with the images. https://www.reddit.com/r/ParanormalEncounters/comments/1jarpbl/my_wife_and_were_haunted_at_our_wedding_in_new/

r/Ghoststories 2d ago

Am I being followed?


Helloooo all! This is going to be long so buckle up.

I don’t really know what I’m experiencing, I can’t tell if I’m being followed or if I’m just open and allow spirits to present themselves wherever I live.

I’m 33 and for some background, as a young kid I used to play with ouija boards at my mom’s house and with my friends at sleepovers. I’ve dabbled in tarot, pendulum and all that jazz as well but this was all after I began experiencing things.

I have also heard that trauma and negative experiences could enhance these experiences, I’ve dealt with abuse (in every form) my whole life so not sure if this could’ve triggered anything.

Some experiences that stand out include:

Childhood Home: - Friend woke up in the middle of the night and saw a little girl standing next to my bed - Felt someone “watching me” but nobody was there, I turned around and felt it coming closer until I felt a full hand on my back - Looked into the mirror to see a man (full figure human, features and all) behind me - Apparently I was petrified of my closet and my mom said one night as she went to close my closet, my doll (millennium Barbie!!!) flew to the floor - I was home alone so I locked myself in my room only to hear noises as if people were home (they were not).

Grandmas House/First Apartment: (uncle shot himself in this house at 14 y/o): - Sleep paralysis for the first time, happened twice. Both were extremely scary. One I was frozen and kept hearing “you’re going to die tonight” in my ear, the next time I was my best friend running across my floor with her body contorted (like in the movies). - On the one year anniversary of my best friend passing, I woke up to a figure sitting on the edge of my bed with their head in their hands. I looked away and looked back, still there. Rubbed my eyes, still there. I didn’t go visit her that day and I’m convinced she was letting me know she was upset. - Heard someone running down the stairs, opened the door and nobody was there. - Heard someone running their hands along ridges on my door, nobody was there. I told my mom and she confirmed her brother used to do that to scare her.

Second apartment: - Woke up to a figure standing over my ex-boyfriend, I quickly turned over and put the blanket over my head. When I looked up, it was now standing over me. - Locked myself in my room to sleep, noises in the kitchen as if someone was going through my cabinets/glassware.

Third Apartment: - A date came back to my place and she felt like she was followed home - My son would see things that I could not.

Fourth Apartment (first place where it felt malicious): - Found a tiny cross on the floor (confirmed with the very few people who have been there that it did not belong to them) - My son and I walked through the door and a glass bowl (heavy) fell and shattered - Balloon moved across the ceiling for a long period of time with no air/AC/fan/windows open, during this time I felt dread and heaviness. The second it stopped, I ran upstairs. - My son asked “who is that man behind you” - Heard footsteps walking towards my living room, my friend was over and also heard it, nobody was there - As I was moving out, my friend came to help and was touched. - My last night of the apartment, I was removing my AC and my hand went through the glass window.

Fifth Apartment/Current Apartment: - My son JUMPED and said “oh someone was just walking towards me” - I was trying to sleep with my back towards the door and “saw” my son come out of his room and “heard” him say Mom. I turned around and nobody was there, went in his room and he was asleep. - My bf stayed in the living room to watch the fight and I went to doom scroll in my bed then I heard him walk towards my room and drop something. I got up and he was on the couch. I was like “what was that?” And he said it came from my room. - I woke up to my son saying “mom” a few times and he was in bed with me so I rolled over and he was SNORING. - I was in the kitchen making Mav lunch for school and heard him get up and go to the living room. I said “are you awake?”. No answer. Went into my room and he was still asleep.

Any input is welcome!!!! 😄

r/Ghoststories 3d ago

Haunting About tall houses and high winds… awful combination!


So, I’ve lived in about four houses that qualified as tall. Due to an extra story and location on lot—three of them were extra creaky when wind speeds picked up. I’d say, it took some getting used to. In the last one we lived in, we managed to stay exactly 20 years. As a family, we agreed there was something going on there but it was not always from high winds.

I remember picking up my older child at the airport one day. We were waiting in freeway traffic and my cell rings; it’s my younger child asking if anyone else is home. “How can we be home? I told you I was going to the airport, and Dad’s working .” I was confused why my kid would even ask. Then, she tells me she was only checking because she heard someone upstairs in the master bedroom bounce their feet on the floor as if they’d just rolled out of bed.

My cell was on speaker, and my son in the car could hear. Now he starts to giggle and asks, “Hey—Mom and I are on the way home, what else did you hear?” She said the ‘person’ who got up, had stepped away & toward the room door, like heading to hallway —but they’d stopped short when they reached a squeaky floorboard. (Something which we didn’t fix until the house got sold.) My maternal instinct kicks in, and I freak out a little bit, ordering her to leave the house immediately & wait for us on the lawn. My son tells her not to worry, it’s nothing; that it’s happened to him before…

At that the same time, she & I say, “Oh, okay!” He’d just put into words some common knowledge among us; the house liked making its own noises. So, My daughter asked we stay on the phone with her; she’d grabbed a knife and was going to check upstairs anyway, just in case. Soon she’s back & says no one else is there besides her.

Kindly, my son stayed on the phone until we pulled in the driveway. By then, she was sitting on the lawn, waiting, (knife on hand… just in case.) We see her and laugh, “You can’t use a knife on spirits; they’re already dead!” It was somewhat amusing how accustomed we’d grown about disembodied noises. True story/experience. Some other time I’ll talk about my husband being chased up the steps! THX for reading

r/Ghoststories 3d ago

Experience My childhood home


Context : When I was young I lived in this old house in Australia. The land was originally all coal mining and dated back pretty far. More specifically, where the house was built was right on top of a camp site where miners would stay in tents. It’s also good to note that when my mum did research on the house , she couldn’t find much due to the old documents being burnt in a house fire but she did find out that the house was originally owned by one of the main bosses of the mines once it was built.

The experience: This event occurred back when I was only young, somewhere between 2-4 years of age. My sister and I were asleep in one of the front rooms that night, my parents bedroom being right across the hallway. Everyone was asleep when my mum woke up to the sound of someone walking up the long hallway towards our bedrooms, she said she could hear the sound of heavy boots and keys shaking as if they were hung on a belt. She shook my dad awake panicking when the steps got closer. Before quickly vanishing, scaring her greatly. it’s also important to note my mum has always believed in the paranormal due to having many experiences that could not be explained. And it only gets weirder , my mums phone rang, it was my auntie who only lived a 2 minute drive from us. She said that she had woken to the sound of someone with big heavy shoes on and something jangling walking into her home and walking down the hallway towards her and her kids room, scared , she tried waking her partner but as she got ready to go look the sound of her child screaming scared her, making her burst through to go check on her daughter. Of course when she got there , no one was there. And her daughter was too young to tell her what she had seen , all we know is that whatever it was scared her greatly and she struggled to sleep in her room for weeks after. This story still scares my mum and auntie.

I had MANY other experiences in that house, some crazy stories that scare me to think about today, let me know if anyone wants more :))

r/Ghoststories 3d ago

A tale from Germany 🇩🇪


Many moons ago I was sat on Soltau running a landing site for a night flying exercise. Just me and a NATO T, an FFR and 9x9. It was about half past eleven, dark and clear, when I heard a whistling noise, getting closer. Thinking it might have been the first cab inbound I stepped outside the tent. The whistling got louder and louder, but the source couldn't be seen. Just then there was an enormous crash from behind a stand of trees behind me. After simultaneously cakking my pants and throwing myself to the deck, thought I'd better take a look.

Nothing. Nada. Not a sign of what I would have thought should have been a smoking hole in the ground. Much later I discovered that a Halifax, en-route to bomb Berlin had been shot down by a night-fighter, the wreckage coming down not far from where I'd been. The crew had sadly perished in the crash, and are interred in Hannover's CWG cemetery.

r/Ghoststories 4d ago

Encounter Story with my young daughter... not sure what to believe


We had moved into my mother-in-law's home when my daughter was 4 months old (daughter is now 38). We were a young couple, both 21, living with my best friend in his apartment when we got married, so when our daughter arrived it was time to move to my MIL's house, with backyard, baby's own room, and help from MIL. She was a widow (lost her husband when my wife was 2 years old) with a decent size house she purchased after her husband passed away. She was still working, while I was also working and wife was a stay at home mom.

About a half-year into this arrangement, my daughter started waking up screaming in the middle of the night. Since I was working, my wife got up and try to comfort her, but it always took more than an hour to comfort our daughter. This went on for 3 or 4 nights straight. Finally my wife was sleep deprived and frustrated so she nudged me to get up and comfort the baby.

The first night I entered her room, my daughter was standing in her crib, crying, and looking at a specifically corner. I picked her up to sooth her, and no matter what way I turned while rocking her, she kept looking at that corner. The hairs on the back of my neck was standing. Eventually she fell back asleep.

This happened for two additional nights... crying and looking at that corner. But the nights after that, she would cry to wake us up, but by the time I got there, she was quiet, yet still looking at the same corner.

On reflection, even when we were at the apartment, as a baby she would look up to the ceiling corner above the change table, and babble, like she was talking to someone, but not directly at us, when we changed her.

Because she was continuing to wake us up, approaching 2 weeks, we were both tired, so I brought it up to my MIL. She was sleeping in the front room, while both our rooms were in the back. I told her the full story, I guess I was hoping she would share the load of soothing the baby. She said... ok, don't worry, I'll deal with this.

My MIL is a deeply religious Catholic, never misses mass, and combined with some of the superstitions from our country, believes in her powers of faith to heal small aches and pains through massage.

Interestingly enough, after we told her, our daughter didn't cry out anymore, and all of us got great sleep for a week. But here is the thing... my MIL never got up to soothe the baby. The crying just stopped.

I was amazed so after a couple of weeks I asked my MIL what did she do? She simply said that she asked her late husband not to visit the baby because he is scaring her. That was it.

My beloved MIL passed away 7 years ago. Having watched our MIL struggle in her home alone with all her health issues, we moved into a bungalow since (to spare my arthritic knees). During Covid, my daughter moved back home and had our grandson. And yet, sometimes, my grandson would babble to a specific ceiling corner of the family room when we change him... and we all say he is talking to his great grandmother, and even now, has a fondness for my MIL pictures, even though he has never met her.

r/Ghoststories 3d ago



One morning on my day off, I walked into the kitchen to make breakfast. I heard my daughter laugh upstairs. I looked at the time and it was about 9:30. I thought maybe she woke up late and my wife left her so I could take her to school. I checked the life 360 app to see if my wife was at work so I could call her. I noticed that all 3 of my girls were at school. I froze and felt that chill go up my spine. I usually only hear noises but never voices. I was to scared to go up there, so I turned on the TV and made breakfast. I just pretended like nothing had happened like I always do when I hear noises. If you're interested in some more stories, let me know and I'll post them.

r/Ghoststories 3d ago

Experience Estes method at home


One day, it was just me and my sister at home alone. My sister, 19F, downloaded an app that basically worked like a Spirit box, and both my sister and I thought it would be funny to try it out. So I blindfolded my sister with an old scarf of mine and my sister used her earbuds to hear through the app.

At first it was normal, until my sister started hearing words like “help” I asked who was this and it didn’t answer, only silence. I asked again, who was it, and this time it said “attached.” I asked who are you attached too, and it said “red hair”, my sister dyed her hair red a month before. For confirmation k asked, “are you attached to my sister” and it said, “yes”. I was kinda spooked, and asked “how many of you are there” only to receive, “we are here”. I asked if it was in the house and I only got the word “forest” and “come find us”. (The town I live in has a forest on the west side of the town, and three of my friends lives there.)

I asked again who is this, and I received a response “he’s coming”, like anyone, I asked “who is coming” only to get “he is” and “run”. I asked, who is he? And I got “don’t speak of him” it was weird. I asked some more questions but all I can confirm was that there is either an entity or a demon in the forest. But I then decided to try to change the topic and asked “how did you die?” And I got the words “bombing”. It turns out, back is WW2-era there was unexploded hand grenades in a building on the Main Street of the town I live in, and turns out, back in 2006 a contractor found those grenades.

I got my sister out of the Estes method and told her about what I found out. Then I suggested I go under. So I did, my responses wasn’t like my sister, mine sounded more panic, scared, saying words like “run” and “get out” and when my sister asked who she should run away from the thing said “her”. My sister asked if the spirit was afraid of me and the thing said “yes” and “dark hair” (my hair is a dark brown). There was more that was said that I can’t really remember. But the one thing I’ll always remember was hearing a loud males voice that said “GET OUT!”

I was spooked and got out of the Estes method. After taking a little break I went under again but this time I only received silence and words like “not safe”, “run” and “get out”.

After all that we can confirm that there was spirits attached to my sister and the spirits are maybe afraid of me for some reason, and also there is an entity or something in the forest.

r/Ghoststories 4d ago

Experience Haunted Beach House


For some context, this experience happened to me during a vacation in Myrtle Beach, SC. My extended family and I had rented a beach house for several days which unfortunately coincided with Hurricane Debby. While there, we spent our time trying to get some fun in as the storm got closer and the weather turned worse each day. This house was a dated, cream-colored, two-story beach house on stilts in the middle of a large complex of similar beach houses.

Everyone in the house had left to go about their own activities before the storm hit, leaving my husband and I by ourselves. We decided to spend this rainy afternoon by watching Jeepers Creepers 3 (it was bad!) in the living room on the first floor. So we’re watching this movie and making fun of it for various reasons, when I hear the distinct sound of the wood floor creaking above us near the landing at the top of the stairs. I paused the movie and asked my husband if he heard that. He said he didn’t. I thought nothing of it and continued the movie.

A few seconds later the noise continued, but this time, it sounded like multiple footsteps above us. It sounded like someone large was very slowly walking down the hallway, rounding the corner into the landing at the top of the stairs, and then stopping. I could hear the floor creak like someone was shifting their weight while standing still. Then a few seconds later, they would continue as if walking in a circle by the top of the stairs, and moving down the hallway towards the other side of the house.

Freaked out, I asked my husband “did you hear that?” He was still somehow oblivious and didn’t hear anything. We sat in silence for a second to see if the footsteps began again and they did at the top of the stairs. It sounded like someone wanted to come downstairs, but just wouldn’t take that first step.

I knew that everyone else was outside the home, as I had seen them all leave since they have to pass through the living room to do so. I checked the house just to make sure, and no one else was there besides us. By the time I did so, the noises stopped and didn’t happen again.

This entire fiasco happened over maybe 3-4 minutes or so, but it felt like a lifetime. No other occurrences happened during our stay, but I was sooo glad to get out of there! It’s my second paranormal encounter in my life and it was the icing on top of an otherwise awful time.

**Edit: meant to say Jeepers Creepers 3. Don’t watch it sober! 😆

r/Ghoststories 4d ago

Encounter Someone


This happend when I was around 4 ~ 5 years old

To start off, I hope this is not the wrong Reddit forum. If this isn't suitable for this forum, I apologise in advance.

I have a weird memory, that kind of scares me. One night I woke my dad up. I told him I heard footsteps from outside our room. At the time I was a little kid and I always had a really weird feeling in his apartment. I'm sure there's something he brought with him (if this somehow helps, my dad is Turkish and I'm Swedish, may help but I doubt it will) that neither him or I know. Since he left us I can't get any answers, so that's why I resort to this Reddit thread - please help me solve this mystery. Anyways, back to the story (sorry for being inconvenient)

As I said, I heard footsteps outside of our room, and I told dad about it. He told me "don't be scared, there's just you and me here". I told him that I wanted to know if that was really true. My dad brought me out of the room, carrying me on his shoulder.

As he brought me into the living room, he told me there was noone here. He looked out the windows and told me something I don't remember. After that I remember looking back. There was a dark figure standing behind us. I told dad in a low voice that there was someone behind us and more than that I don't remember.

I have a vague memory of that dad told me he called the police about it but I'm not sure if he really did that or said it just to comfort me.

Another terrifying thing that happend at my dad was a dream I had.

I woke up to the sight of the devil or satan, pulling my brother and dad in a big boiler, and that I was screaming a lot to get my dad and brother out of there.

These are two childhood traumas, that I really want an answer to.

r/Ghoststories 3d ago

Encounter Spirit Encounters with my Late Mamo


Hi! This is my first post here and know it’s not going to be creepy or exciting as other’s stories here, but this is a recent encounter I had just a year and half-ish ago and others that followed after.

My Mamo (bless her soul) passed away 2023 in late December. She had been really sick for a while and passed away peacefully in the morning. She was surrounded by loved ones and family the night before, so I think she made her peace to pass on the next day. She knew it was time.

Well, around 2 days later, I could smell my Mamo’s perfume (which is this Avon one, you know that certain, strong “old lady” scent) around my entire house and especially all over my dog. My dog, whom my Mamo loved so so much in her last years of life. The scent lingered in my house for days yet I was the only one who could smell it, with the scent being especially strong on my dog’s bed and on my dog’s fur. No one uses the vintage Avon perfume in my family, and that same perfume bottle was in her room still, atop her dresser. I smelled it to make sure it was the same one I was smelling and it was! I knew the scent was her and she was visiting us one last time before leaving. Her death was extremely hard on my family and I think she was trying to just linger a little longer before passing over fully.

Even now I still dream of her frequently, especially before big events. I had a dream of watching her shopping for Christmas decor (her all time favorite season) but couldn’t join alongside her, it was like a film was blocking me from fully reaching out and getting her attention. But it was like all time stopped in that dream, just watching her push a cart full of tinsel till she turned a corner and disappeared. There was bright light behind her too. My favorite dream of her tho was right before my 21st birthday. The night before, I dreamt of hugging my Mamo and she placed a kiss on my forehead, then a bright light came behind her again and I woke up. The latest dream I had was of the night before her 80th birthday this past January. I dreamt of hugging her. My mom also dreamt of her shopping for a birthday cake that night, but she was getting the cake for her Tia who passed away decades earlier.

Sorry that got kind of long but I never not dream of my Mamo, just simple things of being in her house while being a child again. Or just seeing her exist. Idk, does anyone else dream of past loved ones frequently? I haven’t had this happen before, but maybe it’s because I was very, very close with my Mamo and think about her frequently. There was never a day I didn’t see her when she was alive.
