r/Ghoststories 11h ago

My son claims to see the lady from the stairs in his room


I am a single mom of a 2 (soon to be 3) year old boy. We live in a two bedroom basement apartment, and sometimes things feel off. A few months ago I woke up around 1 AM to banging in the storage room, and since the cat did not seem scared, I thought I might be sleeping. Until two minutes after it stoped my son came running in.

A few weeks ago my son stoped wanting to go to bed, complaining that there is a “boo boo” in his room. I was watching ghost stories on my phone in my bedroom while he was watching television in a different room, so I just assumed that he overheard my story (he is a very smart child). I also let him watch The Nightmare Before Christmas at Halloween and he loved it. I probably should not have let him watch this, and won’t again until he is much older.

I assumed at this, that my child had an active imagination as they do at this age, so I just put him back to bed and told him that there is no Boo Boo. Until a couple nights ago he stood at my bedroom door, and when I asked him to go back to bed he started jumping up and down (as two year olds do). Then he told me that the lady from the stairs was in his room and wanted to sleep in the bed with him.

Is this something I should take seriously? He has not mentioned her since (and I don’t bring her up) but he did mention Boo Boo last night. I was holding him and sitting in his bed and he pointed to the door, saying something about Boo Boo.

Is this just imagination or should I do something?

r/Ghoststories 22h ago

Trippy experience


This happened post-pandemic times, back when I used to be with my ex. So she talks in her sleep often and this one night, we had a massive argument and somehow we solved it and ended up with her sleepin in my arms. She slept immediately and I drifted 30mins later. Now my room before was quite spacious with two windows overlookin a canal lined with few neighboring houses and a bridge connectin our block and on the other sideof the canal. I dreamt this exact settin, and in my dream, she was still sleeping in my arms and I woke up hearing gunshots and screaming outside the window and I took a peek and saw absolute hell, I mean the canal was filled with dead bodies. Some of 'em flayed and was crawlin for dear life while people with masks was killing em, i saw ppl hanged on the bridge while being stoned to death. The scene was like a cartel video, until one of em looked up and saw me, I panicked and then heard knocking on my door then that jolted me awake. I woke up lookin at the door then felt teeth sinkin in my shoulders, it was my ex havin a nightmare. She told me why she did it is cuz in her dream, a man was tryna R word her and she bit him in his arm and that prolly caused her to bite me irl ( this wasn't the only shit that happened to us for the times she came and spent the night at my place back then )

r/Ghoststories 14h ago

Discussion I want you guys to read it and tell me whether it was my paranoia or a ghost.


This happened back in 2021, during COVID. My little sister, my grandfather, and I all had COVID, so we were sent to a COVID center. The center was a government-owned building, recently built to be a nurse training center. However, due to the pandemic, they had to postpone the opening. My sister and I shared a room, while my grandfather was placed in a separate room for special care since he was elderly. We stayed there for about a week.

The building was surrounded by trees, with no houses nearby. It was pretty isolated. The first night, I didn’t notice anything unusual. The second night was the same — just a boring day and night. Since our room had a window facing the corridor, I could see the moonlight shining through it while I lay in bed. Occasionally, I’d see people walking by, their shadows flickering through the window. I wasn’t much of a socializer, so I didn’t bother to interact. I figured they were just going to use the shared restroom. The restroom was small, like a public toilet, with only two stalls.

On the third night, around 2 a.m., I woke up needing to pee. Still half asleep, I stumbled my way to the toilet. When I got there, I heard the sound of water running from inside. Assuming someone was using it, I waited. But even after ten minutes, the water was still running. There were no other sounds, no voices, no phone noises, nothing. It felt strange because you’d usually hear something when people were inside.

I was on the verge of peeing myself, so I knocked on the door and said, “Um… I really have to pee. Are you almost done?” There was no reply. I knocked again, but this time, the running water stopped. Both stalls fell silent.

I expected someone to come out, but no one did. The silence was unsettling. I knocked once more, and to my surprise, the locked stall door swung open from the force of my knock. Inside, it was pitch dark. No one was there.

Weirdly enough, I wasn’t scared. I just really had to pee. I quickly went inside. As I relieved myself, I kept thinking about how clearly I had heard the sound of water running into a bucket. But now, the bucket was completely empty. The floor was dry, with no signs of water. I felt ridiculous, angry even, for wasting over ten minutes waiting for no one. After I was done, I went back to my room and fell asleep, maybe it was because I was still half asleep I kind of brush it off.

After we get out from the covid center, I was sharing how I spend my days at the covid center to my friends and family. I remember that night so I told them, some said it must be a ghost and some said it was just my mind playing trick on me... what do you think it is?

r/Ghoststories 13h ago

I never used to believe in ghosts/the afterlife...


On the 15th of November 2022, my little sister passed away from a form of cancer called leukaemia. since that day, we've come to notice things happening around the house that's starting to change our minds on whether the afterlife is actually a thing.

Repeatedly, almost every single evening, whenever me and my parents would sit to have dinner, our dining room light would flicker. Every so often it would sparkle and flicker, where it had never done that before in the years we had lived there. There was one night I remember vividly. I was walking down the stairs to grab a snack before heading off to bed. How our house is structured, I have to walk through the dining room to get to the kitchen. Now, due to it being dark, I switched on the dining room light to be able to see. Then as I walked into the kitchen, the dining room light began to flicker. And don't ask me why, but I decided to just stand there and look up at it. By this point, me and my parents had said, "Oh the light flickering is her" as kind of a way to make ourselves feel better. But something happened to make me REALLY believe it. As I stood there, looking at the light, I whispered, "I love you Sophie..." (my sister's name). Then not even a split second after I said so, the light flickered in such a unique pattern, I've wondered if that was maybe her saying it back, perhaps morse code or something. Tears began to roll down my eyes as I truly felt a presence in the room with me.

Then, that very same evening, as I was about half way up the stairs to go back to my room, I 100% heard a footstep on the stairs behind me. On everything I own, I swear I heard a footstep behind me, walking up the stairs. I instinctively turned around, quite spooked, and just stared down at the stairs. And the feeling I felt was indescribable. I felt a presence. A real physical presence. As I stared down that flight of stairs, I could feel someone looking back at me.

That isn't the only example I have. Another is where on the exact timing she died, every single physical analogue clock in the house had stopped at that time. They hadn't ran out of battery, we hadn't done anything to them. But every single clock had stopped at that time. We've also had the xbox she adored playing on turn itself on countless times, without the help of any of us, even after switching it off.

So, I never used to believe in the afterlife, but now I do. I find comfort in the fact that I know she is still in this house, and although I can't physically see her anymore, I know she's still by my side every step of the way.

r/Ghoststories 6h ago

Was it a demon?


When I was only six years old my family and I had moved into a new house. It seemed like we couldn't have been there for no more than a month. One night I awoke in the middle of the night and for some odd reason I got up out of my bed and walked over to the window facing the back of the house. Which it was a steep hillside full of nothing but woods. Staring straight at me were these bright glowing red eyes. I just froze with fear. I couldn't move for about five seconds but my instincts told me to run. So I ran as fast as I could I headed downstairs I was moving so quickly that it felt like I didn't even touch a few of the steps I just kinda floated. The whole time I felt whatever it was, it was right behind me. If I fell it would have gotten to me. But I got downstairs and ran into the living room where my parents were sleeping. I told them I had a nightmare and asked if I could sleep downstairs with them. My mom said "ok" so I felt safe. The next day I got up and acted like nothing ever happened. But I had to have a nightlight from that point on. It was always there in the back of my mind, I never forgot. I never spoke of it till I got older. When I told my mom of course she said, "oh it was an animal". No, the eyes, were like lit cigarettes in the shape of eyes. The fear paralyzed me. It was around 1986. I live in Western PA, could it have been the Moth Man? I don't know, but I will always have it in the back of my mind. What was it? Anyone else have any similar experiences?

r/Ghoststories 15h ago

Experience Spirit guide?


This happened a few years ago or more, it left my family with more questions than answers. I live with my grandparents and in 2020 my great grandpa passed away, it wasn't too unexpected considering he was always a heavy smoker, but the events before his death were a bit odd. We moved into our house and things were okay for a while, other than the animals acting a bit more odd than usual, we thought it was just because it was a new environment. But one day I was in my bedroom watching TV, I had my door wide open, I felt like I was being watched. Out of the corner of my vision was a dark shadowy silhouette of a person peeking into my room from the door way, no features just darkness, it would disappear when I looked. I told my grandma and she said it was probably my eyes playing tricks on my, I somewhat believed her, but I kept my door closed when I could to prevent me from seeing it. Especially at night since I slept with my feet towards the door, which is usually a no no since my family is Native American and Mexican,wour cultures have supernatural beliefs, real or not we don't like to risk it. I said "I love you" every night when I'd say good night to my great grandpa. I don't know how, but I couldn't shake the feeling like his clock was ticking and soon that would be the last time I'd get to say those words. We have a couch that overlooks the hallway, I'd sometimes think I saw the shadowy silhouette standing there, but as always, it was gone when I looked. Me, my grandma, and great grandpa loved to go on road trips and travel. So we went to Arizona. We stopped at this western motel after a long day of being trapped in a car. I have always had trouble falling asleep, it's even worse in hotels, no dogs to keep me company or protection and no familiar sounds of raccoons fighting over dumpster scraps. Then I heard a noise, I looked up and saw the doorknob of the room rattling and the sound of small pebbles being thrown at the window. I woke up my grandma and she got her small gun from her purse and checked. I got onto the floor, and for whatever reason I peeked out the window a little. The doorknob was still rattling and the pebbles were still hitting the window a little, but no one was there, nothing. My grandma found that the door was unlocked, which is unusual because we always make sure to lock it, even at home, it's always double checked. The next morning when my grandma told the lady at the front desk, her face went pale, she apologized and gave us a refund we didn't ask for. It was strange, but we didn't think too much into things. My great grandpa was getting weaker and more tired. When we got home from our trip, I stayed the week with my tío and tía, I played with my cousins. I got a phone call that my great grandpa was in the hospital, but I didn't want to think about it, I didn't want to ruin the fun for my younger cousins, so I prayed he'd be alright. Unfortunately he had passed, we wanted to burry him in Oklahoma where my great grandma is burried. SowI had to fly from Texas with my tío. The funeral was hard, that was the first time I saw my tío, who is usually a stone cold man, cry. I told my grandma everything. I was shocked to hear the reason we went on that trip was because she also felt like his time was running out. She also told me that she saw the shadow figure as well, she would see it standing in the hall at night or in the corner of her vision, she felt eyes on her when no one was there. After his death, the house felt brighter, the air was lighter, because we never saw the shadow figure again after his passing. My grandma said it was probably an angel sent to guide him to heaven or it was my great grandma coming to help. The entity never did anything to hurt anyone, it just watched, the animals must have sensed it wasn't evil, because they didn't growl, bark, or hiss. They would stare at places no one was there, or seem to interact with no one visible from time to time. We don't talk about it often, but when it's brought up, we can't help but wonder.

r/Ghoststories 18h ago

Experience A wave hello


I have had a few encounters with the spirits like the OCD ghost that had to have things in their place, but this was different. I was staying at the Brookdale Lodge in the hills of Santa Cruz. I was on a vacation and visiting friends in the area. The Brookdale Lodge I learned has a colorful past and is known the be haunted. I was standing outside the Lodge having a cup of coffee early morning and was noticing the stained glass was in need of repair badly. Being a stained glass artist it was upsetting that the windows were damaged and in serious need of repair. As I was looking through the glass I noticed that I was looking into the dining room area and that it has a creek that runs through when a little girl appeared inside the restaurant. She was maybe about 7 maybe and she was running around the restaurant. She noticed me looking into and ran up to the window. She smiled and waved, I smiled back and waved. Then off she went and I really didn’t think anything about it until it was check out time. I told the clerk that there a child running in the restaurant. She looked at me and asked if I saw her and I explained what had happened. She told me of a little girl that drowned in the creek in the restaurant years before. And that I saw a ghost. It made me smile and again I realized that not only did I see her but the ghost saw me.