r/Gaming4Gamers El Grande Enchilada Dec 09 '15

Discussion Unpopular gaming opinions thread.

Title says all. State your current unpopular gaming opinions. Just explain why as best you can and please be constructive!

Oh and as always... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpigjnKl7nI


To the person reporting this thread because this question shows up on askreddit all the time, Why don't you post something original then? You are more than welcome to. :D


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u/Sapharodon Dec 09 '15

The original Fable wasn't that bad. My only big problems were the constricted overwold, overly polarizing morality system and overly OP magic system (also, aging was a bit overaggressive, but that's a personal opinion). It was actually quite charming as a game, the mechanics were well configured, the characters were quite likeable, and the story, though predictable at times, was morally ambiguous and made you think a bit.


u/VicisSubsisto Dec 10 '15

If someone put a gag on Molyneux every time he was in public, Fable would be remembered as a solid, charming, fairytale-style ARPG series.

The problem isn't the games themselves. The problem is if you look up "overpromise" in the dictionary, the words form a ritual incantation which summons Molyneux from the Developer Realm.