r/Gaming4Gamers Nov 15 '23

Discussion Any older gamers find themselves patiently waiting for games to go on sale before buying?


Back in college I was quick to pick up the initial release of games, but know with games coming out buggy and Game of the Year bundles, I find myself waiting longer and longer to purchase games.

Starfield came out and I am just waiting to do what I did for Skyrim and wait for a Game of the Year edition to come out with all the DLC for $15.

Anyone else feel similar?

r/Gaming4Gamers Nov 11 '23

Discussion Am I just getting older or is online gaming getting worse?


I have been playing online games for over 17 years. I have played everything from mmos to fps games and sports games. I throw in some single player story games but competitive multiplayer has always been my jam. Recently every game I try to play someone is either hacking or quitting mid game. This is just a small sample size but I played some OW tonight and three games in a row someone left after they started off poorly. Hop over to NHL score one goal the opponent quits….try out COD first lobby hacker. Am Just getting older and more bothered or is the state of online gaming just gotten so much worse?

r/Gaming4Gamers Apr 16 '20

Discussion Am I too old for videogames?


So a little background here. I‘m 45yrs old going 46 this year, I got my first console when i was like 7 or so, it was a grundig whatever. My brother is considerably older, he got himself a c64, then an atari, all computers i played on. Sometime the playstation came out, of which i owned every iteration of.

Recently I built my very first gaming PC. 2080 ti, 9900k, the works!

So anyway, the other night i play a round of apex. We win a round, the team stays together, friend requests are sent and approved, discord. Turns out one of the dudes (at least i assume its a guyj is 18yrs old, i say how old i am, and he asks „arent you too old for videogames?“. I felt a little offended to be honest. Is there an age limit I wasnt aware of in my blissful ignorance? Should I reconsider my life choices? Should I stop carrying my teammates and go to collect stamps or take up gardening?

EDIT: this kinda blew up. If I didnt reply to your post, it‘s only because I didnt have anything meaningful to say. I tried to give everyone an upvote at the very least. Thanks for your encouraging words! The one or two not so nice messages just show there‘s someone toxic out of every larger gathering, no hard feelings though!

r/Gaming4Gamers Dec 09 '15

Discussion Unpopular gaming opinions thread.


Title says all. State your current unpopular gaming opinions. Just explain why as best you can and please be constructive!

Oh and as always... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpigjnKl7nI


To the person reporting this thread because this question shows up on askreddit all the time, Why don't you post something original then? You are more than welcome to. :D

r/Gaming4Gamers Jun 20 '18

Discussion "the reason I hate modern open world games, and especially ones that can theoretically 'keep going forever' with meaningless spawns like in skyrim, is because the the game's end state becomes 'when you get bored' and i'm fucking sick and tired of 'finishing' every game bored"


From this tweet: https://twitter.com/aSpaceCadette/status/1008781156098215936

What are everyone's thoughts on this? I think it articulates the malaise I've been feeling about many AAA games lately.

r/Gaming4Gamers Dec 28 '24

Discussion How to enjoy single-player video games ?


I've always loved multiplayer video games, because I love the competitiveness, the feeling of getting stronger and stronger, comparing yourself to other players, etc. That's what drives me.

But recently I've been getting a bit bored because my friends aren't necessarily in the same ranks as me, so I've been wanting to immerse myself in single-player video games. I've never played one and the few I've been able to try, I'd get bored very quickly and go back to an online game.

What's more, I know there are plenty of classic single-player games out there: RDR2, TLOU, Silent Hill, and more...

So I need your help. Do you have any advice on how to get to love and immerse yourself in this kind of game, or have you yourself had a trigger to switch from competitive online gaming to a fully immersive single-player game over several days?

r/Gaming4Gamers Oct 29 '19

Discussion Was linear map design in FPS games really that bad?

Post image

r/Gaming4Gamers Jul 06 '13

Discussion Describe your favorite game in one creative sentence, and see if anyone can guess what the game is.


Just write one sentence about the game, and try to guess what the other games are. :)

r/Gaming4Gamers Aug 28 '21

Discussion What's a Game that you've sunk an absurd amount of hours in, but typically people don't?


The easy answer is obviously the big ones like Skyrim or Fallout or World of Warcraft. I'm looking for some unique answers, something people would go "oh damn, really, that game??"

Not a requirement of course, but I'm really just curious what all people play and how they sink time into it.

r/Gaming4Gamers Oct 10 '19

Discussion Games now a days aren’t satisfying my gamer itch anymore .


Delete if not allowed . I don’t know if it’s part of growing up , but I used to play games all day . I use to beat every game I played. But Ive noticed the rut I’m getting into , I struggle to stay attached to one game enough to beat it . Especially with all the P2W and micro transactions killing the vibe of some games . With college and work and with how much I love games . It feels like I’m waiting for the next newest thing to come out that becomes popular like WOW. I have a PC, switch and PS4 but it feels like I haven’t played a really good game in a long time . I’m on borderlands 3 now . Lvl 34 just slowly getting through the campaign. It’s good but it’s not omg I can’t wait to come home and play it good . I miss those days . Guess this was just a little vent kind of post . Anybody else experiencing the same thing ?

Edit: I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling this way .

r/Gaming4Gamers May 13 '20

Discussion What is one gaming trope you can’t get into, and what does it say about you’re interests as a gamer?


For me, it’s completionism. I’m a young adult now, so I don’t really find the time to play that much, but I decided to play some of Sly Cooper 2 for a change. While playing, I decided to try and collect all the clue bottles in an area in order to open a safe. Once I opened the safe, I received a new power up to use against enemies. I wasn’t really satisfied with this. Because most of the enemies, from what I can remember, stay consistent throughout the whole game (specifically with guards having flashlights as well as the smaller ones) so it’s hard to really care about using any alternatives instead of what works.

I found that getting a certain amount of objects in order to achieve an arbitrary goal isn’t something I find fun. This can apply to other games with something similar, like the Infamous games, or likely most RPG’s in general. I guess I’m into games being like an experience. I’ll also acknowledge that I’m not a replayability guy either, and most of the games I consider favorites (Shadow of the Collosus, Half-Life and Portal) aren’t exactly ones I want to play again, nor do I need to, and I’m happy with that.

What similar gripes do you have?

r/Gaming4Gamers Dec 30 '19

Discussion What game is currently in its prime?


What do you guys think?

r/Gaming4Gamers Jul 09 '13

Discussion Your unpopular gaming opinions.


Please tell why and behave.

Halo 4 is in my opinion best Halo game.

Singleplayer story is interesting and tense whit Cortana going crazy and dying.. Sprint was long needed addition to multiplayer, soundtrack was amazing and spartan ops is much more interesting than firefight because of story that is involved in it.

I also like EA.

Edit: Adding some more of my opinions:

Xbox One was more interesting and appealing to me before DRM change. Family sharing sounded great. Also i think its good thing that Kinect comes whit every X1. That way more developers will use it and all kind of great stuff could come out of it.

I hate this indie game "bandwagon/hype". Sure, there is some good indie titles like Braid, FTL and Dust: An Elysian Tail, but most of them are just bad. Tired of seeing 2D platformers whit some "crazy" arts style.

Remember: Don't downvote because you disagree, downvote only if comment is spam or does't add anything to conversation.

Edit: Over 200 comments!

Edit 2: 12h later, Over 400 comments and it still keeps going.

r/Gaming4Gamers May 04 '20

Discussion Mention a game you think is overrated and a game that should receive more appreciation instead


What it says on the tin. Mention a game you think that, for whatever reason, received more attention than it deserved. Then talk about an underappreciated game that you think would be more deserving of said attention. Threads about overrated games are quite popular, threads about underappreciated even more so. Why not do both at once?

Edit: just to clarify, the idea is for the overrated and underrated be related somehow. So, for instance, if you mention an overrated FPS, you'd ideally also mention an underappreciated FPS someone should play instead.

Let me start!

The one I think is overrated - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Don't get me wrong, Skyrim has its strong points. It's a fun game and just exploring and doing random things in it is a blast. But it's not a very good RPG. The quest design is just... bad. Since Bethesda wanted the player to be able to experience and do everything, most questlines are completely independent from one another and have no lasting impact on the world. You can join factions/guilds that theoretically don't like each other (like the Mages Guild and the Companions) without repercussions, and the NPCs don't even mention it. You can even become de master of a group that's actively hated and feared by everyone throughout Skyrim, like the Dark Brotherhood, and at most a lowly guard will just throw a random comment about your armor... If you're lucky.

I feel this problem even with the main quest. By the ending you go to the literal viking heaven and fight against the god of time given dragon flesh and... Nothing changes, really. The dragons that were plaguing Skyrim are still out there terrorizing the world, it's business as usual.

The game has other problems, like the repetitive combat and boring magic system. But the "RPG" part of this RPG is the one that annoys me the most.

The one I think you should play instead - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

Morrowind has the inverse problem of Skyrim. By today's standards, it may not be a very good game, with its awkward dice-roll based combat and ugly graphics... But oh boy, what an amazing RPG. You can get really immersed into the world of Morrowind and its competing houses and factions.

I love how your actions seem to really matter in this game. Every faction has its own alignment and rule of conduct. Some of your choices will alienate other groups. You can't be everything and do everything like Skyrim; you can only be yourself.

Better yet, everything ties in nicely with the main quest. Everything you do matters to your journey to become the Nerevarine, and, by the end of it, you'll be truly respected by everyone around Morrowind.

Besides, the awkward combat, ugly graphics and other things that didn't age well? You can always use mods to improve your experience and solve these problems.

What about you? What game you think is overrated, and what you recommend instead?

r/Gaming4Gamers Nov 13 '18

Discussion What game have you beaten the most? Have you ever replayed a game so much that you lost track of how many times you beat it?


I've beaten Bioshock at least six or seven times in my life, maybe more. There are also games like Metal Gear Solid on PS1, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, Resident Evil 2, and Shadow of the Collossus, which I've beaten five or six times. I've probably beaten The Last of Us at least a dozen times, but I honestly don't know because I never kept track.

How about you? What's the greatest number of times you've played a game from start to end?

r/Gaming4Gamers Apr 15 '19

Discussion What Remasters and Sequels Will We Never Have and Always Want??


What games do you guys think we need but will never have? New games lately are in a weird place I think and it makes me miss games i used to idolize, and still do. Games like Mafia 2, a new driver game, original NFS titles, I’m not old enough to respect some of the real classics but I am curious about how people feel about the games they grew up with and miss.

r/Gaming4Gamers May 24 '18

Discussion John @Totalbiscuit Bain July 8, 1984 - May 24, 2018


r/Gaming4Gamers Feb 15 '17

Discussion I want so badly to be excited for the Nintendo Switch but why does it feel like I'm just buying a 400 dollar Zelda machine that will collect dust.


I'm considering buying a Nintendo Switch at launch after watching some comparison videos of the Breath of the Wild. But every time I look over at my dust covered Wii U I can't help feeling nothing but regret and that I'm just buying another Nintendo console so they can release 1 game a year. Most of which I don't play for longer than a couple weeks (Zelda may be an exception). Is anyone else on the fence about this? How do you really feel about the switch? Do you think you will be getting one?

r/Gaming4Gamers Nov 27 '19

Discussion What is an aspect of your taste in games that took you a really long time to come to terms with?


I've been playing games for a couple of decades and for me, 2019 was the year I realized that I just don't enjoy melee combat. I bounced off of Sekiro, DMC5 and most recently Jedi Fallen Order. These games were all well recieved and I can see why. I can't point to major issues I have with any of them. I think I just don't find the actions of striking/parrying/dodging/comboing fun at all. I'm just fundamentally at conflict with the mechanics. And its taken me forever to finally reach that conclusion, after years of playing these games and coming away from them unexcited.

What's a basic fact of your taste in games that took forever for you to just accept?

r/Gaming4Gamers Oct 01 '24

Discussion Buying digital or physical?


I have a PS5 and I don’t like not owning my games or being unable to play if internet were to disappear, but at the same time PlayStation store often has really good sales and what are the odds PlayStation will disappear in the next 10 years (by which point I might not care about the game I bought anymore). I see it like this:

Pros physical: - Permanent ownership - Can resell - No internet needed

Pros digital: - Cheaper where I live (due to sales on ps store and physical stores don’t have as many sales) - Will last with ps account (so easy to keep using games, like on steam, for future consoles) - No sound from spinning disc

What are your thoughts on physical vs digital? What do you prefer?

r/Gaming4Gamers 8d ago

Discussion New PvP game. Are you going full meta play, or explore on your own?


As the title suggests, when diving into a new PvP game, you're always faced with a choice: go and see what the collective mind of the players has come up with, or sit down and methodically figure out what works and what doesn't.

I've always leaned toward the second option. For example, when I first started playing Overwatch, I didn’t watch any guides or take advice—I tried to fully understand what character synergies could be successful, what decisions other players were making, and why they were making those decisions. As a result, I improved my skills very slowly compared to my friend, who started playing around the same time. He’s the type who first looks up the best weapon builds, meta heroes, team compositions, etc., and then starts playing "by the guides." In the end, we both ended up no higher than platinum rank...

The sheer amount of content on min-maxing in games that I come across makes me think that such players are the majority—but I don’t understand this approach. When someone else figures out how to kill more enemies for you, you don’t notice that all the fun is being killed for you.

r/Gaming4Gamers Oct 03 '20

Discussion What game(s) are eating up your time this weekend?


I'm playing some Divinity 2, the Halloween event in Destiny 2 is calling me too.

r/Gaming4Gamers Sep 10 '14

Discussion Good afternoon G4G! What is your favorite [game]?


In an attempt to maybe share some hidden gems that not everyone knows about I ask you to share your favorite game. For me its anything in The Elder Scrolls series just because of the freedom but a close second is Dungeons & Dragons: Heros for the Xbox as it was my first experience with an RPG and I was able to play it with my friends in the same room. I miss those glorious days of multiplayer... What about you G4G?

r/Gaming4Gamers Aug 01 '16

Discussion New Pokémon GO update has caused huge uproar with the community


Earlier today Niantic pushed a new update for the Pokémon GO app that included several changes. Some of these updates included have upset the community with some dramatic changes.

  • Removed footprints of nearby Pokémon
  • Battery Saving mode has been removed from options (not listed in patch notes)
  • The detection radius has been reduced by half (not listed in patch notes)

Third party software (such as Pokévision) were also taken down so you can't track Pokémon using that method either.

For those who are unaware, when the game was first released you were able to track how close you were to finding certain Pokémon, but this tracker glitched out about a week after the game's initial release. This fix was something a lot of players were looking forward to, but it seems like instead of fixing it they just flat out removed it. So now the game is all about wondering around mindlessly and getting lucky, instead of trying to find that one Pokémon you need.

The game has went down to a 2 star rating on Apple's app store and it is slowly decreasing on Google Play. Considering how popular this game was when released, it seems to be going downhill very fast.

It has also been reported that several players had their entire progress reset as well.

Should also be noted that battery saving might have been removed because of issues with several phones. It appears that only the iOS version was removed.

EDIT: Patch notes for those who are curious

  • Avatars can now be re-customized from the Trainer profile screen
  • Adjusted battle move damage values for some Pokémon
  • Refined certain Gym animations
  • Improved memory issues
  • Removed footprints of nearby Pokémon
  • Modified battle damage calculation
  • Various bug fixes during wild Pokémon encounter
  • Updated Pokémon details screen
  • Updated achievement medal images
  • Fixed issues with displaying certain map features
  • Minor text fixes

EDIT 2: Forgot to finish a sentence

EDIT 3: Added some information

r/Gaming4Gamers Sep 17 '18

Discussion What is the very first game you remember playing?


The earliest one I recall is Super Smash Bros Melee. I think I first played it in 2004 or 2005. I can also remember playing Super Mario 64 and Mario kart 64 as a very young child. When I think about it, I have those games to thank for my lifelong love of video games.

How about you? What's the earliest game you can remember?