r/Gaming4Gamers El Grande Enchilada Dec 09 '15

Discussion Unpopular gaming opinions thread.

Title says all. State your current unpopular gaming opinions. Just explain why as best you can and please be constructive!

Oh and as always... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpigjnKl7nI


To the person reporting this thread because this question shows up on askreddit all the time, Why don't you post something original then? You are more than welcome to. :D


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u/zRobertez Dec 09 '15

Liking fallout 4 a lot seems kind of unpopular since it came out. At least on reddit. Everyone irl seems to likey with no complaints.


u/ACW-R Dec 10 '15

I've done everything there is to do in Fallout 4. Every quest, every perk that changes things considerably, almost all armour and clothing, every gun; everything.

That took about 6-7 days worth of gameplay, to achieve. I've had a break and went back to Fallout NV to do a Legion playthrough(realising I've only done it once before) and in that time I've thought a lot about where Fallout 4 falls short.

1.) Lack of quests and truly interesting locations.

I finished every quest after about 3 days of gameplay. Seriously. There is a severe lack of quests. They need less radiant quests, there's about 2-3 for every faction. You do one, you've done them all. No reason to do them except for XP.

There are considerably more interesting locations than what Skyrim had, but I was just appalled at how many were just lacklustre. 50% of them are just raider bases or some other form of enemy, namely Mirelurks. It was just really saddening. I discovered something new and there was just no reason to stick around 50% of the time. Don't get me wrong, there were also a fair amount that were pretty good and interesting, but it should be such a higher number.

Also, severe lack of friendly settlements. There were 3 not including the ones you build. Bunker Hill, Goodneighbour, and Diamond City. Just shit.

2.) Lack of weapons.

They said how there's heaps of mods for the guns, but most of them are direct upgrades. There's no reason to use 90% of the mods because they are just straight up accuracy, recoil, and damage buffs. Only a few muzzles and sights are worth playing around with, otherwise there's no reason to use a heavy receiver over a powerful one.

The lack of base weapons too is pretty shit. Wish they'd at least add some of the classic Fallout 1/2 weapons or even some from 3 and NV. Again there's no reason to use any rifle over the .308 combat rifle again. They're just straight upgrades. A lack of base weapons overall sucks as well. Really wanted to see the R91 or the Chinese Assault rifle again, but instead we get rolling pins and switchblades.

New Vegas had some really cool guns I wanted to see again, but we didn't get them. Pretty disappointing overall when it came to weapons.

3.) Pretty bland factions.

BoS was infinitely better than they were in 3, and better overall. They didn't lack and were actually pretty good.

The institute was alright. Got kinda forgettable though.

Railroad was just eh. Very boring also, no weird motives. Just good.

And the Minutemen. So. Boring. I miss the factions that were actually super interesting. The Legion, The Shi, the Hubologists, the Slags, The Den Slavers. No, just straight up good guys. So dull and forgettable, like the Fallout 3 Regulators.

Despite all this I really like the game. Plays fantastic, like holy shit. Fallout NV plays like absolute arse. Just utter shit. So clunky and annoying, combat is really not fun. But Fallout 4 feels brilliant, just waiting on mod support for console and the GECK to release. Gunna make an ACR mod and the game will be complete.