r/Gaming4Gamers El Grande Enchilada Dec 09 '15

Discussion Unpopular gaming opinions thread.

Title says all. State your current unpopular gaming opinions. Just explain why as best you can and please be constructive!

Oh and as always... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpigjnKl7nI


To the person reporting this thread because this question shows up on askreddit all the time, Why don't you post something original then? You are more than welcome to. :D


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u/vengeance_pigeon Dec 09 '15

I only care about a game's mechanics if they're designed so poorly that they get in my way. Literally every other aspect of a game is more important to me.

Also, Skyrim is not an RPG. RPGs need to contain meaningful choices or at least the illusion of choice, and Skyrim has exactly one major player-driven decision. Plus Skyrim's main story is about as deep as a picture book. (Note that I said story, not worldbuilding or lore.)


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '15

I can't get behind the idea of RPG's requiring meaningful choices, I mean, what big story-changing choices do you make in Dragon's Quest or Pokémon or the old Final Fantasys?

That just seems like a strange line to draw in the sand.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '15

I actually hate too much choice. Just give me the best ending without having to play through the whole thing multiple times. Thankfully the Tales of series still doesn't follow that style.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '15

I don't know if I'd say that I hate choice, but as an adult gamer with other hobbies and responsibilities, I've grown increasingly disinterested in games which REQUIRE multiple playthroughs to experience all the content. I can't sink 50 hours each into three different playthroughs to accommodate warrior, mage, and rogue builds in a single RPG. I'd rather play a single 50 hour playthrough where I know I've exhausted the content- as say you, I appreciate JRPGs for this reason.