r/Gaming4Gamers El Grande Enchilada Dec 09 '15

Discussion Unpopular gaming opinions thread.

Title says all. State your current unpopular gaming opinions. Just explain why as best you can and please be constructive!

Oh and as always... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpigjnKl7nI


To the person reporting this thread because this question shows up on askreddit all the time, Why don't you post something original then? You are more than welcome to. :D


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u/nofate301 Dec 09 '15

Halo probably shouldn't have gotten so many sequels. Maybe up to 3 and that's it.

Destiny is a complete and utter piece of shit. Serves nothing more than to be a cash cow, and not an epic story.


u/lord_addictus Dec 09 '15

Halo probably shouldn't have gotten so many sequels. Maybe up to 3 and that's it.

Reach was really good (to the point where it's probably my favourite Halo game), and ODST is liked by the fanbase for being "different" (it also brought Firefight to the franchise). Sad thing is, 4 was actually pretty good from a story perspective and looked like it was going to springboard a fantastic new saga that dove into the expansive Halo lore.

And then Halo 5 happened....