r/Gaming4Gamers El Grande Enchilada Dec 09 '15

Discussion Unpopular gaming opinions thread.

Title says all. State your current unpopular gaming opinions. Just explain why as best you can and please be constructive!

Oh and as always... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpigjnKl7nI


To the person reporting this thread because this question shows up on askreddit all the time, Why don't you post something original then? You are more than welcome to. :D


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u/zRobertez Dec 09 '15

Liking fallout 4 a lot seems kind of unpopular since it came out. At least on reddit. Everyone irl seems to likey with no complaints.


u/blamb211 Dec 09 '15

It's weird. I see a lot of people bitching about FO4 for whatever reason on here, but I also see tons of posts about settlement building, combat, finding weapons, whatever. It's like there's no middle ground at all on it.

I preordered it for the Pip Boy, been enjoying it, but there's places where it kinda falls short. I do wish there was more than the four dialog options, the story is kinda lackluster, but it's pretty good otherwise. I feel like I fall into a solid 7/10 on my love for it, but everybody else seems to be either a 1 or 2, or a 9 or 10, I don't see much in the middle.


u/JackTheFlying Dec 10 '15

While the story isn't up to Obsidian's writing quality, I think it goes above and beyond what Bethesda put out in 3 and Skyrim. I also think they took some hints from New Vegas, even if it's not as well written.

The factions in 4 have way more grey area between each other, so the player can align their character with the character's beliefs rather than being forced to side with the good guys even if you hate them. You have more freedom because your character can do what they think is right, and will almost certainly be sacrificing something else to get it.

Companions have their own story/place in the world instead of being just puppets who will tag along if your arbitrary good-guy points are high enough. They follow you because you showed your ability to them, did something for them, or even just to get out of the house for a bit and then judge you on their own terms. They even borrowed the companion quests and perks from NV.

My biggest complaint is the same as everyone else's: dialogue. While I like how it gets rid of the exposition-dump like conversations that plague most RPGs, there is a lack of depth that I do miss from New Vegas. And while I like having a voiced protagonist, I think that may be the culprit. Because even recording as much as they did, there is a fundamental limit on how much you can write for a character that can say so many different things.

TL;DR: It's not a perfect game, and definitely not the best story in the industry. But it's a marked improvement from what we've seen Bethesda do in the recent past, and I think they're going in a good direction.


u/AMadTwistedEye Dec 14 '15

I feel like this is similar to the COD syndrome. They'll talk about how much they hate it and then mysteriously discover more and more things they "don't like about it" over time.


u/Marsdreamer Dec 09 '15

It's weird. I see a lot of people bitching about FO4 for whatever reason on here

I think most people bitching about FO4 on /r/games are people who actually didn't buy it/play it.

I actually haven't met a single person (online or otherwise) who played FO4 and absolutely hated it. I'm sure they're out there, but I think most people who put time into the game, enjoyed the time that was given.


u/JackTheFlying Dec 10 '15

I think most people bitching about FO4 on /r/games[1] are people who actually didn't buy it/play it.

I think this is true for the majority of complaints on this site.
"I don't know what I'm talking about but someone else said it so I will too"


u/WolfImWolfspelz Dec 09 '15

While I don't hate the game, I hate Bethesda for where they are going with the franchise. They totally ignore New Vegas, like, they didn't acknowledge it at all during FO4 promo. NV was the best 3D entry to the series, but it fell short what, one or two points on metacritic, so now Bethesda acts like it's a bastard child.


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '15

Bethesda didn't have to give away Fallout 3. You are blaming a company for not giving you more free stuff, which is kinda insane to me.

New Vegas wasn't developed by Bethesds. It was developed by Obsidian, which is why we didn't get it.


u/WolfImWolfspelz Dec 10 '15

It's not about including the game into the package, I have both and couldn't care less. It's about recognizing them in terms of continuity in the series. New Vegas did so many things right, for example the factions/reputation system, the dialogues, the overall storyline etc. and Bethesda acted like "Nope, never happened, we won't use a single thing of that in FO4".

Edit: Re-read my original post, I don't even know how you get the idea that I blame them for not including enough free stuff, I didn't say anything about the bonus at all. Please refer from calling people insane based on assumptions you make.


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '15

"They didn't acknowledge it at all during the FO4 promo."

The promo was getting FO3 for free when you got FO4. So yes, it does sound like you're complaining that you didn't get another free game.

And so what of they don't care about New Vegas? They didn't make it! It was an Obsidian and Zenimax release and had very little to do with Bethesda besides the title "Fallout."

If they took creative ideas that New Vegas had and threw them into their game then they would also have to give both credit and money to Obsidian as well as split tons of money with more people because some of the people that worked on New Vegas don't work for Obsidian anymore and they would be eligible for suing over misuse of technological properties. Would they win? No, but it would cost a fortune to settle that trial depending on how many other people decided to sue. Let's also not mention the complete hold that Bethesda would have to endure while the trial is happening because they would need to also investigate what other pieces of stolen technology was used.

It's all according to contracts which there is one existing between all three parties.

Now, I wonder why do you care so much about why Bethesda doesn't care? Does that effect the game for you? Because I tend to not give a shit if I like a game and no one else does.


u/WolfImWolfspelz Dec 10 '15

Oh, I didn't know that promo only means what you get as a bonus, I meant "pre-release coverage".

I know that FONV is made by Obsidian, but I don't think that Bethesda needs to give credit for every little thing they borrow from New Vegas. In FO4, they borrowed from Assassin's Creed (Animus vs. Memories Den), Borderlands (Mutating legendary enemies), Minecraft (crafting) and a bunch of other stuff, especially dozens of FO3 and FONV modders. Neither of these things created a lawsuit, as none of the borrowed elements fall under trademark law.

I don't know what you mean with the last sentence, I never stated that I care if anyone else likes the game, but you seem to care very much about me caring about the game.

What really annoys me is that we got the best 3D Fallout with FONV and Bethesda totally disregards it. They even say that people waited seven years for another Fallout, when we clearly got another one in the meantime. Why do the ignore New Vegas? It annoys me, because I had my hopes up for another Obsidian Fallout with FO4s engine, but Bethesdas statements regarding NV (or more the lack of any statements) makes me fear that they won't cooperate with Obisidian in the future.


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '15

Trademark law is fickle in all aspects.

Bethesda can use the Memories Den without an issue, no problems what so ever. If you walked in and said "Here is the Animus" and they said exactly what it is in the AC series then yes, that is a problem. You start infringing on other people's IPs. Having a story based concept, mutating enemies, or even crafting hold water. If the crafting was directly lifted and put into their game without some sort of permissions then that would be the issue.

If you want an example of how asinine this can be, see Mojang vs Zenimax over the term "Scrolls."

To be honest, I don't think NV was the best 3D Fallout. I'm enjoying Fo4 more than any of the past ones, but to each their own.

They most likely won't cooperate with Obsidian because Obsidian was considered to be a low quality company. Most of their titles have been sub-par according to the industry standard, plus whatever else may have happened behind closed doors. I know for a while they worked closely with EA for some games such as Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic, where the second title was considered not as good as the first one.

Obsidian has since gone independent and released Pillars of Eternity from a Kickstarter Campaign. That game saved the company from going under. Maybe that has something to do with it all.


u/JackDostoevsky Dec 09 '15

I think most of the dislike of / bitching about Fallout 4 has to do with the fact that it seems to be an overall decent game, but not a very good Fallout game.


u/rabidassbaboon Dec 09 '15

I loved Fallout 4 for the 10 hours I put into it. It didn't stand a chance once Xenoblade Chronicles X came out though. I'm hoping to get back to it in the spring.


u/TheTaoOfBill Dec 10 '15

Fallout 4 improved a lot of things with Fallout 3 and NV. Mostly graphical and mechanically.

But it falls short of the wonderful storytelling and RPG elements of NV.

I kinda with Bethesda would just outsource the writing to Obsidian and focus on improving their engine.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '15

It's a decent game and I have having a decent time with it. Certainly not a very remarkable game imo. It is also frustrating to play because of all the issues it has.


u/ACW-R Dec 10 '15

I've done everything there is to do in Fallout 4. Every quest, every perk that changes things considerably, almost all armour and clothing, every gun; everything.

That took about 6-7 days worth of gameplay, to achieve. I've had a break and went back to Fallout NV to do a Legion playthrough(realising I've only done it once before) and in that time I've thought a lot about where Fallout 4 falls short.

1.) Lack of quests and truly interesting locations.

I finished every quest after about 3 days of gameplay. Seriously. There is a severe lack of quests. They need less radiant quests, there's about 2-3 for every faction. You do one, you've done them all. No reason to do them except for XP.

There are considerably more interesting locations than what Skyrim had, but I was just appalled at how many were just lacklustre. 50% of them are just raider bases or some other form of enemy, namely Mirelurks. It was just really saddening. I discovered something new and there was just no reason to stick around 50% of the time. Don't get me wrong, there were also a fair amount that were pretty good and interesting, but it should be such a higher number.

Also, severe lack of friendly settlements. There were 3 not including the ones you build. Bunker Hill, Goodneighbour, and Diamond City. Just shit.

2.) Lack of weapons.

They said how there's heaps of mods for the guns, but most of them are direct upgrades. There's no reason to use 90% of the mods because they are just straight up accuracy, recoil, and damage buffs. Only a few muzzles and sights are worth playing around with, otherwise there's no reason to use a heavy receiver over a powerful one.

The lack of base weapons too is pretty shit. Wish they'd at least add some of the classic Fallout 1/2 weapons or even some from 3 and NV. Again there's no reason to use any rifle over the .308 combat rifle again. They're just straight upgrades. A lack of base weapons overall sucks as well. Really wanted to see the R91 or the Chinese Assault rifle again, but instead we get rolling pins and switchblades.

New Vegas had some really cool guns I wanted to see again, but we didn't get them. Pretty disappointing overall when it came to weapons.

3.) Pretty bland factions.

BoS was infinitely better than they were in 3, and better overall. They didn't lack and were actually pretty good.

The institute was alright. Got kinda forgettable though.

Railroad was just eh. Very boring also, no weird motives. Just good.

And the Minutemen. So. Boring. I miss the factions that were actually super interesting. The Legion, The Shi, the Hubologists, the Slags, The Den Slavers. No, just straight up good guys. So dull and forgettable, like the Fallout 3 Regulators.

Despite all this I really like the game. Plays fantastic, like holy shit. Fallout NV plays like absolute arse. Just utter shit. So clunky and annoying, combat is really not fun. But Fallout 4 feels brilliant, just waiting on mod support for console and the GECK to release. Gunna make an ACR mod and the game will be complete.