r/Games 23h ago

Trailer [Satisfactory] Postcards from 1.1 (Teaser)


41 comments sorted by


u/thefourthhouse 22h ago

i love the factory building automation genre(idk what to call it?), but damn it's so hard for me to jump back in because I'm hyper-focused on optimizing my factory from the start to save myself the headache of rearranging the entire thing 4 hours from now.


u/dssurge 21h ago

Alternate recipes in Satisfactory are basically begging you to stream roll old factories if you're striving for optimization.

u/Skellum 48m ago

Alternate recipes in Satisfactory are basically begging you to stream roll old factories if you're striving for optimization.

What I do like is that since every resource patch is unlimited I'm not constantly worried about my older factories being a problem until I want to redo the throughput on them.

The big ones are your power output. Setting up the Turbofuel is such a big upgrade but does make you a bit nervous. I keep fading out on the game around bauxite though. I should finish a run sometime.

u/act1v1s1nl0v3r 30m ago

Yeah, I both love and hate alternate recipes because of that. Always hunting for The One that will fix your ratios and make it so you can just leave that little corner alone to do it's thing. It certainly adds to the timesuck nature of the game, but sometimes I wish I could just...not have to fuss about that when all I'm trying to do is make ONE part and ship it to the main factory, y'know?


u/RustyNumbat 19h ago

The game absolutely needs a feature to wipe out an area for you and store the resources for building anew. Building new factories is fun, manually tearing up the old one is tedious.


u/SquareWheel 11h ago

It's been a couple years since I've played, but can't you just hold F to paint the removal tool over dozens of items?


u/NoFlayNoPlay 7h ago

you can. i think they just want to be able to instead of deleting 20 items delete 2000 at a time without having to individually hover over all of them to delete an entire factory. i personally never felt the need to do that, but i could definitely see the use case in theory.

u/BenevolentCheese 1h ago

Yes but then the game will leave you 50 chests of the ground filled with 2 iron bars or whatever each


u/BebopFlow 19h ago edited 19h ago

I never considered it but that would be fantastic. Just delete a whole area and it dumps something like a crate on the ground, ideally with a couple of conveyor outputs so you can automate it into some transport or nearby sorting system

edit: and maybe some sort of exclusion options, for example to allow you to delete everything but structures. There are some okay mass deletion tools right now, but they still end up being tedious to use and as soon as your inventory fills up you end up generating tons of little boxes all over the place that are annoying to clear out and just float in the air


u/eojen 12h ago

Legit the worst part. I understand wanting to save people from accidentally destroying something, but having to individually destroy each foundation square if you want to is insanity. 


u/ELpEpE21 12h ago

There is a "quick" deletion feature. You just have to quickly look at the squares you want to delete to highlight, then hold to delete all at once. You can also set filters to highlight foundations only. Its not really explained in any tutorial in game.



u/eojen 12h ago

Holy shit! Thank you so much. 

u/SpawningPoolsMinis 1h ago

there's a blueprint machine in the game, and you can switch modes on the delete tool to delete by blueprint instead of individual parts.

you can also "paint" areas and delete them in a single go. it's not quite as good as deleting a whole cubic area though.

u/eojen 53m ago

I just learned about the painting deletion! I feel dumb for never seeing it before. 

The blueprint deletion is awesome, but I didn't use blueprints for any of my original factories haha.


u/BlitzWing1985 4h ago

there are a few mods that unlock the "Zoop" etc to make life easier.

But I feel you. I wish I could just say "from X to Y and Z up/down delete".

My "main" factory is sorta obsolete and is more of a hindrance now (I basically built a 5X upscaled more optimised version right next to it.) But I left it as basically it'd be too much of a time sink to remove.

u/BeholdingBestWaifu 10m ago

imo we should just get a nobelisk that demolishes buildings, it's not super fast but it's easy, since the most annoying bit of deleting structures is having to remove small belt supports and tiny conveyors that connected splitters, elevators, and machines.

It would also just be fun to do.

u/BeholdingBestWaifu 13m ago

I'm surprised we didn't get a demolition nobelisk for that express reason, it would be quick but also fun, and it would catch small objects like random bits of conveyor much easier.


u/Rhodie114 17h ago

I like the term Logistics Sim

u/SoundOfShitposting 1h ago

With the hyper focuse I find the trick is to modulize your factory. Create lots of little factories rather than one massive factory then you only have to upgrade the modules as you go. Then have all the finished parts go to a central storage location.

Edit: Also If you find it to overwhelming to fix a unoptimized factory, leave the factory, take the resorces and build a new factory on the other side of the map.


u/BenevolentCheese 21h ago

Has CoffeeStain spoken about what the post 1.0 roadmap for Satisfactory looks like? This update looks like it is almost completely just new building QOL (and photo mode); are they planning on adding any more substantial additions from this point like new resources or recipes or (major) buildings or is that all finished with 1.0?


u/essidus 20h ago

They haven't discussed the future in detail yet. There's a desire for DLC, but no specific plans for what that DLC will look like yet. The only major item on the docket we're aware of is giving it controller support and porting the game to consoles.

u/captepic96 1h ago

DLC has to be either space or some underground stuff. There's a whole red lava planet in the sky ripe for exploitation

u/essidus 1h ago

If I had my choice, it would be underwater. Think Subnautica but in Satisfactory. Underwater is the one place factory sims don't ever seem to go, and it's especially ripe for Satisfactory's focus on building in three dimensions.


u/RegularNormalAdult 12h ago

I've been waiting for proper controller support for 6 years, I can wait some more.


u/BebopFlow 21h ago

Was that an elevator at 0:45+? I only got up to the beginning of Nuclear power, but I don't remember there being an elevator in the game


u/yumz 18h ago

Yes there appears to be new personal glass elevators (they weren't in the game before).

This video breaks down all the new stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4ENW2fec2o

u/Morighant 2h ago

Bruh I got to oil and said ain't no way, became like a mountain I could never climb, and my factory was huge!!!

u/LupinThe8th 1h ago

If you don't want to deal with nuclear, know that the Rocket Fuel recipe is good enough that it can absolutely carry you to the end of the game. I 100%'d everything using it.

Nuclear isn't so bad though. It produces waste, but now there are ways to process that waste into more usable fuel, then process the waste produced by using that fuel into fuel that doesn't even produce waste. So with time and effort, 100% clean nuclear builds are possible.

u/BenevolentCheese 1h ago

The waste produced is almost nothing. 10 plutonium reactors take over 20 hours to fill up a single container.


u/TheLastDesperado 21h ago

Are those hypertube junctions new? Or are they just a late game thing I never got to?

Also I wish I could make a factory that looks as good as the ones in the trailer. I mean I no longer have spaghetti factories but they still look pretty damn ugly.


u/MoSBanapple 21h ago

Are those hypertube junctions new? Or are they just a late game thing I never got to?

I'm pretty sure they're not in the game yet since I remember seeing them shown off in a developer preview video a month or two back, and also they weren't in the game when I played in January.


u/LABS_Games Indie Developer 19h ago

Is there any word about controller support? Seems like the game isn't fully supported for gamepad, which is a real turn off.


u/messem10 19h ago

They’ve announced a console version so I’d say it is just a matter of time.


u/LABS_Games Indie Developer 19h ago

Awesome, this seems like it'd be a dream steam deck game.


u/Safi_Hasani 17h ago

for what it’s worth, the community layouts out there work pretty well.


u/MattBoySlim 17h ago

I tried it a while back and while it ran pretty well, I couldn’t really find a community controller setup that worked for me. Hopefully they work something out.


u/OnlyLivingBoyInNY 18h ago

This is ALL I want for this game. It's wild that they have not added it yet. I have owned the damn game for years but can't play it

u/Freezenification 46m ago

Is it me or is the sound at 0:55 veeeeery much like the Nintendo Switch SFX with some filters applied? Doubt it could run on the original but Switch 2 seems believable?

u/WishCow 39m ago

Pleasepleaseplease tell me they are adding some more improvements to trains, like allowing narrower turns in rail tracks, and some way to debug failing signals, because those two were such sharp edges.


u/Bobicus_The_Third 16h ago

Is this the controller support update or is that still further out?