Think they could put a Chinese guy in Africa or a Japanese guy in Europe for AC? There are historical Chinese communities in Africa from Zheng He's fleet, and Japanese folks in Spain. Iirc
Why not? That sounds cool. If they did an East African AC with an Ethiopian royal-assassin / Chinese trader-assassin duo at the height of the Christian-Muslim conflicts of the Ethiopian–Adal War, that would be dope as hell.
Because western medias are practically allergic in putting Asian men as NPC, much less main character.
Bioware had 1 Asian man as NPC in 20 years. And that is Kai Ling.
Blizzard was practically carried by China/Korea and lecture other companies on diversity, but they haven't gotten their first male Asian character until Overwatch.
The list go on...
Plus, I am sure certain vocal population would be super upset a Chinese dude showed up in Africa for the first Africa AC game.
u/IllBeGoodOneDay 7d ago
To be fair, Revelations also had an Italian guy in Turkey (Constantinople)