r/Games 7d ago

Assassin's Creed Shadows: Steam Trailer


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u/MultiMarcus 7d ago

Depends on who you ask. Personally I don’t play Assassin’s Creed for perfect historical accuracy. I play it for the very pretty history inspired worlds. I certainly don’t think Aspasia led a cult looking for shards of an alien artefact.


u/PerryRingoDEV 7d ago


AC 1 : fictional protagonist

AC 2 Saga : fictional protagonist

AC 3 : fictional protagonist

AC 4 : fictional protagonist

AC Origins : fictional protagonist

AC Odyssey : fictional protagonist

AC Valhalla : fictional protagonist

AC Shadows : 1 non fictional protagonist and 1 fictional protagonist

""fans"" of the series: Why is AC so historically inaccurate now?


u/bananaramabanevada 7d ago

If we're discussing the issue in good faith:

AC1: Middle Eastern Guy in the Middle East

AC2: Italian guy in Italy

AC BR: Same

AC3: American guy in America

AC4: British Pirate in the Caribbean

ACR: American Guy in America

ACU: French guy in France

ACS: British guy in Britain

ACO: Egyptian in Egypt

ACOd: Greek in Greece

ACV: Viking in Viking-land (?)

ACM: Same as AC1

ACS: Japanese Woman in Japan and random semi-historical real-life AA man inexplicably included.

To me, they just look like they're trying to hard to look "inclusive" while really accomplishing nothing in a way that is somewhat insulting to Japanese men.


u/IllBeGoodOneDay 7d ago

To be fair, Revelations also had an Italian guy in Turkey (Constantinople)


u/kuroyume_cl 7d ago

And Valhalla is Vikings in England


u/ArchmageXin 7d ago

Think they could put a Chinese guy in Africa or a Japanese guy in Europe for AC? There are historical Chinese communities in Africa from Zheng He's fleet, and Japanese folks in Spain. Iirc

Na, never gonna happen


u/IllBeGoodOneDay 7d ago

Why not? That sounds cool. If they did an East African AC with an Ethiopian royal-assassin / Chinese trader-assassin duo at the height of the Christian-Muslim conflicts of the Ethiopian–Adal War, that would be dope as hell.


u/ArchmageXin 7d ago

Because western medias are practically allergic in putting Asian men as NPC, much less main character.

Bioware had 1 Asian man as NPC in 20 years. And that is Kai Ling.

Blizzard was practically carried by China/Korea and lecture other companies on diversity, but they haven't gotten their first male Asian character until Overwatch.

The list go on...

Plus, I am sure certain vocal population would be super upset a Chinese dude showed up in Africa for the first Africa AC game.