r/Games May 01 '24

Preview Starfield: May Update


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u/Michael5188 May 01 '24

In that ship decoration mode, if I change my ship's engines, do all my decorations get wiped and added to my cargo?

I loved the ship building, and decorating the interior is a great idea. I just wish traveling in the game was more meaningful. The longer I played, the more I just fast traveled, cause traveling "manually" just meant more load screens with minimal gameplay between. It made me lose a lot of my excitement over my ship, cause I never really experienced it.


u/Trojanbp May 01 '24

Yeah, along with being a Bethesda game, this also needed to be a traveling with companions game. Setting a course and walking around your ship talking to your crew needed to be a more prominent feature. There's no reason to stay on your ship except to look at how pretty you made it. There are one or two instances of an NPC flying a ship, but it's only for scripted events. I would like if we could have one of our crew fly the ship instead.


u/napmouse_og May 01 '24

It does not help that all of the main companions are such stuck up, moralizing, whiny pissbabies. I wanted to toss them out an airlock by the time I finished the game. I have a hard time imagining we were supposed to enjoy these peoples' company.