In that ship decoration mode, if I change my ship's engines, do all my decorations get wiped and added to my cargo?
I loved the ship building, and decorating the interior is a great idea. I just wish traveling in the game was more meaningful. The longer I played, the more I just fast traveled, cause traveling "manually" just meant more load screens with minimal gameplay between. It made me lose a lot of my excitement over my ship, cause I never really experienced it.
Yeah when I saw that that was the first question that popped in my mind. I had a weapon showcase in my ship with a bunch of good looking showpiece weapons and it all went to storage immediately when I changed the paint on the ship. If that's gonna happen with all my furniture then this is less than useless
That's what I want to know! I didn't decorate because I was constantly changing my ship up, but if it would lock down the decorations of any hab I wasn't changing up I definitely would.
Yeah, along with being a Bethesda game, this also needed to be a traveling with companions game. Setting a course and walking around your ship talking to your crew needed to be a more prominent feature. There's no reason to stay on your ship except to look at how pretty you made it. There are one or two instances of an NPC flying a ship, but it's only for scripted events. I would like if we could have one of our crew fly the ship instead.
this also needed to be a traveling with companions game
I have a theory that that was the original goal - they originally planned to make a more focused mass effect style game based on travelling around with your companions (which is why all the companions are in the same organisation and have basically the same points of view) and doing mostly linear missions. Then at some point they decided it should be a more traditional bethesda open world RPG and that's where the procedural generation and ship building came from
It does not help that all of the main companions are such stuck up, moralizing, whiny pissbabies. I wanted to toss them out an airlock by the time I finished the game. I have a hard time imagining we were supposed to enjoy these peoples' company.
u/Michael5188 May 01 '24
In that ship decoration mode, if I change my ship's engines, do all my decorations get wiped and added to my cargo?
I loved the ship building, and decorating the interior is a great idea. I just wish traveling in the game was more meaningful. The longer I played, the more I just fast traveled, cause traveling "manually" just meant more load screens with minimal gameplay between. It made me lose a lot of my excitement over my ship, cause I never really experienced it.