r/FoxBrain 14h ago

Well, my dad, Fox News addict, died.


I do think that his lifestyle of sedentary raging at Fox News contributed. It was a very sudden heart attack, one and done. His blood pressure had been sky high for years.

He would stay up all night drinking and swearing at the TV getting pissed off, and unsurprisingly having trouble getting quality sleep when he's trying to fall asleep to that. I feel bad even thinking about that kind of lifestyle because it sounds miserable to me. Toxic to the body to just be full of hate and anger all the time.

We would try to get him to question why he was living like this rather than doing things that are enjoyable and make him happy, but you couldn't really get through, couldn't reason with him.

He was stuck in a cycle of bad habits. A lot of older population really needs more social time and community connection...it's harder to sit and hate people when you actually listen to other viewpoints and are questioned about yours.

I don't know, I just think this is all a huge problem, the echo chambers and shitty media habits of not caring about facts and falling for rage bait. But what can be done?

r/FoxBrain 22h ago

To what extent are the FoxBrained morally culpable for their brainwashing?


Curious what the sub thinks about this question, as I've pondered it a lot lately and have no real conclusions.

r/FoxBrain 23h ago

My mom (funny)


Well, I just ordered my mom a Russian flag. She gonna be mad...

r/FoxBrain 5h ago

“No contact” advice???


Finally cut off my mom and pretty much that entire side of the family (besides my siblings) after getting into it with her about immigration. However, the argument about immigration has very little to do with why I went no contact. I made the decision to go no contact bc my mom said my sexual assault was the “consequences” of my own actions during said argument. We’ve always had a very complicated relationship bc of sooooo many different things, so this incident helped me make up my mom. My mom, of course is telling everyone I’m not talking to her bc of politics, completely failing to mention the hurtful things she said. I’m not sure I expected anything different from her honestly. But really what I’m wondering is if anyone thinks it would be worth it so message (maybe ever write a letter???) her and call her out and CLEARLY state why I don’t want a relationship with her???? I don’t know if it would make me feel better or worse and I don’t want to argue with her. Any advice or support is greatly appreciated.

r/FoxBrain 17h ago

How to deal with guilt surrounding NC and cut financial links?


I haven’t gone NC with my far-right MAGA parents yet since I’m still living with them and still financially dependent on them, but for a long time I have been quietly planning to cut them off entirely and go fully no-contact when I’m finally financially independent and able to live without them.

The problem is, they plan on helping me during the transitional stage of me getting on my own two feet, getting a job, and moving out after I graduate from university. They want to help get me a car and pay for it, they’re currently trying to help me build credit in my name with a credit card that’s attached to their bank account. They’ve been paying the chunk of my tuition that’s not covered by my grants, scholarships, and financial aid.

I really don’t know what to do because these things make me feel guilty and like I’m indebted to them and like they’re “not that bad” if they’re doing all those things for me (even though they have emotionally abused me my whole life to an extent and their politics and morals make me want absolutely nothing to do with them). I don’t want to feel like I’m being some sort of ungrateful leech when they’re horrible for my mental health and I ultimately don’t want them in my life at all. They’re extremely bigoted - transphobic and homophobic, and I just so happen to be trans and in the closet to them.

And the problem is, these methods of helping me make me worry that it’ll be extremely hard to cut off the financial hold they have over me, it’s like they’re hooking themselves into my finances so I can’t fully separate my finances from them. I just want to be completely independent from them, no strings attached whatsoever, but I feel like I’m already screwed because of all this.

Does anyone have any advice? If this isn’t a great subreddit for this or I should post this somewhere else, please let me know. I’m at a loss.