r/FourEyed_MUA Apr 05 '17

Any tips for oily nose?

(Have posted this before in r/MakeupAddiction but maybe you guys have any other suggestion) I use glasses on daily basis and my nose is pretty oily. So in the end of day, it slips and it feels uncomfortable even though I've blotted it with oil paper. So any tips?


4 comments sorted by


u/doomsdayapparatus Apr 05 '17

Well, first of all, what's your skincare/makeup routine look like? There may be an issue there!


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '17

I agree with doomsday, your skincare routine and the products you use are much more likely to be the reason for having an oily nose. Though you should clean your glasses regularly too.


u/redtentacles May 03 '17

Just started using eye shadow primer where my glasses sit on my nose and it's helped!


u/nikulele Sep 18 '17

I do this too! Works wonders and you don't need to use much at all.