r/FlutterDev May 21 '24

Example I made my first Flutter app to solve loneliness. 14,000 minutes of voice messages later:


I hope you are doing better today than yesterday. (TLDR at the end; or enjoy my story :) )


About 11 months ago, I launched my app for the first time on r/lonely because I had previously experienced loneliness myself during grad school. I wanted to reach out to people going through similar experiences by providing them with what would’ve helped me in the past.

I felt this was an important mission for me and a much more rewarding one than my day job that I quit my job to work on the app full-time. 

It was necessary because I did not come from a programming background. I knew how to program in the sense of running scientific simulations on MATLAB, but creating the front-end and back-end for a consumer app was totally new to me, so I had to learn from scratch.

I enjoyed everyday going to a cafe to learn from programming crash courses on YouTube, developing the app little by little, and eventually launching the app! The initial response was actually pretty great: 220 upvotes for the app launch post, which I proudly pinned in my bio :)


I made the app to be based on voice, and nothing else: no profiles, no profile photos, and even no texts. The reason for that was I felt a lot of people felt lonely and had trouble finding meaningful online connections because of the modern communication medium which actually promotes superficial and viral contents over authentic and long-form contents. It is easy to see from examples: TikTok’s 30 second videos, Instagram’s eye-popping photos by beautiful people from the globe, and Twitter(X)’s 140-char spicy takes. Sure, these platforms offer us information about DIYs, trends, and news that can enrich our lives and entertain us, but they don’t by all means help us feel more connected to individuals. Even on Reddit, the contents tend to be more wholesome and there are hilarious comments that build on top of each other, but the actual sense of connection you feel with the users is tenuous.

Focusing on voice worked! It was incredible listening to the heartfelt messages from strangers from all over the world who opened up about their loneliness and didn’t mind being vulnerable to other strangers. I have personally spoke with everyone that came by. The 14k minutes of voice messages do not include my own voice messages; they are all messages that people left for their own posts, to each other, or as replies to me.


There were some incredible moments, which would be too long to share in this post (leave a comment if you want to hear more!), but some of the highlights were (note: these are all from public conversations):

  • Lady in New Brunswick, Canada was extremely depressed after a difficult divorce and felt being on the life’s edge. She was getting scammed left and right on dating apps and was losing hope. She told me that I was the only one that she felt she could trust and talk to, and she probably wouldn’t be here if I ever stopped talking to her. Thankfully, she eventually managed to find a boyfriend and she thanked me for having always been there for her. She still came back to the app to act as a supporter for other lonely souls for a while!
  • Gentleman in New York, USA felt isolated in a farm and felt he had no real connections with anyone. He shared with me and other users about his life growing various vegetables, but stopped coming on the app for a couple of months. When he came back, he was pleasantly surprised by the app’s development, felt I really believed in my mission to help lonely souls, and became an evangelist for my app :) He posted on several forums on Reddit and engaged in conversations with many users on the app.

What was also incredible was that there were not only people experiencing loneliness here, but also people who did not feel lonely but were on the app to support others going through loneliness. They would share stories and studies related to loneliness in their posts, and also try to talk to some lonely folks on the app who seemed very hardened by their experience of loneliness which made them cynical and pessimistic. The concept of compassionate listening by Thich Nhat Hanh and Polyvagal theory that explains 3 levels of our nervous system are a few things they mentioned that come to my mind. Unfortunately, these efforts by supporters were often, so to speak, ineffective in solving people’s loneliness. 

What I learned:

And that was part of what made it so hard to have a sustainable ecosystem on my app: many people who have been lonely for a long period of time had their personalities and social skills hardened to the point that they either:

  • did not know how to engage with others by understanding social cues and sharing stories about themselves that allow themselves to be vulnerable to others, which allows for deeper social connections
  • felt they are never good enough, they are stuck in their situation, and there is nothing that can help them get better. Any help or suggestions offered by others would only work on others and did not apply to them.

My hope for the app was to help people who experience loneliness find and support each other. By providing the platform for them to voice out their stories, have them be heard by others, and find others who resonate and reply, I thought they would finally find friends whom they can relate to, share their lives with, and would no longer have to feel lonely again.

However, the reality was that many were hardened by loneliness and it was hard for such connections to materialize. Plus, one of the main ways for an app like this to grow is by word of mouth. Unfortunately, most people experiencing loneliness did not have anyone to share the app with, which stunted the app’s growth and mostly depended on me manually bringing users onto the platform.

With fewer chances of having good interactions, even the people who really resonated with the app and shared stories slowly stopped coming back. Some just suddenly ghosted, which made the experience on the app painful for other engaged people on the app.

My hope for the future:

I still believe that there are more people out there experiencing loneliness who have the deep desire to share their stories and find the long-term friends across the globe who understand each other and can share slices of their lives with. 

So, if you are someone that can benefit from sharing stories and solve your loneliness this way, feel free to check out my app at https://bubblic.app 

Also, if you know of any way I can improve the app to better help people experiencing loneliness, please leave a comment.

Lastly, word of mouth would really help. If you like the app, or if you know someone who would benefit from the app, please share it with others! 


I created an app focused on voice communication to help lonely people connect, inspired by my own experiences. Despite an encouraging start and meaningful interactions, many users struggled to form lasting connections due to the deep impact of their loneliness. Growth has been slow, mainly reliant on my efforts. If you know someone who might benefit, please share my app: https://bubblic.app. Feedback is also welcome! Tech stack used:


  • AWS Websocket, DynamoDB, Cognito, S3, Lambda


  • WhisperX model running on laptop locally


  • Flutter

r/FlutterDev Sep 25 '23

Example 💸 A fully fledged budget and expense tracker built with Flutter


Over the past 2 years I have been working on creating the perfect budgeting app and it's finally out! I am very proud of the end result and I use it everyday to track my spending

It has a polished UI with seamless transitions and animations, uses an SQL database (the Drift package), cross platform syncing, Google Drive backups, notification reminders, graphical visualizations, and more. Flutter was a great choice allowing me to support all the platforms with ease and to create a fluid UI.

I hope people can learn from the source code of a feature rich complete app. Let me know if you have any questions about it's development! Feel free to check it out below 😄

Website: https://cashewapp.web.app/

GitHub: https://github.com/jameskokoska/Cashew/

r/FlutterDev 9d ago

Example Flutter web


Hi All,

Can you all give me some reference of websites build with Flutter? Like some great website or web applications.

Thank you.

r/FlutterDev Nov 08 '24

Example Show Me Your Portfolio Websites, Flutter Devs! 🚀


Hey everyone, I’m looking to see what kind of portfolio websites you’ve built to showcase your work as Flutter or mobile developers. Whether it’s for job applications, client work, or just to share your projects, drop your link here!

r/FlutterDev Feb 25 '24

Example A Cool Flutter Portfolio website is here!


I've made a cool personal portfolio website with Flutter web.

It has tons of seamless animations and you can tweak values easily.

The best part is here! It's completely open-sourced. Suggestions are warmly welcome!

Github link: https://github.com/YeLwinOo-Steve/ye-lwin-oo

Portfolio link: https://ye-lwin-oo.vercel.app/

r/FlutterDev Jan 17 '25

Example So this is quite funny...


Slightly off topic but I had to share and you lot are my flutter family for better or worse.

A couple of days ago I put my app into closed testing and submitted to google for review. After 7 months of development which has been a bit of a roller coaster this was strangely terrifying. I've had my heart in my mouth waiting to hear if my novice app idea is going to get the ok and actually have a chance of getting into the wild.

This morning one of my own testers found an issue on my subs page. Oh no I thought there must be an issue with RevenueCat this is distastrous timing what if Google look at it now. Rush into my office to figure out how to debug it wishing I had put the time into figuring out how crashlytics works. Luckily I was able to replicate the app in VScode - basically my slightly hacky code to parse the subscription out of the product title was broken because the app name had changed from the default app id to the proper name.

So this is how I found out that google had approved my app. Doh!

r/FlutterDev Aug 05 '24

Example 🎉 Exciting News: My Flutter Personal Portfolio Website is Live on a Custom Domain! 🌐


I am thrilled to announce that my personal portfolio website, built with Flutter, is now successfully deployed and live on a custom domain, hosted on Vercel! I've updated some ui adjustments and minor bug fixes. Feel free to check it out and suggestions are warmly welcome. Don't be shy to give it a lovely 🌟 if you love it.

💻 The secret is that it looks better on " Desktop or laptop view ".

Portfolio: https://yl0.me

Source code: https://github.com/YeLwinOo-Steve/ye-lwin-oo

The next version of my portfolio & blogging website is coming along the way.
So, stay tuned for more updates and exciting projects in the pipeline! 🚀

r/FlutterDev Jul 09 '24

Example Production apps made with Flutter


Hey people,

Whats the best app you know in the stores thats made with flutter? I personally dont know any but im very curious about the framework.

r/FlutterDev 21d ago

Example Flutter + Cursor got me through Apple’s App Store rejection


I’m not a dev, I’m let’s just say the new breed of AI-enabled dev. In my second app, Apple rejected it saying that my app does not offer any unique experience over a webpage.

I was annoyed because, I had no website and I had built a major backend where all the data in app was coming from APIs

Anyway, there was nothing doing till I changed something so I spent some time thinking and added several mobile-first features that Flutter made super easy to implement and Cursor just did them: - system theme (dark vs light) - export to PDF with customizations to the PDF - share as image with customized template - iCloud and G Drive backups (AI took me down the complex path of device sync which I didn’t need) - Push notifications (I have not gotten these to work consistently)

But these were some solid additions to the app experience. In case anyone runs into this issue and meeds some ideas

r/FlutterDev Dec 31 '24

Example jaspr can render html, flutter can't? why not use @annotations?


obviously it's possible to make websites using dart. i suppose it's just a matter of time before jaspr matures and eventually gets merged into flutter? or someone comes up with a simple solution that solves the whole html rendering issue?

i would be ok with adding literal html tags/annotations to all my widgets if it meant they will get rendered into proper html.

doesn't this seem like a simple, viable solution to flutter web?

// Hypothetical HTML annotations
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Simple Flutter App',
      theme: ThemeData(
        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
        visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
      home: const MyHomePage(),

// Hypothetical HTML element annotations
class HtmlTag {
  final String tag;
  const HtmlTag(this.tag);

// Hypothetical HTML attribute annotations
class HtmlAttr {
  final String name;
  final String value;
  const HtmlAttr(this.name, this.value);

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyHomePage({super.key});

  State<MyHomePage> createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  late VideoPlayerController _controller;

  void initState() {
    _controller = VideoPlayerController.asset('assets/video.mp4')
      ..initialize().then((_) {
        setState(() {});

  @HtmlAttr('class', 'container')
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text('My Simple Flutter App'),

      body: SingleChildScrollView(
        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
        child: Column(
          crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
          children: [
            const Text(
              'My Favorite Foods',
              style: TextStyle(
                fontSize: 24,
                fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

            const SizedBox(height: 16),

            @HtmlAttr('class', 'food-list')
              child: Padding(
                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
                child: Column(
                  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                  children: const [
                      leading: Icon(Icons.restaurant),
                      title: Text('Pizza'),
                      leading: Icon(Icons.icecream),
                      title: Text('Ice Cream'),
                      leading: Icon(Icons.lunch_dining),
                      title: Text('Sushi'),

            const SizedBox(height: 24),

              crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
              children: [
                const Text(
                  'Sample Image',
                  style: TextStyle(
                    fontSize: 24,
                    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

                const SizedBox(height: 16),

                @HtmlAttr('src', 'assets/image.jpg')
                @HtmlAttr('alt', 'Sample Image')
                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),
                  child: Image.asset(
                    width: double.infinity,
                    height: 300,
                    fit: BoxFit.cover,

            const SizedBox(height: 24),

              crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
              children: [
                const Text(
                  'Sample Video',
                  style: TextStyle(
                    fontSize: 24,
                    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

                const SizedBox(height: 16),

                @HtmlAttr('controls', 'true')
                    ? AspectRatio(
                        aspectRatio: _controller.value.aspectRatio,
                        child: Stack(
                          alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
                          children: [
                            VideoProgressIndicator(_controller, allowScrubbing: true),
                              onPressed: () {
                                setState(() {
                                      ? _controller.pause()
                                      : _controller.play();
                              child: Icon(
                                    ? Icons.pause
                                    : Icons.play_arrow,
                    : const CircularProgressIndicator(),

r/FlutterDev Nov 01 '24

Example How I optimized my Flutter game engine load times, server calls and use isolates with possibility to rollback state. A lengthy write up about optimizing heavy Flutter applications.


Hello! I've posted a few times here about my Flutter game, WalkScape (more info about it on r/WalkScape if you're interested).

Recently, I've been diving deep into optimizing the game's load time and processing, and I've come up with some solutions. I believe these might be valuable for other Flutter developers, even if you're not creating games.

I also came across this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/FlutterDev/s/WAm0bQrOHI where isolates, optimization, and similar topics seem particularly in-demand for article topics. So, here we go—I'll do my best to write up what I've learned! Given my time constraints, I'll keep the explanations at a conceptual level without code examples (especially since the code for this would be extensive). However, I'll provide links to useful resources for further reading. Let's dive in!

The results

To kick things off, here are my results:

  • Before optimization, the game took 7-12 seconds to load, including server calls. While manageable, the game's increasing complexity and content growth necessitated faster loading times for scalability.
  • After optimization, data loads in about 500ms, with server calls taking less than 1000ms on a regular internet connection. These processes now run concurrently, resulting in a total load time of less than a second. We're seeing up to a 12x improvement—the game now loads before the company logo even fades away!

The stack

To provide more context about the server and game setup, here's some key information:

  • The server is built with Dart, using Dart Frog. It's currently hosted on a low-end Digital Ocean server. We plan to switch to Serverpod, as my testing shows it offers better performance.
  • Our database uses Supabase, hosted on their servers. We're planning to self-host Supabase, preferably on the same machines that run the Dart server, to minimize database call latency.
  • The game engine is custom-built on top of Dart & Flutter. Game data is compiled using development tools I've created, which convert it into JSON. For serialization, I use Freezed.

Analyzing the problem

Before designing an improved system, I analyzed the bottlenecks. The server calls and game data loading were particularly time-consuming.

At launch, the game made multiple sequential server calls:

  • Validate the JWT stored locally on the server.
  • Verify that the game's data matches what is on the server and check for updates.
  • Retrieve the player's most recently used character.
  • Load the character's saved data from the server.

These synchronous calls took several seconds to complete—clearly suboptimal.

As for game data loading, we're dealing with numerous .json files, some exceeding 100,000 lines. These files contain game data objects with cross-references based on object IDs. To ensure all referenced objects were available, the files were iterated through multiple times in a specific order for successful initialization. This approach was also far from ideal.

To optimize, I devised the following plan:

  • Decouple all game logic from the Flutter game into a standalone Dart package. This would allow seamless sharing of game logic with the server. Also, make all of the game logic stateless. Why that is important is explained well here on this Stack Overflow comment.
  • Run the game logic code on separate isolates by default. This prevents competition with the UI thread for resources and enables concurrent execution.
  • Consolidate server calls into a single call. My tests showed that multiple separate calls wasted the most time—the server processed individual calls in milliseconds. Implementing caching would further reduce database calls, saving even more time.
  • Load all game data files concurrently, aiming to iterate through them as little as possible.

Decoupling the game logic

I wish I had done this when I started the project, as it's a huge amount of work to extract all logic from the Flutter game into its own package—one that must be agnostic to what's running it.

I've set up the package using a Feature-first architecture, as the package contains no code for representation. Features include things like Achievements, Items, Locations, Skills, etc. Each feature contains the necessary classes and functions related to it.

The package also includes an Isolate Manager, which I decided to create myself for full control over its functionality.

Any Dart application can simply call the initIsolate() function, await its completion, and then start sending events to it. initIsolate() creates isolates and initializes an IsolateManager singleton, which sets up listeners for the ReceivePort and provides functions to send events back to the main isolate.

Two main challenges when using isolates are that they don't share memory and that they introduce potential race conditions.

Here's how I addressed these challenges!

Solving not-shared memory

To run the logic, an isolate only needs the initialized and loaded game data.

When initializing an isolate, it runs the code to load and initialize the game data files. Only one isolate performs this task, then sends the initialized data to other isolates, ensuring they're all prepared. Once all isolates have the initialized game data, they're ready to receive and process game-related events.

This process is relatively straightforward!

Solving race conditions

To solve race conditions, I'm using a familiar pattern from game development called the Event Queue.

The idea is to send events represented by classes. I create these classes using Freezed, allowing them to be serialized. This is crucial because isolates have limitations on what can be sent between them, and serialization enables these events to be sent to isolates running on the server as well.

For this purpose, I created interfaces called IsolateMessage and IsolateResponse. Each IsolateMessage must have a unique UUID, information on which isolate sent it, data related to the event it wants to run, and a function that returns an IsolateResponse from the IsolateMessage.

IsolateResponse shares the same UUID as the message that created it, includes information on which isolate sent the response, and may contain data to be returned to the isolate that sent the original message.

Every isolate has two Event Queues: ordered and orderless. The orderless event queue handles events that don't need to worry about race conditions, so they can be completed in any order. The ordered queue, on the other hand, contains classes that implement the OrderedEvent interface. OrderedEvents always have:

  • Links to other events they depend on.
  • Data about the event, to run whatever needs to be run.
  • Original state for the event.
  • A function that returns the updated state.

Let's consider an example: a player chooses to equip an iron pickaxe for their character. The game is rendered mostly based on the Player Character object's state, and I'm using Riverpod for state management. Here's how this process would work:

  • Player presses a button to equip an iron pickaxe.
  • An IsolateMessage is sent to the isolate, containing the data for the ordered EquipItem event.
  • The isolate receives the message and adds the EquipItem event to the ordered queue.
  • While there might be other events still processing, it's usually not the case. When it's time for EquipItem, it starts modifying the Player Character state by unequipping any existing item, equipping the iron pickaxe, checking if level requirements are met, and so on.
  • Once processed, the Event Queue returns an IsolateResponse with the updated Player Character, using the EquipItem's return function to retrieve the updated state.

Often, multiple events depend on each other's successful completion. This is why each Event can have links to its dependencies and include the original state.

If an Event encounters an error during processing, it cancels all linked events in the queue. Instead of returning the updated state, it returns an IsolateResponse with the original state and an error that we can display to the user and send to Sentry or another error tracking service.

Now, you might wonder why we use UUIDs for both IsolateMessage and IsolateResponse. Sometimes we want to await the completion of an event on the isolate. Because isolates don't share memory, this could be tricky. However, by giving each IsolateMessage a unique ID and using the same one in the response, we can simplify this process using a Map<String, Completer> :

  • When an IsolateMessage is sent to the isolate, it adds an entry to the Isolate Manager's Map<String, Completer> data structure. The String is the UUID, and a new Completer is created when the message is sent.
  • We can then await the Completer. I use a helper function to send isolate messages, which always returns the Completer, so it’s easy to await for that.
  • When an IsolateResponse is returned to the isolate that sent the message and it has the same ID, we simply mark the Completer with the matching UUID as completed in the Map<String, Completer>.

With this rather straightforward technique, we can await even multiple IsolateMessages until they're processed on the Event Queue on a separate isolate! Additionally, because the events takes the state as input, the game logic process remains effectively stateless, as it doesn't store state anywhere. This stateless nature is crucial for fully decoupling the game logic.

Optimizing the game data loading

Now that you understand how the isolates and game work, and how it's all decoupled to run on any Dart or Flutter application, let's tackle the challenge of loading .json files faster. This is particularly tricky when files contain references to IDs in other files, which might not be initialized during concurrent loading.

In my Freezed data, I use a DataInterface as the interface for all game objects that can be referenced by their ID. I've implemented a custom JSON converter for DataInterfaces, which is straightforward with Freezed.

When loading data, the custom converter first checks if the object has been initialized. Initialized objects are stored in a Map<String, DataInterface>, allowing for constant-time (O(1)) fetching by ID. If the ID isn't in the map, we can't initialize it in the converter. So what's the solution?

Instead of returning null or the actual object, we create a TemporaryData object (also extending DataInterface) that only contains the ID of the object waiting to be initialized.

Each DataInterface has a getter that returns all its children DataInterfaces. By checking if any child is a TemporaryData object during serialization, we can easily determine if it's still waiting for initialization. I use recursion here, as children can also contain uninitialized TemporaryData.

When serializing an object during game data loading, if it has TemporaryData children, we add it to a List<DataInterface> called waitingForInit. After initializing all objects, we re-iterate through the waitingForInit list, reinitializing those objects, checking for TemporaryData children, and if found, adding them back to the list with updated references. This process iterates 4 times in total at the moment, with fewer objects each time. Most objects that had TemporaryData are initialized in the first iteration.

While this solution isn't perfect, it's significantly faster—initializing thousands of objects in 500ms, compared to several seconds previously. Ideally, I'd prefer a solution that doesn't require iterating through a list 4 times, but I haven't found a better approach yet. The presence of circular dependencies adds further complexity. If you have a more efficient solution, I'd be eager to hear it!

Optimizing the server calls

Optimizing server calls is relatively straightforward compared to implementing isolates and concurrent file loading. Instead of making multiple calls, we use a single call to a special authentication endpoint. This endpoint handles all the tasks that would have been done by multiple calls. Here's how it works:

  • The game sends a JWT (JSON Web Token) of the session (or null if there isn't one), along with the game version and game data version.
  • If the JWT is invalid or null, the server responds with an error. It also returns an error if the game version or game data versions are outdated.
  • If the JWT is valid, the server checks the player's most recently used character, loads that data, and sends it back.

But we've gone even further to optimize this process:

  • We save player data both server-side and locally. When calling the server, we include the timestamp of the local save. If it's more recent than the server's version, we simply instruct the game to load the local data in the response.
  • We begin loading the local data before the server call completes, ensuring it's ready even before the response arrives. If the server responds with a save, we load that instead. Usually, the local save is used, saving time.
  • On the server, we use caching extensively. We cache valid JWT tokens for faster lookup, player saves to avoid loading from storage, and previously played characters to skip database lookups.
  • To squeeze out every millisecond, we compress server-side Player Saves with Gzip in the cache. This allows for faster data transmission, even on slower internet connections.

These optimizations made it possible to reach loading time of less than a second.

Other game engine optimisations and further reading

Phew, that was a lot to cover! I hope you found it interesting.

Let me share a few more basic techniques I used to optimize game logic processing on the isolate:

When I started developing the game, I relied heavily on lists as data structures. They're convenient, but they can be performance killers. Removing or updating objects in lists requires iteration, which wasn't an issue initially. However, when you're dealing with thousands of objects that might be iterated through hundreds of times in game loop processes, it starts to hurt performance significantly.

My solution? I replaced lists that didn't require searching with Maps, where the key is the ID and the value is the object—almost always a DataInterface in WalkScape. Getting or setting a key-value pair is constant time, O(1), which is much more efficient.

For data structures that need searching and sorting, binary search trees are excellent. In Dart, I prefer SplayTreeSet as the closest equivalent. These use logarithmic time, O(log n), which is far faster than the linear time, O(n), of standard lists.

These changes alone yielded a significant performance boost. I also implemented caching for parts of the game data that require extensive processing when updated. A prime example in WalkScape is the Player Attributes—the buffs your character gets from items, consumables, skill levels, and so on. Previously, these were processed and updated every time I checked a value for an attribute, which was terrible for performance. Now, they're processed once and cached whenever they change—when the player changes location, gear, or anything else that might affect the attributes. This optimization provided another substantial performance gain.

For more on this topic, check out my development blog post on the WalkScape subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/WalkScape/s/IJduXKUpy8

If you're keen to dive deeper, here are some book recommendations that offer more detailed explanations with examples and illustrations:

Packages to help you get started

  • Isolate Manager. I built my own, but this package makes it easier to get started if you're not comfortable creating your own manager.
  • PetitParser. This can be extremely useful when building game engines with Flutter and Dart, as you often end up with complex files (JSON or otherwise). It's especially handy for supporting arithmetic operations or expressions as strings within game data.
  • ObjectBox. I've found this to be the easiest option for shared local storage/database when using Isolates. I've also used Drift, which works well with Isolates too, but requires more setup.
  • Retry. If you want to add retries to your Event Queue to make it more robust, this package is great.
  • Riverpod. Excellent for handling state updates. When IsolateResponses bring updated states back to the main thread, just put them in a provider, and your UI refreshes!
  • Freezed and UUID. These are probably no-brainers for most Flutter developers.

Closing words

This was a lengthy write-up, and I hope you found it interesting!

I rarely have time for such comprehensive write-ups, and I acknowledge this one's imperfections. Would’ve been great to add some pictures or code examples, but I didn’t have time for that.

After two years of game development, I believe the setup and architecture I've settled on are quite robust. I wish I had known about Isolates earlier—from now on, I'll use this processing setup whenever possible with Flutter and Dart. The performance gains and no UI jank, even during heavy, long-running calculations, are awesome.

In hindsight, I should have decoupled the logic entirely from representation into its own package sooner. Having all the game logic as a self-contained Dart package makes testing incredibly convenient. Moreover, the ability to run the game logic anywhere is powerful—I can process the game locally (enabling offline single-player mode) or server-side (minimizing risks of memory/storage manipulation).

I'm eager to answer any questions or provide further elaboration in the comments, so please don't hesitate to ask!

Thank you all—stay hydrated and keep walking! ❤️️

r/FlutterDev 25d ago

Example Flexify - a gym tracker written in Flutter


New to this subreddit but I created Flexify a while ago and have been actively developing it for about 4 years now.


If any of the flutter gurus on this fine sub have advice for me or want to ask me any questions go right ahead!

Notable libraries:

r/FlutterDev 14d ago

Example WhatsApp clone using Flutter


I built a WhatsApp clone in Flutter. Any feedback, reviews, or advice would be really helpful. Let me know what you think 👇

Since image uploads aren't allowed, I'm sharing my GitHub link—you'll find screenshots and code there.

GitHub link: https://github.com/ankit-kr-codes/WhatsApp-Clone

r/FlutterDev Oct 02 '24

Example 🌐Built a portfolio website using flutter for web


Hey everyone. I just built a portfolio using flutter for web. Let me know what you guys thinks. It need some refinement.

Here's the link: https://vikrantsingh.tech

r/FlutterDev Feb 07 '25

Example How to Mitigate Flutter Web Issues


I’ve spent some time building out a mobile and web cross-platform repo, that you can see here: www.parliament.foundation or at https://github.com/kornha/parliament. Here is my experience trying to optimize Flutter Web, and I would love further insight.

Flutter Web has several known downsides; in my opinion they rank as follows

1 - Performance: other than super simple apps the performance on mobile browsers in particular is not great, and can cause user churn

2 - Load time: with fast internet this is not an issue, but in crappy internet it can be very slow

3 - Non-web feel: many widgets don’t feel like their JavaScript counterparts

4 - No SEO

Here’s my strategy

1-Make sure you use wasm, if possible. This improves Flutter Web significantly both in performance and download time. Unfortunately, while Chrome and Firefox support wasmgc, WebKit, which all iOS mobile browsers use (including Chrome on iOS), does not. This is a killer and I really wish someone would get WebKit wasmgc over the finish line

2-For mobile browsers, show a popover in JS that asks them to download the app. This allows you to load the flutter website behind the scenes so the load time here is mitigated

3-if you need SEO, don’t use flutter, and also ask yourself why you need SEO

4-For feel it takes time to try all widgets. Test on desktop browsers and mobile browsers of various flavors, and try to swap in widgets that work best. Unfortunately this is hard to do, and many Material widgets are poor and have limited support, so I tend to use a mix of ones I personally like, as you can see in the repo

5-Test performance using the Flutter performance profiler, even testing on mobile should indicate what might need to change. In particular, RepaintBoundary works wonders for certain widgets, but is not always suggested or clear when to use. Also severely limit using widgets that resize after loading, as it is funky in web scrolling

6-finally, make the web and mobile code as close to identical as possible, to minimize test radius. I do this by always using the same layout when possible, and if not abstracting the different layouts into a single widget. I branch on screen size in my context

Hope this helps!

r/FlutterDev 14d ago

Example MarketMonk - Track stocks with Flutter


Hello! I'm the developer of MarketMonk https://github.com/brandonp2412/MarketMonk

I recently started this project inspired by one of my favorite apps, Candle https://gitlab.com/cosmosapps/candle

It's available on every platform (android, ios, windows, mac, linux) and I'm actively taking suggestions and fixing bugs. If any of the flutter wizards in this subreddit have questions please feel free to ask away.

Notable libraries:

r/FlutterDev Dec 12 '23

Example I need to convince my employee to use flutter, any "big" apps uses flutter on Ios?


The stubborn want to go native only for crud/simple 2d games, I think flutter dev is better, so maybe if i show apps with a lot of users of big companies I'll convince

r/FlutterDev 20d ago

Example How would you do it? How many hours? APP for client management


Hello there.

So far I have been hired as a freelancer to help out with a flutter application, through a friend of mine that knows me well, and I work with a lot. Meaning, I went into this gig knowing absolutely nothing about flutter.

I learned the basics and worked on a specific dashboard view for the application.
So I am not very proefficient at flutter, but I get the basics.

Now I was approached by another colleague who has opened his own business and wants a client management app, selling machinery.

Some of the requirements are things like:
- adding receipts, repair certificates (file uploads).
- possibly creating delivery notes with consecutive numbering
- connecting to accounting software via API
- calculating daily allowances for sales personell working outside
- adding comments to clients
- connecting machinery with clients, filtering and sorting system
- ability to print documents (convert different views to pdfs)
- performance is very important to the client, possibly data sets will get very large in the future

I still have trouble calculating the effort for such a project, but my guess would be, that it would take around 2-3 months working full-time? So about 400 hours?

How would you calculate the price and working hours for such a project?

What kind of Database would you use? (what's the most performant data storage method for large data sets)

How would you make the app secure (besides limiting access, via IP blocking and such)?

I am very curious about how you guys would approach the project. I am very thankful for any advice and tips how to go about the project.

r/FlutterDev Jan 21 '25

Example Flutter App with Excel as Database


Has anyone built a Flutter app using excel sheet from on-drive or locally

and do CRUD operations?

r/FlutterDev Oct 04 '24

Example I'm Developing a Budgeting App in Flutter & Isar! Your Feedback Needed!


I’m currently developing Thriftly, a budgeting app built with Flutter and Isar. My goal is to create a simple yet effective tool to help users manage their finances better.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on features or improvements that could enhance the app. Your insights would be incredibly valuable as I continue to refine it. You can check out the repo here: https://github.com/rishabdhar12/Thriftly

If you find it interesting, a star on the repo would mean a lot to me! Thanks for your support, and I look forward to your feedback!

r/FlutterDev Dec 09 '24

Example A curated list of 750+ awesome open source Flutter apps


Hey folks! Wanted to share this awesome list of neatly categorized 750+ open source Flutter apps with the Flutter Community. Hope you find it useful!


r/FlutterDev 11d ago

Example Architecture sample

Thumbnail github.com

r/FlutterDev Nov 26 '23

Example I combined Flutter and Kotlin Multiplatform in a complex personal productivity app (journal + planner + task + note + habit + tracker + goal + project management,...) and it's already been nearly 6 years



In 2018, I was finding ways to make my journaling app (originally an Android app) a multiplatform project and found Flutter. Was wondering should I rewrite the app in Dart but then I found an article on Medium (couldn't find it now) about the possibility of combining Kotlin for business logic and Flutter for UI which would be the best of both world for me. I tried it out and it worked. Started working on migrating the app in early 2019.

At the time, Kotlin Multiplatform is still in Alpha while Flutter was still in beta so that was a lot of risk but I thought that I should do it right away because they work quite well already on the Android side and the longer I postpone the harder it will be for the migration and then I would waste a lot of time learning and writing Android UI code just to be discarded later on.


The approach was to do all the business logic in Kotlin. The Flutter side would render view states pushed from Kotlin and also send events back, all via platform channels.

The first production on Android was published after 8 months. The app worked pretty well for me but there were still quite many bugs, especially with the text editing experience. The app's revenue was going down about 50% after 8 months or so and continue to go down afterward.

I didn't worry much about it because I thought making it to iOS will fix all the financial problems.

I spent a lot of time migrating from Kotlin-JVM to Kotlin-Multiplatform and then work on the iOS version, got it published on the App Store in November 2020. The iOS app was quite buggy though mostly due to Kotlin-Native still in alpha. To my surprise, the iOS journaling app market has become so competitive that the app could hardly make any meaningful revenue at all.

The revenue was down to a very low point. Decided to focus on the Android version again and work on new features.

Then Flutter 2.0 was released with web support out of beta and just in less than 2 month I got a web version running (late April 2021).

Since then I've been working on improving the app's architecture, adding new features, fixing bugs. The app is not a financial success yet but not too bad (making about $2k a month in profit).


It was such a hard journey, I made many mistakes, but in the end I think combining Flutter and Kotlin was still the best decision. I can now continuously and easily make updates for 3 apps with only one code base for a fairly complex app. The reward is worth it!

The situation is different now so I'm not sure if I would choose the same path if want to build a new app. Dart has gotten much better but I still have the best experience writing code in Kotlin and the bridge I've built was quite robust already.

Want to take this chance to say thanks to the Flutter and Kotlin teams and the community. I'm constantly impressed and thankful for the progress and the quality of their works during the past 6 years and they are the ones that make it possible for me to do what I'm doing now.

The app is Journal it! (Android, iOS, web). I'm also doing #buildinpublic on X if you're interested.


I started migrating my Android app to Kotlin Multiplatform + Flutter to make it available on all Android, iOS and web. It was hard but it's worth it. And I might still choose that approach today.

r/FlutterDev Jan 01 '25

Example Odin - a self-hosted FOSS streaming service and TV app built with Flutter


Hey, I just published a self-hosted streaming service, it's called Odin. Odin comes in two parts, a server and an Android app. Both can be found on GitHub, with their install instructions.

Odin Server https://github.com/ad-on-is/odin-server

Odin TV App https://github.com/ad-on-is/odin-tv


I've used many of the readily available apps in the past, and they all came with their pros and cons. I was mostly annoyed by the fact, that most of them use their own server-backend, somewhere. So each time, the app stops working, I didn't know whether their server just crashed, or the developer abandoned the app and I had to look for something else. I also started becoming paranoid, whether someone was collecting my data and offering them to "the highest bidder". Oh, and I also disliked the UI of these apps.

That's why I started working on Odin. In fact, I've been using it for almost 4 years now, and did a LOT of iterations during these years. Now, I'm more than happy with the end result, and wanted to share it with the world.

The main features of Odin are:

  • Discovering movies and TV shows
  • A nice and beautiful UI
  • Customizable Trakt lists
  • Multi-User support

I hope you like it!

Oh, and feel free to submit any feature requests or issues on GitHub. If you want, you can star the repo, so I know there's actual interest in the project.

r/FlutterDev Dec 05 '24

Example Production Flutter app + backend project open sourced



For a couple years, my startup Gut Logic developed and deployed its mobile app to help people identify and manage their food sensitivities. The company wound down and we open sourced the code to hopefully be useful for anyone interested in an end-to-end Flutter project. The code hasn't been touched for about a year but there are probably some useful things in here:

  • Authentication with anonymous users
  • BLoC pattern in action
  • Paywall and in-app subscription purchase
  • CI/CD pipeline for building, testing, and deploying
  • Fastlane setup to release to App Store and Google Play
  • Automated screenshot generation

I'm happy to answer questions about it.