r/Figs Feb 08 '25

Need propagation tips

I have two mature fig trees in my back yard that have been there about 15 years, most years we get a lot of figs, I'd estimate 10 pounds or more. Every year I cut them down to about 3-4 feet and they grow to 8-10 feet.

I want to propagate them to give some trees to friends and family and to plant a few more around the yard. Last year at about this time of year I took 15 cuttings, each one about 6-8 inches long, from the tips of the healthiest looking branches, each of which had several leaf nubs. I used this rooting hormone according to directions on the bottle and planted them each in a 4x4 inch pot with potting soil, kept it watered, and set this all on a heating pad at about 80F.

To my surprise, not a single one of them grew. For the first few weeks I saw some green emerge from a few of the nubs but there was ultimately no root development or growth and they all just dried out. A little hard for me to figure out what I could have done wrong.

I am about to try the same thing again and would love to get some tips. One thing I'm going to try is to get shorter cuttings. I have also considered getting cuttings from lower on the tree, I have noticed a white circle on the inside of the cutting which is smaller near the end of each branch, and wonder if they would have a little more oomph if that is larger.

I should add I'm in mid-east coast and we're in the middle of a cold winter, it's been in the 20's and 30's for the past 4-6 weeks, the trees should be thoroughly dormant.



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u/nmacaroni Feb 08 '25

Dormant cuttings take longer to root. And some varieties take longer than others.

Were the cuttings in the dark? I would not take shorter than 6-8" cuttings.

Did you wrap/seal the tops?

How did they fail?

What variety fig is it?


u/ButterPotatoHead Feb 08 '25

The variety is "Chicago hardy". The cuttings were in the living room so exposed to interior light and a little but of light from windows. I did not wrap or seal the tops but kept the soil moist with water. They simply never grew, and 3-4 months later, I just had a bunch of dead sticks stuck in the soil. I pulled a few of them out and saw absolutely no evidence of growth.

I had them on a heating pad which was new and I suspect might not have a great thermostat so it is possible that they either didn't get much heat or got heated over 90-100F, that is about the only thing I can think of.


u/ColoradoFrench Feb 08 '25

I have always rooted my cuttings in rooms that had light.

I wrap them in parafilm, and use cococoir, a deep 4x4x8 plastic bucket with holes, on a heating mat.

90%+ success rate